// Appends a new packet of buffered deletes to the stream,
 // setting its generation:
 public synchronized long push(FrozenBufferedDeletes packet) {
    * The insert operation must be atomic. If we let threads increment the gen
    * and push the packet afterwards we risk that packets are out of order.
    * With DWPT this is possible if two or more flushes are racing for pushing
    * updates. If the pushed packets get our of order would loose documents
    * since deletes are applied to the wrong segments.
   assert packet.any();
   assert checkDeleteStats();
   assert packet.delGen() < nextGen;
   assert deletes.isEmpty() || deletes.get(deletes.size() - 1).delGen() < packet.delGen()
       : "Delete packets must be in order";
   if (infoStream.isEnabled("BD")) {
         "push deletes "
             + packet
             + " delGen="
             + packet.delGen()
             + " packetCount="
             + deletes.size()
             + " totBytesUsed="
             + bytesUsed.get());
   assert checkDeleteStats();
   return packet.delGen();