private static MarkovModel makeMarkovModel( SimpleAlphabet alphabet, double[][] transitionMatrix, double[] startProbabilities, LinkedHashMap<String, double[]> statesAndCorresponingDirichletParameters, String modelName) throws Exception { int[] advance = {1}; SimpleAlphabet anAlphabet = alphabet; int numberOfStates = statesAndCorresponingDirichletParameters.size(); ArrayList<String> stateNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<double[]> arraysOfDirichletParameters = new ArrayList<double[]>(); for (Map.Entry<String, double[]> me : statesAndCorresponingDirichletParameters.entrySet()) { double oneDirichletPar[] = me.getValue(); arraysOfDirichletParameters.add(oneDirichletPar); String oneState = me.getKey(); stateNames.add(oneState); } // Distribution initiation Distribution[] dists = new Distribution[numberOfStates]; EmissionState[] emissionStates = new SimpleEmissionState[numberOfStates]; try { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) { dists[i] = DistributionFactory.DEFAULT.createDistribution(anAlphabet); String oneState = stateNames.get(i); emissionStates[i] = new SimpleEmissionState(oneState, Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION, advance, dists[i]); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Can't create distributions!"); } // create HMM SimpleMarkovModel mm = new SimpleMarkovModel(1, anAlphabet, modelName); // add states to the model for (State s : emissionStates) { try { mm.addState(s); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Can't add states to model!"); } } // create transitions try { State magic = mm.magicalState(); for (State i : emissionStates) { mm.createTransition(magic, i); mm.createTransition(i, magic); for (State j : emissionStates) { mm.createTransition(i, j); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Can't create transitions!"); } // set up emission scores for (Iterator<?> i = anAlphabet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AtomicSymbol oneSym = (AtomicSymbol); // System.out.println(oneSym.getName()); double[] symbolsInThisSymbolAsArrayOfDoubles = makeArrayOfDoublesFromASymbol(oneSym); for (int d = 0; d < dists.length; d++) { double dirichletPar[] = arraysOfDirichletParameters.get(d); double oneDensity = DirichletDist.density(dirichletPar, symbolsInThisSymbolAsArrayOfDoubles); // System.out.print( oneDensity + " "); oneDensity = oneDensity + 100; // because some of these scores are zero, this one unit is to be able to // take log! 100 dists[d].setWeight(oneSym, oneDensity); } // System.out.println(); } // set transition scores Distribution transDist; // magical to others transDist = mm.getWeights(mm.magicalState()); for (int i = 0; i < emissionStates.length; i++) { transDist.setWeight(emissionStates[i], startProbabilities[i]); } // from each state to others for (int i = 0; i < emissionStates.length; i++) { transDist = mm.getWeights(emissionStates[i]); transDist.setWeight(mm.magicalState(), 0.0001); transDist.setWeight(emissionStates[i], transitionMatrix[i][i]); for (int j = 0; j < emissionStates.length; j++) { if (i != j) { transDist.setWeight(emissionStates[j], transitionMatrix[i][j]); } } } // System.out.println("One HMM set up!"); return mm; } /*makeMarkovModel*/
public LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList> getAlphabetAndSimpleSymbolList( Matrix2D m, Sequence sequence) throws IllegalSymbolException { LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList> alphabetAndSymbolList = new LinkedHashMap<SimpleAlphabet, SimpleSymbolList>(); SimpleAlphabet alphabet = new SimpleAlphabet(); List<AtomicSymbol> listOfSymbols = new ArrayList<AtomicSymbol>(); alphabet.setName("ObservedSequenceAlphabet"); int numberofRows = m.rows(); int seqLength = sequence.length(); if (numberofRows != seqLength) { System.err.print( "It was assumed your sequence has a length equal to the number of rows of the matrix, but found a case that is not true!"); } Symbol gap = sequence.getAlphabet().getGapSymbol(); for (int i = 0; i < numberofRows; i++) { List<Symbol> oneListOfSymbol = new ArrayList<Symbol>(3); // red is match, green is flanking and blue is background double redValue = m.get(i, 0); double greenValue = m.get(i, 1); double blueValue = m.get(i, 2); double onesum = redValue + greenValue + blueValue; boolean isGap = false; isGap = (sequence.symbolAt(i + 1) == gap); if (onesum == 0) { // sum of this value is supposed to be one, but for some rows it sums up to // zero, this is to ignore those up to time we found out why these naouthy rows // sums up to zero! // continue; // note these three lines is only a dummy solution for positions where red, green and blue // are summed up to zero! redValue = 0.3333; greenValue = 0.3333; blueValue = 1 - (redValue + greenValue); } // make one triplet symbol from three symbols Symbol redSymbol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(redValue)); Symbol greenSymol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(greenValue)); Symbol blueSymbol = AlphabetManager.createSymbol(Double.toString(blueValue)); oneListOfSymbol.add(redSymbol); oneListOfSymbol.add(greenSymol); oneListOfSymbol.add(blueSymbol); // now create symbol and add it to alphabet AtomicSymbol oneSym = (AtomicSymbol) AlphabetManager.createSymbol( Annotation.EMPTY_ANNOTATION, oneListOfSymbol, alphabet); alphabet.addSymbol(oneSym); listOfSymbols.add(oneSym); } SimpleSymbolList ssl = new SimpleSymbolList(alphabet, listOfSymbols); alphabetAndSymbolList.put(alphabet, ssl); return alphabetAndSymbolList; } /*getAlphabetAndSimpleSymbolList*/