/** Parses the given InputSource into a Document. */
  private Document parseInputSource(InputSource s) throws SAXException, IOException {
    db.setEntityResolver(new JstlEntityResolver(pageContext));

    // normalize URIs so they can be processed consistently by resolver
    if (systemId == null) {
    } else if (ImportSupport.isAbsoluteUrl(systemId)) {
    } else {
      s.setSystemId("jstl:" + systemId);
    return db.parse(s);
    public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
        throws FileNotFoundException {

      // pass if we don't have a systemId
      if (systemId == null) {
        return null;

      // strip leading "jstl:" off URL if applicable
      if (systemId.startsWith("jstl:")) {
        systemId = systemId.substring(5);

      // we're only concerned with relative URLs
      if (ImportSupport.isAbsoluteUrl(systemId)) {
        return null;

      // for relative URLs, load and wrap the resource.
      // don't bother checking for 'null' since we specifically want
      // the parser to fail if the resource doesn't exist
      InputStream s;
      if (systemId.startsWith("/")) {
        s = ctx.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(systemId);
        if (s == null) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException(
              Resources.getMessage("UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_ENTITY", systemId));
      } else {
        String pagePath = ((HttpServletRequest) ctx.getRequest()).getServletPath();
        String basePath = pagePath.substring(0, pagePath.lastIndexOf("/"));
        s = ctx.getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(basePath + "/" + systemId);
        if (s == null) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException(
              Resources.getMessage("UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_ENTITY", systemId));
      return new InputSource(s);