   * Updates distances to restore parent-child relationships that have been invalidated by
   * structural updates.
   * <p>Each structural update (insert/delete) leads to a shift of higher PRE values. This
   * invalidates parent-child relationships. Distances are only updated after all structural updates
   * have been carried out to make sure each node (that has to be updated) is only touched once.
  public void updateDistances() {
    final IntSet alreadyUpdatedNodes = new IntSet();

    for (final BasicUpdate update : updStructural) {
      int newPreOfAffectedNode = update.preOfAffectedNode + update.accumulatedShifts;

      /* Update distance for the affected node and all following siblings of nodes
       * on the ancestor-or-self axis. */
      while (newPreOfAffectedNode < data.meta.size) {
        if (alreadyUpdatedNodes.contains(newPreOfAffectedNode)) break;
        newPreOfAffectedNode += data.size(newPreOfAffectedNode, data.kind(newPreOfAffectedNode));
   * Resolves unwanted text node adjacency which can result from structural changes in the database.
   * Adjacent text nodes are two text nodes A and B, where PRE(B)=PRE(A)+1 and PARENT(A)=PARENT(B).
  private void resolveTextAdjacency() {
    // Text node merges are also gathered on a separate list to leverage optimizations.
    final AtomicUpdateList allMerges = new AtomicUpdateList(data);

    // keep track of the visited locations to avoid superfluous checks
    final IntSet s = new IntSet();
    // Text nodes have to be merged from the highest to the lowest pre value
    for (int i = 0; i < updStructural.size(); i++) {
      final BasicUpdate u = updStructural.get(i);
      final Data insseq = u.getInsertionData();
      // calculate the new location of the update, here we have to check for adjacency
      final int newLocation = u.location + u.accumulatedShifts - u.shifts;
      final int beforeNewLocation = newLocation - 1;
      // check surroundings of this location for adjacent text nodes depending on the
      // kind of update, first the one with higher PRE values (due to shifts!)
      // ... for insert/replace ...
      if (insseq != null) {
        // calculate the current following node
        final int followingNode = newLocation + insseq.meta.size;
        final int beforeFollowingNode = followingNode - 1;
        // check the nodes at the end of/after the insertion sequence
        if (!s.contains(beforeFollowingNode)) {
          final AtomicUpdateList merges = necessaryMerges(beforeFollowingNode, allMerges.data);
      // check nodes for delete and for insert before the updated location
      if (!s.contains(beforeNewLocation)) {
        final AtomicUpdateList merges = necessaryMerges(beforeNewLocation, allMerges.data);

Exemple #3
   * Constructor.
   * @param info input info
   * @param map decimal format
   * @throws QueryException query exception
  public DecFormatter(final InputInfo info, final TokenMap map) throws QueryException {
    // assign map values
    int z = '0';
    if (map != null) {
      for (final byte[] key : map) {
        final String k = string(key);
        final byte[] v = map.get(key);
        if (k.equals(DF_INF)) {
          inf = v;
        } else if (k.equals(DF_NAN)) {
          nan = v;
        } else if (v.length != 0 && cl(v, 0) == v.length) {
          final int cp = cp(v, 0);
          switch (k) {
            case DF_DEC:
              decimal = cp;
            case DF_GRP:
              grouping = cp;
            case DF_EXP:
              exponent = cp;
            case DF_PAT:
              pattern = cp;
            case DF_MIN:
              minus = cp;
            case DF_DIG:
              optional = cp;
            case DF_PC:
              percent = cp;
            case DF_PM:
              permille = cp;
            case DF_ZD:
              z = zeroes(cp);
              if (z == -1) throw INVDECFORM_X_X.get(info, k, v);
              if (z != cp) throw INVDECZERO_X.get(info, (char) cp);
        } else {
          // signs must have single character
          throw INVDECSINGLE_X_X.get(info, k, v);

    // check for duplicate characters
    zero = z;
    final IntSet is = new IntSet();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) is.add(zero + i);
    final int[] ss = {decimal, grouping, exponent, percent, permille, optional, pattern};
    for (final int s : ss) if (!is.add(s)) throw DUPLDECFORM_X.get(info, (char) s);

    // create auxiliary strings
    final TokenBuilder tb = new TokenBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) tb.add(zero + i);
    digits = tb.toArray();
    // "decimal-separator-sign, exponent-separator-sign, grouping-sign, decimal-digit-family,
    // optional-digit-sign and pattern-separator-sign are classified as active characters"
    // -> decimal-digit-family: added above. pattern-separator-sign: will never occur at this stage
    actives = tb.add(decimal).add(exponent).add(grouping).add(optional).finish();
    // "all other characters (including the percent-sign and per-mille-sign) are classified
    // as passive characters."