Exemple #1
   * Default constructor, called from {@link Open#open}.
   * @param meta meta data
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception
  public DiskData(final MetaData meta) throws IOException {

    try (final DataInput in = new DataInput(meta.dbfile(DATAINF))) {
      while (true) {
        final String k = string(in.readToken());
        if (k.isEmpty()) break;
        if (k.equals(DBTAGS)) elemNames = new Names(in, meta);
        else if (k.equals(DBATTS)) attrNames = new Names(in, meta);
        else if (k.equals(DBPATH)) paths = new PathSummary(this, in);
        else if (k.equals(DBNS)) nspaces = new Namespaces(in);
        else if (k.equals(DBDOCS)) resources.read(in);

    // open data and indexes
    if (meta.updindex) {
      idmap = new IdPreMap(meta.dbfile(DATAIDP));
      if (meta.textindex) textIndex = new UpdatableDiskValues(this, true);
      if (meta.attrindex) attrIndex = new UpdatableDiskValues(this, false);
    } else {
      if (meta.textindex) textIndex = new DiskValues(this, true);
      if (meta.attrindex) attrIndex = new DiskValues(this, false);
    if (meta.ftxtindex) ftxtIndex = new FTIndex(this);
Exemple #2
   * Creates new node ids and recreates updatable index structures.
   * @param data data
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild
  public static void ids(final Data data) throws IOException {
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    final int size = md.size;
    for (int pre = 0; pre < size; ++pre) data.id(pre, pre);
    md.lastid = size - 1;
    md.dirty = true;

    if (data.meta.updindex) {
      data.idmap = new IdPreMap(md.lastid);
      if (data.meta.textindex) optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, true, true, true, null);
      if (data.meta.attrindex) optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, true, true, true, null);
Exemple #3
   * Lists all databases.
   * @return success flag
   * @throws IOException I/O exception
  private boolean list() throws IOException {
    final Table table = new Table();
    table.description = DATABASES_X;

    final boolean create = context.user.has(Perm.CREATE);
    if (create) table.header.add(INPUT_PATH);

    for (final String name : context.databases.listDBs()) {
      String file = null;
      long size = 0;
      int docs = 0;
      final MetaData meta = new MetaData(name, context);
      try {
        size = meta.dbsize();
        docs = meta.ndocs;
        if (context.perm(Perm.READ, meta)) file = meta.original;
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        file = ERROR;

      // count number of raw files
      final IOFile dir = new IOFile(mprop.dbpath(name), M_RAW);
      final int bin = dir.descendants().size();

      // create entry
      if (file != null) {
        final TokenList tl = new TokenList(4);
        tl.add(docs + bin);
        if (create) tl.add(file);
    return true;
   * Checks if the table of the specified database is locked.
   * @param db name of database
   * @param ctx database context
   * @return result of check
  public static boolean locked(final String db, final Context ctx) {
    final IOFile table = MetaData.file(ctx.globalopts.dbpath(db), DATATBL);
    if (!table.exists()) return false;

    try (final RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(table.file(), "rw")) {
      return file.getChannel().tryLock() == null;
    } catch (final ClosedChannelException ex) {
      return false;
    } catch (final OverlappingFileLockException | IOException ex) {
      return true;
Exemple #5
  protected boolean run() {
    final Data data = context.data();
    final MetaData meta = data.meta;
    size = meta.size;

    if (!startUpdate()) return false;
    boolean ok = true;
    try {
      // reassign autooptimize flag
      final boolean autoopt = options.get(MainOptions.AUTOOPTIMIZE);
      if (autoopt != data.meta.autoopt) {
        data.meta.autoopt = autoopt;
        data.meta.dirty = true;
      optimize(data, this);
      ok = info(DB_OPTIMIZED_X, meta.name, perf);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      ok = error(Util.message(ex));
    } finally {
      ok &= finishUpdate();
    return ok;
Exemple #6
  protected boolean run() throws IOException {
    final String path = MetaData.normPath(args[0]);
    if (path == null) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, args[0]);

    final IOFile bin = context.data().meta.binary(path);
    if (bin == null || !bin.exists() || bin.isDir()) return error(RES_NOT_FOUND_X, path);

    try {
      final BufferInput bi = new BufferInput(bin);
      try {
        for (int b; (b = bi.read()) != -1; ) out.write(b);
      } finally {
      return info(QUERY_EXECUTED_X, perf);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      return error(FILE_NOT_STORED_X, ex);
Exemple #7
  protected boolean run() {
    final boolean create = context.user.has(Perm.CREATE);
    String path = MetaData.normPath(args[0]);
    if (path == null || path.endsWith(".")) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, args[0]);

    if (in == null) {
      final IO io = IO.get(args[1]);
      if (!io.exists() || io.isDir()) return error(RES_NOT_FOUND_X, create ? io : args[1]);
      in = io.inputSource();
      // set/add name of document
      if ((path.isEmpty() || path.endsWith("/")) && !(io instanceof IOContent)) path += io.name();

    // ensure that the final name is not empty
    if (path.isEmpty()) return error(NAME_INVALID_X, path);

    // ensure that the name is not empty and contains no trailing dots
    final Data data = context.data();
    if (data.inMemory()) return error(NO_MAINMEM);

    final IOFile file = data.meta.binary(path);
    if (path.isEmpty() || path.endsWith(".") || file == null || file.isDir())
      return error(NAME_INVALID_X, create ? path : args[0]);

    // start update
    if (!data.startUpdate()) return error(DB_PINNED_X, data.meta.name);

    try {
      store(in, file);
      return info(QUERY_EXECUTED_X_X, "", perf);
    } catch (final IOException ex) {
      return error(FILE_NOT_STORED_X, Util.message(ex));
    } finally {
Exemple #8
   * Optimizes the structures of a database.
   * @param data data
   * @param enforceText enforce creation or deletion of text index
   * @param enforceAttr enforce creation or deletion of attribute index
   * @param enforceToken enforce creation or deletion of token index
   * @param enforceFt enforce creation or deletion of full-text index
   * @param cmd calling command instance (may be {@code null})
   * @throws IOException I/O Exception during index rebuild
  public static void optimize(
      final Data data,
      final boolean enforceText,
      final boolean enforceAttr,
      final boolean enforceToken,
      final boolean enforceFt,
      final Optimize cmd)
      throws IOException {

    // initialize structural indexes
    final MetaData md = data.meta;
    if (!md.uptodate) {
      md.dirty = true;

      final IntList pars = new IntList(), elms = new IntList();
      int n = 0;

      for (int pre = 0; pre < md.size; ++pre) {
        final byte kind = (byte) data.kind(pre);
        final int par = data.parent(pre, kind);
        while (!pars.isEmpty() && pars.peek() > par) {

        final int level = pars.size();
        if (kind == Data.DOC) {
          data.paths.put(0, Data.DOC, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ELEM) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          data.elemNames.index(data.elemNames.key(id), null, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ELEM, level);
        } else if (kind == Data.ATTR) {
          final int id = data.nameId(pre);
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, false);
          data.attrNames.index(data.attrNames.key(id), val, true);
          data.paths.put(id, Data.ATTR, level, val, md);
        } else {
          final byte[] val = data.text(pre, true);
          if (kind == Data.TEXT && level > 1) data.elemNames.index(elms.peek(), val);
          data.paths.put(0, kind, level, val, md);
        if (cmd != null) cmd.pre = pre;
      md.ndocs = n;
      md.uptodate = true;

    // rebuild value indexes
    optimize(IndexType.TEXT, data, md.createtext, md.textindex, enforceText, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.ATTRIBUTE, data, md.createattr, md.attrindex, enforceAttr, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.TOKEN, data, md.createtoken, md.tokenindex, enforceToken, cmd);
    optimize(IndexType.FULLTEXT, data, md.createft, md.ftindex, enforceFt, cmd);