public static LoaderOptions parseArgs(String cmdArgs[]) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CmdLineOptions options = getCmdLineOptions(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, cmdArgs, false); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printUsage(options); System.exit(0); } String[] args = cmd.getArgs(); if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Missing sstable directory argument"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (args.length > 1) { System.err.println("Too many arguments"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } String dirname = args[0]; File dir = new File(dirname); if (!dir.exists()) errorMsg("Unknown directory: " + dirname, options); if (!dir.isDirectory()) errorMsg(dirname + " is not a directory", options); LoaderOptions opts = new LoaderOptions(dir); opts.debug = cmd.hasOption(DEBUG_OPTION); opts.verbose = cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION); opts.noProgress = cmd.hasOption(NOPROGRESS_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.ignores.add(InetAddress.getByName(node)); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); } } return opts; } catch (ParseException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); return null; } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { LoaderOptions options = LoaderOptions.parseArgs(args); try { SSTableLoader loader = new SSTableLoader(, new ExternalClient(options), options); SSTableLoader.LoaderFuture future =; if (options.noProgress) { future.get(); } else { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicator(future.getPendingFiles()); indicator.start(); System.out.println(""); while (!future.isDone()) { if (indicator.printProgress()) { // We're done with streaming System.out.println("\nWaiting for targets to rebuild indexes ..."); future.get(); assert future.isDone(); } else { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } System.exit(0); // We need that to stop non daemonized threads } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { Config.setClientMode(true); LoaderOptions options = LoaderOptions.parseArgs(args); OutputHandler handler = new OutputHandler.SystemOutput(options.verbose, options.debug); SSTableLoader loader = new SSTableLoader(, new ExternalClient( options.hosts, options.rpcPort, options.user, options.passwd, options.transportFactory, options.storagePort, options.sslStoragePort, options.serverEncOptions), handler); DatabaseDescriptor.setStreamThroughputOutboundMegabitsPerSec(options.throttle); StreamResultFuture future = null; try { if (options.noProgress) future =; else future =, new ProgressIndicator()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); if (e.getCause() != null) System.err.println(e.getCause()); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); else System.err.println("Run with --debug to get full stack trace or --help to get help."); System.exit(1); } handler.output(String.format("Streaming session ID: %s", future.planId)); try { future.get(); System.exit(0); // We need that to stop non daemonized threads } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Streaming to the following hosts failed:"); System.err.println(loader.getFailedHosts()); System.err.println(e); if (options.debug) e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } }
public static LoaderOptions parseArgs(String cmdArgs[]) { CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CmdLineOptions options = getCmdLineOptions(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, cmdArgs, false); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printUsage(options); System.exit(0); } String[] args = cmd.getArgs(); if (args.length == 0) { System.err.println("Missing sstable directory argument"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (args.length > 1) { System.err.println("Too many arguments"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } String dirname = args[0]; File dir = new File(dirname); if (!dir.exists()) errorMsg("Unknown directory: " + dirname, options); if (!dir.isDirectory()) errorMsg(dirname + " is not a directory", options); LoaderOptions opts = new LoaderOptions(dir); opts.debug = cmd.hasOption(DEBUG_OPTION); opts.verbose = cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION); opts.noProgress = cmd.hasOption(NOPROGRESS_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(RPC_PORT_OPTION)) opts.rpcPort = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(RPC_PORT_OPTION)); if (cmd.hasOption(USER_OPTION)) opts.user = cmd.getOptionValue(USER_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(PASSWD_OPTION)) opts.passwd = cmd.getOptionValue(PASSWD_OPTION); if (cmd.hasOption(INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(INITIAL_HOST_ADDRESS_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.hosts.add(InetAddress.getByName(node.trim())); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options); } } else { System.err.println("Initial hosts must be specified (-d)"); printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } if (cmd.hasOption(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION)) { String[] nodes = cmd.getOptionValue(IGNORE_NODES_OPTION).split(","); try { for (String node : nodes) { opts.ignores.add(InetAddress.getByName(node.trim())); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { errorMsg("Unknown host: " + e.getMessage(), options); } } // try to load config file first, so that values can be rewritten with other option values. // otherwise use default config. Config config; if (cmd.hasOption(CONFIG_PATH)) { File configFile = new File(cmd.getOptionValue(CONFIG_PATH)); if (!configFile.exists()) { errorMsg("Config file not found", options); } config = new YamlConfigurationLoader().loadConfig(configFile.toURI().toURL()); } else { config = new Config(); } opts.storagePort = config.storage_port; opts.sslStoragePort = config.ssl_storage_port; opts.throttle = config.stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec; opts.encOptions = config.client_encryption_options; opts.serverEncOptions = config.server_encryption_options; if (cmd.hasOption(THROTTLE_MBITS)) { opts.throttle = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(THROTTLE_MBITS)); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE)) { opts.encOptions.truststore = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW)) { opts.encOptions.truststore_password = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PW); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE)) { opts.encOptions.keystore = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE); // if a keystore was provided, lets assume we'll need to use it opts.encOptions.require_client_auth = true; } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW)) { opts.encOptions.keystore_password = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_KEYSTORE_PW); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_PROTOCOL)) { opts.encOptions.protocol = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_PROTOCOL); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_ALGORITHM)) { opts.encOptions.algorithm = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_ALGORITHM); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_STORE_TYPE)) { opts.encOptions.store_type = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_STORE_TYPE); } if (cmd.hasOption(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES)) { opts.encOptions.cipher_suites = cmd.getOptionValue(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES).split(","); } if (cmd.hasOption(TRANSPORT_FACTORY)) { ITransportFactory transportFactory = getTransportFactory(cmd.getOptionValue(TRANSPORT_FACTORY)); configureTransportFactory(transportFactory, opts); opts.transportFactory = transportFactory; } return opts; } catch (ParseException | ConfigurationException | MalformedURLException e) { errorMsg(e.getMessage(), options); return null; } }