public void setUp() { tataFactory = (ComponentFactory) Utils.getFactoryByName(getContext(), "tata"); totoFactory = (ComponentFactory) Utils.getFactoryByName(getContext(), "toto"); tataFactory2 = (ComponentFactory) Utils.getFactoryByName(getContext(), "comp-6"); tataFactory2.stop(); tataFactory.stop(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", "toto provider"); try { totoProv = totoFactory.createComponentInstance(props); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Properties props3 = new Properties(); props3.put("", "toto provider 2"); try { totoProv2 = totoFactory.createComponentInstance(props3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } totoProv.stop(); totoProv2.stop(); Factory factory = Utils.getFactoryByName(getContext(), "comp-2"); Properties props2 = new Properties(); props2.put("", "ff"); try { under = factory.createComponentInstance(props2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void testSimple() { // Neither factory nor instance assertTrue("Assert under state - 1", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID); assertNull( "Assert no tota service - 1", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); // Start the importer totoProv.start(); assertTrue( "Assert under state - 2 (" + under.getState() + ")", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID); assertNull( "Assert no tota service - 2", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); // Start the factory tataFactory.start(); assertTrue("Assert under state - 3", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); assertNotNull( "Assert tota service - 3", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); ServiceReference ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()); Tota tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref); invokeAll(tota); // Check toto Properties props = tota.getProps(); Integer toto = (Integer) props.get("toto"); Integer toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2"); Integer toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3"); Integer toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4"); Integer toto_1 = (Integer) props.get("toto1"); assertEquals("Assert toto - 3 (" + toto.intValue() + ")", toto.intValue(), 1); assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 3", toto_2.intValue(), 1); assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 3", toto_3.intValue(), 1); assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 3", toto_4.intValue(), 0); assertEquals("Assert toto1 - 3 (" + toto_1.intValue() + ")", toto_1.intValue(), 1); // Check tata props = tota.getPropsTata(); Integer tata = (Integer) props.get("tata"); assertEquals("Assert tata - 3", tata.intValue(), 1); getContext().ungetService(ref); tota = null; // Start a second import totoProv2.start(); assertTrue("Assert under state - 4", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); assertNotNull( "Assert tota service - 4", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()); tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref); invokeAll(tota); // Check toto props = tota.getProps(); toto = (Integer) props.get("toto"); toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2"); toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3"); toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4"); toto_1 = (Integer) props.get("toto1"); assertEquals("Assert toto - 4 (" + toto.intValue() + ")", toto.intValue(), 2); assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 4 (" + toto_2.intValue() + ")", toto_2.intValue(), 2); assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 4", toto_3.intValue(), 2); assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 4", toto_4.intValue(), 0); assertEquals("Assert toto1 - 4", toto_1.intValue(), 3); // Check tata props = tota.getPropsTata(); tata = (Integer) props.get("tata"); assertEquals("Assert tata - 4", tata.intValue(), 2); getContext().ungetService(ref); tota = null; tataFactory.stop(); assertTrue("Assert under state - 5", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID); assertNull( "Assert no tota service - 5", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); totoProv2.stop(); tataFactory.start(); assertTrue("Assert under state - 6", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); assertNotNull( "Assert tota service - 6", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); ref = getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName()); tota = (Tota) getContext().getService(ref); invokeAll(tota); // Check toto props = tota.getProps(); toto = (Integer) props.get("toto"); toto_2 = (Integer) props.get("toto_2"); toto_3 = (Integer) props.get("toto_3"); toto_4 = (Integer) props.get("toto_4"); toto_1 = (Integer) props.get("toto1"); assertEquals("Assert toto - 6 (" + toto.intValue() + ")", toto.intValue(), 3); assertEquals("Assert toto_2 - 6 (" + toto_2.intValue() + ")", toto_2.intValue(), 3); assertEquals("Assert toto_3 - 6", toto_3.intValue(), 3); assertEquals("Assert toto_4 - 6", toto_4.intValue(), 0); assertEquals("Assert toto1 - 6", toto_1.intValue(), 4); // Check tata props = tota.getPropsTata(); tata = (Integer) props.get("tata"); assertEquals("Assert tata - 6", tata.intValue(), 1); getContext().ungetService(ref); tota = null; // Is arch exposed assertNotNull( "Test arch", Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), Architecture.class.getName(), "ff")); totoProv.stop(); assertTrue("Assert under state - 7", under.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID); assertNotNull( "Test arch-2", Utils.getServiceReferenceByName(getContext(), Architecture.class.getName(), "ff")); assertNull( "Assert no tota service - 7", getContext().getServiceReference(Tota.class.getName())); under.dispose(); under = null; }