public BytesBytesMultiHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, int wbSize, long memUsage) {
    if (loadFactor < 0 || loadFactor > 1) {
      throw new AssertionError("Load factor must be between (0, 1].");
    assert initialCapacity > 0;
    initialCapacity =
        (Long.bitCount(initialCapacity) == 1)
            ? initialCapacity
            : nextHighestPowerOfTwo(initialCapacity);
    // 8 bytes per long in the refs, assume data will be empty. This is just a sanity check.
    int maxCapacity =
        (memUsage <= 0)
            : (int) Math.min((long) DEFAULT_MAX_CAPACITY, memUsage / 8);
    if (maxCapacity < initialCapacity || initialCapacity <= 0) {
      // Either initialCapacity is too large, or nextHighestPowerOfTwo overflows
      initialCapacity =
          (Long.bitCount(maxCapacity) == 1) ? maxCapacity : nextLowestPowerOfTwo(maxCapacity);

    startingHashBitCount = 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(initialCapacity);
    this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
    refs = new long[initialCapacity];
    writeBuffers = new WriteBuffers(wbSize, MAX_WB_SIZE);
    resizeThreshold = (int) (initialCapacity * this.loadFactor);
  private void expandAndRehashImpl(long capacity) {
    long expandTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final long[] oldRefs = refs;
    long[] newRefs = new long[(int) capacity];

    // We store some hash bits in ref; for every expansion, we need to add one bit to hash.
    // If we have enough bits, we'll do that; if we don't, we'll rehash.
    //"Expanding the hashtable to " + capacity + " capacity");
    int newHashBitCount = hashBitCount + 1;

    // Relocate all assigned slots from the old hash table.
    int maxSteps = 0;
    for (int oldSlot = 0; oldSlot < oldRefs.length; ++oldSlot) {
      long oldRef = oldRefs[oldSlot];
      if (oldRef == 0) {
      // TODO: we could actually store a bit flag in ref indicating whether this is a hash
      //       match or a probe, and in the former case use hash bits (for a first few resizes).
      // int hashCodeOrPart = oldSlot | Ref.getNthHashBit(oldRef, startingHashBitCount,
      // newHashBitCount);
      writeBuffers.setReadPoint(getFirstRecordLengthsOffset(oldRef, null));
      // Read the value and key length for the first record.
      int hashCode =
                  Ref.getOffset(oldRef) - writeBuffers.readVLong() - writeBuffers.readVLong() - 4,
      int probeSteps = relocateKeyRef(newRefs, oldRef, hashCode);
      maxSteps = Math.max(probeSteps, maxSteps);
    this.refs = newRefs;
    this.largestNumberOfSteps = maxSteps;
    this.hashBitCount = newHashBitCount;
    this.resizeThreshold = (int) (capacity * loadFactor);
    metricExpandsMs += (System.currentTimeMillis() - expandTime);