private WeblogFeedCache() { cacheEnabled = WebloggerConfig.getBooleanProperty(CACHE_ID + ".enabled"); Map cacheProps = new HashMap(); cacheProps.put("id", CACHE_ID); Enumeration allProps = WebloggerConfig.keys(); String prop = null; while (allProps.hasMoreElements()) { prop = (String) allProps.nextElement(); // we are only interested in props for this cache if (prop.startsWith(CACHE_ID + ".")) { cacheProps.put(prop.substring(CACHE_ID.length() + 1), WebloggerConfig.getProperty(prop)); } }; if (cacheEnabled) { contentCache = CacheManager.constructCache(null, cacheProps); } else { log.warn("Caching has been DISABLED"); } }
static { // lookup what cache factory we want to use String classname = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("cache.defaultFactory"); // use reflection to instantiate our factory class try { Class factoryClass = Class.forName(classname); cacheFactory = (CacheFactory) factoryClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { log.error( "It appears that your factory does not implement " + "the CacheFactory interface", cce); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Unable to instantiate cache factory [" + classname + "]" + " falling back on default", e); } if (cacheFactory == null) try { // hmm ... failed to load the specified cache factory // lets try our default Class factoryClass = Class.forName(DEFAULT_FACTORY); cacheFactory = (CacheFactory) factoryClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("Failed to instantiate a cache factory", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); }"Cache Manager Initialized.");"Cache Factory = " + cacheFactory.getClass().getName()); // add custom handlers String customHandlers = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("cache.customHandlers"); if (customHandlers != null && customHandlers.trim().length() > 0) { String[] cHandlers = customHandlers.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < cHandlers.length; i++) { // use reflection to instantiate the handler class try { Class handlerClass = Class.forName(cHandlers[i]); CacheHandler customHandler = (CacheHandler) handlerClass.newInstance(); cacheHandlers.add(customHandler); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { log.error( "It appears that your handler does not implement " + "the CacheHandler interface", cce); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to instantiate cache handler [" + cHandlers[i] + "]", e); } } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // before we can do anything we need to bootstrap the planet backend WebloggerStartup.prepare(); // we need to use our own planet provider for integration String guiceModule = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("planet.aggregator.guice.module"); WebloggerProvider provider = new GuiceWebloggerProvider(guiceModule); WebloggerFactory.bootstrap(provider); RefreshRollerPlanetTask task = new RefreshRollerPlanetTask(); task.init();; }
/** * Instantiate a new GuiceWebloggerProvider using default guice module configured in * WebloggerConfig via 'guice.backend.module' property. */ public GuiceWebloggerProvider() { String moduleClassname = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("guice.backend.module"); if (moduleClassname == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "unable to lookup default guice module via property 'guice.backend.module'"); } try { Class moduleClass = Class.forName(moduleClassname); Module module = (Module) moduleClass.newInstance(); injector = Guice.createInjector(module); } catch (Throwable e) { // Fatal misconfiguration, cannot recover throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating backend module " + moduleClassname, e); } }
/** Test deletion of media file */ public void testDeleteMediaFile() throws Exception { User testUser = null; Weblog testWeblog = null; testUser = TestUtils.setupUser("mediaFileTestUser4"); testWeblog = TestUtils.setupWeblog("mediaFileTestWeblog4", testUser); MediaFileManager mfMgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getMediaFileManager(); // no need to create root directory, that is done automatically now MediaFileDirectory rootDirectory = mfMgr.getMediaFileRootDirectory(testWeblog); // MediaFileDirectory rootDirectory = new MediaFileDirectory(null, "root", "root d", // testWeblog); // mfMgr.createMediaFileDirectory(rootDirectory); TestUtils.endSession(true); testWeblog = TestUtils.getManagedWebsite(testWeblog); rootDirectory = mfMgr.getMediaFileDirectory(rootDirectory.getId()); MediaFile mediaFile = new MediaFile(); mediaFile.setName("test4.jpg"); mediaFile.setDescription("This is a test image 4"); mediaFile.setCopyrightText("test 4 copyright text"); mediaFile.setSharedForGallery(false); mediaFile.setLength(3000); mediaFile.setDirectory(rootDirectory); mediaFile.setWeblog(testWeblog); mediaFile.setContentType("image/jpeg"); mediaFile.setInputStream(getClass().getResourceAsStream(TEST_IMAGE)); MediaFileTag tag1 = new MediaFileTag("tst4work", mediaFile); MediaFileTag tag2 = new MediaFileTag("tst4home", mediaFile); Set<MediaFileTag> tags = new HashSet<MediaFileTag>(); tags.add(tag1); tags.add(tag2); mediaFile.setTags(tags); mfMgr.createMediaFile(testWeblog, mediaFile, new RollerMessages()); String id = mediaFile.getId(); TestUtils.endSession(true); assertNotNull(id); assertNotNull(id.length() > 0); testWeblog = TestUtils.getManagedWebsite(testWeblog); MediaFile mediaFile1 = mfMgr.getMediaFile(id); assertEquals("test4.jpg", mediaFile1.getName()); assertNotNull(mediaFile1.getTags()); assertEquals(2, mediaFile1.getTags().size()); try { mfMgr.removeMediaFile(testWeblog, mediaFile1); } catch (Exception ignorable) { log.debug("ERROR removing media file", ignorable); } TestUtils.endSession(true); MediaFile mediaFile2 = mfMgr.getMediaFile(id); assertNull(mediaFile2); TestUtils.endSession(true); TestUtils.teardownWeblog(testWeblog.getId()); TestUtils.teardownUser(testUser.getUserName()); String uploadsDirName = WebloggerConfig.getProperty("uploads.dir"); File flag = new File(uploadsDirName + File.separator + ""); flag.delete(); }
public void testStorageUpgrade() throws Exception { User testUser = null; Weblog testWeblog1 = null; Weblog testWeblog2 = null; String oldmax = "4"; PropertiesManager pmgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getPropertiesManager(); try { // set dir max limit high so we won't bump into it RuntimeConfigProperty prop = pmgr.getProperty("uploads.dir.maxsize"); oldmax = prop.getValue(); prop.setValue("20"); pmgr.saveProperty(prop); TestUtils.endSession(true); testUser = TestUtils.setupUser("mediaFileTestUser"); testWeblog1 = TestUtils.setupWeblog("testblog1", testUser); testWeblog2 = TestUtils.setupWeblog("testblog2", testUser); MediaFileManager mgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getMediaFileManager(); JPAMediaFileManagerImpl mmgr = (JPAMediaFileManagerImpl) mgr; assertTrue("Upgrade required", mmgr.isFileStorageUpgradeRequired()); mmgr.upgradeFileStorage(); TestUtils.endSession(true); assertFalse("Upgrade required", mmgr.isFileStorageUpgradeRequired()); // now, let's check to see if migration was sucessful MediaFileDirectory root1 = mgr.getMediaFileRootDirectory(testWeblog1); assertNotNull("testblog1's mediafile dir exists", root1); assertNotNull(mgr.getMediaFileByPath(testWeblog1, "/sub1/hawk.jpg")); assertNotNull(mgr.getMediaFileByPath(testWeblog1, "/sub1/sub2/nasa.jpg")); assertNotNull(mgr.getMediaFileByPath(testWeblog1, "/roller50-prop.png")); assertNotNull(mgr.getMediaFileByOriginalPath(testWeblog1, "/sub1/hawk.jpg")); MediaFileDirectory root2 = mgr.getMediaFileRootDirectory(testWeblog2); assertNotNull("testblog2's mediafile dir exists", root2); assertNotNull(root2.getMediaFile("amsterdam.jpg")); assertNotNull(root2.getMediaFile("p47-thunderbolt.jpg")); assertNotNull(root2.getMediaFile("rollerwiki.png")); } finally { File statusFile = new File( WebloggerConfig.getProperty("uploads.dir") + File.separator + JPAMediaFileManagerImpl.MIGRATION_STATUS_FILENAME); statusFile.delete(); // reset dir max to old value RuntimeConfigProperty prop = pmgr.getProperty("uploads.dir.maxsize"); prop.setValue(oldmax); pmgr.saveProperty(prop); TestUtils.endSession(true); TestUtils.teardownWeblog(testWeblog1.getId()); TestUtils.teardownWeblog(testWeblog2.getId()); TestUtils.teardownUser(testUser.getUserName()); TestUtils.endSession(true); } }