private void loadData() { int rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 0; i <= rowNum; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { Row rowID = sheet.getRow(i); Row rowName = sheet.getRow(i + 1); for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { Cell cellID = rowID.getCell(j); Cell cellName = rowName.getCell(j); String name = WorkBookUtil.getCellValue(cellName); String cellValue = WorkBookUtil.getCellValue(cellID); if (name == null || name.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { continue; } int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(cellValue); if (catalogUsers.containsValue(name)) { repeatUsers.put(parseInt, name); } if (cellName.getCellStyle().getFillPattern() == CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND) { colorUsers.put(parseInt, name); } catalogUsers.put(parseInt, name); } } } }
private Result populateLoansTable(Sheet savingsTransactionSheet) { Result result = new Result(); Workbook workbook = savingsTransactionSheet.getWorkbook(); CellStyle dateCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle(); short df = workbook.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd/mm/yy"); dateCellStyle.setDataFormat(df); int rowIndex = 1; Row row; Collections.sort(savings, CompactSavingsAccount.ClientNameComparator); try { for (CompactSavingsAccount savingsAccount : savings) { row = savingsTransactionSheet.createRow(rowIndex++); writeString(LOOKUP_CLIENT_NAME_COL, row, savingsAccount.getClientName()); writeLong(LOOKUP_ACCOUNT_NO_COL, row, Long.parseLong(savingsAccount.getAccountNo())); writeString(LOOKUP_PRODUCT_COL, row, savingsAccount.getSavingsProductName()); writeDouble(LOOKUP_OPENING_BALANCE_COL, row, savingsAccount.getMinRequiredOpeningBalance()); writeDate( LOOKUP_SAVINGS_ACTIVATION_DATE_COL, row, savingsAccount.getTimeline().getActivatedOnDate().get(2) + "/" + savingsAccount.getTimeline().getActivatedOnDate().get(1) + "/" + savingsAccount.getTimeline().getActivatedOnDate().get(0), dateCellStyle); } } catch (Exception e) { result.addError(e.getMessage()); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return result; }
public List<ImportNeolixVO> extractNeolixInfo(File file) { List<ImportNeolixVO> neolix = new LinkedList<>(); // 解析文件 Workbook workBook = null; FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("没有找到对应的文件", e); } try { workBook = WorkbookFactory.create(fis); Sheet sheet = workBook.getSheetAt(0); int lastRowNumber = sheet.getLastRowNum(); Row rowTitle = sheet.getRow(0); if (rowTitle == null) { neolix = null; return neolix; } // 从第1行开始(不算标题) for (int i = 1; i <= lastRowNumber; i++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } ImportNeolixVO vo = convert(row); neolix.add(vo); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); neolix = null; } return neolix; }
/** * 获取销售记录 * * @param productSheet * @return */ private int getSaleRecordsFormXSheet(Sheet salesSheet) { int count = 0; if (salesSheet == null) return 0; try { int rowStart = salesSheet.getFirstRowNum(); int rowEnd = salesSheet.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = rowStart + 1; i <= rowEnd; i++) { Row row = salesSheet.getRow(i); SaleRecord sr = new SaleRecord(); // 日期 String datestr = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(0))); if ("".equals(datestr)) continue; Date date = null; try { date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(datestr); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } String struser = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(1))); // if have not user info discard this record if ("".equals(struser)) continue; int user = Integer.parseInt(struser); String strproduct = String.valueOf(getXssCellData(row.getCell(2))); // if have not user info discard this record if ("".equals(strproduct)) continue; int product = Integer.parseInt(strproduct); // 购买价格 String pricestr = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)); double price = 0d; if (!"".equals(pricestr)) { price = Double.parseDouble(pricestr); } // 购买量 String numstr = (String) getXssCellData(row.getCell(3)); double num = 0d; if (!"".equals(numstr)) { num = Double.parseDouble(numstr); } sr.setNum(num); sr.setPrice(price); sr.setProduct(product); sr.setUser(user); sr.setSaledate(date); simpleDao.createEntity(sr); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("getSaleRecordsFormXSheet exception !"); } return count; }
public void loadBeachLocations() { try { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("FISHERFOLK TEAM DATA SUMMARY.xls")); workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("BEACH SUMMARY"); Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();; // Skip the header row. while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { Row row =; String code = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue().trim(); System.out.println(code); if (!code.isEmpty()) { String beachname = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue().trim(); String county = row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue().trim(); String description = row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue().trim() + "Beach"; System.out.println(beachname + ":" + county + ":" + description); Beach beach = new Beach(beachname, description, county); beach.saveBeach(); } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Done Adding Beaches Locations...."); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); Logger.getLogger(Reporting.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
public void loadData(Data data) throws EncryptedDocumentException, InvalidFormatException, IOException { FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(path)); workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file); sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); try { Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator(); while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { Row row =; Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); ArrayList<String> arrayRow = new ArrayList<String>(); while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell cell =; testDataType(cell, arrayRow); } data.getData().add(arrayRow); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } workbook.close(); file.close(); sheet = null; workbook = null; file = null; }
/** * write excel sheet, specified value to specified cell. * * @param sheetName excel sheet name * @param row row index which to be changed * @param col column index which to be changed * @param value value to be put into cell * @throws RuntimeException */ public void setExcelValue(String sheetName, int row, int col, String value) { Workbook workBook = null; try { if (new File(fileName).exists()) { workBook = getWorkBook(new FileInputStream(fileName), false); } else { workBook = getWorkBook(null, false); } xlSheet = workBook.getSheet(sheetName); if (xlSheet == null) { xlSheet = workBook.createSheet(sheetName); } xlRow = xlSheet.getRow(row - 1); if (xlRow == null) { xlRow = xlSheet.createRow((short) row - 1); } xlCell = xlRow.getCell(col - 1); if (xlCell == null) { xlCell = xlRow.createCell(col - 1); } xlCell.setCellType(1); // set cell type as string xlCell.setCellValue(value); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fileName); workBook.write(fileOut); fileOut.flush(); fileOut.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); throw new RuntimeException("set excel value failed:" + e.getMessage()); } }
public static Date getBaseDateFromExcelWithPoi(File file) { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file); Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(in); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); Name name = workbook.getName("雷線基準日"); CellReference cellRef = new CellReference(name.getRefersToFormula()); Row row = sheet.getRow(cellRef.getRow()); Cell baseDateCell = row.getCell(cellRef.getCol()); // System.out.println("cellが日付か:" // + PoiUtil.isCellDateFormatted(baseDateCell)); Date baseDate = baseDateCell.getDateCellValue(); return baseDate; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
@Test public void report_FacilityUsage_asOperator2() { final ReportParameters params = baseParams(); params.interval = 3 * 60; registerMockFacilityUsages(facility1, apiUser); registerMockFacilityUsages(facility2, apiUser2); final Response whenPostingToReportUrl = postToReportUrl(params, "FacilityUsage", operator2User); // If this succeeds, the response was a valid excel file final Workbook workbook = readWorkbookFrom(whenPostingToReportUrl); assertThat(getSheetNames(workbook)).containsExactly("Käyttöasteraportti", "Selite"); final Sheet usages = workbook.getSheetAt(0); // Header and one for each usage type assertThat(usages.getPhysicalNumberOfRows()).isEqualTo(3); // Only operator2 visible assertThat(getDataFromColumn(usages, 3)) .containsOnly("Operaattori", .doesNotContain(; final List<String> headers = getDataFromRow(usages, 0); assertThat(headers.subList(FACILITYUSAGE_FIRST_TIME_COLUMN, headers.size())) .containsExactly("00:00", "03:00", "06:00", "09:00", "12:00", "15:00", "18:00", "21:00"); // Get the hourly utilizations for CAR // Results are not interpolated. final List<String> row = getDataFromRow(usages, 1); assertThat(row.subList(FACILITYUSAGE_FIRST_TIME_COLUMN, row.size())) .containsExactly("24", "24", "24", "24", "0", "0", "0", "24"); }
public void make(File source, DataSet header, DataSet master) throws Exception { this.header = header; this.master = master; if (header == null || master == null) throw new Exception("Dataset is empty"); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); InputStream inp = new FileInputStream(source); Workbook oldBook = WorkbookFactory.create(inp); Sheet oldSheet = oldBook.getSheetAt(0); Workbook newBook = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet newSheet = newBook.createSheet(oldSheet.getSheetName()); init(newBook); process(oldSheet, newSheet); File target = File.createTempFile("libra", ".xls"); target.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(target); newBook.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); oldBook.close(); inp.close(); Desktop.getDesktop().open(target); System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - t); }
// ����Excel public String ExcelExport() throws Exception { HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); String ids = request.getParameter("ids"); List<Dise> list = new ArrayList<Dise>(); String[] array = ids.split(","); int[] id = new int[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { Dise dise = DiseService.findById(Integer.valueOf(array[i])); list.add(dise); } Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("ѧ����Ϣ"); Row row = sheet.createRow(0); row.createCell(0).setCellValue("ѧ��"); row.createCell(1).setCellValue("����"); row.createCell(2).setCellValue("����"); row.createCell(3).setCellValue("�Ա�"); row.createCell(4).setCellValue("��ַ"); CellStyle cellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle(); cellStyle.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy")); for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) { Dise stu = list.get(i - 1); row = sheet.createRow(i); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(stu.getIds()); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(stu.getName()); row.createCell(2).setCellValue(stu.getA()); row.createCell(3).setCellValue(stu.getB()); row.createCell(4).setCellValue(stu.getC()); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); workbook.write(baos); excelFile = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); baos.close(); return "excel"; }
public List<Specialite> readBooksFromExcelFile(String excelFilePath) throws IOException { List<Specialite> listSpecialite = new ArrayList<>(); FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(excelFilePath)); // Create Workbook instance holding reference to .xlsx file XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file); // Get first/desired sheet from the workbook XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); Sheet firstSheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); Iterator<Row> iterator = firstSheet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Row nextRow =; Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = nextRow.cellIterator(); Specialite sp = new Specialite(); Admin admin = new Admin(); while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell nextCell =; int columnIndex = nextCell.getColumnIndex(); switch (columnIndex) { case 0: sp.setIntitule((String) getCellValue(nextCell)); break; } } listSpecialite.add(sp); } file.close(); return listSpecialite; }
@Override public List<String> getHeaderColumns() { if (headerColumns == null) { headerColumns = new ArrayList<>(); Row row = dataSheet.getRow(0); int colCount = row != null ? row.getLastCellNum() : 0; if (row == null || colCount == 0) { LogMgr.logError( "ExcelReader.getHeaderColumns()", "Cannot retrieve column names because no data is available in the first row of the sheet: " + dataSheet.getSheetName(), null); String msg = ResourceMgr.getFormattedString("ErrExportNoCols", dataSheet.getSheetName()); messages.append(msg); messages.appendNewLine(); return headerColumns; } for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { Cell cell = row.getCell(i); Object value = getCellValue(cell); if (value != null) { headerColumns.add(value.toString()); } else { headerColumns.add("Col" + Integer.toString(i)); } } } return headerColumns; }
private void initActiveSheet() { if (dataFile == null) return; if (sheetIndex > -1) { dataSheet = dataFile.getSheetAt(sheetIndex); if (dataSheet == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Sheet with index " + sheetIndex + " does not exist in file: " + inputFile.getFullPath()); } } else if (sheetName != null) { dataSheet = dataFile.getSheet(sheetName); if (dataSheet == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sheet with name " + sheetName + " does not exist in file: " + inputFile.getFullPath()); } } else { int index = dataFile.getActiveSheetIndex(); dataSheet = dataFile.getSheetAt(index); } headerColumns = null; int numMergedRegions = dataSheet.getNumMergedRegions(); mergedRegions = new ArrayList<>(numMergedRegions); for (int i = 0; i < numMergedRegions; i++) { mergedRegions.add(dataSheet.getMergedRegion(i)); } }
@Override public List<SeekerAimsTO> buildParticipants() throws Exception { boolean mark = false; List<Row> participantRows = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (int i = 0; i < sheetParticipants.getLastRowNum(); i++) { Row row = sheetParticipants.getRow(i); if (mark) { if (row != null) { participantRows.add(row); } } if (row != null && row.getCell(ParticipantCols.NAME.getColumn()) != null) { String string = row.getCell(ParticipantCols.NAME.getColumn()).toString(); if (string.contains(ParticipantCols.NAME.getHeader())) { mark = true; } if (mark) { if (row == null || (row.getCell(ParticipantCols.NAME.getColumn()) == null) || row.getCell(ParticipantCols.NAME.getColumn()).toString().isEmpty()) { mark = false; } } } } ProgramHeaderTO buildProgramDetails = buildProgramDetails(); List<SeekerAimsTO> processRows = processRows(participantRows); for (SeekerAimsTO seekerAims : processRows) { seekerAims.setCountry(buildProgramDetails.getCountry()); }"Participant list:" + participantRows.size()); return processRows; }
/** * Forms report in excel file. Sum weight. Sum volume etc. * * @param sheet Sheet where write the items * @param c Container from where take the info * @param lastRow last row after all items were written method uses lastRow + 2 to write report in * next 2 rows after all items of the container were written */ private void setReport(Container c, int lastRow) { String[] reportHeadings = { "Суммарный вес", // 6 "Суммарный объем", // 7 "Остаток вес", // 8 "Остаток объем" // 9 }; double[] values = { c.getWeight(), c.getVolume(), c.getWeightLimit() - c.getWeight(), c.getVolumeLimit() - c.getVolume() }; int dataCell = 5; int valuesIndex = 0; // index of the array of doubles(weigh, volume, etc) lastRow++; Row headings = outputSheet.createRow(lastRow); lastRow += 2; Row data = outputSheet.createRow(lastRow); for (String report : reportHeadings) { Cell heading = headings.createCell(dataCell); heading.setCellValue(report); Cell dataCellValue = data.createCell(dataCell); dataCellValue.setCellValue(values[valuesIndex]); dataCell++; valuesIndex++; } }
@Test public void overrideRowsInTemplate() throws IOException { XSSFWorkbook template = new XSSFWorkbook(); template.createSheet().createRow(1); Workbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(template); try { Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); try { sheet.createRow(1); fail("expected exception"); } catch (Throwable e) { assertEquals( "Attempting to write a row[1] in the range [0,1] that is already written to disk.", e.getMessage()); } try { sheet.createRow(0); fail("expected exception"); } catch (Throwable e) { assertEquals( "Attempting to write a row[0] in the range [0,1] that is already written to disk.", e.getMessage()); } sheet.createRow(2); } finally { wb.close(); template.close(); } }
/** Reads excel file and matches cells to values */ public Stock readFile(int firstItem, int lastItem) throws IllegalStateException, InvalidFormatException, IOException { List<Item> stockList = new ArrayList(); Workbook book = WorkbookFactory.create(this.sourceFile); Sheet workSheet = book.getSheetAt(sheet); Item emptyItem = new Item("Системе не удалось разпознать элемент", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (int n = firstItem - 1; n < lastItem; n++) { try { Row row = workSheet.getRow(n); Item item = new Item( row.getCell(cellCodes[0]).toString(), row.getCell(cellCodes[1]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[2]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[3]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[4]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[5]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[6]).getNumericCellValue(), row.getCell(cellCodes[7]).getNumericCellValue()); stockList.add(item); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { stockList.add(emptyItem); } } // pkg.close(); Stock stock = new Stock(stockList); return stock; }
public void writeData(Data data, boolean onlyNumbers) { try { File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList<ArrayList> dataList = data.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) { Row row = sheet.createRow(i); for (int j = 0; j < dataList.get(i).size(); j++) { row.createCell(j); if (onlyNumbers) { row.getCell(j).setCellValue(Double.parseDouble((String) dataList.get(i).get(j))); } else { row.getCell(j).setCellValue((String) dataList.get(i).get(j)); } } } workbook.write(fOutputStream); workbook.close(); fOutputStream.close(); workbook = null; file = null; sheet = null; } catch (EncryptedDocumentException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void insertDataToExcel(int numRow, Object[] object) { try { if (null != wb.getSheetAt(0)) { Sheet aSheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); Row row = aSheet.getRow((short) numRow); if (row == null) row = aSheet.createRow((short) numRow); for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { Cell csCell = row.createCell((short) i); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBottomBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); style.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setLeftBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); style.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setRightBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); style.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setTopBorderColor(HSSFColor.BLACK.index); csCell.setCellStyle(style); if (object[i] != null) csCell.setCellValue(object[i].toString()); else csCell.setCellValue("0"); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("insertDataToExcel" + e); } }
/** * get the specified excel sheet and put its value string to list. * * @param sheetName excel sheet name * @param ignoreRows first several rows not to read. * @param ignoreCols first several cols not to read. * @param readRows specified row count to read. * @param readColumns specified column count to read. * @throws RuntimeException */ public List<String> excelToList( String sheetName, int ignoreRows, int ignoreCols, int readRows, int readColumns) { FileInputStream fso = null; List<String> paraList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { fso = new FileInputStream(fileName); Workbook workBook = getWorkBook(fso, true); xlSheet = workBook.getSheet(sheetName); if (xlSheet == null) { LOG.error("sheet [" + sheetName + "] does not exist!"); throw new RuntimeException("sheet [" + sheetName + "] does not exist!"); } readRows = (readRows == 0) ? xlSheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() : readRows; for (int i = ignoreRows; i < ignoreRows + readRows; i++) { xlRow = xlSheet.getRow(i); readColumns = (readColumns == 0) ? xlRow.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() : readColumns; if (xlRow != null) { for (int j = ignoreCols; j < ignoreCols + readColumns; j++) { xlCell = xlRow.getCell(j); if (xlCell == null) { paraList.add(""); } else { paraList.add(xlCell.toString()); } } } } fso.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); throw new RuntimeException("read excel failed:" + e.getMessage()); } return paraList; }
public static void copySheet(Sheet sheet, Sheet newSheet) { int maxCol = 0; for (int row = 0; row <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); row++) { Row oldRow = sheet.getRow(row); if (oldRow == null) continue; Row newRow = newSheet.getRow(row); if (newRow == null) newRow = newSheet.createRow(row); if (oldRow.getHeight() >= 0) newRow.setHeight(oldRow.getHeight()); maxCol = (maxCol >= oldRow.getLastCellNum() - 1 ? maxCol : oldRow.getLastCellNum() - 1); for (int col = 0; col < oldRow.getLastCellNum(); col++) { Cell oldCell = oldRow.getCell(col); if (oldCell == null) continue; Cell newCell = newRow.getCell(col); if (newCell == null) newCell = newRow.createCell(col); copyCell(oldCell, newCell, true); } } for (int col = 0; col <= maxCol; col++) { if (sheet.getColumnWidth(col) >= 0) newSheet.setColumnWidth(col, sheet.getColumnWidth(col)); } for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getNumMergedRegions(); i++) { CellRangeAddress cra = sheet.getMergedRegion(i); newSheet.addMergedRegion(cra); } }
/** * Compute width of a column based on a subset of the rows and return the result * * @param sheet the sheet to calculate * @param column 0-based index of the column * @param useMergedCells whether to use merged cells * @param firstRow 0-based index of the first row to consider (inclusive) * @param lastRow 0-based index of the last row to consider (inclusive) * @return the width in pixels */ public static double getColumnWidth( Sheet sheet, int column, boolean useMergedCells, int firstRow, int lastRow) { AttributedString str; TextLayout layout; Workbook wb = sheet.getWorkbook(); DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter(); Font defaultFont = wb.getFontAt((short) 0); str = new AttributedString(String.valueOf(defaultChar)); copyAttributes(defaultFont, str, 0, 1); layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext); int defaultCharWidth = (int) layout.getAdvance(); double width = -1; for (int rowIdx = firstRow; rowIdx <= lastRow; ++rowIdx) { Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIdx); if (row != null) { Cell cell = row.getCell(column); if (cell == null) { continue; } double cellWidth = getCellWidth(cell, defaultCharWidth, formatter, useMergedCells); width = Math.max(width, cellWidth); } } return width; }
private getRowForCoordinate( RowIndex rowIndex, SheetIndex sheetIndex) { Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetIndex.value()); row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex.value()); if (row == null) row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex.value()); return row; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/excel", method = RequestMethod.GET) public void excel(HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); // CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet("new sheet"); row = sheet.createRow((short) 0); row = sheet.createRow((short) 1); row.createCell(0).setCellValue("Mã"); row.createCell(1).setCellValue("Tên"); row.createCell(2).setCellValue("Mã Path"); row.createCell(3).setCellValue("Tên path"); row.createCell(4).setCellValue("Cấp danh mục"); int i = 1; List<Category> listAll = categoryService.listAll(); for (Category print : listAll) { if (print.getName().length() > 19) { i++; row = sheet.createRow((short) i); row.createCell(0).setCellValue(String.valueOf(print.getId())); row.createCell(1).setCellValue(String.valueOf(print.getName())); row.createCell(2).setCellValue(String.valueOf(print.getPath())); String path = ""; for (String categoryId : print.getPath()) { Category get = categoryService.get(categoryId); path += get.getName() + " >>"; } row.createCell(3).setCellValue(String.valueOf(path)); row.createCell(4).setCellValue(String.valueOf(print.getLevel())); } } response.setContentType("application/"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Danh-sach-danh-muc.xls"); wb.write(response.getOutputStream()); }
/** * @param excelType * @param inputStream * @param clazz * @param processor * @param listeners * @return */ public <T extends PoiBaseBo> ExcelImportResult importExcelNoValid( ExcelType excelType, InputStream inputStream, Class<T> clazz, BatchProcessor<T> processor, List<ExcelImportListener> listeners) { visitorStart(listeners, clazz); ValidateMeta validateMeta = getClassValiateMeta(clazz); Workbook workbook = getTempleteWorkBook(excelType, inputStream); int sheetAt = PoiAnnotationResolver.getSheetAt(clazz); Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(sheetAt); int rowStart = PoiAnnotationResolver.getRowStart(clazz); int columnStart = PoiAnnotationResolver.getColumnStart(clazz); int rowEnd = PoiAnnotationResolver.getRowEnd(clazz); int columnEnd = PoiAnnotationResolver.getColumnEnd(clazz); rowEnd = rowEnd == -1 ? sheet.getLastRowNum() : rowEnd; columnEnd = columnEnd == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : columnEnd; ExcelImportResult processValidateResults = new ExcelImportResult(super.getFileRepository()); int recordCount = rowEnd - rowStart + 1; int realCount = recordCount; int batchCount = (int) Math.ceil((double) realCount / super.getBatchSize()); if (batchCount == 1) { super.setBatchSize(realCount); } this.setCountDownLatch(new CountDownLatch(batchCount)); List<ValidateResult<T>> batchValidates = new ArrayList<ValidateResult<T>>(); for (int i = 0; i < batchCount; i++) { int batchStart = (i) * super.getBatchSize() + rowStart; int batchEnd = (i + 1) * super.getBatchSize() + rowStart - 1; if (batchEnd - rowStart + 1 > realCount) { batchEnd = realCount + rowStart - 1; } List<T> batchRecord = batchRecord(columnStart, columnEnd, batchStart, batchEnd, sheet, clazz); List<ValidateResult<T>> batchValidate = batchValidate( validateMeta, columnStart, columnEnd, batchStart, batchEnd, sheet, clazz, batchRecord, 0); batchValidates.addAll(batchValidate); int batchEndFlag = (i + 1) * super.getBatchSize(); if (batchEndFlag > recordCount) { batchEndFlag = recordCount; } ; visitorImporting(listeners, (i) * super.getBatchSize() + 1, batchEndFlag, recordCount, clazz); super.getRecordProcessor().processRecords(batchValidate, processor); } processValidateResults.merge( processValidateResults(excelType, sheet, batchValidates, processor)); visitorEnd(listeners, clazz); return processValidateResults; }
private void setDefaults(Sheet worksheet) { try { for (Integer rowNo = 1; rowNo < 3000; rowNo++) { Row row = worksheet.getRow(rowNo); if (row == null) row = worksheet.createRow(rowNo); writeFormula( PRODUCT_COL, row, "IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($C" + (rowNo + 1) + ",$Q$2:$S$" + (savings.size() + 1) + ",2,FALSE)),\"\",VLOOKUP($C" + (rowNo + 1) + ",$Q$2:$S$" + (savings.size() + 1) + ",2,FALSE))"); writeFormula( OPENING_BALANCE_COL, row, "IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($C" + (rowNo + 1) + ",$Q$2:$S$" + (savings.size() + 1) + ",3,FALSE)),\"\",VLOOKUP($C" + (rowNo + 1) + ",$Q$2:$S$" + (savings.size() + 1) + ",3,FALSE))"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } }
public void parse() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidFormatException { InputStream inp; inp = new FileInputStream(fileName); Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inp); Row row; Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet(sheetName); int startingRow = 0; boolean breakNow = false; for (int i = startingRow; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++) { if (breakNow) { break; } row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < row.getLastCellNum(); j++) { if (row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue().isEmpty() || row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue() == null) { breakNow = true; break; } // category.setCategoryName(row.getCell(j).getStringCellValue()); } } inp.close(); }
private InputStream generateExcel(List<Map<String, Object>> detailList) throws IOException { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet1 = wb.createSheet("sheet1"); CellStyle headerStyle = getHeaderStyle(wb); CellStyle firstCellStyle = getFirsetCellStyle(wb); CellStyle commonCellStyle = getCommonCellStyle(wb); CellStyle amtCellStyle = getAmtCellStyle(wb); for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH_9; i++) { sheet1.setColumnWidth(i, STR_15 * STR_256); } // 表头 Row row = sheet1.createRow(0); row.setHeightInPoints(STR_20); Cell cell = headInfo(headerStyle, row); if (detailList.size() == 0) { row = sheet1.createRow(1); cell = row.createCell(0); cell.setCellValue(NO_RECORD); } else { fillData(detailList, sheet1, firstCellStyle, commonCellStyle, amtCellStyle); } ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outputStream); InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray()); outputStream.close(); return inputStream; }
/** * Called to update the embedded Excel workbook. As the format and structire of the workbook are * known in advance, all this code attempts to do is write a new value into the first cell on the * first row of the first worksheet. Prior to executing this method, that cell will contain the * value 1. * * @throws org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JException Rather than use the specific * classes (HSSF/XSSF) to handle the embedded workbook this method uses those defeined in the * SS stream. As a result, it might be the case that a SpreadsheetML file is opened for * processing, throwing this exception if that file is invalid. * @throws Thrown if a problem occurs in the underlying file system. */ public void updateEmbeddedDoc() throws OpenXML4JException, IOException { Workbook workbook = null; Sheet sheet = null; Row row = null; Cell cell = null; PackagePart pPart = null; Iterator<PackagePart> pIter = null; List<PackagePart> embeddedDocs = this.doc.getAllEmbedds(); if (embeddedDocs != null && !embeddedDocs.isEmpty()) { pIter = embeddedDocs.iterator(); while (pIter.hasNext()) { pPart =; if (pPart.getPartName().getExtension().equals(BINARY_EXTENSION) || pPart.getPartName().getExtension().equals(OPENXML_EXTENSION)) { // Get an InputStream from the pacage part and pass that // to the create method of the WorkbookFactory class. Update // the resulting Workbook and then stream that out again // using an OutputStream obtained from the same PackagePart. workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(pPart.getInputStream()); sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(SHEET_NUM); row = sheet.getRow(ROW_NUM); cell = row.getCell(CELL_NUM); cell.setCellValue(NEW_VALUE); workbook.write(pPart.getOutputStream()); } } // Finally, write the newly modified Word document out to file. this.doc.write(new FileOutputStream(this.docFile)); } }