public boolean mediate(MessageContext synCtx, ContinuationState contState) { SynapseLog synLog = getLog(synCtx); if (synLog.isTraceOrDebugEnabled()) { synLog.traceOrDebug("Aggregate mediator : Mediating from ContinuationState"); } boolean result; SequenceMediator onCompleteSequence = getOnCompleteSequence(); RuntimeStatisticCollector.openLogForContinuation( synCtx, onCompleteSequence.getSequenceNameForStatistics(synCtx)); if (!contState.hasChild()) { result = onCompleteSequence.mediate(synCtx, contState.getPosition() + 1); } else { FlowContinuableMediator mediator = (FlowContinuableMediator) onCompleteSequence.getChild(contState.getPosition()); RuntimeStatisticCollector.openLogForContinuation( synCtx, ((Mediator) mediator).getMediatorName()); result = mediator.mediate(synCtx, contState.getChildContState()); ((Mediator) mediator).reportStatistic(synCtx, null, false); } onCompleteSequence.reportStatistic(synCtx, null, false); return result; }
protected SendMediator getSendMediator(SequenceMediator sequence) { SendMediator sendMediator = null; int size = sequence.getList().size(); if (size > 0 && sequence.getList().get(size - 1) instanceof SendMediator) { sendMediator = (SendMediator) sequence.getList().get(size - 1); } else { sendMediator = new SendMediator(); sequence.addChild(sendMediator); } return sendMediator; }
protected CallMediator getCallMediator(SequenceMediator sequence) { CallMediator callMediator = null; int size = sequence.getList().size(); if (size > 0 && sequence.getList().get(size - 1) instanceof CallMediator) { callMediator = (CallMediator) sequence.getList().get(size - 1); } else { callMediator = new CallMediator(); sequence.addChild(callMediator); } return callMediator; }
protected boolean injectMessage(InputStream in, String contentType) { try { org.apache.synapse.MessageContext msgCtx = createMessageContext(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processed Custom inbound EP Message of Content-type : " + contentType); } MessageContext axis2MsgCtx = ((org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext) msgCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(); // Determine the message builder to use Builder builder; if (contentType == null) { log.debug("No content type specified. Using SOAP builder."); builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } else { int index = contentType.indexOf(';'); String type = index > 0 ? contentType.substring(0, index) : contentType; builder = BuilderUtil.getBuilderFromSelector(type, axis2MsgCtx); if (builder == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No message builder found for type '" + type + "'. Falling back to SOAP."); } builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } } OMElement documentElement = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, axis2MsgCtx); // Inject the message to the sequence. msgCtx.setEnvelope(TransportUtils.createSOAPEnvelope(documentElement)); if (injectingSeq == null || injectingSeq.equals("")) { log.error("Sequence name not specified. Sequence : " + injectingSeq); return false; } SequenceMediator seq = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnvironment.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(injectingSeq); if (seq != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("injecting message to sequence : " + injectingSeq); } seq.setErrorHandler(onErrorSeq); if (!seq.isInitialized()) { seq.init(synapseEnvironment); } if (!synapseEnvironment.injectInbound(msgCtx, seq, sequential)) { return false; } } else { log.error("Sequence: " + injectingSeq + " not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while processing the Custom Inbound EP Message."); } return true; }
public void init(SynapseEnvironment se) { synapseEnv = se; if (onCompleteSequence != null) { onCompleteSequence.init(se); } else if (onCompleteSequenceRef != null) { SequenceMediator referredOnCompleteSeq = (SequenceMediator) se.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(onCompleteSequenceRef); if (referredOnCompleteSeq == null || referredOnCompleteSeq.isDynamic()) { se.addUnavailableArtifactRef(onCompleteSequenceRef); } } }
public void destroy() { if (onCompleteSequence != null) { onCompleteSequence.destroy(); } else if (onCompleteSequenceRef != null) { SequenceMediator referredOnCompleteSeq = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnv.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(onCompleteSequenceRef); if (referredOnCompleteSeq == null || referredOnCompleteSeq.isDynamic()) { synapseEnv.removeUnavailableArtifactRef(onCompleteSequenceRef); } } }
protected void setEndpointToSendOrCallMediator(SequenceMediator sequence, Endpoint synapseEP) { int size = sequence.getList().size(); Object mediator = null; if (size > 0) { mediator = sequence.getList().get(size - 1); } if (mediator instanceof SendMediator) { SendMediator sendMediator = getSendMediator(sequence); sendMediator.setEndpoint(synapseEP); } else if (mediator instanceof CallMediator) { CallMediator callMediator = getCallMediator(sequence); callMediator.setEndpoint(synapseEP); } }
/** * Deserialize a sequence * * @param mediatorFlow * @param sequence * @param connector * @param reversed * @throws DeserializerException */ protected void deserializeSequence( IGraphicalEditPart part, SequenceMediator sequenceMediator, EsbConnector connector, boolean reversed) throws DeserializerException { LinkedList<EsbNode> nodeList = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<CommentMediator> commentMediatorList = new LinkedList<>(); SequenceMediator sequence = EditorUtils.stripUnsupportedMediators(sequenceMediator); TransactionalEditingDomain domain = part.getEditingDomain(); if (connector instanceof OutputConnector) { int mediatorsCount = sequence.getList().size(); boolean lastMediator = false; for (int i = 0; i < mediatorsCount; ++i) { AbstractMediator mediator = (AbstractMediator) sequence.getList().get(i); if (mediatorsCount == (i + 1)) { lastMediator = true; } if (reversedNodes.contains(connector.eContainer())) { executeMediatorDeserializer( part, nodeList, domain, mediator, true, commentMediatorList, lastMediator); reversedNodes.addAll(nodeList); } else { executeMediatorDeserializer( part, nodeList, domain, mediator, reversed, commentMediatorList, lastMediator); if (reversed) { reversedNodes.addAll(nodeList); } } } connectionFlowMap.put(connector, nodeList); } else if (connector instanceof InputConnector) { int mediatorsCount = sequence.getList().size(); boolean lastMediator = false; for (int i = mediatorsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (i == 0) { lastMediator = true; } AbstractMediator mediator = (AbstractMediator) sequence.getList().get(i); executeMediatorDeserializer( part, nodeList, domain, mediator, true, commentMediatorList, lastMediator); } connectionFlowMap.put(connector, nodeList); reversedNodes.addAll(nodeList); } }
public void transformWithinSequence( TransformationInfo information, EsbNode subject, SequenceMediator sequence) throws Exception { sequence.addChild(createValidateMediator(subject, information)); doTransformWithinSequence( information, ((ValidateMediator) subject).getOutputConnector().getOutgoingLink(), sequence); }
public void destroy() { for (Target target : targets) { ManagedLifecycle seq = target.getSequence(); if (seq != null) { seq.destroy(); } else if (target.getSequenceRef() != null) { SequenceMediator targetSequence = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnv.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(target.getSequenceRef()); if (targetSequence == null || targetSequence.isDynamic()) { synapseEnv.removeUnavailableArtifactRef(target.getSequenceRef()); } } Endpoint endpoint = target.getEndpoint(); if (endpoint != null) { endpoint.destroy(); } } }
public void init(SynapseEnvironment se) { synapseEnv = se; for (Target target : targets) { ManagedLifecycle seq = target.getSequence(); if (seq != null) { seq.init(se); } else if (target.getSequenceRef() != null) { SequenceMediator targetSequence = (SequenceMediator) se.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(target.getSequenceRef()); if (targetSequence == null || targetSequence.isDynamic()) { se.addUnavailableArtifactRef(target.getSequenceRef()); } } Endpoint endpoint = target.getEndpoint(); if (endpoint != null) { endpoint.init(se); } } }
public void transformWithinSequence( TransformationInfo information, EsbNode subject, SequenceMediator sequence) throws Exception { org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.CallMediator callMediator = createCallMediator(subject); if (callMediator != null) { sequence.addChild(callMediator); } if (((CallMediator) subject).getEndpointType() == CallMediatorEndpointType.INLINE) { // to transform the mediators inside the mediator doTransformWithinSequence( information, ((CallMediator) subject).getEndpointOutputConnector().getOutgoingLink(), sequence); } // to go in normal flow doTransformWithinSequence( information, ((CallMediator) subject).getOutputConnector().getOutgoingLink(), sequence); }
/** * Create the file system for holding the synapse configuration for a new tanent. * * @param synapseConfigDir configuration directory where synapse configuration is created * @param tenantDomain name of the tenent */ @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored"}) private void createTenantSynapseConfigHierarchy(File synapseConfigDir, String tenantDomain) { if (!synapseConfigDir.mkdir()) { log.fatal( "Couldn't create the synapse-config root on the file system " + "for the tenant domain : " + tenantDomain); return; } File sequencesDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.SEQUENCES_DIR); File endpointsDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.ENDPOINTS_DIR); File entriesDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.LOCAL_ENTRY_DIR); File proxyServicesDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.PROXY_SERVICES_DIR); File eventSourcesDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.EVENTS_DIR); File tasksDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.TASKS_DIR); File executorsDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.EXECUTORS_DIR); if (!sequencesDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + sequencesDir); } if (!endpointsDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + endpointsDir); } if (!entriesDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + entriesDir); } if (!proxyServicesDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + proxyServicesDir); } if (!eventSourcesDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + eventSourcesDir); } if (!tasksDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + tasksDir); } if (!executorsDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + executorsDir); } SynapseConfiguration initialSynCfg = SynapseConfigurationBuilder.getDefaultConfiguration(); SequenceMediator mainSequence = (SequenceMediator) initialSynCfg.getMainSequence(); SequenceMediator faultSequence = (SequenceMediator) initialSynCfg.getFaultSequence(); mainSequence.setFileName(SynapseConstants.MAIN_SEQUENCE_KEY + ".xml"); faultSequence.setFileName(SynapseConstants.FAULT_SEQUENCE_KEY + ".xml"); Registry registry = new WSO2Registry(); initialSynCfg.setRegistry(registry); MultiXMLConfigurationSerializer serializer = new MultiXMLConfigurationSerializer(synapseConfigDir.getAbsolutePath()); try { serializer.serializeSequence(mainSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSequence(faultSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSynapseRegistry(registry, initialSynCfg, null); } catch (Exception e) { handleException( "Couldn't serialise the initial synapse configuration " + "for the domain : " + tenantDomain, e); } }
/** * Create the file system for holding the synapse configuration for a new tanent. * * @param synapseConfigDir configuration directory where synapse configuration is created * @param tenantDomain name of the tenent */ @SuppressWarnings({"ResultOfMethodCallIgnored"}) private void createTenantSynapseConfigHierarchy(File synapseConfigDir, String tenantDomain) { synapseConfigDir.mkdir(); File sequencesDir = new File(synapseConfigDir, MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder.SEQUENCES_DIR); if (!sequencesDir.mkdir()) { log.warn("Could not create " + sequencesDir); } SynapseConfiguration initialSynCfg = SynapseConfigurationBuilder.getDefaultConfiguration(); // SequenceMediator mainSequence = (SequenceMediator) initialSynCfg.getMainSequence(); // SequenceMediator faultSequence = (SequenceMediator) initialSynCfg.getFaultSequence(); InputStream in = null; StAXOMBuilder builder = null; SequenceMediatorFactory factory = new SequenceMediatorFactory(); try { if (authFailureHandlerSequence == null) { in = FileUtils.openInputStream( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + authFailureHandlerSequenceName + ".xml")); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); authFailureHandlerSequence = (SequenceMediator) factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); authFailureHandlerSequence.setFileName(authFailureHandlerSequenceName + ".xml"); } if (resourceMisMatchSequence == null) { in = FileUtils.openInputStream( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + resourceMisMatchSequenceName + ".xml")); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); resourceMisMatchSequence = (SequenceMediator) factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); resourceMisMatchSequence.setFileName(resourceMisMatchSequenceName + ".xml"); } if (throttleOutSequence == null) { in = FileUtils.openInputStream( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + throttleOutSequenceName + ".xml")); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); throttleOutSequence = (SequenceMediator) factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); throttleOutSequence.setFileName(throttleOutSequenceName + ".xml"); } // if (buildSequence == null) { // in = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(synapseConfigRootPath + // buildSequenceName + ".xml")); // builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); // buildSequence = (SequenceMediator) // factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); // buildSequence.setFileName(buildSequenceName + ".xml"); // } if (sandboxKeyErrorSequence == null) { in = FileUtils.openInputStream( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + sandboxKeyErrorSequenceName + ".xml")); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); sandboxKeyErrorSequence = (SequenceMediator) factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); sandboxKeyErrorSequence.setFileName(sandboxKeyErrorSequenceName + ".xml"); } if (productionKeyErrorSequence == null) { in = FileUtils.openInputStream( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + productionKeyErrorSequenceName + ".xml")); builder = new StAXOMBuilder(in); productionKeyErrorSequence = (SequenceMediator) factory.createMediator(builder.getDocumentElement(), new Properties()); productionKeyErrorSequence.setFileName(productionKeyErrorSequenceName + ".xml"); } FileUtils.copyFile( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + mainSequenceName + ".xml"), new File( synapseConfigDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "sequences" + File.separator + mainSequenceName + ".xml")); FileUtils.copyFile( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + faultSequenceName + ".xml"), new File( synapseConfigDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "sequences" + File.separator + faultSequenceName + ".xml")); FileUtils.copyFile( new File(synapseConfigRootPath + saml2SequenceName + ".xml"), new File( synapseConfigDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "sequences" + File.separator + saml2SequenceName + ".xml")); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error while reading WebApp manager specific synapse sequences" + e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while parsing WebApp manager specific synapse sequences" + e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } Registry registry = new WSO2Registry(); initialSynCfg.setRegistry(registry); MultiXMLConfigurationSerializer serializer = new MultiXMLConfigurationSerializer(synapseConfigDir.getAbsolutePath()); try { serializer.serializeSequence(authFailureHandlerSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSequence(sandboxKeyErrorSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSequence(productionKeyErrorSequence, initialSynCfg, null); // serializer.serializeSequence(buildSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSequence(throttleOutSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSequence(resourceMisMatchSequence, initialSynCfg, null); serializer.serializeSynapseRegistry(registry, initialSynCfg, null); } catch (Exception e) { handleException( "Couldn't serialise the initial synapse configuration " + "for the domain : " + tenantDomain, e); } }
/** * Invoked by the Aggregate objects that are timed out, to signal timeout/completion of itself * * @param aggregate the timed out Aggregate that holds collected messages and properties */ public boolean completeAggregate(Aggregate aggregate) { boolean markedCompletedNow = false; boolean wasComplete = aggregate.isCompleted(); if (wasComplete) { return false; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Aggregation completed or timed out"); } // cancel the timer synchronized (this) { if (!aggregate.isCompleted()) { aggregate.cancel(); aggregate.setCompleted(true); markedCompletedNow = true; } } if (!markedCompletedNow) { return false; } MessageContext newSynCtx = getAggregatedMessage(aggregate); if (newSynCtx == null) { log.warn("An aggregation of messages timed out with no aggregated messages", null); return false; } else { // Get the aggregated message to the next mediator placed after the aggregate mediator // in the sequence if (newSynCtx.isContinuationEnabled()) { try { aggregate .getLastMessage() .setEnvelope(MessageHelper.cloneSOAPEnvelope(newSynCtx.getEnvelope())); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { log.warn( "Error occurred while assigning aggregated message" + " back to the last received message context"); } } } aggregate.clear(); activeAggregates.remove(aggregate.getCorrelation()); if ((correlateExpression != null && !correlateExpression.toString().equals(aggregate.getCorrelation())) || correlateExpression == null) { if (onCompleteSequence != null) { ContinuationStackManager.addReliantContinuationState(newSynCtx, 0, getMediatorPosition()); boolean result = onCompleteSequence.mediate(newSynCtx); if (result) { ContinuationStackManager.removeReliantContinuationState(newSynCtx); } return result; } else if (onCompleteSequenceRef != null && newSynCtx.getSequence(onCompleteSequenceRef) != null) { ContinuationStackManager.updateSeqContinuationState(newSynCtx, getMediatorPosition()); return newSynCtx.getSequence(onCompleteSequenceRef).mediate(newSynCtx); } else { handleException( "Unable to find the sequence for the mediation " + "of the aggregated message", newSynCtx); } } return false; }
/** Invoke the mediation logic for the passed message */ public boolean invoke(Object object, String name) throws SynapseException { Message msg = (Message) object; try { org.apache.synapse.MessageContext msgCtx = createMessageContext(); msgCtx.setProperty("", name); InboundEndpoint inboundEndpoint = msgCtx.getConfiguration().getInboundEndpoint(name); CustomLogSetter.getInstance().setLogAppender(inboundEndpoint.getArtifactContainerName()); String contentType = msg.getJMSType(); if (contentType == null || contentType.trim().equals("")) { String contentTypeProperty = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY); if (contentTypeProperty != null) { contentType = msg.getStringProperty(contentTypeProperty); } } else { msgCtx.setProperty(JMSConstants.JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE, contentType); } if (contentType == null || contentType.trim().equals("")) { contentType = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.CONTENT_TYPE); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processed JMS Message of Content-type : " + contentType); } MessageContext axis2MsgCtx = ((org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext) msgCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(); // set the JMS Message ID as the Message ID of the MessageContext try { msgCtx.setMessageID(msg.getJMSMessageID()); String jmsCorrelationID = msg.getJMSCorrelationID(); if (jmsCorrelationID != null && !jmsCorrelationID.isEmpty()) { msgCtx.setProperty(JMSConstants.JMS_COORELATION_ID, jmsCorrelationID); } else { msgCtx.setProperty(JMSConstants.JMS_COORELATION_ID, msg.getJMSMessageID()); } } catch (JMSException ignore) { log.warn("Error getting the COORELATION ID from the message."); } // Handle dual channel Destination replyTo = msg.getJMSReplyTo(); if (replyTo != null) { msgCtx.setProperty(SynapseConstants.IS_INBOUND, true); // Create the cachedJMSConnectionFactory with the existing // connection CachedJMSConnectionFactory cachedJMSConnectionFactory = new CachedJMSConnectionFactory(jmsProperties, connection); String strUserName = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.PARAM_JMS_USERNAME); String strPassword = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.PARAM_JMS_PASSWORD); JMSReplySender jmsReplySender = new JMSReplySender(replyTo, cachedJMSConnectionFactory, strUserName, strPassword); msgCtx.setProperty( InboundEndpointConstants.INBOUND_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE_WORKER, jmsReplySender); } else if (replyDestination != null) { msgCtx.setProperty(SynapseConstants.IS_INBOUND, true); // Create the cachedJMSConnectionFactory with the existing // connection CachedJMSConnectionFactory cachedJMSConnectionFactory = new CachedJMSConnectionFactory(jmsProperties, connection); String strUserName = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.PARAM_JMS_USERNAME); String strPassword = jmsProperties.getProperty(JMSConstants.PARAM_JMS_PASSWORD); JMSReplySender jmsReplySender = new JMSReplySender( replyDestination, cachedJMSConnectionFactory, strUserName, strPassword); msgCtx.setProperty( InboundEndpointConstants.INBOUND_ENDPOINT_RESPONSE_WORKER, jmsReplySender); } // Determine the message builder to use Builder builder; if (contentType == null) { log.debug("No content type specified. Using SOAP builder."); builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } else { int index = contentType.indexOf(';'); String type = index > 0 ? contentType.substring(0, index) : contentType; builder = BuilderUtil.getBuilderFromSelector(type, axis2MsgCtx); if (builder == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No message builder found for type '" + type + "'. Falling back to SOAP."); } builder = new SOAPBuilder(); } } OMElement documentElement = null; // set the message payload to the message context if (msg instanceof TextMessage) { String message = ((TextMessage) msg).getText(); InputStream in = new AutoCloseInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); documentElement = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, axis2MsgCtx); } else if (msg instanceof BytesMessage) { if (builder instanceof DataSourceMessageBuilder) { documentElement = ((DataSourceMessageBuilder) builder) .processDocument( new BytesMessageDataSource((BytesMessage) msg), contentType, axis2MsgCtx); } else { documentElement = builder.processDocument( new BytesMessageInputStream((BytesMessage) msg), contentType, axis2MsgCtx); } } else if (msg instanceof MapMessage) { documentElement = convertJMSMapToXML((MapMessage) msg); } // Inject the message to the sequence. msgCtx.setEnvelope(TransportUtils.createSOAPEnvelope(documentElement)); if (injectingSeq == null || injectingSeq.equals("")) { log.error("Sequence name not specified. Sequence : " + injectingSeq); return false; } SequenceMediator seq = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnvironment.getSynapseConfiguration().getSequence(injectingSeq); if (seq != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("injecting message to sequence : " + injectingSeq); } seq.setErrorHandler(onErrorSeq); if (!synapseEnvironment.injectInbound(msgCtx, seq, sequential)) { return false; } } else { log.error("Sequence: " + injectingSeq + " not found"); } Object o = msgCtx.getProperty(JMSConstants.SET_ROLLBACK_ONLY); if (o != null) { if ((o instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean) o)) || (o instanceof String && Boolean.valueOf((String) o))) { return false; } } } catch (SynapseException se) { throw se; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while processing the JMS Message", e); throw new SynapseException("Error while processing the JMS Message", e); } return true; }
private org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.ValidateMediator createValidateMediator( EsbNode subject, TransformationInfo information) throws TransformerException, JaxenException { /* * Check subject. */ Assert.isTrue(subject instanceof ValidateMediator, "Invalid subject."); ValidateMediator visualValidateMediator = (ValidateMediator) subject; /* * Configure Validate mediator. */ org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.ValidateMediator validateMediator = new org.apache.synapse.mediators.builtin.ValidateMediator(); setCommonProperties(validateMediator, visualValidateMediator); NamespacedProperty sourceXPath = visualValidateMediator.getSourceXpath(); if (sourceXPath.getPropertyValue() != null && !sourceXPath.getPropertyValue().equals("")) { SynapseXPath synapseXPath = new SynapseXPath(sourceXPath.getPropertyValue()); for (Entry<String, String> entry : sourceXPath.getNamespaces().entrySet()) { synapseXPath.addNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } validateMediator.setSource(synapseXPath); } List<Value> valueList = new ArrayList<Value>(); for (ValidateSchema schema : visualValidateMediator.getSchemas()) { if (schema.getValidateSchemaKeyType().getLiteral().equals(KeyType.STATIC.getLiteral())) { if (schema.getValidateStaticSchemaKey() != null && schema.getValidateStaticSchemaKey().getKeyValue() != null) { Value val = new Value(schema.getValidateStaticSchemaKey().getKeyValue()); valueList.add(val); } } else { NamespacedProperty dynamicSchemaKey = schema.getValidateDynamicSchemaKey(); if (dynamicSchemaKey != null && dynamicSchemaKey.getPropertyValue() != null) { SynapseXPath xpath = new SynapseXPath(dynamicSchemaKey.getPropertyValue()); for (Entry<String, String> entry : dynamicSchemaKey.getNamespaces().entrySet()) { xpath.addNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } Value val = new Value(xpath); valueList.add(val); } } } validateMediator.setSchemaKeys(valueList); // ListMediator onFailMediatorList = new AnonymousListMediator(); SequenceMediator onFailMediatorList = new SequenceMediator(); TransformationInfo newOnFailInfo = new TransformationInfo(); newOnFailInfo.setTraversalDirection(information.getTraversalDirection()); newOnFailInfo.setSynapseConfiguration(information.getSynapseConfiguration()); newOnFailInfo.setOriginInSequence(information.getOriginInSequence()); newOnFailInfo.setOriginOutSequence(information.getOriginOutSequence()); newOnFailInfo.setCurrentProxy(information.getCurrentProxy()); newOnFailInfo.setParentSequence(onFailMediatorList); doTransform(newOnFailInfo, visualValidateMediator.getOnFailOutputConnector()); validateMediator.addAll(onFailMediatorList.getList()); for (ValidateFeature feature : visualValidateMediator.getFeatures()) { try { validateMediator.addFeature(feature.getFeatureName(), feature.isFeatureEnabled()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } if (!visualValidateMediator.getResources().isEmpty()) { ResourceMap rMap = new ResourceMap(); for (ValidateResource resource : visualValidateMediator.getResources()) { if (resource.getLocation() != null && resource.getKey() != null) { rMap.addResource(resource.getLocation(), resource.getKey().getKeyValue()); } } validateMediator.setResourceMap(rMap); } return validateMediator; }