public void pruneCandidateFactWithCandidateSet(CandidateTablePruneCause pruneCause) { // remove candidate facts that are not part of any covering set Set<CandidateFact> allCoveringFacts = new HashSet<CandidateFact>(); for (Set<CandidateFact> set : candidateFactSets) { allCoveringFacts.addAll(set); } for (Iterator<CandidateFact> i = candidateFacts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { CandidateFact cfact =; if (!allCoveringFacts.contains(cfact)) {"Not considering fact table:{} as {}", cfact, pruneCause); addFactPruningMsgs(cfact.fact, pruneCause); i.remove(); } } }
public boolean isCubeMeasure(String col) { if (col == null) { return false; } col = col.trim(); // Take care of brackets added around col names in HQLParsrer.getString if (col.startsWith("(") && col.endsWith(")") && col.length() > 2) { col = col.substring(1, col.length() - 1); } String[] split = StringUtils.split(col, "."); if (split.length <= 1) { col = col.trim().toLowerCase(); if (queriedExprs.contains(col)) { return exprCtx .getExpressionContext(col, getAliasForTableName(cube.getName())) .hasMeasures(); } else { return cube.getMeasureNames().contains(col); } } else { String cubeName = split[0].trim().toLowerCase(); String colName = split[1].trim().toLowerCase(); if (cubeName.equalsIgnoreCase(cube.getName()) || cubeName.equals(getAliasForTableName(cube.getName()))) { if (queriedExprs.contains(colName)) { return exprCtx.getExpressionContext(colName, cubeName).hasMeasures(); } else { return cube.getMeasureNames().contains(colName.toLowerCase()); } } else { return false; } } }
public boolean isAggregateExpr(String expr) { return aggregateExprs.contains(expr == null ? null : expr.toLowerCase()); }