private boolean checkForConvergence() {
    if (maxNumberOfIterations == currentIteration) {
      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                "maximum number of iterations [" + currentIteration + "] reached, terminating..."));
      return true;

    if (convergenceAggregatorName != null) {
      Aggregator<Value> aggregator = (Aggregator<Value>) aggregators.get(convergenceAggregatorName);
      if (aggregator == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Error: Aggregator for convergence criterion was null.");

      Value aggregate = aggregator.getAggregate();

      if (convergenceCriterion.isConverged(currentIteration, aggregate)) {
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {

                  "convergence reached after ["
                      + currentIteration
                      + "] iterations, terminating..."));
        return true;

    return false;
  private <T> List<T> executeDeltaIteration(DeltaIterationBase<?, ?> iteration) throws Exception {
    Operator<?> solutionInput = iteration.getInitialSolutionSet();
    Operator<?> worksetInput = iteration.getInitialWorkset();
    if (solutionInput == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The delta iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no initial solution set.");
    if (worksetInput == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The delta iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no initial workset.");
    if (iteration.getSolutionSetDelta() == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The iteration "
              + iteration.getName()
              + " has no solution set delta defined (is not closed).");
    if (iteration.getNextWorkset() == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no workset defined (is not closed).");

    List<T> solutionInputData = (List<T>) execute(solutionInput);
    List<T> worksetInputData = (List<T>) execute(worksetInput);

    // get the operators that are iterative
    Set<Operator<?>> dynamics = new LinkedHashSet<Operator<?>>();
    DynamicPathCollector dynCollector = new DynamicPathCollector(dynamics);

    BinaryOperatorInformation<?, ?, ?> operatorInfo = iteration.getOperatorInfo();
    TypeInformation<?> solutionType = operatorInfo.getFirstInputType();

    int[] keyColumns = iteration.getSolutionSetKeyFields();
    boolean[] inputOrderings = new boolean[keyColumns.length];
    TypeComparator<T> inputComparator =
        ((CompositeType<T>) solutionType)
            .createComparator(keyColumns, inputOrderings, 0, executionConfig);

    Map<TypeComparable<T>, T> solutionMap =
        new HashMap<TypeComparable<T>, T>(solutionInputData.size());
    // fill the solution from the initial input
    for (T delta : solutionInputData) {
      TypeComparable<T> wrapper = new TypeComparable<T>(delta, inputComparator);
      solutionMap.put(wrapper, delta);

    List<?> currentWorkset = worksetInputData;

    // register the aggregators
    for (AggregatorWithName<?> a : iteration.getAggregators().getAllRegisteredAggregators()) {
      aggregators.put(a.getName(), a.getAggregator());

    String convCriterionAggName =
    ConvergenceCriterion<Value> convCriterion =
        (ConvergenceCriterion<Value>) iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion();

    final int maxIterations = iteration.getMaximumNumberOfIterations();

    for (int superstep = 1; superstep <= maxIterations; superstep++) {

      List<T> currentSolution = new ArrayList<T>(solutionMap.size());

      // set the input to the current partial solution
      this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getSolutionSet(), currentSolution);
      this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getWorkset(), currentWorkset);

      // set the superstep number
      iterationSuperstep = superstep;

      // grab the current iteration result
      List<T> solutionSetDelta = (List<T>) execute(iteration.getSolutionSetDelta(), superstep);
      this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getSolutionSetDelta(), solutionSetDelta);

      // update the solution
      for (T delta : solutionSetDelta) {
        TypeComparable<T> wrapper = new TypeComparable<T>(delta, inputComparator);
        solutionMap.put(wrapper, delta);

      currentWorkset = execute(iteration.getNextWorkset(), superstep);

      if (currentWorkset.isEmpty()) {

      // evaluate the aggregator convergence criterion
      if (convCriterion != null && convCriterionAggName != null) {
        Value v = aggregators.get(convCriterionAggName).getAggregate();
        if (convCriterion.isConverged(superstep, v)) {

      // clear the dynamic results
      for (Operator<?> o : dynamics) {

      // set the previous iteration's aggregates and reset the aggregators
      for (Map.Entry<String, Aggregator<?>> e : aggregators.entrySet()) {
        previousAggregates.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAggregate());


    List<T> currentSolution = new ArrayList<T>(solutionMap.size());
    return currentSolution;
  private <T> List<T> executeBulkIteration(BulkIterationBase<?> iteration) throws Exception {
    Operator<?> inputOp = iteration.getInput();
    if (inputOp == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no input (initial partial solution).");
    if (iteration.getNextPartialSolution() == null) {
      throw new InvalidProgramException(
          "The iteration "
              + iteration.getName()
              + " has no next partial solution defined (is not closed).");

    List<T> inputData = (List<T>) execute(inputOp);

    // get the operators that are iterative
    Set<Operator<?>> dynamics = new LinkedHashSet<Operator<?>>();
    DynamicPathCollector dynCollector = new DynamicPathCollector(dynamics);
    if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) {

    // register the aggregators
    for (AggregatorWithName<?> a : iteration.getAggregators().getAllRegisteredAggregators()) {
      aggregators.put(a.getName(), a.getAggregator());

    String convCriterionAggName =
    ConvergenceCriterion<Value> convCriterion =
        (ConvergenceCriterion<Value>) iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion();

    List<T> currentResult = inputData;

    final int maxIterations = iteration.getMaximumNumberOfIterations();

    for (int superstep = 1; superstep <= maxIterations; superstep++) {

      // set the input to the current partial solution
      this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getPartialSolution(), currentResult);

      // set the superstep number
      iterationSuperstep = superstep;

      // grab the current iteration result
      currentResult = (List<T>) execute(iteration.getNextPartialSolution(), superstep);

      // evaluate the termination criterion
      if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) {
        execute(iteration.getTerminationCriterion(), superstep);

      // evaluate the aggregator convergence criterion
      if (convCriterion != null && convCriterionAggName != null) {
        Value v = aggregators.get(convCriterionAggName).getAggregate();
        if (convCriterion.isConverged(superstep, v)) {

      // clear the dynamic results
      for (Operator<?> o : dynamics) {

      // set the previous iteration's aggregates and reset the aggregators
      for (Map.Entry<String, Aggregator<?>> e : aggregators.entrySet()) {
        previousAggregates.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAggregate());


    return currentResult;