   * Increment the counter for the given family and column by the specified amount
   * <p>If the family and column already exist in the Increment the counter value is incremented by
   * the specified amount rather than overridden, as it is in HBase's {@link
   * Increment#addColumn(byte[], byte[], long)} method
   * @param inc The {@link Increment} to update
   * @param family The column family
   * @param qualifier The column qualifier
   * @param amount The amount to increment the counter by
  public static void addIncrement(
      Increment inc, final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final Long amount) {

    NavigableMap<byte[], Long> set = inc.getFamilyMap().get(family);
    if (set == null) {
      set = new TreeMap<byte[], Long>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);

    // If qualifier exists, increment amount
    Long counter = set.get(qualifier);
    if (counter == null) {
      counter = 0L;
    set.put(qualifier, amount + counter);

    inc.getFamilyMap().put(family, set);
  * Use PreIncrement hook of BaseRegionObserver to overcome deficiencies in Increment
  * implementation (HBASE-10254): 1) Lack of recognition and identification of when the key value
  * to increment doesn't exist 2) Lack of the ability to set the timestamp of the updated key
  * value. Works the same as existing region.increment(), except assumes there is a single column
  * to increment and uses Phoenix LONG encoding.
  * @author jtaylor
  * @since 3.0.0
 public Result preIncrement(
     final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> e, final Increment increment)
     throws IOException {
   RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = e.getEnvironment();
   // We need to set this to prevent region.increment from being called
   HRegion region = env.getRegion();
   byte[] row = increment.getRow();
   TimeRange tr = increment.getTimeRange();
   try {
     Integer lid = region.getLock(null, row, true);
     try {
       long maxTimestamp = tr.getMax();
       if (maxTimestamp == HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) {
         maxTimestamp = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
         tr = new TimeRange(tr.getMin(), maxTimestamp);
       Get get = new Get(row);
       get.setTimeRange(tr.getMin(), tr.getMax());
       for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], Long>> entry :
           increment.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) {
         byte[] cf = entry.getKey();
         for (byte[] cq : entry.getValue().keySet()) {
           get.addColumn(cf, cq);
       Result result = region.get(get);
       if (result.isEmpty()) {
         return getErrorResult(
             row, maxTimestamp, SQLExceptionCode.SEQUENCE_UNDEFINED.getErrorCode());
       KeyValue currentValueKV = Sequence.getCurrentValueKV(result);
       KeyValue incrementByKV = Sequence.getIncrementByKV(result);
       KeyValue cacheSizeKV = Sequence.getCacheSizeKV(result);
       long value =
               .decodeLong(currentValueKV.getBuffer(), currentValueKV.getValueOffset(), null);
       long incrementBy =
               .decodeLong(incrementByKV.getBuffer(), incrementByKV.getValueOffset(), null);
       int cacheSize =
               .decodeInt(cacheSizeKV.getBuffer(), cacheSizeKV.getValueOffset(), null);
       value += incrementBy * cacheSize;
       byte[] valueBuffer = new byte[PDataType.LONG.getByteSize()];
       PDataType.LONG.getCodec().encodeLong(value, valueBuffer, 0);
       Put put = new Put(row, currentValueKV.getTimestamp());
       // Hold timestamp constant for sequences, so that clients always only see the latest value
       // regardless of when they connect.
       KeyValue newCurrentValueKV =
       Pair<Mutation, Integer>[] mutations = new Pair[1];
       mutations[0] = new Pair<Mutation, Integer>(put, lid);
       return Sequence.replaceCurrentValueKV(result, newCurrentValueKV);
     } finally {
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     ServerUtil.throwIOException("Increment of sequence " + Bytes.toStringBinary(row), t);
     return null; // Impossible
   } finally {