Exemple #1
 private void unCacheHeader() {
   headerBytesValid = false;
   if (!transactionBytesValid) bytes = null;
   hash = null;
   checksum = null;
Exemple #2
 private void checkTimestamp() throws VerificationException {
   // Allow injection of a fake clock to allow unit testing.
   long currentTime = fakeClock != 0 ? fakeClock : System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
   if (time > currentTime + ALLOWED_TIME_DRIFT)
     throw new VerificationException("Block too far in future");
Exemple #3
  * Returns the difficulty target as a 320 bit value that can be compared to a scrypt hash. Inside
  * a block the target is represented using a compact form. If this form decodes to a value that is
  * out of bounds, an exception is thrown.
 public BigInteger getDifficultyTargetAsInteger() throws VerificationException {
   BigInteger target = Utils.decodeCompactBits(difficultyTarget);
   if (target.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0 || target.compareTo(params.proofOfWorkLimit) > 0)
     throw new VerificationException(
         "Difficulty target is bad: " + target.toString() + " or " + difficultyTarget);
   return target;
Exemple #4
  * In lazy parsing mode access to getters and setters may throw an unchecked LazyParseException.
  * If guaranteed safe access is required this method will force parsing to occur immediately thus
  * ensuring LazyParseExeption will never be thrown from this Message. If the Message contains
  * child messages (e.g. a Block containing Transaction messages) this will not force child
  * messages to parse.
  * <p>This method ensures parsing of headers only.
  * @throws ProtocolException
 public void ensureParsedHeader() throws ProtocolException {
   try {
   } catch (LazyParseException e) {
     if (e.getCause() instanceof ProtocolException) throw (ProtocolException) e.getCause();
     throw new ProtocolException(e);
Exemple #5
  /** Returns the merkle root in big endian form, calculating it from transactions if necessary. */
  public Sha256Hash getMerkleRoot() {
    if (merkleRoot == null) {

      // TODO check if this is really necessary.

      merkleRoot = calculateMerkleRoot();
    return merkleRoot;
Exemple #6
  * Checks the block data to ensure it follows the rules laid out in the network parameters.
  * Specifically, throws an exception if the proof of work is invalid, or if the timestamp is too
  * far from what it should be. This is <b>not</b> everything that is required for a block to be
  * valid, only what is checkable independent of the chain and without a transaction index.
  * @throws VerificationException
 public void verifyHeader() throws VerificationException {
   // Prove that this block is OK. It might seem that we can just ignore most of these checks given
   // that the
   // network is also verifying the blocks, but we cannot as it'd open us to a variety of obscure
   // attacks.
   // Firstly we need to ensure this block does in fact represent real work done. If the difficulty
   // is high
   // enough, it's probably been done by the network.
Exemple #7
  * Finds a value of nonce that makes the blocks hash lower than the difficulty target. This is
  * called mining, but solve() is far too slow to do real mining with. It exists only for unit
  * testing purposes and is not a part of the public API.
  * <p>This can loop forever if a solution cannot be found solely by incrementing nonce. It doesn't
  * change extraNonce.
 void solve() {
   while (true) {
     try {
       // Is our proof of work valid yet?
       if (checkProofOfWork(false)) return;
       // No, so increment the nonce and try again.
       setNonce(getNonce() + 1);
     } catch (VerificationException e) {
       throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.
Exemple #8
 /** Returns a copy of the block, but without any transactions. */
 public Block cloneAsHeader() {
   Block block = new Block(params);
   block.nonce = nonce;
   block.prevBlockHash = prevBlockHash.duplicate();
   block.merkleRoot = getMerkleRoot().duplicate();
   block.version = version;
   block.time = time;
   block.difficultyTarget = difficultyTarget;
   block.transactions = null;
   block.hash = getHash().duplicate();
   return block;
Exemple #9
 // default for testing
 void writeHeader(OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
   // try for cached write first
   if (headerBytesValid && bytes != null && bytes.length >= offset + HEADER_SIZE) {
     stream.write(bytes, offset, HEADER_SIZE);
   // fall back to manual write
   Utils.uint32ToByteStreamLE(version, stream);
   Utils.uint32ToByteStreamLE(time, stream);
   Utils.uint32ToByteStreamLE(difficultyTarget, stream);
   Utils.uint32ToByteStreamLE(nonce, stream);
Exemple #10
  * Returns the nonce, an arbitrary value that exists only to make the hash of the block header
  * fall below the difficulty target.
 public long getNonce() {
   return nonce;
Exemple #11
  * Returns the difficulty of the proof of work that this block should meet encoded <b>in compact
  * form</b>. The {@link BlockChain} verifies that this is not too easy by looking at the length of
  * the chain when the block is added. To find the actual value the hash should be compared
  * against, use {@link net.usecredits.credits.core.Block#getDifficultyTargetAsInteger()}. Note
  * that this is <b>not</b> the same as the difficulty value reported by the Litecoin
  * "getdifficulty" RPC that you may see on various block explorers. That number is the result of
  * applying a formula to the underlying difficulty to normalize the minimum to 1. Calculating the
  * difficulty that way is currently unsupported.
 public long getDifficultyTarget() {
   return difficultyTarget;
Exemple #12
  * Returns the time at which the block was solved and broadcast, according to the clock of the
  * solving node. This is measured in seconds since the UNIX epoch (midnight Jan 1st 1970).
 public long getTimeSeconds() {
   return time;
Exemple #13
 /** Returns the hash of the previous block in the chain, as defined by the block header. */
 public Sha256Hash getPrevBlockHash() {
   return prevBlockHash;
Exemple #14
 /** Returns the version of the block data structure as defined by the Litecoin protocol. */
 public long getVersion() {
   return version;