   * Constructor.
   * @param rq request
   * @param rs response
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  public HTTPContext(final HttpServletRequest rq, final HttpServletResponse rs) throws IOException {

    req = rq;
    res = rs;
    final String m = rq.getMethod();
    method = HTTPMethod.get(m);

    final StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(req.getRequestURL());
    final String qs = req.getQueryString();
    if (qs != null) uri.append('?').append(qs);
    log(false, m, uri);

    // set UTF8 as default encoding (can be overwritten)

    segments = toSegments(req.getPathInfo());
    path = join(0);

    user = System.getProperty(DBUSER);
    pass = System.getProperty(DBPASS);

    // set session-specific credentials
    final String auth = req.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION);
    if (auth != null) {
      final String[] values = auth.split(" ");
      if (values[0].equals(BASIC)) {
        final String[] cred = Base64.decode(values[1]).split(":", 2);
        if (cred.length != 2) throw new LoginException(NOPASSWD);
        user = cred[0];
        pass = cred[1];
      } else {
        throw new LoginException(WHICHAUTH, values[0]);
 protected String run(final String... args) throws IOException {
   try {
     final ArrayOutput ao = new ArrayOutput();
     System.setOut(new PrintStream(ao));
     new BaseX(args);
     return ao.toString();
   } finally {
Exemple #3
  * Constructor.
  * @param s socket
  * @param c database context
  * @param l log reference
  * @param srv server reference
 public ClientListener(final Socket s, final Context c, final Log l, final BaseXServer srv) {
   context = new Context(c, this);
   socket = s;
   log = l;
   server = srv;
   last = System.currentTimeMillis();
  * Writes a log message.
  * @param str strings to be written
  * @param time add performance info
 public void log(final boolean time, final Object... str) {
   final Object[] obj = new Object[str.length + (time ? 2 : 1)];
   obj[0] = remote();
   System.arraycopy(str, 0, obj, 1, str.length);
   if (time) obj[obj.length - 1] = perf.toString();
Exemple #5
  * Adds part of a byte array to the token.
  * @param value the byte array to be added
  * @param start start position
  * @param end end position
  * @return self reference
 public TokenBuilder add(final byte[] value, final int start, final int end) {
   byte[] chrs = chars;
   final int cl = chrs.length, l = end - start, s = size, ns = s + l;
   if (ns > cl) chrs = Arrays.copyOf(chrs, Array.newSize(ns));
   System.arraycopy(value, start, chrs, s, l);
   chars = chrs;
   size = ns;
   return this;
Exemple #6
   * Inserts the given elements at the specified position.
   * @param i insert position
   * @param e elements to insert
  public void insert(final int i, final byte[][] e) {
    final int l = e.length;
    if (l == 0) return;

    if (size + l > list.length) list = Arrays.copyOf(list, newSize(size + l));
    Array.move(list, i, l, size - i);
    System.arraycopy(e, 0, list, i, l);
    size += l;
Exemple #7
   * Sends a notification to the client.
   * @param name event name
   * @param msg event message
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  public synchronized void notify(final byte[] name, final byte[] msg) throws IOException {

    last = System.currentTimeMillis();
Exemple #8
  * Sets the output text.
  * @param out cached output
 public void setText(final ArrayOutput out) {
   final byte[] buf = out.buffer();
   final int size = (int) out.size();
   final byte[] chop = token(DOTS);
   if (out.finished() && size >= chop.length) {
     System.arraycopy(chop, 0, buf, size - chop.length, chop.length);
   text.setText(buf, size);
   header.setText((out.finished() ? CHOPPED : "") + RESULT);
   home.setEnabled(gui.context.data() != null);
   * Initializes the servlet context, based on the servlet context. Parses all context parameters
   * and passes them on to the database context.
   * @param sc servlet context
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  static synchronized void init(final ServletContext sc) throws IOException {
    // skip process if context has already been initialized
    if (context != null) return;

    // set servlet path as home directory
    final String path = sc.getRealPath("/");
    System.setProperty(Prop.PATH, path);

    // parse all context parameters
    final HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // store default web root
    map.put(MainProp.HTTPPATH[0].toString(), path);

    final Enumeration<?> en = sc.getInitParameterNames();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      final String key = en.nextElement().toString();
      if (!key.startsWith(Prop.DBPREFIX)) continue;

      // only consider parameters that start with "org.basex."
      String val = sc.getInitParameter(key);
      if (eq(key, DBUSER, DBPASS, DBMODE, DBVERBOSE)) {
        // store servlet-specific parameters as system properties
        System.setProperty(key, val);
      } else {
        // prefix relative paths with absolute servlet path
        if (key.endsWith("path") && !new File(val).isAbsolute()) {
          val = path + File.separator + val;
        // store remaining parameters (without project prefix) in map
        map.put(key.substring(Prop.DBPREFIX.length()).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), val);
    context = new Context(map);

    if (SERVER.equals(System.getProperty(DBMODE))) {
      new BaseXServer(context);
    } else {
      context.log = new Log(context);
Exemple #10
   * Creates an item iterator for the given XML fragment.
   * @param xml fragment
   * @param frag fragment flag
   * @return iterator
  private ItemCache toIter(final String xml, final boolean frag) {
    final ItemCache it = new ItemCache();
    try {
      String str = frag ? "<X>" + xml + "</X>" : xml;
      final Data d = CreateDB.xml(IO.get(str), context);

      for (int p = frag ? 2 : 0; p < d.meta.size; p += d.size(p, d.kind(p)))
        it.add(new DBNode(d, p));
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      return new ItemCache(new Item[] {Str.get(Long.toString(System.nanoTime()))}, 1);
    return it;
Exemple #11
  /** Test that new records can be continuously added without hitting {@link OutOfMemoryError}. */
  @Ignore("Start this test with a small heap size (e.g. -Xmx64m)")
  public void testPerformance() {
    final Random random = new Random(System.nanoTime());

    while (true) {
      final byte[] key = new byte[100];
      final int size = random.nextInt();
      final long pointer = random.nextLong();

      cache.add(key, size, pointer);
Exemple #12
   * Adds values to the index.
   * @param key key to be indexed
   * @param vals sorted values
  void add(final byte[] key, final int... vals) {
    // token index: add values. otherwise, reference existing values
    final int id = type == IndexType.TOKEN ? values.put(key) : values.id(key), vl = vals.length;
    // updatable index: if required, resize existing arrays
    while (idsList.size() < id + 1) idsList.add(null);
    if (lenList.size() < id + 1) lenList.set(id, 0);

    final int len = lenList.get(id), size = len + vl;
    int[] ids = idsList.get(id);
    if (ids == null) {
      ids = vals;
    } else {
      if (ids.length < size) ids = Arrays.copyOf(ids, Array.newSize(size));
      System.arraycopy(vals, 0, ids, len, vl);
      if (ids[len - 1] > vals[0]) {
        if (reorder == null) reorder = new BoolList(values.size());
        reorder.set(id, true);
    idsList.set(id, ids);
    lenList.set(id, size);
Exemple #13
  * Constructor, specifying an initial token.
  * @param token initial token
 public TokenBuilder(final byte[] token) {
   this(token.length + Array.CAPACITY);
   size = token.length;
   System.arraycopy(token, 0, chars, 0, size);
Exemple #14
  public void run() {
    // initialize the session via cram-md5 authentication
    try {
      final String ts = Long.toString(System.nanoTime());
      final byte[] address = socket.getInetAddress().getAddress();

      // send {TIMESTAMP}0
      out = PrintOutput.get(socket.getOutputStream());

      // evaluate login data
      in = new BufferInput(socket.getInputStream());
      // receive {USER}0{PASSWORD}0
      final String us = in.readString();
      final String pw = in.readString();
      context.user = context.users.get(us);
      running = context.user != null && md5(string(context.user.password) + ts).equals(pw);

      // write log information
      if (running) {
        log.write(this, "LOGIN " + context.user.name, OK);
        // send {OK}
      } else {
        if (!us.isEmpty()) log.write(this, ACCESS_DENIED + COLS + us);
        new ClientDelayer(server.block(address), this, server).start();
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
    if (!running) return;

    // authentification done, start command loop
    ServerCmd sc = null;
    String cmd = null;

    try {
      while (running) {
        command = null;
        try {
          final int b = in.read();
          if (b == -1) {
            // end of stream: exit session

          last = System.currentTimeMillis();
          sc = ServerCmd.get(b);
          cmd = null;
          if (sc == ServerCmd.CREATE) {
          } else if (sc == ServerCmd.ADD) {
          } else if (sc == ServerCmd.WATCH) {
          } else if (sc == ServerCmd.UNWATCH) {
          } else if (sc == ServerCmd.REPLACE) {
          } else if (sc == ServerCmd.STORE) {
          } else if (sc != ServerCmd.COMMAND) {
          } else {
            // database command
            cmd = new ByteList().add(b).add(in.readBytes()).toString();
        } catch (final IOException ex) {
          // this exception may be thrown if a session is stopped
        if (sc != ServerCmd.COMMAND) continue;

        // parse input and create command instance
        try {
          command = new CommandParser(cmd, context).parseSingle();
        } catch (final QueryException ex) {
          // log invalid command
          final String msg = ex.getMessage();
          log.write(this, cmd, ERROR_C + msg);
          // send 0 to mark end of potential result
          // send {INFO}0
          // send 1 to mark error

        // start timeout
        log.write(this, command.toString().replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' '));

        // execute command and send {RESULT}
        boolean ok = true;
        String info;
        try {
          command.execute(context, new EncodingOutput(out));
          info = command.info();
        } catch (final BaseXException ex) {
          ok = false;
          info = ex.getMessage();
          if (info.startsWith(INTERRUPTED)) info = TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED;
        // stop timeout

        // send 0 to mark end of result
        // send info
        info(info, ok);

        // stop console
        if (command instanceof Exit) {
          command = null;
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      log.write(this, sc == ServerCmd.COMMAND ? cmd : sc, ERROR_C + ex.getMessage());
      command = null;
    command = null;