Exemple #1
   * Constructor.
   * @param picture variable marker (info picture)
   * @param def default presentation modifier
   * @param info input info
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  DateFormat(final byte[] picture, final byte[] def, final InputInfo info) throws QueryException {

    // split variable marker
    final int comma = lastIndexOf(picture, ',');
    byte[] pres = comma == -1 ? picture : substring(picture, 0, comma);
    // extract second presentation modifier
    final int pl = pres.length;
    if(pl > 1) {
      final int p = pres[pl - 1];
      if(p == 'a' || p == 'c' || p == 'o' || p == 't') {
        pres = substring(pres, 0, pl - 1);
        if(p == 'o') ordinal = EMPTY;
        if(p == 't') trad = true;

    // choose first character and case
    finish(pres.length == 0 ? def : presentation(pres, def, true));

    // check width modifier
    final byte[] width = comma == -1 ? null : substring(picture, comma + 1);
    if(width != null) {
      final Matcher m = WIDTH.matcher(string(width));
      if(!m.find()) throw PICDATE_X.get(info, width);
      int i = Strings.toInt(m.group(1));
      if(i != Integer.MIN_VALUE) min = i;
      final String mc = m.group(3);
      i = mc != null ? Strings.toInt(mc) : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
      if(i != Integer.MIN_VALUE) max = i;
Exemple #2
   * Constructor.
   * @param os output stream
   * @param sopts serializer options
   * @throws QueryIOException query I/O exception
  protected OutputSerializer(final OutputStream os, final SerializerOptions sopts)
      throws QueryIOException {

    this.sopts = sopts;
    indent = sopts.yes(INDENT);

    // project-specific options
    indents = sopts.get(INDENTS);
    tab = sopts.yes(TABULATOR) ? '\t' : ' ';

    encoding = Strings.normEncoding(sopts.get(ENCODING), true);
    PrintOutput po;
    if (encoding == Strings.UTF8) {
      po = PrintOutput.get(os);
    } else {
      try {
        po = new EncoderOutput(os, Charset.forName(encoding));
      } catch (final Exception ex) {
        throw SERENCODING_X.getIO(encoding);
    final int limit = sopts.get(LIMIT);
    if (limit != -1) po.setLimit(limit);

    final byte[] nl = token(sopts.get(NEWLINE).newline());
    if (nl.length != 1 || nl[0] != '\n') po = new NewlineOutput(po, nl);
    out = po;
Exemple #3
  public Item item(final QueryContext qc, final InputInfo ii) throws QueryException {
    // URL to relational database
    final String url = string(toToken(exprs[0], qc));
    final JDBCConnections jdbc = jdbc(qc);
    try {
      if (exprs.length > 2) {
        // credentials
        final String user = string(toToken(exprs[1], qc));
        final String pass = string(toToken(exprs[2], qc));
        if (exprs.length == 4) {
          // connection options
          final Options opts = toOptions(3, Q_OPTIONS, new Options(), qc);
          // extract auto-commit mode from options
          boolean ac = true;
          final HashMap<String, String> options = opts.free();
          final String commit = options.get(AUTO_COMM);
          if (commit != null) {
            ac = Strings.yes(commit);
          // connection properties
          final Properties props = connProps(options);
          props.setProperty(USER, user);
          props.setProperty(PASS, pass);

          // open connection
          final Connection conn = getConnection(url, props);
          // set auto/commit mode
          return Int.get(jdbc.add(conn));
        return Int.get(jdbc.add(getConnection(url, user, pass)));
      return Int.get(jdbc.add(getConnection(url)));
    } catch (final SQLException ex) {
      throw BXSQ_ERROR_X.get(info, ex);
Exemple #4
  * Retrieves parts of speech from feature.
  * @return parts of speech(coding in Japanese)
 private String getPos() {
   return Strings.split(mFeature, ',')[0];
Exemple #5
  * Retrieves base form from feature.
  * @return base form
 public String getBaseForm() {
   return Strings.split(mFeature, ',')[6];