Exemple #1
   * Constructor.
   * @param engine the engine which is calling this interpreter
   * @param goal the query to be satisfied
   * @param clauses the set of code blocks needed to implement this goal
   * @param isTop true if this is a top level call from the outside iterator, false means it is an
   *     internal generator call which means we don't need to insert an tabled call
  public LPInterpreter(
      LPBRuleEngine engine, TriplePattern goal, List<RuleClauseCode> clauses, boolean isTop) {
    this.engine = engine;
    this.goal = goal; // Used for debug only

    // Construct dummy top environemnt which is a call into the clauses for this goal
    if (engine.getDerivationLogging()) {
      envFrame = new EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation(RuleClauseCode.returnCodeBlock);
    } else {
      envFrame = new EnvironmentFrame(RuleClauseCode.returnCodeBlock);
    HashMap<Node, Node> mappedVars = new HashMap<>();
    envFrame.pVars[0] = argVars[0] = standardize(goal.getSubject(), mappedVars);
    envFrame.pVars[1] = argVars[1] = standardize(goal.getPredicate(), mappedVars);
    envFrame.pVars[2] = argVars[2] = standardize(goal.getObject(), mappedVars);
    if (engine.getDerivationLogging()) {
      ((EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame).initDerivationRecord(argVars);

    if (clauses != null && clauses.size() > 0) {
      if (isTop && engine.getRuleStore().isTabled(goal)) {
        setupTabledCall(0, 0);
        //                setupClauseCall(0, 0, clauses);
      } else {
        setupClauseCall(0, 0, clauses, goal.isGround());

    //        TripleMatchFrame tmFrame = new TripleMatchFrame(this);
    topTMFrame = new TopLevelTripleMatchFrame(this, goal);
    topTMFrame.setContinuation(0, 0);
    cpFrame = topTMFrame;
Exemple #2
   * Return the next result from this engine, no further initialization. Should be called from
   * within an appropriately synchronized block.
  public Object next() {
    boolean traceOn = engine.isTraceOn();

    //        System.out.println("next() on interpeter for goal " + goal);
    StateFlag answer = run();
    //        System.out.println("end next() on interpeter for goal " + goal);

    if (answer == StateFlag.FAIL || answer == StateFlag.SUSPEND) {
      return answer;
    } else if (answer == StateFlag.SATISFIED) {
      if (traceOn) logger.info("RETURN: " + topTMFrame.lastMatch);
      return topTMFrame.lastMatch;
    } else {
      Triple t = new Triple(deref(pVars[0]), deref(pVars[1]), derefPossFunctor(pVars[2]));
      if (traceOn) logger.info("RETURN: " + t);
      return t;
Exemple #3
  * Constructor used to construct top level calls.
  * @param engine the engine which is calling this interpreter
  * @param goal the query to be satisfied
 public LPInterpreter(LPBRuleEngine engine, TriplePattern goal) {
   this(engine, goal, engine.getRuleStore().codeFor(goal), true);
Exemple #4
   * Restore the current choice point and restart execution of the LP code until either find a
   * successful branch (in which case exit with StateFlag.ACTIVE and variables bound to the correct
   * results) or exhaust all choice points (in which case exit with StateFlag.FAIL and no bound
   * results). In future tabled version could also exit with StateFlag.SUSPEND in cases whether the
   * intepreter needs to suspend to await tabled results from a parallel proof tree.
  protected StateFlag run() {
    int pc = 0; // Program code counter
    int ac = 0; // Program arg code counter
    RuleClauseCode clause = null; // The clause being executed
    ChoicePointFrame choice = null;
    byte[] code;
    Object[] args;
    boolean traceOn = engine.isTraceOn();
    boolean recordDerivations = engine.getDerivationLogging();

    while (cpFrame != null) {
      // restore choice point
      if (cpFrame instanceof ChoicePointFrame) {
        choice = (ChoicePointFrame) cpFrame;
        if (!choice.hasNext()) {
          // No more choices left in this choice point
          cpFrame = choice.getLink();
          if (traceOn)
            logger.info("FAIL in clause " + choice.envFrame.clause + " choices exhausted");
          continue main;

        clause = choice.nextClause();
        // Create an execution environment for the new choice of clause
        if (recordDerivations) {
          envFrame = new EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation(clause);
        } else {
          envFrame = new EnvironmentFrame(clause);
        envFrame.cpc = choice.cpc;
        envFrame.cac = choice.cac;

        // Restore the choice point state
        System.arraycopy(choice.argVars, 0, argVars, 0, RuleClauseCode.MAX_ARGUMENT_VARS);
        int trailMark = choice.trailIndex;
        if (trailMark < trail.size()) {
        pc = ac = 0;
        if (recordDerivations) {
          ((EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame).initDerivationRecord(argVars);

        if (traceOn) logger.info("ENTER " + clause + " : " + getArgTrace());

        // then fall through into the recreated execution context for the new call

      } else if (cpFrame instanceof TripleMatchFrame) {
        TripleMatchFrame tmFrame = (TripleMatchFrame) cpFrame;

        // Restore the calling context
        envFrame = tmFrame.envFrame;
        clause = envFrame.clause;
        int trailMark = tmFrame.trailIndex;
        if (trailMark < trail.size()) {

        // Find the next choice result directly
        if (!tmFrame.nextMatch(this)) {
          // No more matches
          cpFrame = cpFrame.getLink();
          if (traceOn) logger.info("TRIPLE match (" + tmFrame.goal + ") -> FAIL");
          continue main;
        if (traceOn) {
          logger.info("TRIPLE match (" + tmFrame.goal + ") -> " + getArgTrace());
          logger.info("RENTER " + clause);

        pc = tmFrame.cpc;
        ac = tmFrame.cac;

        if (recordDerivations) {
          if (envFrame instanceof EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) {
            ((EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame).noteMatch(tmFrame.goal, pc);

        // then fall through to the execution context in which the the match was called

      } else if (cpFrame instanceof TopLevelTripleMatchFrame) {
        TopLevelTripleMatchFrame tmFrame = (TopLevelTripleMatchFrame) cpFrame;

        // Find the next choice result directly
        if (!tmFrame.nextMatch(this)) {
          // No more matches
          cpFrame = cpFrame.getLink();
          if (traceOn) logger.info("TRIPLE match (" + tmFrame.goal + ") -> FAIL");
          continue main;
        } else {
          // Match but this is the top level so return the triple directly
          if (traceOn) logger.info("TRIPLE match (" + tmFrame.goal + ") ->");
          return StateFlag.SATISFIED;

      } else if (cpFrame instanceof ConsumerChoicePointFrame) {
        ConsumerChoicePointFrame ccp = (ConsumerChoicePointFrame) cpFrame;

        // Restore the calling context
        envFrame = ccp.envFrame;
        clause = envFrame.clause;
        if (traceOn)
          logger.info("RESTORE " + clause + ", due to tabled goal " + ccp.generator.goal);
        int trailMark = ccp.trailIndex;
        if (trailMark < trail.size()) {

        // Find the next choice result directly
        StateFlag state = ccp.nextMatch(this);
        if (state == StateFlag.FAIL) {
          // No more matches
          cpFrame = cpFrame.getLink();
          if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
          continue main;
        } else if (state == StateFlag.SUSPEND) {
          // Require other generators to cycle before resuming this one
          cpFrame = cpFrame.getLink();
          if (traceOn) logger.info("SUSPEND " + clause);
          continue main;

        pc = ccp.cpc;
        ac = ccp.cac;

        if (recordDerivations) {
          if (envFrame instanceof EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) {
            ((EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame).noteMatch(ccp.goal, pc);

        // then fall through to the execution context in which the the match was called

      } else {
        throw new ReasonerException(
            "Internal error in backward rule system, unrecognized choice point");


      while (envFrame != null) {

        // Start of bytecode intepreter loop
        // Init the state variables
        pVars = envFrame.pVars;
        int yi, ai, ti;
        Node arg, constant;
        code = clause.getCode();
        args = clause.getArgs();

        while (true) {
          switch (code[pc++]) {
            case RuleClauseCode.TEST_BOUND:
              ai = code[pc++];
              if (deref(argVars[ai]).isVariable()) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.TEST_UNBOUND:
              ai = code[pc++];
              if (!deref(argVars[ai]).isVariable()) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.ALLOCATE:
              int envSize = code[pc++];
              pVars = envFrame.pVars;

            case RuleClauseCode.GET_VARIABLE:
              yi = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              pVars[yi] = argVars[ai];

            case RuleClauseCode.GET_TEMP:
              ti = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              tVars[ti] = argVars[ai];

            case RuleClauseCode.GET_CONSTANT:
              ai = code[pc++];
              arg = argVars[ai];
              if (arg instanceof Node_RuleVariable) arg = ((Node_RuleVariable) arg).deref();
              constant = (Node) args[ac++];
              if (arg instanceof Node_RuleVariable) {
                bind(arg, constant);
              } else {
                if (!arg.sameValueAs(constant)) {
                  if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                  continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.GET_FUNCTOR:
              Functor func = (Functor) args[ac++];
              boolean match = false;
              Node o = argVars[2];
              if (o instanceof Node_RuleVariable) o = ((Node_RuleVariable) o).deref();
              if (Functor.isFunctor(o)) {
                Functor funcArg = (Functor) o.getLiteralValue();
                if (funcArg.getName().equals(func.getName())) {
                  if (funcArg.getArgLength() == func.getArgLength()) {
                    Node[] fargs = funcArg.getArgs();
                    for (int i = 0; i < fargs.length; i++) {
                      argVars[i + 3] = fargs[i];
                    match = true;
              } else if (o.isVariable()) {
                // Construct a new functor in place
                Node[] fargs = new Node[func.getArgLength()];
                Node[] templateArgs = func.getArgs();
                for (int i = 0; i < fargs.length; i++) {
                  Node template = templateArgs[i];
                  if (template.isVariable()) template = new Node_RuleVariable(null, i + 3);
                  fargs[i] = template;
                  argVars[i + 3] = template;
                Node newFunc = Functor.makeFunctorNode(func.getName(), fargs);
                bind(((Node_RuleVariable) o).deref(), newFunc);
                match = true;
              if (!match) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                continue main; // fail to unify functor shape

            case RuleClauseCode.UNIFY_VARIABLE:
              yi = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              if (!unify(argVars[ai], pVars[yi])) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.UNIFY_TEMP:
              ti = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              if (!unify(argVars[ai], tVars[ti])) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause);
                continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.PUT_NEW_VARIABLE:
              yi = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = pVars[yi] = new Node_RuleVariable(null, yi);

            case RuleClauseCode.PUT_VARIABLE:
              yi = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = pVars[yi];

            case RuleClauseCode.PUT_DEREF_VARIABLE:
              yi = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = deref(pVars[yi]);

            case RuleClauseCode.PUT_TEMP:
              ti = code[pc++];
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = tVars[ti];

            case RuleClauseCode.PUT_CONSTANT:
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = (Node) args[ac++];

            case RuleClauseCode.CLEAR_ARG:
              ai = code[pc++];
              argVars[ai] = new Node_RuleVariable(null, ai);

            case RuleClauseCode.MAKE_FUNCTOR:
              Functor f = (Functor) args[ac++];
              Node[] fargs = new Node[f.getArgLength()];
              System.arraycopy(argVars, 3, fargs, 0, fargs.length);
              argVars[2] = Functor.makeFunctorNode(f.getName(), fargs);

            case RuleClauseCode.LAST_CALL_PREDICATE:
              // TODO: improved implementation of last call case
            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_PREDICATE:
              List<RuleClauseCode> clauses = ((RuleClauseCodeList) args[ac++]).getList();
              // Check if this call is now grounded
              boolean groundCall =
                  isGrounded(argVars[0]) && isGrounded(argVars[1]) && isGrounded(argVars[2]);
              setupClauseCall(pc, ac, clauses, groundCall);
              setupTripleMatchCall(pc, ac);
              continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_PREDICATE_INDEX:
              // This code path is experimental, don't yet know if it has enough
              // performance benefit to justify the cost of maintaining it.
              clauses = ((RuleClauseCodeList) args[ac++]).getList();
              // Check if we can futher index the clauses
              if (!argVars[2].isVariable()) {
                clauses =
                        .codeFor(new TriplePattern(argVars[0], argVars[1], argVars[2]));
              setupClauseCall(pc, ac, clauses, false);
              setupTripleMatchCall(pc, ac);
              continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_TRIPLE_MATCH:
              setupTripleMatchCall(pc, ac);
              continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_TABLED:
              setupTabledCall(pc, ac);
              continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_WILD_TABLED:
              Node predicate = deref(argVars[1]);
              if (engine.getRuleStore().isTabled(predicate)) {
                setupTabledCall(pc, ac);
              } else {
                // normal call set up
                clauses =
                        .codeFor(new TriplePattern(argVars[0], predicate, argVars[2]));
                if (clauses != null) setupClauseCall(pc, ac, clauses, false);
                setupTripleMatchCall(pc, ac);
              continue main;

            case RuleClauseCode.PROCEED:
              pc = envFrame.cpc;
              ac = envFrame.cac;
              if (traceOn) logger.info("EXIT " + clause);
              if (choice != null) choice.noteSuccess();
              if (recordDerivations && envFrame.getRule() != null) {
                if (envFrame instanceof EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) {
                  EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation efd = (EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame;
                  Triple result = efd.getResult();
                  List<Triple> matches = efd.getMatchList();
                  BackwardRuleInfGraphI infGraph = engine.getInfGraph();
                  RuleDerivation d =
                      new RuleDerivation(envFrame.getRule(), result, matches, infGraph);
                  infGraph.logDerivation(result, d);

                  // Also want to record this result in the calling frame
                  if (envFrame.link instanceof EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) {
                    EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation pefd =
                        (EnvironmentFrameWithDerivation) envFrame.link;
                    pefd.noteMatch(new TriplePattern(result), pc);
              envFrame = (EnvironmentFrame) envFrame.link;
              if (envFrame != null) {
                clause = envFrame.clause;
              continue interpreter;

            case RuleClauseCode.CALL_BUILTIN:
              Builtin builtin = (Builtin) args[ac++];
              if (context == null) {
                BBRuleContext bbcontext = new BBRuleContext(engine.getInfGraph());
                bbcontext.setEnv(new LPBindingEnvironment(this));
                context = bbcontext;
              if (!builtin.bodyCall(argVars, code[pc++], context)) {
                if (traceOn) logger.info("FAIL " + clause + ", due to " + builtin.getName());
                continue main;

              throw new ReasonerException(
                  "Internal error in backward rule system\nIllegal op code");
        // End of innter code loop
      // End of bytecode interpreter loop, gets to here if we complete an AND chain
      return StateFlag.ACTIVE;
    // Gets to here if we have run out of choice point frames
    return StateFlag.FAIL;
Exemple #5
  * Stop the current work. This is called if the top level results iterator has either finished or
  * the calling application has had enough.
 public void close() {
   isComplete = true;
   if (cpFrame != null) cpFrame.close();
Exemple #6
  * Constructor.
  * @param engine the engine which is calling this interpreter
  * @param goal the query to be satisfied
  * @param isTop true if this is a top level call from the outside iterator, false means it is an
  *     internal generator call which means we don't need to insert an tabled call
 public LPInterpreter(LPBRuleEngine engine, TriplePattern goal, boolean isTop) {
   this(engine, goal, engine.getRuleStore().codeFor(goal), isTop);