@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final boolean str = query instanceof AStr; if (!str) sb.append("{ "); sb.append(query); if (!str) sb.append(" }"); switch (mode) { case ALL: sb.append(' ' + ALL); break; case ALL_WORDS: sb.append(' ' + ALL + ' ' + WORDS); break; case ANY_WORD: sb.append(' ' + ANY + ' ' + WORD); break; case PHRASE: sb.append(' ' + PHRASE); break; default: } if (occ != null) sb.append(OCCURS + ' ' + occ[0] + ' ' + TO + ' ' + occ[1] + ' ' + TIMES); if (ftt != null) sb.append(ftt.opt); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public String layoutString(final boolean all) { final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(horiz ? "H " : "V "); for (final ViewLayout c : comp) str.append(c.layoutString(all)); str.append("- "); return str.toString(); }
@Override public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) { if (undo == null || control(e) || DELNEXT.is(e) || DELPREV.is(e) || ESCAPE.is(e)) return; text.pos(text.cursor()); // string to be added String ch = String.valueOf(e.getKeyChar()); // remember if marked text is to be deleted boolean del = true; final byte[] txt = text.text(); if (TAB.is(e)) { if (text.marked()) { // check if lines are to be indented final int s = Math.min(text.pos(), text.start()); final int l = Math.max(text.pos(), text.start()) - 1; for (int p = s; p <= l && p < txt.length; p++) del &= txt[p] != '\n'; if (!del) { text.indent(s, l, e.isShiftDown()); ch = null; } } else { boolean c = true; for (int p = text.pos() - 1; p >= 0 && c; p--) { final byte b = txt[p]; c = ws(b); if (b == '\n') break; } if (c) ch = " "; } } // delete marked text if (text.marked() && del) text.delete(); if (ENTER.is(e)) { // adopt indentation from previous line final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1).append(e.getKeyChar()); int s = 0; for (int p = text.pos() - 1; p >= 0; p--) { final byte b = txt[p]; if (b == '\n') break; if (b == '\t') { s += 2; } else if (b == ' ') { s++; } else { s = 0; } } for (int p = 0; p < s; p++) sb.append(' '); ch = sb.toString(); } if (ch != null) text.add(ch); text.setCaret(); rend.calc(); showCursor(2); e.consume(); }
/** * Returns a string representation of all found arguments. * * @param args array with arguments * @return string representation */ static String foundArgs(final Value[] args) { // compose found arguments final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Value v : args) { if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(v instanceof Jav ? Util.className(((Jav) v).toJava()) : v.seqType()); } return sb.toString(); }
/** * Returns an extended error message. * * @param err error message * @return result of check */ private boolean extError(final String err) { // will only be evaluated when an error has occurred final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (options.get(MainOptions.QUERYINFO)) { sb.append(info()).append(qp.info()).append(NL).append(ERROR).append(COL).append(NL); } sb.append(err); return error(sb.toString()); }
/** Tests the specified instance. */ @Test public void test() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int fail = 0; for (final Object[] qu : queries) { final boolean correct = qu.length == 3; final String query = qu[correct ? 2 : 1].toString(); final Value cmp = correct ? (Value) qu[1] : null; final QueryProcessor qp = new QueryProcessor(query, context); try { final Value val = qp.value(); if (!correct || !new DeepCompare().equal(val, cmp)) { sb.append("[" + qu[0] + "] " + query); String s = correct && cmp.size() != 1 ? "#" + cmp.size() : ""; sb.append("\n[E" + s + "] "); if (correct) { final String cp = cmp.toString(); sb.append('\''); sb.append(cp.length() > 1000 ? cp.substring(0, 1000) + "..." : cp); sb.append('\''); } else { sb.append("error"); } final TokenBuilder types = new TokenBuilder(); for (final Item it : val) types.add(it.type.toString()).add(" "); s = val.size() == 1 ? "" : "#" + val.size(); sb.append("\n[F" + s + "] '" + val + "', " + types + details() + '\n'); ++fail; } } catch (final Exception ex) { final String msg = ex.getMessage(); if (correct || msg == null || msg.contains("mailman")) { final String cp = correct && cmp.data() != null ? cmp.toString() : "()"; sb.append( "[" + qu[0] + "] " + query + "\n[E] " + cp + "\n[F] " + (msg == null ? Util.className(ex) : msg.replaceAll("\r\n?|\n", " ")) + ' ' + details() + '\n'); ex.printStackTrace(); ++fail; } } finally { qp.close(); } } if (fail != 0) fail(fail + " Errors. [E] = expected, [F] = found:\n" + sb.toString().trim()); }
@Override public final String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (root != null) sb.append(root); for (final Expr s : steps) { if (sb.length() != 0) sb.append(s instanceof Bang ? " ! " : "/"); sb.append(s); } return sb.toString(); }
@Override protected boolean run() { final String query = find(args[0], context, root); final boolean ok = query(query); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (prop.is(Prop.QUERYINFO)) { sb.append(NL).append(QUERY_CC).append(NL).append(query).append(NL); } sb.append(info()); error(sb.toString()); return ok; }
/** * Splits the string and returns an array. * * @param str string to be split * @return array */ private static String[] split(final String str) { final int l = str.length(); final String[] split = new String[l]; int s = 0; char delim = 0; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { final char c = str.charAt(i); if (delim == 0) { if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { delim = c; } else if (!XMLToken.isChar(c) && c != '@' && c != '=' && c != '<' && c != '>' && c != '~') { if (sb.length() != 0) { split[s++] = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); } } else { sb.append(c); } } else { if (c == delim) { delim = 0; if (sb.length() != 0) { split[s++] = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); } } else { if (c != '\'' && c != '"') sb.append(c); } } } if (sb.length() != 0) split[s++] = sb.toString(); return Array.copyOf(split, s); }
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int pl = post.length; for (int p = 0; p < pl; p++) { sb.append(LET).append(" (: post-group :) ").append(post[p]); sb.append(' ').append(ASSIGN).append(' ').append(preExpr[p]).append(' '); } sb.append(GROUP).append(' ').append(BY); final int sl = specs.length; for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) sb.append(s == 0 ? " " : SEP).append(specs[s]); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Parses and returns a string result. * * @param input input string or {@code null} if invalid * @param cmd referring command; if specified, the result must not be empty * @return string result or {@code null} * @throws QueryException query exception */ private String finish(final StringBuilder input, final Cmd cmd) throws QueryException { if (input != null && input.length() != 0) return input.toString(); if (cmd != null) throw help(null, cmd); return null; }
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Expr e : preds) sb.append('[').append(e).append(']'); return sb.toString(); }
/** Writes the properties to disk. */ public final synchronized void write() { final StringBuilder user = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = null; try { // caches options specified by the user if (file.exists()) { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file.file())); for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) { if (line.equals(PROPUSER)) break; } for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) { user.append(line).append(NL); } } } catch (final Exception ex) { Util.debug(ex); } finally { if (br != null) try { br.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { } } BufferedWriter bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file.file())); bw.write(PROPHEADER + NL); for (final Field f : getClass().getFields()) { final Object obj = f.get(null); if (!(obj instanceof Object[])) continue; final String key = ((Object[]) obj)[0].toString(); final Object val = props.get(key); if (val instanceof String[]) { final String[] str = (String[]) val; bw.write(key + " = " + str.length + NL); final int is = str.length; for (int i = 0; i < is; ++i) { if (str[i] != null) bw.write(key + (i + 1) + " = " + str[i] + NL); } } else if (val instanceof int[]) { final int[] num = (int[]) val; final int ns = num.length; for (int i = 0; i < ns; ++i) { bw.write(key + i + " = " + num[i] + NL); } } else { bw.write(key + " = " + val + NL); } } bw.write(NL + PROPUSER + NL); bw.write(user.toString()); } catch (final Exception ex) { Util.errln("% could not be written.", file); Util.debug(ex); } finally { if (bw != null) try { bw.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { } } }
/** * Returns whether the following token exists (using wildcards). * * @return result of check */ private boolean moreWC() { final StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); final int size = tokenList.size(); boolean period = false, bs = false, more = false; for (; cpos < size; cpos++) { String cSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos).getSurface(); final boolean cMark = tokenList.get(cpos).isMark(); String nSrfc = null; boolean nMark = false; if (cpos < size - 1) { nSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos + 1).getSurface(); nMark = tokenList.get(cpos + 1).isMark(); } if (nSrfc != null) { if ("\\".equals(cSrfc)) bs = true; // delimiter if (cMark && !isFtChar(cSrfc) || "\\".equals(cSrfc) && nMark) { period = false; bs = false; if (word.length() != 0) { more = true; break; } if ("\\".equals(cSrfc) && nMark) cpos++; continue; } word.append(cSrfc); if (bs || "\\".equals(nSrfc)) { more = true; continue; } if (".".equals(cSrfc) || ".".equals(nSrfc)) { period = true; continue; } if (period) { if ("{".equals(cSrfc)) { cpos++; for (; cpos < size; cpos++) { cSrfc = tokenList.get(cpos).getSurface(); word.append(cSrfc); if ("}".equals(cSrfc)) { more = true; break; } } cpos++; break; } continue; } } else { // last token. if (cMark) { if ("\\".equals(cSrfc)) continue; if (word.length() != 0) { word.append(cSrfc); } more = true; continue; } } if (period) { word.append(cSrfc); } else { if (bs) if (!isFtChar(cSrfc)) word.append(cSrfc); else word.setLength(0); } more = true; cpos++; break; } if (more) { currToken = word.length() == 0 ? tokenList.get(cpos - 1) : new Morpheme(word.toString(), MEISHI_FEATURE); } return more; }
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final UserFunc f : funcs) sb.append(f.toString()); return sb.toString(); }
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("try { " + expr + " }"); for (final Catch c : catches) sb.append(' ').append(c); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Prints the array with the specified separator. * * @param sep separator * @return string representation */ final String toString(final Object sep) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final int es = exprs.length; for (int e = 0; e < es; e++) sb.append(e == 0 ? "" : sep.toString()).append(exprs[e]); return sb.toString(); }