@Test public void testEncodedLength() { PositionedByteRange buff = new SimplePositionedMutableByteRange(20); for (DataType<byte[]> type : new OrderedBlobVar[] {OrderedBlobVar.ASCENDING, OrderedBlobVar.DESCENDING}) { for (byte[] val : VALUES) { buff.setPosition(0); type.encode(buff, val); assertEquals( "encodedLength does not match actual, " + Bytes.toStringBinary(val), buff.getPosition(), type.encodedLength(val)); } } }
@Test public void testEncodedLength() { PositionedByteRange buff = new SimplePositionedMutableByteRange(20); for (DataType<String> type : new OrderedString[] {OrderedString.ASCENDING, OrderedString.DESCENDING}) { for (String val : VALUES) { buff.setPosition(0); type.encode(buff, val); assertEquals( "encodedLength does not match actual, " + val, buff.getPosition(), type.encodedLength(val)); } } }
@Override public void eval() { org.apache.drill.exec.util.ByteBufUtil.checkBufferLength(in.buffer, in.start, in.end, 5); in.buffer.getBytes(in.start, bytes, 0, 5); br.set(bytes); out.value = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.OrderedBytes.decodeFloat32(br); }
@Override public int encode(PositionedByteRange dst, T val) { if (dst.getRemaining() < length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough buffer remaining. dst.offset: " + dst.getOffset() + " dst.length: " + dst.getLength() + " dst.position: " + dst.getPosition() + " max length: " + length); } int written = base.encode(dst, val); if (written > length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Length of encoded value (" + written + ") exceeds max length (" + length + ")."); } // TODO: is the zero-padding appropriate? for (; written < length; written++) { dst.put((byte) 0x00); } return written; }
@Test public void testReadWrite() { for (Order ord : new Order[] {Order.ASCENDING, Order.DESCENDING}) { RawString type = Order.ASCENDING == ord ? RawString.ASCENDING : RawString.DESCENDING; for (String val : VALUES) { PositionedByteRange buff = new SimplePositionedByteRange(Bytes.toBytes(val).length); assertEquals(buff.getLength(), type.encode(buff, val)); byte[] expected = Bytes.toBytes(val); ord.apply(expected); assertArrayEquals(expected, buff.getBytes()); buff.setPosition(0); assertEquals(val, type.decode(buff)); buff.setPosition(0); assertEquals(buff.getLength(), type.skip(buff)); assertEquals(buff.getLength(), buff.getPosition()); } } }
@Override public T decode(PositionedByteRange src) { if (src.getRemaining() < length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough buffer remaining. src.offset: " + src.getOffset() + " src.length: " + src.getLength() + " src.position: " + src.getPosition() + " max length: " + length); } // create a copy range limited to length bytes. boo. PositionedByteRange b = new SimplePositionedByteRange(length); src.get(b.getBytes()); return base.decode(b); }
@Override public int encode(PositionedByteRange dst, Double val) { Bytes.putDouble(dst.getBytes(), dst.getOffset() + dst.getPosition(), val); return skip(dst); }
@Override public Double decode(PositionedByteRange src) { double val = Bytes.toDouble(src.getBytes(), src.getOffset() + src.getPosition()); skip(src); return val; }
@Override public int skip(PositionedByteRange src) { src.setPosition(src.getPosition() + Bytes.SIZEOF_DOUBLE); return Bytes.SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
@Override public int skip(PositionedByteRange src) { src.setPosition(src.getPosition() + this.length); return this.length; }