/** * Tests if fullyDelete deletes (a) dangling symlink to file properly (b) dangling symlink to * directory properly * * @throws IOException */ @Test(timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDeleteDanglingSymlinks() throws IOException { setupDirs(); // delete the directory tmp to make tmpDir a dangling link to dir tmp and // to make y as a dangling link to file tmp/x boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(tmp); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(tmp.exists()); // dangling symlink to file File link = new File(del, LINK); Assert.assertEquals(5, del.list().length); // Even though 'y' is dangling symlink to file tmp/x, fullyDelete(y) // should delete 'y' properly. ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(link); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertEquals(4, del.list().length); // dangling symlink to directory File linkDir = new File(del, "tmpDir"); // Even though tmpDir is dangling symlink to tmp, fullyDelete(tmpDir) should // delete tmpDir properly. ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(linkDir); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertEquals(3, del.list().length); }
private void cleanupImpl() throws IOException { FileUtil.fullyDelete(del, true); Assert.assertTrue(!del.exists()); FileUtil.fullyDelete(tmp, true); Assert.assertTrue(!tmp.exists()); FileUtil.fullyDelete(partitioned, true); Assert.assertTrue(!partitioned.exists()); }
/** * Clear and re-create storage directory. * * <p>Removes contents of the current directory and creates an empty directory. * * <p>This does not fully format storage directory. It cannot write the version file since it * should be written last after all other storage type dependent files are written. Derived * storage is responsible for setting specific storage values and writing the version file to * disk. * * @throws IOException */ public void clearDirectory() throws IOException { File curDir = this.getCurrentDir(); if (curDir.exists()) if (!(FileUtil.fullyDelete(curDir))) throw new IOException("Cannot remove current directory: " + curDir); if (!curDir.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + curDir); }
/** Copy local files to a FileSystem. */ public static boolean copy( File src, FileSystem dstFS, Path dst, boolean deleteSource, Configuration conf) throws IOException { dst = checkDest(src.getName(), dstFS, dst, false); if (src.isDirectory()) { if (!dstFS.mkdirs(dst)) { return false; } File contents[] = listFiles(src); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) { copy(contents[i], dstFS, new Path(dst, contents[i].getName()), deleteSource, conf); } } else if (src.isFile()) { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(src); out = dstFS.create(dst); IOUtils.copyBytes(in, out, conf); } catch (IOException e) { IOUtils.closeStream(out); IOUtils.closeStream(in); throw e; } } else { throw new IOException(src.toString() + ": No such file or directory"); } if (deleteSource) { return FileUtil.fullyDelete(src); } else { return true; } }
@Before public void setUpNameDirs() throws Exception { config = new Configuration(); String baseDir = System.getProperty("test.build.data", "/tmp"); hdfsDir = new File(baseDir, "dfs"); if (hdfsDir.exists()) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(hdfsDir); } hdfsDir.mkdir(); path1 = new File(hdfsDir, "name1"); path2 = new File(hdfsDir, "name2"); path3 = new File(hdfsDir, "name3"); path1.mkdir(); path2.mkdir(); path3.mkdir(); String nameDir = new String(path1.getPath() + "," + path2.getPath()); config.set("dfs.name.dir", nameDir); config.set("dfs.name.edits.dir", nameDir + "," + path3.getPath()); config.set("fs.checkpoint.dir", new File(hdfsDir, "secondary").getPath()); FileSystem.setDefaultUri(config, "hdfs://" + NAME_NODE_HOST + "0"); config.set("dfs.secondary.http.address", ""); config.setBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_NAMENODE_NAME_DIR_RESTORE_KEY, true); }
private void doUntarAndVerify(File tarFile, File untarDir) throws IOException { if (untarDir.exists() && !FileUtil.fullyDelete(untarDir)) { throw new IOException("Could not delete directory '" + untarDir + "'"); } FileUtil.unTar(tarFile, untarDir); String parentDir = untarDir.getCanonicalPath() + Path.SEPARATOR + "name"; File testFile = new File(parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "version"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 0); String imageDir = parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "image"; testFile = new File(imageDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fsimage"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 157); String currentDir = parentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "current"; testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fsimage"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 4331); testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "edits"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 1033); testFile = new File(currentDir + Path.SEPARATOR + "fstime"); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.exists()); Assert.assertTrue(testFile.length() == 8); }
@Before public void createHDFS() { try { Configuration hdConf = new Configuration(); File baseDir = new File("./target/hdfs/hdfsTest").getAbsoluteFile(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(baseDir); hdConf.set(MiniDFSCluster.HDFS_MINIDFS_BASEDIR, baseDir.getAbsolutePath()); MiniDFSCluster.Builder builder = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(hdConf); hdfsCluster = builder.build(); hdfsURI = "hdfs://" + hdfsCluster.getURI().getHost() + ":" + hdfsCluster.getNameNodePort() + "/"; hdPath = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path("/test"); hdfs = hdPath.getFileSystem(hdConf); FSDataOutputStream stream = hdfs.create(hdPath); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { stream.write("Hello HDFS\n".getBytes()); } stream.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail("Test failed " + e.getMessage()); } }
private void runTestOnTable(Table table) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { Job job = null; try { LOG.info("Before map/reduce startup"); job = new Job(table.getConfiguration(), "process column contents"); job.setNumReduceTasks(1); Scan scan = new Scan(); scan.addFamily(INPUT_FAMILY); TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob( table.getName(), scan, MultithreadedTableMapper.class, ImmutableBytesWritable.class, Put.class, job); MultithreadedTableMapper.setMapperClass(job, ProcessContentsMapper.class); MultithreadedTableMapper.setNumberOfThreads(job, NUMBER_OF_THREADS); TableMapReduceUtil.initTableReducerJob( table.getName().getNameAsString(), IdentityTableReducer.class, job); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path("test")); LOG.info("Started " + table.getName()); assertTrue(job.waitForCompletion(true)); LOG.info("After map/reduce completion"); // verify map-reduce results verify(table.getName()); } finally { table.close(); if (job != null) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(job.getConfiguration().get("hadoop.tmp.dir"))); } } }
private void testMapFileOutputCommitterInternal(int version) throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outDir); conf.set(JobContext.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt); conf.setInt( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter .FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, version); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID()); TaskAttemptContext tContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID); FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(); // setup committer.setupJob(jContext); committer.setupTask(tContext); // write output MapFileOutputFormat theOutputFormat = new MapFileOutputFormat(); RecordWriter theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(null, conf, partFile, null); writeMapFileOutput(theRecordWriter, tContext); // do commit if (committer.needsTaskCommit(tContext)) { committer.commitTask(tContext); } committer.commitJob(jContext); // validate output validateMapFileOutputContent(FileSystem.get(conf), outDir); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(outDir.toString())); }
private void testAbortInternal(int version) throws IOException, InterruptedException { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outDir); conf.set(JobContext.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt); conf.setInt( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter .FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, version); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID()); TaskAttemptContext tContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID); FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(); // do setup committer.setupJob(jContext); committer.setupTask(tContext); // write output TextOutputFormat theOutputFormat = new TextOutputFormat(); RecordWriter theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(null, conf, partFile, null); writeOutput(theRecordWriter, tContext); // do abort committer.abortTask(tContext); File out = new File(outDir.toUri().getPath()); Path workPath = committer.getWorkPath(tContext, outDir); File wp = new File(workPath.toUri().getPath()); File expectedFile = new File(wp, partFile); assertFalse("task temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); committer.abortJob(jContext, JobStatus.State.FAILED); expectedFile = new File(out, FileOutputCommitter.TEMP_DIR_NAME); assertFalse("job temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); assertEquals("Output directory not empty", 0, out.listFiles().length); FileUtil.fullyDelete(out); }
@Test(timeout = 30000) public void testFailFullyDeleteGrantPermissions() throws IOException { setupDirsAndNonWritablePermissions(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(new MyFile(del), true); // this time the directories with revoked permissions *should* be deleted: validateAndSetWritablePermissions(false, ret); }
private void testMapOnlyNoOutputInternal(int version) throws Exception { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); // This is not set on purpose. FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outDir); conf.set(JobContext.TASK_ATTEMPT_ID, attempt); conf.setInt( org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter .FILEOUTPUTCOMMITTER_ALGORITHM_VERSION, version); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(conf, taskID.getJobID()); TaskAttemptContext tContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, taskID); FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(); // setup committer.setupJob(jContext); committer.setupTask(tContext); if (committer.needsTaskCommit(tContext)) { // do commit committer.commitTask(tContext); } committer.commitJob(jContext); // validate output FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(outDir.toString())); }
@Test public void testJob5D() throws Exception { final String input = "src/test/resources/data/6d_cuboid/"; final String output = "target/test-output/5d_cuboid"; final String cubeName = "test_kylin_cube_with_slr_1_new_segment"; String segmentName = "20130331080000_20131212080000"; String jobname = "5d_cuboid"; String level = "2"; FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(output)); String[] args = { "-input", input, "-cubename", cubeName, "-segmentname", segmentName, "-output", output, "-jobname", jobname, "-level", level }; assertEquals("Job failed", 0, ToolRunner.run(conf, new NDCuboidJob(), args)); }
@BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { String testDir = System.getProperty("test.data.dir", "./"); testDir = testDir + "/test_multitable_" + Math.abs(new Random().nextLong()) + "/"; workDir = new File(new File(testDir).getCanonicalPath()); FileUtil.fullyDelete(workDir); workDir.mkdirs(); warehousedir = new Path(workDir + "/warehouse"); // Run hive metastore server t = new Thread(new RunMS()); t.start(); // LocalJobRunner does not work with mapreduce OutputCommitter. So need // to use MiniMRCluster. MAPREDUCE-2350 Configuration conf = new Configuration(true); conf.set("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues", "default"); conf.set("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.capacity", "100"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", new File(workDir, "/logs").getAbsolutePath()); mrCluster = new MiniMRCluster(1, fs.getUri().toString(), 1, null, null, new JobConf(conf)); mrConf = mrCluster.createJobConf(); fs.mkdirs(warehousedir); initializeSetup(); }
public void testJobRetire() throws Exception { MiniMRCluster mr = null; try { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); mr = startCluster(conf, 1); JobConf jobConf = mr.createJobConf(); JobTracker jobtracker = mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker(); Path inDir = new Path(testDir, "input1"); Path outDir = new Path(testDir, "output1"); JobID id1 = validateJobRetire(jobConf, inDir, outDir, jobtracker); outDir = new Path(testDir, "output2"); JobID id2 = validateJobRetire(jobConf, inDir, outDir, jobtracker); assertNull("Job not removed from cache", jobtracker.getJobStatus(id1)); assertEquals("Total job in cache not correct", 1, jobtracker.getAllJobs().length); } finally { if (mr != null) { mr.shutdown(); } FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(testDir.toString())); } }
public void testAbort() throws IOException { JobConf job = new JobConf(); setConfForFileOutputCommitter(job); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(job, taskID.getJobID()); TaskAttemptContext tContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(job, taskID); FileOutputCommitter committer = new FileOutputCommitter(); FileOutputFormat.setWorkOutputPath(job, committer.getTempTaskOutputPath(tContext)); // do setup committer.setupJob(jContext); committer.setupTask(tContext); String file = "test.txt"; // A reporter that does nothing Reporter reporter = Reporter.NULL; // write output FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(job); TextOutputFormat theOutputFormat = new TextOutputFormat(); RecordWriter theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.getRecordWriter(localFs, job, file, reporter); writeOutput(theRecordWriter, reporter); // do abort committer.abortTask(tContext); File expectedFile = new File(new Path(committer.getTempTaskOutputPath(tContext), file).toString()); assertFalse("task temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); committer.abortJob(jContext, JobStatus.State.FAILED); expectedFile = new File(new Path(outDir, FileOutputCommitter.TEMP_DIR_NAME).toString()); assertFalse("job temp dir still exists", expectedFile.exists()); assertEquals("Output directory not empty", 0, new File(outDir.toString()).listFiles().length); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(outDir.toString())); }
// Mostly for setting up the symlinks. Note that when we setup the distributed // cache, we didn't create the symlinks. This is done on a per task basis // by the currently executing task. public static void setupWorkDir(JobConf conf) throws IOException { File workDir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(workDir); if (DistributedCache.getSymlink(conf)) { URI[] archives = DistributedCache.getCacheArchives(conf); URI[] files = DistributedCache.getCacheFiles(conf); Path[] localArchives = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheArchives(conf); Path[] localFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf); if (archives != null) { for (int i = 0; i < archives.length; i++) { String link = archives[i].getFragment(); if (link != null) { link = workDir.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + link; File flink = new File(link); if (!flink.exists()) { FileUtil.symLink(localArchives[i].toString(), link); } } } } if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String link = files[i].getFragment(); if (link != null) { link = workDir.toString() + Path.SEPARATOR + link; File flink = new File(link); if (!flink.exists()) { FileUtil.symLink(localFiles[i].toString(), link); } } } } } File jobCacheDir = null; if (conf.getJar() != null) { jobCacheDir = new File(new Path(conf.getJar()).getParent().toString()); } // create symlinks for all the files in job cache dir in current // workingdir for streaming try { DistributedCache.createAllSymlink(conf, jobCacheDir, workDir); } catch (IOException ie) { // Do not exit even if symlinks have not been created. LOG.warn(StringUtils.stringifyException(ie)); } // add java.io.tmpdir given by mapred.child.tmp String tmp = conf.get("mapred.child.tmp", "./tmp"); Path tmpDir = new Path(tmp); // if temp directory path is not absolute // prepend it with workDir. if (!tmpDir.isAbsolute()) { tmpDir = new Path(workDir.toString(), tmp); FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); if (!localFs.mkdirs(tmpDir) && !localFs.getFileStatus(tmpDir).isDir()) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + tmpDir.toString()); } } }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws IOException { new File(firstCacheFile.toString()).delete(); new File(secondCacheFile.toString()).delete(); new File(firstCacheFilePublic.toString()).delete(); new File(secondCacheFilePublic.toString()).delete(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(TEST_ROOT_DIR)); }
@AfterClass public void tearDown() throws IOException { // Clean up the staging and/or output directories if necessary File testRootDir = new File(TestConstants.TEST_ROOT_DIR); if (testRootDir.exists()) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(testRootDir); } }
@AfterClass public static void teardown() { if (yarnCluster != null) { yarnCluster.stop(); yarnCluster = null; } FileUtil.fullyDelete(localFSDirBase); }
/** * Initialize the data structures used by this class. IMPORTANT NOTE: This method must be called * once before calling any other public method on this class. * * <p>Creates a singleton master populated storage directory for a Namenode (contains edits, * fsimage, version, and time files) and a Datanode (contains version and block files). This can * be a lengthy operation. */ public static void initialize() throws Exception { createEmptyDirs(new String[] {TEST_ROOT_DIR.toString()}); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.set("dfs.name.dir", namenodeStorage.toString()); config.set("dfs.data.dir", datanodeStorage.toString()); MiniDFSCluster cluster = null; try { // format data-node createEmptyDirs(new String[] {datanodeStorage.toString()}); // format and start NameNode and start DataNode NameNode.format(config); cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(config, 1, StartupOption.REGULAR); NameNode namenode = cluster.getNameNode(); namenodeStorageNamespaceID = namenode.versionRequest().getNamespaceID(); namenodeStorageFsscTime = namenode.versionRequest().getCTime(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(config); Path baseDir = new Path("/TestUpgrade"); fs.mkdirs(baseDir); // write some files int bufferSize = 4096; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) buffer[i] = (byte) ('0' + i % 50); writeFile(fs, new Path(baseDir, "file1"), buffer, bufferSize); writeFile(fs, new Path(baseDir, "file2"), buffer, bufferSize); // save image namenode.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_ENTER); namenode.saveNamespace(); namenode.setSafeMode(SafeModeAction.SAFEMODE_LEAVE); // write more files writeFile(fs, new Path(baseDir, "file3"), buffer, bufferSize); writeFile(fs, new Path(baseDir, "file4"), buffer, bufferSize); } finally { // shutdown if (cluster != null) cluster.shutdown(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(namenodeStorage, "in_use.lock")); FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(datanodeStorage, "in_use.lock")); } namenodeStorageChecksum = checksumContents(NAME_NODE, new File(namenodeStorage, "current")); datanodeStorageChecksum = checksumContents(DATA_NODE, new File(datanodeStorage, "current")); }
/** Delete all files and directories in the trash directories. */ public void clearTrash() { for (StorageDirectory sd : storageDirs) { File trashRoot = getTrashRootDir(sd); Preconditions.checkState(!(trashRoot.exists() && sd.getPreviousDir().exists())); FileUtil.fullyDelete(trashRoot); LOG.info("Cleared trash for storage directory " + sd); } }
@Test(timeout = 30000) public void testFullyDelete() throws IOException { setupDirs(); boolean ret = FileUtil.fullyDelete(del); Assert.assertTrue(ret); Assert.assertFalse(del.exists()); validateTmpDir(); }
/** Create empty directories. If a specified directory already exists then it is first removed. */ public static void createEmptyDirs(String[] dirs) throws IOException { for (String d : dirs) { File dir = new File(d); if (dir.exists()) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(dir); } dir.mkdirs(); } }
/** * Create a directory to mimic the procfs file system's root. * * @param procfsRootDir root directory to create. * @throws IOException if could not delete the procfs root directory */ public static void setupProcfsRootDir(File procfsRootDir) throws IOException { // cleanup any existing process root dir. if (procfsRootDir.exists()) { Assert.assertTrue(FileUtil.fullyDelete(procfsRootDir)); } // create afresh Assert.assertTrue(procfsRootDir.mkdirs()); }
private void testDirsFailures(boolean localORLogDirs) throws IOException { String dirType = localORLogDirs ? "local" : "log"; String dirsProperty = localORLogDirs ? YarnConfiguration.NM_LOCAL_DIRS : YarnConfiguration.NM_LOG_DIRS; Configuration conf = new Configuration(); // set disk health check interval to a small value (say 1 sec). conf.setLong(YarnConfiguration.NM_DISK_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS, DISK_HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL); // If 2 out of the total 4 local-dirs fail OR if 2 Out of the total 4 // log-dirs fail, then the node's health status should become unhealthy. conf.setFloat(YarnConfiguration.NM_MIN_HEALTHY_DISKS_FRACTION, 0.60F); if (yarnCluster != null) { yarnCluster.stop(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(localFSDirBase); localFSDirBase.mkdirs(); } LOG.info("Starting up YARN cluster"); yarnCluster = new MiniYARNCluster(TestDiskFailures.class.getName(), 1, numLocalDirs, numLogDirs); yarnCluster.init(conf); yarnCluster.start(); NodeManager nm = yarnCluster.getNodeManager(0); LOG.info("Configured nm-" + dirType + "-dirs=" + nm.getConfig().get(dirsProperty)); dirsHandler = nm.getNodeHealthChecker().getDiskHandler(); List<String> list = localORLogDirs ? dirsHandler.getLocalDirs() : dirsHandler.getLogDirs(); String[] dirs = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); Assert.assertEquals("Number of nm-" + dirType + "-dirs is wrong.", numLocalDirs, dirs.length); String expectedDirs = StringUtils.join(",", list); // validate the health of disks initially verifyDisksHealth(localORLogDirs, expectedDirs, true); // Make 1 nm-local-dir fail and verify if "the nodemanager can identify // the disk failure(s) and can update the list of good nm-local-dirs. prepareDirToFail(dirs[2]); expectedDirs = dirs[0] + "," + dirs[1] + "," + dirs[3]; verifyDisksHealth(localORLogDirs, expectedDirs, true); // Now, make 1 more nm-local-dir/nm-log-dir fail and verify if "the // nodemanager can identify the disk failures and can update the list of // good nm-local-dirs/nm-log-dirs and can update the overall health status // of the node to unhealthy". prepareDirToFail(dirs[0]); expectedDirs = dirs[1] + "," + dirs[3]; verifyDisksHealth(localORLogDirs, expectedDirs, false); // Fail the remaining 2 local-dirs/log-dirs and verify if NM remains with // empty list of local-dirs/log-dirs and the overall health status is // unhealthy. prepareDirToFail(dirs[1]); prepareDirToFail(dirs[3]); expectedDirs = ""; verifyDisksHealth(localORLogDirs, expectedDirs, false); }
/** * Delete the given path to a file or directory. * * @param p the path to delete * @param recursive to delete sub-directories * @return true if the file or directory and all its contents were deleted * @throws IOException if p is non-empty and recursive is false */ @Override public boolean delete(Path p, boolean recursive) throws IOException { File f = pathToFile(p); if (f.isFile()) { return f.delete(); } else if (!recursive && f.isDirectory() && (FileUtil.listFiles(f).length != 0)) { throw new IOException("Directory " + f.toString() + " is not empty"); } return FileUtil.fullyDelete(f); }
private static MiniDFSCluster startMini(String testName) throws IOException { File baseDir = new File("./target/hdfs/" + testName).getAbsoluteFile(); FileUtil.fullyDelete(baseDir); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(MiniDFSCluster.HDFS_MINIDFS_BASEDIR, baseDir.getAbsolutePath()); MiniDFSCluster.Builder builder = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf); MiniDFSCluster hdfsCluster = builder.clusterId(testName).build(); hdfsCluster.waitActive(); return hdfsCluster; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // 引数を固定で設定 String in = "input/Employee"; String out = Util.getJobOutputDirPath(SortByDeptAndAgeUsingComparator.class); args = new String[] {in, out}; // 出力先のディレクトリが存在するとFileAlreadyExistsExceptionとなるため事前に削除しています FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(out)); int res = ToolRunner.run(new SortByDeptAndAgeUsingComparator(), args); System.exit(res); }
private void recreateDir(File dir) throws IOException { // Lily change: take clearData flag into account if (clearData && dir.exists()) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(dir); } try { dir.mkdirs(); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new IOException("creating dir: " + dir, e); } }