  * Input array is used to fill the entire size of the vector row batch
 private VectorizedRowBatch getVectorizedRowBatch(int[] inputs, int size) {
   VectorizedRowBatch batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(2, size);
   LongColumnVector lcv = new LongColumnVector(size);
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     lcv.vector[i] = inputs[i % inputs.length];
   batch.cols[0] = lcv;
   batch.cols[1] = new LongColumnVector(size);
   batch.size = size;
   return batch;
 private VectorizedRowBatch getVectorizedRandomRowBatch(int seed, int size) {
   VectorizedRowBatch batch = new VectorizedRowBatch(2, size);
   LongColumnVector lcv = new LongColumnVector(size);
   Random rand = new Random(seed);
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     lcv.vector[i] = (rand.nextInt());
   batch.cols[0] = lcv;
   batch.cols[1] = new LongColumnVector(size);
   batch.size = size;
   return batch;
Exemple #3
  public void evaluate(VectorizedRowBatch batch) {
    int n = batch.size;
    if (n <= 0) {

    VectorExpression childExpr1 = this.childExpressions[0];

    boolean prevSelectInUse = batch.selectedInUse;

    // Save the original selected vector
    int[] sel = batch.selected;
    if (batch.selectedInUse) {
      System.arraycopy(sel, 0, initialSelected, 0, n);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        initialSelected[i] = i;
        sel[i] = i;
      batch.selectedInUse = true;


    // Preserve the selected reference and size values generated
    // after the first child is evaluated.
    int sizeAfterFirstChild = batch.size;
    int[] selectedAfterFirstChild = batch.selected;

    // Calculate unselected ones in last evaluate.
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      tmp[initialSelected[j]] = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < batch.size; j++) {
      tmp[selectedAfterFirstChild[j]] = 1;
    int unselectedSize = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      int i = initialSelected[j];
      if (tmp[i] == 0) {
        unselected[unselectedSize++] = i;

    int newSize = sizeAfterFirstChild;

    batch.selected = unselected;
    batch.size = unselectedSize;

    if (unselectedSize > 0) {

      // Evaluate subsequent child expression over unselected ones only.

      final int childrenCount = this.childExpressions.length;
      int childIndex = 1;
      while (true) {

        boolean isLastChild = (childIndex + 1 >= childrenCount);

        // When we have yet another child beyond the current one... save unselected.
        if (!isLastChild) {
          System.arraycopy(batch.selected, 0, unselectedCopy, 0, unselectedSize);

        VectorExpression childExpr = this.childExpressions[childIndex];


        // Merge the result of last evaluate to previous evaluate.
        newSize += batch.size;
        for (int i = 0; i < batch.size; i++) {
          tmp[batch.selected[i]] = 1;

        if (isLastChild) {

        unselectedSize =
            subtract(unselectedCopy, unselectedSize, batch.selected, batch.size, difference);
        if (unselectedSize == 0) {
        System.arraycopy(difference, 0, batch.selected, 0, unselectedSize);
        batch.size = unselectedSize;


    // Important: Restore the batch's selected array.
    batch.selected = selectedAfterFirstChild;

    int k = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      int i = initialSelected[j];
      if (tmp[i] == 1) {
        batch.selected[k++] = i;

    batch.size = newSize;
    if (newSize == n) {
      // Filter didn't do anything
      batch.selectedInUse = prevSelectInUse;
  public void process(Object row, int tag) throws HiveException {

    try {
      VectorizedRowBatch batch = (VectorizedRowBatch) row;

      alias = (byte) tag;

      if (needCommonSetup) {
        // Our one time process method initialization.

         * Initialize Single-Column String members for this specialized class.

        singleJoinColumn = bigTableKeyColumnMap[0];

        needCommonSetup = false;

      if (needHashTableSetup) {
        // Setup our hash table specialization.  It will be the first time the process
        // method is called, or after a Hybrid Grace reload.

         * Get our Single-Column String hash map information for this specialized class.

        hashMap = (VectorMapJoinBytesHashMap) vectorMapJoinHashTable;

        needHashTableSetup = false;


      // Do the per-batch setup for an outer join.


      // For outer join, DO NOT apply filters yet.  It is incorrect for outer join to
      // apply the filter before hash table matching.

      final int inputLogicalSize = batch.size;

      if (inputLogicalSize == 0) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug(CLASS_NAME + " batch #" + batchCounter + " empty");

      // Perform any key expressions.  Results will go into scratch columns.
      if (bigTableKeyExpressions != null) {
        for (VectorExpression ve : bigTableKeyExpressions) {

      // We rebuild in-place the selected array with rows destine to be forwarded.
      int numSel = 0;

       * Single-Column String specific declarations.

      // The one join column for this specialized class.
      BytesColumnVector joinColVector = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[singleJoinColumn];
      byte[][] vector = joinColVector.vector;
      int[] start = joinColVector.start;
      int[] length = joinColVector.length;

       * Single-Column String check for repeating.

      // Check single column for repeating.
      boolean allKeyInputColumnsRepeating = joinColVector.isRepeating;

      if (allKeyInputColumnsRepeating) {

         * Repeating.

        // All key input columns are repeating.  Generate key once.  Lookup once.
        // Since the key is repeated, we must use entry 0 regardless of selectedInUse.

         * Single-Column String specific repeated lookup.

        JoinUtil.JoinResult joinResult;
        if (!joinColVector.noNulls && joinColVector.isNull[0]) {
          // Null key is no match for whole batch.
          joinResult = JoinUtil.JoinResult.NOMATCH;
        } else {
          // Handle *repeated* join key, if found.
          byte[] keyBytes = vector[0];
          int keyStart = start[0];
          int keyLength = length[0];
          joinResult = hashMap.lookup(keyBytes, keyStart, keyLength, hashMapResults[0]);

         * Common repeated join result processing.

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              CLASS_NAME + " batch #" + batchCounter + " repeated joinResult " + joinResult.name());
        numSel = finishOuterRepeated(batch, joinResult, hashMapResults[0], scratch1);
      } else {

         * NOT Repeating.

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug(CLASS_NAME + " batch #" + batchCounter + " non-repeated");

        int selected[] = batch.selected;
        boolean selectedInUse = batch.selectedInUse;

        // For outer join we must apply the filter after match and cause some matches to become
        // non-matches, we do not track non-matches here.  Instead we remember all non spilled rows
        // and compute non matches later in finishOuter.
        int hashMapResultCount = 0;
        int matchCount = 0;
        int nonSpillCount = 0;
        int spillCount = 0;

         * Single-Column String specific variables.

        int saveKeyBatchIndex = -1;

        // We optimize performance by only looking up the first key in a series of equal keys.
        boolean haveSaveKey = false;
        JoinUtil.JoinResult saveJoinResult = JoinUtil.JoinResult.NOMATCH;

        // Logical loop over the rows in the batch since the batch may have selected in use.
        for (int logical = 0; logical < inputLogicalSize; logical++) {
          int batchIndex = (selectedInUse ? selected[logical] : logical);

           * Single-Column String outer null detection.

          boolean isNull = !joinColVector.noNulls && joinColVector.isNull[batchIndex];

          if (isNull) {

            // Have that the NULL does not interfere with the current equal key series, if there
            // is one. We do not set saveJoinResult.
            //    Let a current MATCH equal key series keep going, or
            //    Let a current SPILL equal key series keep going, or
            //    Let a current NOMATCH keep not matching.

            // Remember non-matches for Outer Join.
            nonSpills[nonSpillCount++] = batchIndex;
            // LOG.debug(CLASS_NAME + " logical " + logical + " batchIndex " + batchIndex + "
            // NULL");
          } else {

             * Single-Column String outer get key.

            // Implicit -- use batchIndex.

             * Equal key series checking.

            if (!haveSaveKey
                || StringExpr.compare(
                    != 0) {
              // New key.

              if (haveSaveKey) {
                // Move on with our count(s).
                switch (saveJoinResult) {
                  case MATCH:
                  case SPILL:
                  case NOMATCH:

              // Regardless of our matching result, we keep that information to make multiple use
              // of it for a possible series of equal keys.
              haveSaveKey = true;

               * Single-Column String specific save key.

              saveKeyBatchIndex = batchIndex;

               * Single-Column Long specific lookup key.

              byte[] keyBytes = vector[batchIndex];
              int keyStart = start[batchIndex];
              int keyLength = length[batchIndex];

              saveJoinResult =
                  hashMap.lookup(keyBytes, keyStart, keyLength, hashMapResults[hashMapResultCount]);
              // LOG.debug(CLASS_NAME + " logical " + logical + " batchIndex " + batchIndex + " New
              // Key " + saveJoinResult.name());
            } else {
              // LOG.debug(CLASS_NAME + " logical " + logical + " batchIndex " + batchIndex + " Key
              // Continues " + saveJoinResult.name());

             * Common outer join result processing.

            switch (saveJoinResult) {
              case MATCH:
                matchs[matchCount] = batchIndex;
                matchHashMapResultIndices[matchCount] = hashMapResultCount;
                nonSpills[nonSpillCount++] = batchIndex;

              case SPILL:
                spills[spillCount] = batchIndex;
                spillHashMapResultIndices[spillCount] = hashMapResultCount;

              case NOMATCH:
                nonSpills[nonSpillCount++] = batchIndex;
                // VectorizedBatchUtil.debugDisplayOneRow(batch, batchIndex, CLASS_NAME + " NOMATCH
                // duplicate");

        if (haveSaveKey) {
          // Account for last equal key sequence.
          switch (saveJoinResult) {
            case MATCH:
            case SPILL:
            case NOMATCH:

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  + " batch #"
                  + batchCounter
                  + " matchs "
                  + intArrayToRangesString(matchs, matchCount)
                  + " matchHashMapResultIndices "
                  + intArrayToRangesString(matchHashMapResultIndices, matchCount)
                  + " nonSpills "
                  + intArrayToRangesString(nonSpills, nonSpillCount)
                  + " spills "
                  + intArrayToRangesString(spills, spillCount)
                  + " spillHashMapResultIndices "
                  + intArrayToRangesString(spillHashMapResultIndices, spillCount)
                  + " hashMapResults "
                  + Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOfRange(hashMapResults, 0, hashMapResultCount)));

        // We will generate results for all matching and non-matching rows.
        // Note that scratch1 is undefined at this point -- it's preallocated storage.
        numSel =

      batch.selectedInUse = true;
      batch.size = numSel;

      if (batch.size > 0) {
        // Forward any remaining selected rows.

    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new HiveException(e);