/** * Checks that gets work for implicit txs. * * @param cache Cache to test. * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void checkExplicitTx(Ignite ignite, IgniteCache<String, String> cache) throws Exception { IgniteCache<String, String> asyncCache = cache.withAsync(); Transaction tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(); try { assertNull(cache.get("key1")); tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(); try { asyncCache.get("key2"); assertNull(asyncCache.future().get()); tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(); try { assertTrue(cache.getAll(F.asSet("key3", "key4")).isEmpty()); tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(); try { asyncCache.getAll(F.asSet("key5", "key6")); assertTrue(((Map) asyncCache.future().get()).isEmpty()); tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } tx = ignite.transactions().txStart(); try { cache.put("key7", "key7"); cache.remove("key7"); assertNull(cache.get("key7")); tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } checkEmpty(cache); }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testInternalTaskMetrics() throws Exception { Ignite ignite = grid(); // Visor task is internal and should not affect metrics. ignite.compute().withName("visor-test-task").execute(new TestInternalTask(), "testArg"); // Let metrics update twice. final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2); ignite .events() .localListen( new IgnitePredicate<Event>() { @Override public boolean apply(Event evt) { assert evt.type() == EVT_NODE_METRICS_UPDATED; latch.countDown(); return true; } }, EVT_NODE_METRICS_UPDATED); // Wait for metrics update. latch.await(); ClusterMetrics metrics = ignite.cluster().localNode().metrics(); info("Node metrics: " + metrics); assert metrics.getAverageActiveJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getAverageCancelledJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getAverageJobExecuteTime() == 0; assert metrics.getAverageJobWaitTime() == 0; assert metrics.getAverageRejectedJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getAverageWaitingJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getCurrentActiveJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getCurrentCancelledJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getCurrentJobExecuteTime() == 0; assert metrics.getCurrentJobWaitTime() == 0; assert metrics.getCurrentWaitingJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumActiveJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumCancelledJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumJobExecuteTime() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumJobWaitTime() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumRejectedJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getMaximumWaitingJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getTotalCancelledJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getTotalExecutedJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getTotalRejectedJobs() == 0; assert metrics.getTotalExecutedTasks() == 0; assertTrue( "MaximumJobExecuteTime=" + metrics.getMaximumJobExecuteTime() + " is less than AverageJobExecuteTime=" + metrics.getAverageJobExecuteTime(), metrics.getMaximumJobExecuteTime() >= metrics.getAverageJobExecuteTime()); }
/** * Tests preset eviction policy. * * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void checkPolicy0() throws Exception { for (TransactionConcurrency concurrency : TransactionConcurrency.values()) { txConcurrency = concurrency; for (TransactionIsolation isolation : TransactionIsolation.values()) { txIsolation = isolation; Ignite g = startGrids(); IgniteCache<String, String> cache = g.cache(null); try { info( ">>> Checking policy [txConcurrency=" + txConcurrency + ", txIsolation=" + txIsolation + ", plc=" + plc + ", nearPlc=" + nearPlc + ']'); checkExplicitTx(g, cache); checkImplicitTx(cache); } finally { stopAllGrids(); } } } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testIoMetrics() throws Exception { Ignite ignite0 = grid(); Ignite ignite1 = startGrid(1); Object msg = new TestMessage(); int size = ignite0.configuration().getMarshaller().marshal(msg).length; assert size > MSG_SIZE; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(MSG_CNT); ignite0 .message() .localListen( null, new MessagingListenActor<TestMessage>() { @Override protected void receive(UUID nodeId, TestMessage rcvMsg) throws Throwable { latch.countDown(); } }); ignite1 .message() .localListen( null, new MessagingListenActor<TestMessage>() { @Override protected void receive(UUID nodeId, TestMessage rcvMsg) throws Throwable { respond(rcvMsg); } }); for (int i = 0; i < MSG_CNT; i++) message(ignite0.cluster().forRemotes()).send(null, msg); latch.await(); ClusterMetrics metrics = ignite0.cluster().localNode().metrics(); info("Node 0 metrics: " + metrics); // Time sync messages are being sent. assert metrics.getSentMessagesCount() >= MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getSentBytesCount() > size * MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getReceivedMessagesCount() >= MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getReceivedBytesCount() > size * MSG_CNT; metrics = ignite1.cluster().localNode().metrics(); info("Node 1 metrics: " + metrics); // Time sync messages are being sent. assert metrics.getSentMessagesCount() >= MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getSentBytesCount() > size * MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getReceivedMessagesCount() >= MSG_CNT; assert metrics.getReceivedBytesCount() > size * MSG_CNT; }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings({"AssignmentToCatchBlockParameter"}) public void testCancel() throws Exception { Ignite ignite = G.ignite(getTestGridName()); ignite .compute() .localDeployTask(GridCancelTestTask.class, GridCancelTestTask.class.getClassLoader()); ComputeTaskFuture<?> res0 = executeAsync( ignite.compute().withTimeout(maxJobExecTime * 2), GridCancelTestTask.class.getName(), null); try { Object res = res0.get(); info("Cancel test result: " + res); synchronized (mux) { // Every execute must be called. assert execCnt <= SPLIT_COUNT : "Invalid execute count: " + execCnt; // Job returns 1 if was cancelled. assert (Integer) res <= SPLIT_COUNT : "Invalid task result: " + res; // Should be exactly the same as Jobs number. assert cancelCnt <= SPLIT_COUNT : "Invalid cancel count: " + cancelCnt; // One per start and one per stop and some that come with heartbeats. assert colResolutionCnt > SPLIT_COUNT + 1 : "Invalid collision resolution count: " + colResolutionCnt; } } catch (ComputeTaskTimeoutException e) { error("Task execution got timed out.", e); } catch (Exception e) { assert e.getCause() != null; if (e.getCause() instanceof IgniteCheckedException) e = (Exception) e.getCause(); if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) e = (Exception) e.getCause(); assert e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException : "Invalid exception cause: " + e.getCause(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void testRemoteNodes() throws Exception { int size = remoteNodeIds().size(); String name = "oneMoreGrid"; try { Ignite g = startGrid(name); UUID joinedId = g.cluster().localNode().id(); assert projection().forRemotes().nodes().size() == size + 1; assert F.nodeIds(projection().forRemotes().nodes()).contains(joinedId); } finally { stopGrid(name); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testDeployment() throws Exception { Ignite ignite = startGrid(GRID_NAME); Class cls = getExternalClassLoader().loadClass(TEST_TASK_1); compute(ignite.cluster().forRemotes()).execute(cls, null); stopGrid(GRID_NAME); ignite = startGrid(GRID_NAME); cls = getExternalClassLoader().loadClass(TEST_TASK_2); compute(ignite.cluster().forRemotes()).execute(cls, null); stopGrid(GRID_NAME); }
/** @throws Exception if error occur. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void checkGar() throws Exception { initGar = true; String garDir = "modules/extdata/p2p/deploy"; String garFileName = "p2p.gar"; File origGarPath = U.resolveIgnitePath(garDir + '/' + garFileName); File tmpPath = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); if (!tmpPath.mkdir()) throw new IOException("Can not create temp directory"); try { File newGarFile = new File(tmpPath, garFileName); U.copy(origGarPath, newGarFile, false); assert newGarFile.exists(); try { garFile = "file:///" + tmpPath.getAbsolutePath(); try { Ignite ignite1 = startGrid(1); Ignite ignite2 = startGrid(2); Integer res = ignite1 .compute() .<UUID, Integer>execute(TASK_NAME, ignite2.cluster().localNode().id()); assert res != null; } finally { stopGrid(1); stopGrid(2); } } finally { if (newGarFile != null && !newGarFile.delete()) error("Can not delete temp gar file"); } } finally { if (!tmpPath.delete()) error("Can not delete temp directory"); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ public void testClusterNodeMetrics() throws Exception { final Ignite ignite0 = grid(); final Ignite ignite1 = startGrid(1); GridTestUtils.waitForCondition( new GridAbsPredicate() { @Override public boolean apply() { return ignite0.cluster().nodes().size() == 2 && ignite1.cluster().nodes().size() == 2; } }, 3000L); ClusterMetrics metrics0 = ignite0.cluster().localNode().metrics(); ClusterMetrics nodesMetrics = ignite0 .cluster() .forNode(ignite0.cluster().localNode(), ignite1.cluster().localNode()) .metrics(); assertEquals(metrics0.getTotalCpus(), nodesMetrics.getTotalCpus()); assertEquals(1, metrics0.getTotalNodes()); assertEquals(2, nodesMetrics.getTotalNodes()); assert metrics0.getHeapMemoryUsed() > 0; assert metrics0.getHeapMemoryTotal() > 0; assert metrics0.getNonHeapMemoryMaximum() > 0; }
/** * Test what happens if peer class loading is disabled. * * @throws Exception if error occur. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void checkClassNotFound() throws Exception { initGar = false; try { Ignite ignite1 = startGrid(1); Ignite ignite2 = startGrid(2); Class task = extLdr.loadClass(TASK_NAME); try { ignite1.compute().execute(task, ignite2.cluster().localNode().id()); assert false; } catch (IgniteException e) { info("Received expected exception: " + e); } } finally { stopGrid(1); stopGrid(2); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ @SuppressWarnings({"TooBroadScope"}) public void testAsyncListen() throws Exception { final String hello = "HELLO!"; final String bye = "BYE!"; final Ignite g = grid(0); final UUID locNodeId = g.cluster().localNode().id(); g.message() .remoteListen( null, new MessagingListenActor<String>() { @Override protected void receive(UUID nodeId, String rcvMsg) throws Throwable { if (hello.equals(rcvMsg)) { assertEquals(locNodeId, nodeId); assertEquals(hello, rcvMsg); stop(bye); } } }); final AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger(); g.message() .localListen( null, new P2<UUID, String>() { @Override public boolean apply(UUID nodeId, String msg) { if (msg.equals(bye)) cnt.incrementAndGet(); return true; } }); g.message().send(null, hello); GridTestUtils.waitForCondition( new GridAbsPredicate() { @Override public boolean apply() { return cnt.get() == g.cluster().nodes().size(); } }, 5000); assertEquals(cnt.get(), g.cluster().nodes().size()); }
/** * @param g Grid. * @throws Exception If failed. */ private void checkNodes(Ignite g) throws Exception { IgniteCache<String, String> cache = g.cache("test"); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { String key = Character.toString(c); cache.put(key, "val-" + key); String v1 = cache.get(key); String v2 = cache.get(key); // Get second time. info("v1: " + v1); info("v2: " + v2); assertNotNull(v1); assertNotNull(v2); if (affinity(cache).mapKeyToNode(key).isLocal()) assertSame(v1, v2); else assertEquals(v1, v2); } }
/** @throws Exception If failed. */ private void doTest() throws Exception { System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); try { useCache = true; startGridsMultiThreaded(GRID_CNT); useCache = false; Ignite ignite = startGrid(); final IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, String> ldr = ignite.dataStreamer(null); ldr.perNodeBufferSize(8192); ldr.receiver(DataStreamerCacheUpdaters.<Integer, String>batchedSorted()); ldr.autoFlushFrequency(0); final LongAdder8 cnt = new LongAdder8(); long start = U.currentTimeMillis(); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @SuppressWarnings("BusyWait") @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { break; } info(">>> Adds/sec: " + cnt.sumThenReset() / 10); } } }); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); int threadNum = 2; // Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); multithreaded( new Callable<Object>() { @SuppressWarnings("InfiniteLoopStatement") @Override public Object call() throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom8 rnd = ThreadLocalRandom8.current(); while (true) { int i = rnd.nextInt(ENTRY_CNT); ldr.addData(i, vals[rnd.nextInt(vals.length)]); cnt.increment(); } } }, threadNum, "loader"); info("Closing loader..."); ldr.close(false); long duration = U.currentTimeMillis() - start; info("Finished performance test. Duration: " + duration + "ms."); } finally { stopAllGrids(); } }