   * Generates the next record batch
   * @return number of records in the batch
  public int next() {
    int cnt = 0;

    try {
      while (cnt < MAX_RECORDS_PER_BATCH && reader.parseNext()) {
      return cnt;
    } catch (IOException | TextParsingException e) {
      throw UserException.dataReadError(e)
              "Failure while reading file %s. Happened at or shortly before byte position %d.",
              split.getPath(), reader.getPos())
   * Performs the initial setup required for the record reader. Initializes the input stream,
   * handling of the output record batch and the actual reader to be used.
   * @param context operator context from which buffer's will be allocated and managed
   * @param outputMutator Used to create the schema in the output record batch
   * @throws ExecutionSetupException
  public void setup(OperatorContext context, OutputMutator outputMutator)
      throws ExecutionSetupException {

    oContext = context;
    readBuffer = context.getManagedBuffer(READ_BUFFER);
    whitespaceBuffer = context.getManagedBuffer(WHITE_SPACE_BUFFER);

    // setup Output, Input, and Reader
    try {
      TextOutput output = null;
      TextInput input = null;
      InputStream stream = null;

      // setup Output using OutputMutator
      if (settings.isHeaderExtractionEnabled()) {
        // extract header and use that to setup a set of VarCharVectors
        String[] fieldNames = extractHeader();
        output = new FieldVarCharOutput(outputMutator, fieldNames, getColumns(), isStarQuery());
      } else {
        // simply use RepeatedVarCharVector
        output = new RepeatedVarCharOutput(outputMutator, getColumns(), isStarQuery());

      // setup Input using InputStream
      stream = dfs.openPossiblyCompressedStream(split.getPath());
      input =
          new TextInput(
              settings, stream, readBuffer, split.getStart(), split.getStart() + split.getLength());

      // setup Reader using Input and Output
      reader = new TextReader(settings, input, output, whitespaceBuffer);

    } catch (SchemaChangeException | IOException e) {
      throw new ExecutionSetupException(
          String.format("Failure while setting up text reader for file %s", split.getPath()), e);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      throw UserException.dataReadError(e)
          .addContext("File Path", split.getPath().toString())