/** * Handle the HTTP status code (and corresponding message) generated while processing the * specified Request to produce the specified Response. Any exceptions that occur during * generation of the error report are logged and swallowed. * * @param request The request being processed * @param response The response being generated */ private void status(Request request, Response response) { int statusCode = response.getStatus(); // Handle a custom error page for this status code Context context = request.getContext(); if (context == null) return; /* Only look for error pages when isError() is set. * isError() is set when response.sendError() is invoked. This * allows custom error pages without relying on default from * web.xml. */ if (!response.isError()) return; ErrorPage errorPage = context.findErrorPage(statusCode); if (errorPage == null) { // Look for a default error page errorPage = context.findErrorPage(0); } if (errorPage != null && response.setErrorReported()) { response.setAppCommitted(false); request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_STATUS_CODE, Integer.valueOf(statusCode)); String message = response.getMessage(); if (message == null) message = ""; request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_MESSAGE, message); request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, errorPage.getLocation()); request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_TYPE_ATTR, DispatcherType.ERROR); Wrapper wrapper = request.getWrapper(); if (wrapper != null) request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_SERVLET_NAME, wrapper.getName()); request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_REQUEST_URI, request.getRequestURI()); if (custom(request, response, errorPage)) { try { response.finishResponse(); } catch (ClientAbortException e) { // Ignore } catch (IOException e) { container.getLogger().warn("Exception Processing " + errorPage, e); } } } }
/** * Invoke the next Valve in the sequence. When the invoke returns, check the response state, and * output an error report is necessary. * * @param request The servlet request to be processed * @param response The servlet response to be created * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs */ @Override public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Perform the request getNext().invoke(request, response); if (response.isCommitted()) { return; } Throwable throwable = (Throwable) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION); if (request.isAsyncStarted() && response.getStatus() < 400 && throwable == null) { return; } if (throwable != null) { // The response is an error response.setError(); // Reset the response (if possible) try { response.reset(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Ignore } response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } response.setSuspended(false); try { report(request, response, throwable); } catch (Throwable tt) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(tt); } if (request.isAsyncStarted()) { request.getAsyncContext().complete(); } }
/** * Log the interesting request parameters, invoke the next Valve in the sequence, and log the * interesting response parameters. * * @param request The servlet request to be processed * @param response The servlet response to be created * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs */ public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { Log log = container.getLogger(); // Log pre-service information log.info("REQUEST URI =" + request.getRequestURI()); log.info(" authType=" + request.getAuthType()); log.info(" characterEncoding=" + request.getCharacterEncoding()); log.info(" contentLength=" + request.getContentLength()); log.info(" contentType=" + request.getContentType()); log.info(" contextPath=" + request.getContextPath()); Cookie cookies[] = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) log.info(" cookie=" + cookies[i].getName() + "=" + cookies[i].getValue()); } Enumeration hnames = request.getHeaderNames(); while (hnames.hasMoreElements()) { String hname = (String) hnames.nextElement(); Enumeration hvalues = request.getHeaders(hname); while (hvalues.hasMoreElements()) { String hvalue = (String) hvalues.nextElement(); log.info(" header=" + hname + "=" + hvalue); } } log.info(" locale=" + request.getLocale()); log.info(" method=" + request.getMethod()); Enumeration pnames = request.getParameterNames(); while (pnames.hasMoreElements()) { String pname = (String) pnames.nextElement(); String pvalues[] = request.getParameterValues(pname); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(pname); result.append('='); for (int i = 0; i < pvalues.length; i++) { if (i > 0) result.append(", "); result.append(pvalues[i]); } log.info(" parameter=" + result.toString()); } log.info(" pathInfo=" + request.getPathInfo()); log.info(" protocol=" + request.getProtocol()); log.info(" queryString=" + request.getQueryString()); log.info(" remoteAddr=" + request.getRemoteAddr()); log.info(" remoteHost=" + request.getRemoteHost()); log.info(" remoteUser="******"requestedSessionId=" + request.getRequestedSessionId()); log.info(" scheme=" + request.getScheme()); log.info(" serverName=" + request.getServerName()); log.info(" serverPort=" + request.getServerPort()); log.info(" servletPath=" + request.getServletPath()); log.info(" isSecure=" + request.isSecure()); log.info("---------------------------------------------------------------"); // Perform the request getNext().invoke(request, response); // Log post-service information log.info("---------------------------------------------------------------"); log.info(" authType=" + request.getAuthType()); log.info(" contentLength=" + response.getContentLength()); log.info(" contentType=" + response.getContentType()); Cookie rcookies[] = response.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < rcookies.length; i++) { log.info( " cookie=" + rcookies[i].getName() + "=" + rcookies[i].getValue() + "; domain=" + rcookies[i].getDomain() + "; path=" + rcookies[i].getPath()); } String rhnames[] = response.getHeaderNames(); for (int i = 0; i < rhnames.length; i++) { String rhvalues[] = response.getHeaderValues(rhnames[i]); for (int j = 0; j < rhvalues.length; j++) log.info(" header=" + rhnames[i] + "=" + rhvalues[j]); } log.info(" message=" + response.getMessage()); log.info(" remoteUser="******" status=" + response.getStatus()); log.info("==============================================================="); }
private void oneTest( String allow, String deny, boolean denyStatus, boolean addConnectorPort, boolean auth, String property, String type, boolean allowed) { // PREPARE RequestFilterValve valve = null; Connector connector = new Connector(); Context context = new StandardContext(); Request request = new Request(); Response response = new MockResponse(); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); int expected = allowed ? OK : FORBIDDEN; connector.setPort(PORT); request.setConnector(connector); request.setContext(context); request.setCoyoteRequest(new org.apache.coyote.Request()); if (type == null) { fail("Invalid test with null type"); } if (property != null) { if (type.equals("Addr")) { valve = new RemoteAddrValve(); request.setRemoteAddr(property); msg.append(" ip='" + property + "'"); } else if (type.equals("Host")) { valve = new RemoteHostValve(); request.setRemoteHost(property); msg.append(" host='" + property + "'"); } else { fail("Invalid test type" + type); } } valve.setNext(new TerminatingValve()); if (allow != null) { valve.setAllow(allow); msg.append(" allow='" + allow + "'"); } if (deny != null) { valve.setDeny(deny); msg.append(" deny='" + deny + "'"); } if (denyStatus) { valve.setDenyStatus(CUSTOM); msg.append(" denyStatus='" + CUSTOM + "'"); if (!allowed) { expected = CUSTOM; } } if (addConnectorPort) { if (valve instanceof RemoteAddrValve) { ((RemoteAddrValve) valve).setAddConnectorPort(true); } else if (valve instanceof RemoteHostValve) { ((RemoteHostValve) valve).setAddConnectorPort(true); } else { fail("Can only set 'addConnectorPort' for RemoteAddrValve and RemoteHostValve"); } msg.append(" addConnectorPort='true'"); } if (auth) { context.setPreemptiveAuthentication(true); valve.setInvalidAuthenticationWhenDeny(true); msg.append(" auth='true'"); } // TEST try { valve.invoke(request, response); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore } catch (ServletException ex) { // Ignore } // VERIFY if (!allowed && auth) { assertEquals(msg.toString(), OK, response.getStatus()); assertEquals(msg.toString(), "invalid", request.getHeader("authorization")); } else { assertEquals(msg.toString(), expected, response.getStatus()); } }
/** * Prints out an error report. * * @param request The request being processed * @param response The response being generated * @param throwable The exception that occurred (which possibly wraps a root cause exception */ protected void report(Request request, Response response, Throwable throwable) { // Do nothing on non-HTTP responses int statusCode = response.getStatus(); // Do nothing on a 1xx, 2xx and 3xx status // Do nothing if anything has been written already if (statusCode < 400 || response.getContentWritten() > 0 || !response.isError()) { return; } String message = RequestUtil.filter(response.getMessage()); if (message == null) { if (throwable != null) { String exceptionMessage = throwable.getMessage(); if (exceptionMessage != null && exceptionMessage.length() > 0) { message = RequestUtil.filter((new Scanner(exceptionMessage)).nextLine()); } } if (message == null) { message = ""; } } // Do nothing if there is no report for the specified status code String report = null; try { report = sm.getString("http." + statusCode); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); } if (report == null) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<html><head><title>"); sb.append(ServerInfo.getServerInfo()).append(" - "); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.errorReport")); sb.append("</title>"); sb.append("<style><!--"); sb.append(org.apache.catalina.util.TomcatCSS.TOMCAT_CSS); sb.append("--></style> "); sb.append("</head><body>"); sb.append("<h1>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.statusHeader", "" + statusCode, message)) .append("</h1>"); sb.append("<HR size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\">"); sb.append("<p><b>type</b> "); if (throwable != null) { sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.exceptionReport")); } else { sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.statusReport")); } sb.append("</p>"); sb.append("<p><b>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.message")); sb.append("</b> <u>"); sb.append(message).append("</u></p>"); sb.append("<p><b>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.description")); sb.append("</b> <u>"); sb.append(report); sb.append("</u></p>"); if (throwable != null) { String stackTrace = getPartialServletStackTrace(throwable); sb.append("<p><b>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.exception")); sb.append("</b> <pre>"); sb.append(RequestUtil.filter(stackTrace)); sb.append("</pre></p>"); int loops = 0; Throwable rootCause = throwable.getCause(); while (rootCause != null && (loops < 10)) { stackTrace = getPartialServletStackTrace(rootCause); sb.append("<p><b>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.rootCause")); sb.append("</b> <pre>"); sb.append(RequestUtil.filter(stackTrace)); sb.append("</pre></p>"); // In case root cause is somehow heavily nested rootCause = rootCause.getCause(); loops++; } sb.append("<p><b>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.note")); sb.append("</b> <u>"); sb.append(sm.getString("errorReportValve.rootCauseInLogs", ServerInfo.getServerInfo())); sb.append("</u></p>"); } sb.append("<HR size=\"1\" noshade=\"noshade\">"); sb.append("<h3>").append(ServerInfo.getServerInfo()).append("</h3>"); sb.append("</body></html>"); try { try { response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); if (container.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { container.getLogger().debug("status.setContentType", t); } } Writer writer = response.getReporter(); if (writer != null) { // If writer is null, it's an indication that the response has // been hard committed already, which should never happen writer.write(sb.toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Ignore } }
@Override public int getStatus() { return response.getStatus(); }