  public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {
    SolrParams params = rb.req.getParams();
    if (params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS, false)) {
      String lowerStr = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_LOWER, null);
      String[] fields = params.getParams(TermsParams.TERMS_FIELD);
      if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) {
        NamedList terms = new SimpleOrderedMap();
        rb.rsp.add("terms", terms);
        int limit = params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_LIMIT, 10);
        if (limit < 0) {
          limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        String upperStr = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_UPPER);
        boolean upperIncl = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_UPPER_INCLUSIVE, false);
        boolean lowerIncl = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_LOWER_INCLUSIVE, true);
        boolean sort =
                params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_SORT, TermsParams.TERMS_SORT_COUNT));
        int freqmin = params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_MINCOUNT, 1); // initialize freqmin
        int freqmax =
            params.getInt(TermsParams.TERMS_MAXCOUNT, UNLIMITED_MAX_COUNT); // initialize freqmax
        if (freqmax < 0) {
          freqmax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        String prefix = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_PREFIX_STR);
        String regexp = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_REGEXP_STR);
        Pattern pattern =
            regexp != null ? Pattern.compile(regexp, resolveRegexpFlags(params)) : null;

        boolean raw = params.getBool(TermsParams.TERMS_RAW, false);
        for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
          String field = StringHelper.intern(fields[j]);
          FieldType ft = raw ? null : rb.req.getSchema().getFieldTypeNoEx(field);
          if (ft == null) ft = new StrField();

          // If no lower bound was specified, use the prefix
          String lower = lowerStr == null ? prefix : (raw ? lowerStr : ft.toInternal(lowerStr));
          if (lower == null) lower = "";
          String upper = upperStr == null ? null : (raw ? upperStr : ft.toInternal(upperStr));

          Term lowerTerm = new Term(field, lower);
          Term upperTerm = upper == null ? null : new Term(field, upper);

          TermEnum termEnum =
                  .terms(lowerTerm); // this will be positioned ready to go
          int i = 0;
          BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<String, Integer>> queue =
              (sort ? new BoundedTreeSet<CountPair<String, Integer>>(limit) : null);
          NamedList fieldTerms = new NamedList();
          terms.add(field, fieldTerms);
          Term lowerTestTerm = termEnum.term();

          // Only advance the enum if we are excluding the lower bound and the lower Term actually
          // matches
          if (lowerTestTerm != null
              && lowerIncl == false
              && lowerTestTerm.field() == field // intern'd comparison
              && lowerTestTerm.text().equals(lower)) {

          while (i < limit || sort) {

            Term theTerm = termEnum.term();

            // check for a different field, or the end of the index.
            if (theTerm == null || field != theTerm.field()) // intern'd comparison

            String indexedText = theTerm.text();

            // stop if the prefix doesn't match
            if (prefix != null && !indexedText.startsWith(prefix)) break;

            if (pattern != null && !pattern.matcher(indexedText).matches()) {

            if (upperTerm != null) {
              int upperCmp = theTerm.compareTo(upperTerm);
              // if we are past the upper term, or equal to it (when don't include upper) then stop.
              if (upperCmp > 0 || (upperCmp == 0 && !upperIncl)) break;

            // This is a good term in the range.  Check if mincount/maxcount conditions are
            // satisfied.
            int docFreq = termEnum.docFreq();
            if (docFreq >= freqmin && docFreq <= freqmax) {
              // add the term to the list
              String label = raw ? indexedText : ft.indexedToReadable(indexedText);
              if (sort) {
                queue.add(new CountPair<String, Integer>(label, docFreq));
              } else {
                fieldTerms.add(label, docFreq);



          if (sort) {
            for (CountPair<String, Integer> item : queue) {
              if (i < limit) {
                fieldTerms.add(item.key, item.val);
              } else {
      } else {
        throw new SolrException(
            SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "No terms.fl parameter specified");
 BloomFilterLoader(IndexReader reader, String field) {
   this.reader = reader;
   this.field = StringHelper.intern(field);
 public JSONWriter(Writer writer, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) {
   super(writer, req, rsp);
   namedListStyle = StringHelper.intern(req.getParams().get(JSON_NL_STYLE, JSON_NL_FLAT));
   wrapperFunction = req.getParams().get(JSON_WRAPPER_FUNCTION);
  private static float[] getFloats(FileFloatSource ffs, IndexReader reader) {
    float[] vals = new float[reader.maxDoc()];
    if (ffs.defVal != 0) {
      Arrays.fill(vals, ffs.defVal);
    InputStream is;
    String fname = "external_" + ffs.field.getName();
    try {
      is = VersionedFile.getLatestFile(ffs.dataDir, fname);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // log, use defaults
      SolrCore.log.error("Error opening external value source file: " + e);
      return vals;

    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

    String idName = StringHelper.intern(ffs.keyField.getName());
    FieldType idType = ffs.keyField.getType();
    boolean sorted = true; // assume sorted until we discover it's not

    // warning: lucene's termEnum.skipTo() is not optimized... it simply does a next()
    // because of this, simply ask the reader for a new termEnum rather than
    // trying to use skipTo()

    List<String> notFound = new ArrayList<String>();
    int notFoundCount = 0;
    int otherErrors = 0;

    TermDocs termDocs = null;
    Term protoTerm = new Term(idName, "");
    TermEnum termEnum = null;
    // Number of times to try termEnum.next() before resorting to skip
    int numTimesNext = 10;

    char delimiter = '=';
    String termVal;
    boolean hasNext = true;
    String prevKey = "";

    String lastVal = "\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF\uFFFF";

    try {
      termDocs = reader.termDocs();
      termEnum = reader.terms(protoTerm);
      Term t = termEnum.term();
      if (t != null && t.field() == idName) { // intern'd comparison
        termVal = t.text();
      } else {
        termVal = lastVal;

      for (String line; (line = r.readLine()) != null; ) {
        int delimIndex = line.indexOf(delimiter);
        if (delimIndex < 0) continue;

        int endIndex = line.length();
        /* EOLs should already be removed for BufferedReader.readLine()
        for(int endIndex = line.length();endIndex>delimIndex+1; endIndex--) {
          char ch = line.charAt(endIndex-1);
          if (ch!='\n' && ch!='\r') break;
        String key = line.substring(0, delimIndex);
        String val = line.substring(delimIndex + 1, endIndex);

        String internalKey = idType.toInternal(key);
        float fval;
        try {
          fval = Float.parseFloat(val);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (++otherErrors <= 10) {
                "Error loading external value source + fileName + "
                    + e
                    + (otherErrors < 10 ? "" : "\tSkipping future errors for this file."));
          continue; // go to next line in file.. leave values as default.

        if (sorted) {
          // make sure this key is greater than the previous key
          sorted = internalKey.compareTo(prevKey) >= 0;
          prevKey = internalKey;

          if (sorted) {
            int countNext = 0;
            for (; ; ) {
              int cmp = internalKey.compareTo(termVal);
              if (cmp == 0) {
                while (termDocs.next()) {
                  vals[termDocs.doc()] = fval;
              } else if (cmp < 0) {
                // term enum has already advanced past current key... we didn't find it.
                if (notFoundCount < 10) { // collect first 10 not found for logging
              } else {
                // termEnum is less than our current key, so skip ahead

                // try next() a few times to see if we hit or pass the target.
                // Lucene's termEnum.skipTo() is currently unoptimized (it just does next())
                // so the best thing is to simply ask the reader for a new termEnum(target)
                // if we really need to skip.
                if (++countNext > numTimesNext) {
                  termEnum = reader.terms(protoTerm.createTerm(internalKey));
                  t = termEnum.term();
                } else {
                  hasNext = termEnum.next();
                  t = hasNext ? termEnum.term() : null;

                if (t != null && t.field() == idName) { // intern'd comparison
                  termVal = t.text();
                } else {
                  termVal = lastVal;
            } // end for(;;)

        if (!sorted) {
          termEnum = reader.terms(protoTerm.createTerm(internalKey));
          t = termEnum.term();
          if (t != null
              && t.field() == idName // intern'd comparison
              && internalKey.equals(t.text())) {
            while (termDocs.next()) {
              vals[termDocs.doc()] = fval;
          } else {
            if (notFoundCount < 10) { // collect first 10 not found for logging
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // log, use defaults
      SolrCore.log.error("Error loading external value source: " + e);
    } finally {
      // swallow exceptions on close so we don't override any
      // exceptions that happened in the loop
      if (termDocs != null)
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
      if (termEnum != null)
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {

        "Loaded external value source "
            + fname
            + (notFoundCount == 0 ? "" : " :" + notFoundCount + " missing keys " + notFound));

    return vals;