   * Send a data packet and wait for ack in one operation. This method employs a timer that resends
   * the packet until an ack is received (or the timeout is reached). <br>
   * <br>
   * This method sets the {@link #lastDataPacketSent} variable. This method can only be used in the
   * Established state, see {@link State}.
   * @param packet the packet to be sent.
   * @return The ack-package received for the send packet (NB: ack can be null)
   * @throws IOException thrown if unable to send packet.
   * @see no.ntnu.fp.net.cl.ClSocket#send(KtnDatagram)
  protected synchronized KtnDatagram sendDataPacketWithRetransmit(KtnDatagram packet)
      throws IOException {
    if (state != State.ESTABLISHED)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Should only be used in ESTABLISHED state.");
    if (packet.getFlag() != Flag.NONE)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Packet must be a data packet.");
     * Algorithm: 1 Start a timer used to resend the packet with a specified
     * interval, and that immediately starts trying (sending the first
     * packet as well as the retransmits). 2 Wait for the ACK using
     * receiveAck(). 3 Cancel the timer. 4 Return the ACK-packet.

    lastDataPacketSent = packet;

    // Create a timer that sends the packet and retransmits every
    // RETRANSMIT milliseconds until cancelled.
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new SendTimer(new ClSocket(), packet), 0, RETRANSMIT);

    KtnDatagram ack = receiveAck();

    return ack;
   * Waits for an ACK or SYN_ACK. Blocks until the ack is recieved. Returns null if no ack recieved
   * after the specified time, see {@link AbstractConnection#TIMEOUT}. <br>
   * <br>
   * If a FIN-packet is received and the state is not ESTABLISHED, this will also be returned.<br>
   * <br>
   * If a FIN-packet is received and the connection is in ESTABLISHED state, an EOFException is
   * thrown. It calls {@link #isValid(KtnDatagram)} on FIN-packets in ESTABLISHED state, before an
   * EOFException is thrown.
   * @return The ACK or SYN_ACK KtnDatagram recieved (can be null), may also be a FIN if not in
   *     established state.
   * @throws IOException If caused by the underlying connectionless layer.
   * @throws EOFException If a FIN-packet is received in ESTABLISHED state.
  protected KtnDatagram receiveAck() throws IOException, EOFException {
     * Acquire monitor for this instance, and see if another thread runs
     * receive on our port. If so, see if that thread gets the packet that
     * was meant for us.
    synchronized (this) {
      long before, after;

      before = System.currentTimeMillis();
      while (isReceiving) {
        try {
          wait(TIMEOUT); // wait with timeout
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          /* do nothing */
        after = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // If an ack for us has arrived, return it.
        // check internalQueue
        if (!internalQueue.isEmpty()) {
          KtnDatagram packet = internalQueue.get(0);
          if (packet.getFlag() == Flag.ACK || packet.getFlag() == Flag.SYN_ACK) {
            return internalQueue.remove(0);
        // If no packet arrived, see if timeout has expired.
        else if ((after - before) > TIMEOUT) {
          return null;

      // When we get here, this thread has not got its packet, and it's
      // allowed to enter the listening part of doReceive().
      isReceiving = true;

    Log.writeToLog("Waiting for incoming packet in receiveAck()", "AbstractConnection");

    KtnDatagram incomingPacket;

    // We are waiting for an ack or syn_ack packet
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < TIMEOUT) {
      ClSocketReceiver receiver = new ClSocketReceiver(myPort);
      // Wait at most what is left of the TIMEOUT period for thread to
      // die, but never less than 1 millisecond
      try {
        receiver.join(Math.max(TIMEOUT - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), 1));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        /* do nothing */

      incomingPacket = receiver.getPacket();
      if (incomingPacket == null) {
        // No packet was received
        synchronized (this) {
          isReceiving = false;
          return null;
      } else {
        // We have a packet
        if (incomingPacket.getFlag() != Flag.NONE) {
          // Packet is internal
          Log.writeToLog("Received an internal packet in receiveAck", "AbstractConnection");

          if (incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.FIN && state == State.ESTABLISHED) {
            // A FIN-packet has arrived in established state,
            // stop receiving and throw and exception
            disconnectRequest = incomingPacket;
            synchronized (this) {
              isReceiving = false;
              throw new EOFException("FIN packet received.");
          } else if (incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.ACK
              || incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.SYN_ACK
              || incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.FIN) {
            // Not a FIN packet in established state, return if it
            // is SYN, SYN_ACK or FIN
            synchronized (this) {
              isReceiving = false;
              return incomingPacket;
          } else {
            // Not a packet we want to return, continue looping.
            synchronized (this) {
        } else {
          // Packet was meant for the application, continue
          // listening until timeout.
          Log.writeToLog("Received an external packet in receiveAck", "AbstractConnection");

          synchronized (this) {
            synchronized (this) {
    // We have now waited at least TIMEOUT milliseconds, still no
    // packet.
    synchronized (this) {
      isReceiving = false;
      return null;
   * Receives a packet from the connectionless layer. This function handles concurrency issues
   * related to that only one thread may listen to a port at the same time.<br>
   * <br>
   * It calls {@link #isValid(KtnDatagram)} on FIN-packets in ESTABLISHED state, before an
   * EOFException is thrown.
   * @param internal true if you want to receive non-external packet, i.e. not a packet with data
   *     intended for the application. False otherwise.
   * @return A received datagram
   * @throws IOException If the underlying connectionless layer throws an IOException.
   * @throws EOFException If a packet with a FIN-flag was received in ESTABLISHED state.
  protected KtnDatagram receivePacket(boolean internal) throws IOException, EOFException {
     * Acquire monitor for this instance, and see if another thread runs
     * receive on our port. If so, see if that thread gets the packet that
     * was meant for us.
    synchronized (this) {
      long before, after;

      before = System.currentTimeMillis();
      while (isReceiving) {
        try {
          if (internal) wait(TIMEOUT); // wait with timeout
          else wait(); // wait (potentially) forever
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          /* do nothing */
        after = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // If a packet for us has arrived, return it.
        if (internal) {
          // Case 1: Internal (protocol) caller, check internalQueue
          if (!internalQueue.isEmpty()) {
            return internalQueue.remove(0);
          // If no packet arrived, see if timeout has expired.
          else if ((after - before) > TIMEOUT) {
            return null;
        } else {
          // Case 2: Non-internal (application) caller, check
          // externalQueue
          if (!externalQueue.isEmpty()) {
            return externalQueue.remove(0);
          // else try loop again unless connection is free

      // When we get here, this thread has not got its packet, and it's
      // allowed to enter the listening part of doReceive().
      isReceiving = true;

    Log.writeToLog("Waiting for incoming packet in doReceive()", "AbstractConnection");

    KtnDatagram incomingPacket;

     * Waiting for internal and external packets should be handled
     * differently. Waiting for internal packets should time out.
    if (internal) {
      // We are waiting for an internal packet, ie. a packet with a flag
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < TIMEOUT) {
        ClSocketReceiver receiver = new ClSocketReceiver(myPort);
        // Wait at most what is left of the TIMEOUT period for thread to
        // die, but never less than 1 millisecond
        try {
          long timeout = TIMEOUT - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
          receiver.join(Math.max(timeout, 1));
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          /* do nothing */

        incomingPacket = receiver.getPacket();
        if (incomingPacket == null) {
          // No packet was received
          synchronized (this) {
            isReceiving = false;
            return null;
        } else {
          // We have a packet
          if (incomingPacket.getFlag() != Flag.NONE) {
            // Packet is internal
            Log.writeToLog("Received an internal packet in doReceive", "AbstractConnection");

            if (incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.FIN && state == State.ESTABLISHED) {
              // A FIN-packet has arrived in established state,
              // stop receiving and throw and exception
              disconnectRequest = incomingPacket;
              synchronized (this) {
                isReceiving = false;
                throw new EOFException("FIN packet received.");
            } else {
              // Not a FIN packet in established state, return it
              // normally.
              synchronized (this) {
                isReceiving = false;
                return incomingPacket;
          } else {
            // Packet was meant for the application, continue
            // listening until timeout.
            Log.writeToLog("Received an external packet in doReceive", "AbstractConnection");

            synchronized (this) {
              synchronized (this) {
      // We have now waited at least TIMEOUT milliseconds, still no
      // packet.
      synchronized (this) {
        isReceiving = false;
        return null;
    } else {
      // We are waiting for a packet to an external application, ie. a
      // packet with no flags. Can possibly wait forever.
      incomingPacket = new ClSocket().receive(myPort);
      if (incomingPacket == null) {
        // We should get a packet, try again.
        synchronized (this) {
          isReceiving = false;
        return receivePacket(internal);
      } else {
        // We have a packet
        if (incomingPacket.getFlag() != Flag.NONE) {
          // Packet is internal
          Log.writeToLog("Received an internal packet in doReceive", "AbstractConnection");

          if (incomingPacket.getFlag() == Flag.FIN && state == State.ESTABLISHED) {
            // A FIN-packet has arrived in established state,
            // stop receiving and throw and exception
            disconnectRequest = incomingPacket;
            synchronized (this) {
              isReceiving = false;
              throw new EOFException("FIN packet received.");
          } else {
            // Not a FIN packet, continue listening
            synchronized (this) {
              isReceiving = false;
            return receivePacket(internal);
        } else {
          // Packet was meant for the application, yei!
          Log.writeToLog("Received an external packet in doReceive", "AbstractConnection");

          synchronized (this) {
            isReceiving = false;
            return incomingPacket;