public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      // Primary Key Attributes for Constant Enum support
      String attrTenantId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstAtomLock");

      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFDbTestValuePKey pkey =
          ((ICFDbTestSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryValue().newPKey();

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");

      // Get current context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natId;
      natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      // Lock the object
      ICFDbTestAtomObj locked = ((ICFDbTestAtomObj) schemaObj.getAtomTableObj().lockAtom(pkey));
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgAtomMessageFormatter.formatAtomRspnLocked(
                  "\n\t\t\t", locked.getAtomBuff())
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Scope Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // ClearDep Attributes
      String attrRelationId = null;
      // ClearSubDep3 Attributes
      String attrContClearDep2TenantId = null;
      String attrContClearDep2Id = null;
      String attrName = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstClearSubDep3Update");

      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("RelationId")) {
          if (attrRelationId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRelationId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ContClearDep2TenantId")) {
          if (attrContClearDep2TenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrContClearDep2TenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ContClearDep2Id")) {
          if (attrContClearDep2Id != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrContClearDep2Id = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");
      if ((attrCreatedAt == null) || (attrCreatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedAt");
      if ((attrCreatedBy == null) || (attrCreatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedBy");
      if ((attrUpdatedAt == null) || (attrUpdatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedAt");
      if ((attrUpdatedBy == null) || (attrUpdatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedBy");
      if ((attrRelationId == null) || (attrRelationId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "RelationId");
      if ((attrContClearDep2TenantId == null) || (attrContClearDep2TenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ContClearDep2TenantId");
      if ((attrContClearDep2Id == null) || (attrContClearDep2Id.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ContClearDep2Id");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFBamScopePKey pkey =
          ((ICFBamSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryScope().newPKey();

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);
      long natId;
      natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);
      // Read the instance
      ICFBamClearSubDep3Obj origBuff =
          ((ICFBamClearSubDep3Obj) schemaObj.getClearSubDep3TableObj().readClearSubDep3(pkey));
      if (origBuff == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getClearSubDep3TableObj().readClearSubDep3()");
      } else {
        // Edit the instance
        ICFBamClearSubDep3EditObj editBuff = (ICFBamClearSubDep3EditObj) origBuff.beginEdit();
        CFBamClearSubDep3Buff dataBuff = editBuff.getClearSubDep3Buff();
        // Convert string attributes to native Java types
        // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.
        int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
        UUID createdBy = null;
        if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
          createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
        Calendar createdAt = null;
        if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
          createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
        UUID updatedBy = null;
        if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
          updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
        Calendar updatedAt = null;
        if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
          updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
        if (createdBy != null) {
        if (createdAt != null) {
        if (updatedBy != null) {
        if (updatedAt != null) {
        long natRelationId = Long.parseLong(attrRelationId);


        long natContClearDep2TenantId = Long.parseLong(attrContClearDep2TenantId);


        long natContClearDep2Id = Long.parseLong(attrContClearDep2Id);


        String natName = attrName;


        //	Attempt the update
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFBamXMsgClearSubDep3MessageFormatter.formatClearSubDep3RspnUpdated(
                    "\n\t\t\t", origBuff.getClearSubDep3Buff())
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFAsteriskXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Tenant Attributes
      String attrClusterId = null;
      String attrTenantName = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstTenantCreate");

      CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFAsteriskSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate an edit buffer for the parsed information
      ICFAsteriskTenantEditObj editBuff =
          (ICFAsteriskTenantEditObj) schemaObj.getTenantTableObj().newInstance().beginEdit();
      CFSecurityTenantBuff dataBuff = (CFSecurityTenantBuff) editBuff.getTenantBuff();
      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ClusterId")) {
          if (attrClusterId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrClusterId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantName")) {
          if (attrTenantName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrClusterId == null) || (attrClusterId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ClusterId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrTenantName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantName");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.
      long natClusterId = Long.parseLong(attrClusterId);


      String natTenantName = attrTenantName;


      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      //	Attempt the create
      editBuff.copyBuffToPKey(); // Allow for predefined ids
      ICFAsteriskTenantObj created = (ICFAsteriskTenantObj) editBuff.create();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAsteriskXMsgTenantMessageFormatter.formatTenantRspnCreated(
                  "\n\t\t\t", created.getTenantBuff())
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAsteriskXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFAsteriskXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFAsteriskXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrClusterId = null;
      String attrSecGroupId = null;
      String attrSecUserId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstSecGroupMemberReadByUUserIdx");

      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ClusterId")) {
          if (attrClusterId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrClusterId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SecGroupId")) {
          if (attrSecGroupId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSecGroupId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SecUserId")) {
          if (attrSecUserId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSecUserId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrClusterId == null) || (attrClusterId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ClusterId");
      if ((attrSecGroupId == null) || (attrSecGroupId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SecGroupId");
      if ((attrSecUserId == null) || (attrSecUserId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SecUserId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natClusterId;
      natClusterId = Long.parseLong(attrClusterId);

      int natSecGroupId;
      natSecGroupId = Integer.parseInt(attrSecGroupId);

      UUID natSecUserId;
      if ((attrSecUserId == null) || (attrSecUserId.length() <= 0)) {
        natSecUserId = null;
      } else {
        natSecUserId = UUID.fromString(attrSecUserId);

      // Read the object
      ICFDbTestSecGroupMemberObj read =
                  .readSecGroupMemberByUUserIdx(natClusterId, natSecGroupId, natSecUserId, true));
      if (read != null) {
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFDbTestXMsgSecGroupMemberMessageFormatter.formatSecGroupMemberRspnSingleOpenTag()
                + CFDbTestXMsgSecGroupMemberMessageFormatter.formatSecGroupMemberRspnDerivedRec(
                    "\n\t\t", read.getSecGroupMemberBuff())
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFDbTestXMsgSecGroupMemberMessageFormatter
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
      } else {
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnNoDataFound()
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrScopeId = null;
      String attrPrevId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstNmTokenTypeReadByContPrevIdx");

      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ScopeId")) {
          if (attrScopeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrScopeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevId")) {
          if (attrPrevId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrScopeId == null) || (attrScopeId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ScopeId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natScopeId;
      natScopeId = Long.parseLong(attrScopeId);

      Long natPrevId;
      if ((attrPrevId == null) || (attrPrevId.length() <= 0)) {
        natPrevId = null;
      } else {
        natPrevId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevId));

      // Read the objects
      List<ICFBamNmTokenTypeObj> list =
              .readNmTokenTypeByContPrevIdx(natTenantId, natScopeId, natPrevId);
      String responseOpening =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgValueMessageFormatter.formatValueRspnListOpenTag();
      Iterator<ICFBamNmTokenTypeObj> iter = list.iterator();
      ICFBamNmTokenTypeObj cur;
      String subxml;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        cur =;
        subxml =
            CFBamXMsgValueMessageFormatter.formatValueRspnDerivedRec("\n\t\t", cur.getValueBuff());
      String responseClosing =
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgValueMessageFormatter.formatValueRspnListCloseTag()
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFBamXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFBamXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFBamXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFInternetXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Primary Key Attributes for Constant Enum support
      String attrTenantId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstSubProjectDelete");

      CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFInternetSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFInternetDomainBasePKey pkey =
          ((ICFInternetSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryDomainBase().newPKey();

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");

      // Get current context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natId;
      natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      // Delete the object
      ICFInternetSubProjectObj read =
          ((ICFInternetSubProjectObj) schemaObj.getSubProjectTableObj().readSubProject(pkey));
      if (read != null) {
        if (read.getSubProjectBuff().getRequiredRevision() > natRevision) {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, "Collision detected preparing to delete SubProject");
        } else {
          ICFInternetSubProjectEditObj editBuff = (ICFInternetSubProjectEditObj) read.beginEdit();
          if (editBuff != null) {
            String response =
                    + "\n"
                    + "\t"
                    + CFInternetXMsgSubProjectMessageFormatter.formatSubProjectRspnDeleted()
                    + "\n"
                    + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
            ((CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
          } else {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "read.beginEdit()");
      } else {
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFInternetXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnNoDataFound()
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFInternetXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFInternetXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFInternetXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // TSecGroup Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrTSecGroupId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrIsVisible = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RspnTSecGroupLocked");

      CFFreeSwitchXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFFreeSwitchXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFFreeSwitchSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TSecGroupId")) {
          if (attrTSecGroupId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTSecGroupId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("IsVisible")) {
          if (attrIsVisible != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrIsVisible = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrTSecGroupId == null) || (attrTSecGroupId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TSecGroupId");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if ((attrIsVisible == null) || (attrIsVisible.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "IsVisible");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      int natTSecGroupId = Integer.parseInt(attrTSecGroupId);

      String natName = attrName;

      boolean natIsVisible;
      if (attrIsVisible.equals("true")
          || attrIsVisible.equals("yes")
          || attrIsVisible.equals("1")) {
        natIsVisible = true;
      } else if (attrIsVisible.equals("false")
          || attrIsVisible.equals("no")
          || attrIsVisible.equals("0")) {
        natIsVisible = false;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                "Unexpected IsVisible value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                    + attrIsVisible
                    + "\"");

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFFreeSwitchTSecGroupObj obj =
          (ICFFreeSwitchTSecGroupObj) schemaObj.getTSecGroupTableObj().newInstance();
      CFSecurityTSecGroupBuff dataBuff = obj.getTSecGroupBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      ICFFreeSwitchTSecGroupObj realized = (ICFFreeSwitchTSecGroupObj) obj.realize();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Param Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrServerMethodId = null;
      String attrDefSchemaTenantId = null;
      String attrDefSchemaId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrShortDescription = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrIsNullable = null;
      String attrTypeTenantId = null;
      String attrTypeId = null;
      String attrPrevTenantId = null;
      String attrPrevId = null;
      String attrNextTenantId = null;
      String attrNextId = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("Param");

      CFBamXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFBamXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ServerMethodId")) {
          if (attrServerMethodId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrServerMethodId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefSchemaTenantId")) {
          if (attrDefSchemaTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefSchemaTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefSchemaId")) {
          if (attrDefSchemaId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefSchemaId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ShortDescription")) {
          if (attrShortDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrShortDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("IsNullable")) {
          if (attrIsNullable != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrIsNullable = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TypeTenantId")) {
          if (attrTypeTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTypeTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TypeId")) {
          if (attrTypeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTypeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevTenantId")) {
          if (attrPrevTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevId")) {
          if (attrPrevId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextTenantId")) {
          if (attrNextTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextId")) {
          if (attrNextId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrServerMethodId == null) || (attrServerMethodId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ServerMethodId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if ((attrIsNullable == null) || (attrIsNullable.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "IsNullable");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = xmsgRspnHandler.getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natServerMethodId = Long.parseLong(attrServerMethodId);

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      Long natDefSchemaTenantId;
      if ((attrDefSchemaTenantId == null) || (attrDefSchemaTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natDefSchemaTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natDefSchemaTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrDefSchemaTenantId));

      Long natDefSchemaId;
      if ((attrDefSchemaId == null) || (attrDefSchemaId.length() <= 0)) {
        natDefSchemaId = null;
      } else {
        natDefSchemaId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrDefSchemaId));

      String natName = attrName;

      String natShortDescription = attrShortDescription;

      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      boolean natIsNullable;
      if (attrIsNullable.equals("true")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("yes")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("1")) {
        natIsNullable = true;
      } else if (attrIsNullable.equals("false")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("no")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("0")) {
        natIsNullable = false;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                "Unexpected IsNullable value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                    + attrIsNullable
                    + "\"");

      Long natTypeTenantId;
      if ((attrTypeTenantId == null) || (attrTypeTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natTypeTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natTypeTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrTypeTenantId));

      Long natTypeId;
      if ((attrTypeId == null) || (attrTypeId.length() <= 0)) {
        natTypeId = null;
      } else {
        natTypeId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrTypeId));

      Long natPrevTenantId;
      if ((attrPrevTenantId == null) || (attrPrevTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natPrevTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natPrevTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevTenantId));

      Long natPrevId;
      if ((attrPrevId == null) || (attrPrevId.length() <= 0)) {
        natPrevId = null;
      } else {
        natPrevId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevId));

      Long natNextTenantId;
      if ((attrNextTenantId == null) || (attrNextTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natNextTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natNextTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextTenantId));

      Long natNextId;
      if ((attrNextId == null) || (attrNextId.length() <= 0)) {
        natNextId = null;
      } else {
        natNextId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextId));

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      // Get the parent context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext parentContext = curContext.getPrevContext();
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFBamParamObj obj = (ICFBamParamObj) (schemaObj.getParamTableObj().newInstance());
      CFBamParamBuff dataBuff = obj.getParamBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      List<ICFBamParamObj> list = (List<ICFBamParamObj>) xmsgRspnHandler.getListOfObjects();
      ICFBamParamObj realized = (ICFBamParamObj) obj.realize();
      if (list != null) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Cluster Attributes
      String attrFullDomainName = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("Cluster");

      CFDbTestXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FullDomainName")) {
          if (attrFullDomainName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFullDomainName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrFullDomainName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FullDomainName");
      if (attrDescription == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Description");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = xmsgRspnHandler.getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      String natFullDomainName = attrFullDomainName;

      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      // Get the parent context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext parentContext = curContext.getPrevContext();
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFDbTestClusterObj obj =
          (ICFDbTestClusterObj) (schemaObj.getClusterTableObj().newInstance());
      CFSecurityClusterBuff dataBuff = obj.getClusterBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      List<ICFSecurityClusterObj> list =
          (List<ICFSecurityClusterObj>) xmsgRspnHandler.getListOfObjects();
      ICFSecurityClusterObj realized = (ICFSecurityClusterObj) obj.realize();
      if (list != null) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Value Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrScopeId = null;
      String attrDefSchemaTenantId = null;
      String attrDefSchemaId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrShortName = null;
      String attrLabel = null;
      String attrShortDescription = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrIsNullable = null;
      String attrGenerateId = null;
      String attrDataScope = null;
      String attrViewAccessSecurity = null;
      String attrEditAccessSecurity = null;
      String attrViewAccessFrequency = null;
      String attrEditAccessFrequency = null;
      String attrPrevTenantId = null;
      String attrPrevId = null;
      String attrNextTenantId = null;
      String attrNextId = null;
      String attrDefaultVisibility = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Atom Attributes
      String attrDbName = null;
      // NmTokenDef Attributes
      String attrMaxLen = null;
      String attrInitValue = null;
      String attrDefaultValue = null;
      String attrNullValue = null;
      String attrUnknownValue = null;
      String attrShowLines = null;
      // NmTokenCol Attributes
      String attrTableId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("NmTokenCol");

      CFBamXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFBamXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ScopeId")) {
          if (attrScopeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrScopeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefSchemaTenantId")) {
          if (attrDefSchemaTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefSchemaTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefSchemaId")) {
          if (attrDefSchemaId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefSchemaId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ShortName")) {
          if (attrShortName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrShortName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Label")) {
          if (attrLabel != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrLabel = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ShortDescription")) {
          if (attrShortDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrShortDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("IsNullable")) {
          if (attrIsNullable != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrIsNullable = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("GenerateId")) {
          if (attrGenerateId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrGenerateId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DataScope")) {
          if (attrDataScope != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDataScope = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ViewAccessSecurity")) {
          if (attrViewAccessSecurity != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrViewAccessSecurity = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("EditAccessSecurity")) {
          if (attrEditAccessSecurity != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrEditAccessSecurity = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ViewAccessFrequency")) {
          if (attrViewAccessFrequency != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrViewAccessFrequency = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("EditAccessFrequency")) {
          if (attrEditAccessFrequency != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrEditAccessFrequency = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevTenantId")) {
          if (attrPrevTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevId")) {
          if (attrPrevId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextTenantId")) {
          if (attrNextTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextId")) {
          if (attrNextId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefaultVisibility")) {
          if (attrDefaultVisibility != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefaultVisibility = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DbName")) {
          if (attrDbName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDbName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MaxLen")) {
          if (attrMaxLen != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMaxLen = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("InitValue")) {
          if (attrInitValue != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrInitValue = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefaultValue")) {
          if (attrDefaultValue != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefaultValue = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NullValue")) {
          if (attrNullValue != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNullValue = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UnknownValue")) {
          if (attrUnknownValue != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUnknownValue = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ShowLines")) {
          if (attrShowLines != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrShowLines = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TableId")) {
          if (attrTableId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTableId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrScopeId == null) || (attrScopeId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ScopeId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if ((attrIsNullable == null) || (attrIsNullable.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "IsNullable");
      if ((attrDefaultVisibility == null) || (attrDefaultVisibility.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "DefaultVisibility");
      if ((attrMaxLen == null) || (attrMaxLen.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "MaxLen");
      if ((attrShowLines == null) || (attrShowLines.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ShowLines");
      if ((attrTableId == null) || (attrTableId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TableId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = xmsgRspnHandler.getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natScopeId = Long.parseLong(attrScopeId);

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      Long natDefSchemaTenantId;
      if ((attrDefSchemaTenantId == null) || (attrDefSchemaTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natDefSchemaTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natDefSchemaTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrDefSchemaTenantId));

      Long natDefSchemaId;
      if ((attrDefSchemaId == null) || (attrDefSchemaId.length() <= 0)) {
        natDefSchemaId = null;
      } else {
        natDefSchemaId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrDefSchemaId));

      String natName = attrName;

      String natShortName = attrShortName;

      String natLabel = attrLabel;

      String natShortDescription = attrShortDescription;

      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      boolean natIsNullable;
      if (attrIsNullable.equals("true")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("yes")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("1")) {
        natIsNullable = true;
      } else if (attrIsNullable.equals("false")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("no")
          || attrIsNullable.equals("0")) {
        natIsNullable = false;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                "Unexpected IsNullable value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                    + attrIsNullable
                    + "\"");

      Boolean natGenerateId;
      if ((attrGenerateId == null) || (attrGenerateId.length() <= 0)) {
        natGenerateId = null;
      } else if (attrGenerateId.equals("true")
          || attrGenerateId.equals("yes")
          || attrGenerateId.equals("1")) {
        natGenerateId = true;
      } else if (attrGenerateId.equals("false")
          || attrGenerateId.equals("no")
          || attrGenerateId.equals("0")) {
        natGenerateId = false;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                "Unexpected GenerateId value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                    + attrGenerateId
                    + "\"");

      ICFBamSchema.DataScopeEnum natDataScope;
      if ((attrDataScope == null) || (attrDataScope.length() <= 0)) {
        natDataScope = null;
      } else {
        natDataScope = CFBamSchema.parseDataScopeEnum(attrDataScope);

      ICFBamSchema.AccessSecurityEnum natViewAccessSecurity;
      if ((attrViewAccessSecurity == null) || (attrViewAccessSecurity.length() <= 0)) {
        natViewAccessSecurity = null;
      } else {
        natViewAccessSecurity = CFBamSchema.parseAccessSecurityEnum(attrViewAccessSecurity);

      ICFBamSchema.AccessSecurityEnum natEditAccessSecurity;
      if ((attrEditAccessSecurity == null) || (attrEditAccessSecurity.length() <= 0)) {
        natEditAccessSecurity = null;
      } else {
        natEditAccessSecurity = CFBamSchema.parseAccessSecurityEnum(attrEditAccessSecurity);

      ICFBamSchema.AccessFrequencyEnum natViewAccessFrequency;
      if ((attrViewAccessFrequency == null) || (attrViewAccessFrequency.length() <= 0)) {
        natViewAccessFrequency = null;
      } else {
        natViewAccessFrequency = CFBamSchema.parseAccessFrequencyEnum(attrViewAccessFrequency);

      ICFBamSchema.AccessFrequencyEnum natEditAccessFrequency;
      if ((attrEditAccessFrequency == null) || (attrEditAccessFrequency.length() <= 0)) {
        natEditAccessFrequency = null;
      } else {
        natEditAccessFrequency = CFBamSchema.parseAccessFrequencyEnum(attrEditAccessFrequency);

      Long natPrevTenantId;
      if ((attrPrevTenantId == null) || (attrPrevTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natPrevTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natPrevTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevTenantId));

      Long natPrevId;
      if ((attrPrevId == null) || (attrPrevId.length() <= 0)) {
        natPrevId = null;
      } else {
        natPrevId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevId));

      Long natNextTenantId;
      if ((attrNextTenantId == null) || (attrNextTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        natNextTenantId = null;
      } else {
        natNextTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextTenantId));

      Long natNextId;
      if ((attrNextId == null) || (attrNextId.length() <= 0)) {
        natNextId = null;
      } else {
        natNextId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextId));

      boolean natDefaultVisibility;
      if (attrDefaultVisibility.equals("true")
          || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("yes")
          || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("1")) {
        natDefaultVisibility = true;
      } else if (attrDefaultVisibility.equals("false")
          || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("no")
          || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("0")) {
        natDefaultVisibility = false;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                "Unexpected DefaultVisibility value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                    + attrDefaultVisibility
                    + "\"");

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      String natDbName = attrDbName;

      int natMaxLen = Integer.parseInt(attrMaxLen);

      String natInitValue = attrInitValue;

      String natDefaultValue = attrDefaultValue;

      String natNullValue = attrNullValue;

      String natUnknownValue = attrUnknownValue;

      short natShowLines = Short.parseShort(attrShowLines);

      long natTableId = Long.parseLong(attrTableId);

      // Get the parent context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext parentContext = curContext.getPrevContext();
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFBamNmTokenColObj obj =
          (ICFBamNmTokenColObj) (schemaObj.getNmTokenColTableObj().newInstance());
      CFBamNmTokenColBuff dataBuff = obj.getNmTokenColBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      List<ICFBamValueObj> list = (List<ICFBamValueObj>) xmsgRspnHandler.getListOfObjects();
      ICFBamNmTokenColObj realized = (ICFBamNmTokenColObj) obj.realize();
      if (list != null) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      // OptMaxValue Attributes
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrTestInt16 = null;
      String attrTestInt32 = null;
      String attrTestInt64 = null;
      String attrTestUInt16 = null;
      String attrTestUInt32 = null;
      String attrTestUInt64 = null;
      String attrTestFloat = null;
      String attrTestDouble = null;
      String attrTestNumber = null;
      String attrTestDate = null;
      String attrTestTimestamp = null;
      String attrTestTZDate = null;
      String attrTestTZTimestamp = null;
      // OptMaxValue References
      ICFDbTestTenantObj refTenant = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("OptMaxValue");

      CFDbTestSaxLoader saxLoader = (CFDbTestSaxLoader) getParser();
      if (saxLoader == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = saxLoader.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate an edit buffer for the parsed information
      ICFDbTestOptMaxValueEditObj editBuff =

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt16")) {
          if (attrTestInt16 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt16 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt32")) {
          if (attrTestInt32 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt32 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt64")) {
          if (attrTestInt64 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt64 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt16")) {
          if (attrTestUInt16 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt16 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt32")) {
          if (attrTestUInt32 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt32 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt64")) {
          if (attrTestUInt64 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt64 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestFloat")) {
          if (attrTestFloat != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestFloat = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestDouble")) {
          if (attrTestDouble != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestDouble = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestNumber")) {
          if (attrTestNumber != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestNumber = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestDate")) {
          if (attrTestDate != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestDate = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTimestamp")) {
          if (attrTestTimestamp != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTimestamp = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTZDate")) {
          if (attrTestTZDate != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTZDate = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTZTimestamp")) {
          if (attrTestTZTimestamp != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTZTimestamp = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if (attrDescription == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Description");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      curContext.putNamedValue("Id", attrId);
      curContext.putNamedValue("Description", attrDescription);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestInt16", attrTestInt16);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestInt32", attrTestInt32);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestInt64", attrTestInt64);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestUInt16", attrTestUInt16);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestUInt32", attrTestUInt32);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestUInt64", attrTestUInt64);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestFloat", attrTestFloat);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestDouble", attrTestDouble);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestNumber", attrTestNumber);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestDate", attrTestDate);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestTimestamp", attrTestTimestamp);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestTZDate", attrTestTZDate);
      curContext.putNamedValue("TestTZTimestamp", attrTestTZTimestamp);

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.

      Integer natId;
      if ((attrId != null) && (attrId.length() > 0)) {
        natId = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(attrId));
      } else {
        natId = null;
      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      Short natTestInt16;
      if ((attrTestInt16 == null) || (attrTestInt16.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestInt16 = null;
      } else {
        natTestInt16 = new Short(Short.parseShort(attrTestInt16));

      Integer natTestInt32;
      if ((attrTestInt32 == null) || (attrTestInt32.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestInt32 = null;
      } else {
        natTestInt32 = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(attrTestInt32));

      Long natTestInt64;
      if ((attrTestInt64 == null) || (attrTestInt64.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestInt64 = null;
      } else {
        natTestInt64 = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrTestInt64));

      Integer natTestUInt16;
      if ((attrTestUInt16 == null) || (attrTestUInt16.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestUInt16 = null;
      } else {
        natTestUInt16 = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(attrTestUInt16));

      Long natTestUInt32;
      if ((attrTestUInt32 == null) || (attrTestUInt32.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestUInt32 = null;
      } else {
        natTestUInt32 = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrTestUInt32));

      BigDecimal natTestUInt64;
      if ((attrTestUInt64 == null) || (attrTestUInt64.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestUInt64 = null;
      } else {
        natTestUInt64 =
            CFLibBigDecimalUtil.parse("CFDbTest.OptMaxValue.TestUInt64", 19, 0, attrTestUInt64);

      Float natTestFloat;
      if ((attrTestFloat == null) || (attrTestFloat.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestFloat = null;
      } else {
        natTestFloat = new Float(Float.parseFloat(attrTestFloat));

      Double natTestDouble;
      if ((attrTestDouble == null) || (attrTestDouble.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestDouble = null;
      } else {
        natTestDouble = new Double(Double.parseDouble(attrTestDouble));

      BigDecimal natTestNumber;
      if ((attrTestNumber == null) || (attrTestNumber.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestNumber = null;
      } else {
        natTestNumber =
            CFLibBigDecimalUtil.parse("CFDbTest.OptMaxValue.TestNumber", 20, 0, attrTestNumber);

      Calendar natTestDate;
      if ((attrTestDate == null) || (attrTestDate.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestDate = null;
      } else {
        try {
          natTestDate = CFLibXmlUtil.parseDate(attrTestDate);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
              .newInvalidArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestDate", attrTestDate, e);

      Calendar natTestTimestamp;
      if ((attrTestTimestamp == null) || (attrTestTimestamp.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestTimestamp = null;
      } else {
        try {
          natTestTimestamp = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrTestTimestamp);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTimestamp", attrTestTimestamp, e);

      Calendar natTestTZDate;
      if ((attrTestTZDate == null) || (attrTestTZDate.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestTZDate = null;
      } else {
        try {
          natTestTZDate = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTZDate(attrTestTZDate);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZDate", attrTestTZDate, e);

      Calendar natTestTZTimestamp;
      if ((attrTestTZTimestamp == null) || (attrTestTZTimestamp.length() <= 0)) {
        natTestTZTimestamp = null;
      } else {
        try {
          natTestTZTimestamp = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTZTimestamp(attrTestTZTimestamp);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZTimestamp", attrTestTZTimestamp, e);

      // Get the scope/container object

      CFLibXmlCoreContext parentContext = curContext.getPrevContext();
      Object scopeObj;
      if (parentContext != null) {
        scopeObj = parentContext.getNamedValue("Object");
      } else {
        scopeObj = null;

      // Resolve and apply required Container reference

      if (scopeObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "scopeObj");
      } else if (scopeObj instanceof ICFDbTestTenantObj) {
        refTenant = (ICFDbTestTenantObj) scopeObj;
      } else {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, "scopeObj", scopeObj, "ICFDbTestTenantObj");

      CFDbTestSaxLoader.LoaderBehaviourEnum loaderBehaviour =
      ICFDbTestOptMaxValueEditObj editOptMaxValue = null;
      ICFDbTestOptMaxValueObj origOptMaxValue =
                      refTenant.getRequiredId(), editBuff.getRequiredDescription());
      if (origOptMaxValue == null) {
        editOptMaxValue = editBuff;
      } else {
        switch (loaderBehaviour) {
          case Insert:
          case Update:
            editOptMaxValue = (ICFDbTestOptMaxValueEditObj) origOptMaxValue.beginEdit();
          case Replace:
            editOptMaxValue = (ICFDbTestOptMaxValueEditObj) origOptMaxValue.beginEdit();
            origOptMaxValue = null;
            editOptMaxValue = editBuff;

      if (editOptMaxValue != null) {
        if (origOptMaxValue != null) {
        } else {
          origOptMaxValue = (ICFDbTestOptMaxValueObj) editOptMaxValue.create();

      curContext.putNamedValue("Object", origOptMaxValue);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // License Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrDomainId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrEmbeddedText = null;
      String attrFullText = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RspnLicenseUpdated");

      CFAsteriskXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFAsteriskXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFAsteriskSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DomainId")) {
          if (attrDomainId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDomainId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("EmbeddedText")) {
          if (attrEmbeddedText != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrEmbeddedText = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FullText")) {
          if (attrFullText != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFullText = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if ((attrDomainId == null) || (attrDomainId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "DomainId");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      long natDomainId = Long.parseLong(attrDomainId);

      String natName = attrName;

      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      String natEmbeddedText = attrEmbeddedText;

      String natFullText = attrFullText;

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFAsteriskLicenseObj obj =
          (ICFAsteriskLicenseObj) schemaObj.getLicenseTableObj().newInstance();
      CFInternetLicenseBuff dataBuff = obj.getLicenseBuff();
      ICFAsteriskLicenseObj realized = (ICFAsteriskLicenseObj) obj.realize();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // ConfigurationFile Attributes
      String attrClusterId = null;
      String attrHostNodeId = null;
      String attrFileFullName = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // SipConf Attributes
      String attrFileContents = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RspnSipConfUpdated");

      CFAsteriskXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFAsteriskXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFAsteriskSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ClusterId")) {
          if (attrClusterId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrClusterId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("HostNodeId")) {
          if (attrHostNodeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrHostNodeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FileFullName")) {
          if (attrFileFullName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFileFullName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FileContents")) {
          if (attrFileContents != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFileContents = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrClusterId == null) || (attrClusterId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ClusterId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if ((attrHostNodeId == null) || (attrHostNodeId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "HostNodeId");
      if (attrFileFullName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FileFullName");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");
      if (attrFileContents == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FileContents");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natClusterId = Long.parseLong(attrClusterId);

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      long natHostNodeId = Long.parseLong(attrHostNodeId);

      String natFileFullName = attrFileFullName;

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      String natFileContents = attrFileContents;

      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFAsteriskSipConfObj obj =
          (ICFAsteriskSipConfObj) schemaObj.getSipConfTableObj().newInstance();
      CFAsteriskSipConfBuff dataBuff = obj.getSipConfBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      ICFAsteriskSipConfObj realized = (ICFAsteriskSipConfObj) obj.realize();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // Value Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrScopeId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrDefaultVisibility = null;
      String attrPrevTenantId = null;
      String attrPrevId = null;
      String attrNextTenantId = null;
      String attrNextId = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Atom Attributes
      // TokenDef Attributes
      // TokenType Attributes
      String attrSchemaDefId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstTokenTypeUpdate");

      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ScopeId")) {
          if (attrScopeId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrScopeId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("DefaultVisibility")) {
          if (attrDefaultVisibility != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDefaultVisibility = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevTenantId")) {
          if (attrPrevTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PrevId")) {
          if (attrPrevId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPrevId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextTenantId")) {
          if (attrNextTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NextId")) {
          if (attrNextId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNextId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SchemaDefId")) {
          if (attrSchemaDefId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSchemaDefId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrScopeId == null) || (attrScopeId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ScopeId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if ((attrDefaultVisibility == null) || (attrDefaultVisibility.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "DefaultVisibility");
      if ((attrRevision == null) || (attrRevision.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Revision");
      if ((attrCreatedAt == null) || (attrCreatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedAt");
      if ((attrCreatedBy == null) || (attrCreatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CreatedBy");
      if ((attrUpdatedAt == null) || (attrUpdatedAt.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedAt");
      if ((attrUpdatedBy == null) || (attrUpdatedBy.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "UpdatedBy");
      if ((attrSchemaDefId == null) || (attrSchemaDefId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SchemaDefId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Instantiate a PKey buffer for the parsed information
      CFDbTestValuePKey pkey =
          ((ICFDbTestSchema) schemaObj.getBackingStore()).getFactoryValue().newPKey();

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);
      long natId;
      natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);
      // Read the instance
      ICFDbTestTokenTypeObj origBuff =
          ((ICFDbTestTokenTypeObj) schemaObj.getTokenTypeTableObj().readTokenType(pkey));
      if (origBuff == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getTokenTypeTableObj().readTokenType()");
      } else {
        // Edit the instance
        ICFDbTestTokenTypeEditObj editBuff = (ICFDbTestTokenTypeEditObj) origBuff.beginEdit();
        CFDbTestTokenTypeBuff dataBuff = editBuff.getTokenTypeBuff();
        // Convert string attributes to native Java types
        // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.
        long natScopeId = Long.parseLong(attrScopeId);


        String natName = attrName;


        boolean natDefaultVisibility;
        if (attrDefaultVisibility.equals("true")
            || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("yes")
            || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("1")) {
          natDefaultVisibility = true;
        } else if (attrDefaultVisibility.equals("false")
            || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("no")
            || attrDefaultVisibility.equals("0")) {
          natDefaultVisibility = false;
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  "Unexpected DefaultVisibility value, must be one of true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0, not \""
                      + attrDefaultVisibility
                      + "\"");


        Long natPrevTenantId;
        if ((attrPrevTenantId == null) || (attrPrevTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
          natPrevTenantId = null;
        } else {
          natPrevTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevTenantId));


        Long natPrevId;
        if ((attrPrevId == null) || (attrPrevId.length() <= 0)) {
          natPrevId = null;
        } else {
          natPrevId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrPrevId));


        Long natNextTenantId;
        if ((attrNextTenantId == null) || (attrNextTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
          natNextTenantId = null;
        } else {
          natNextTenantId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextTenantId));


        Long natNextId;
        if ((attrNextId == null) || (attrNextId.length() <= 0)) {
          natNextId = null;
        } else {
          natNextId = new Long(Long.parseLong(attrNextId));


        int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
        UUID createdBy = null;
        if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
          createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
        Calendar createdAt = null;
        if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
          createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
        UUID updatedBy = null;
        if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
          updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
        Calendar updatedAt = null;
        if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
          updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
        if (createdBy != null) {
        if (createdAt != null) {
        if (updatedBy != null) {
        if (updatedAt != null) {
        long natSchemaDefId = Long.parseLong(attrSchemaDefId);


        //	Attempt the update
        String response =
                + "\n"
                + "\t"
                + CFDbTestXMsgTokenTypeMessageFormatter.formatTokenTypeRspnUpdated(
                    "\n\t\t\t", origBuff.getTokenTypeBuff())
                + "\n"
                + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
        ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // ReqMinMaxValue Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrDescription = null;
      String attrTestInt16 = null;
      String attrTestInt32 = null;
      String attrTestInt64 = null;
      String attrTestUInt16 = null;
      String attrTestUInt32 = null;
      String attrTestUInt64 = null;
      String attrTestFloat = null;
      String attrTestDouble = null;
      String attrTestNumber = null;
      String attrTestDate = null;
      String attrTestTimestamp = null;
      String attrTestTZDate = null;
      String attrTestTZTimestamp = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("ReqMinMaxValue");

      CFDbTestXMsgRspnHandler xmsgRspnHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRspnHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRspnHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRspnHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Description")) {
          if (attrDescription != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrDescription = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt16")) {
          if (attrTestInt16 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt16 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt32")) {
          if (attrTestInt32 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt32 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestInt64")) {
          if (attrTestInt64 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestInt64 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt16")) {
          if (attrTestUInt16 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt16 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt32")) {
          if (attrTestUInt32 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt32 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestUInt64")) {
          if (attrTestUInt64 != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestUInt64 = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestFloat")) {
          if (attrTestFloat != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestFloat = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestDouble")) {
          if (attrTestDouble != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestDouble = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestNumber")) {
          if (attrTestNumber != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestNumber = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestDate")) {
          if (attrTestDate != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestDate = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTimestamp")) {
          if (attrTestTimestamp != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTimestamp = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTZDate")) {
          if (attrTestTZDate != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTZDate = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TestTZTimestamp")) {
          if (attrTestTZTimestamp != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTestTZTimestamp = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrId == null) || (attrId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Id");
      if (attrDescription == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Description");
      if ((attrTestInt16 == null) || (attrTestInt16.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestInt16");
      if ((attrTestInt32 == null) || (attrTestInt32.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestInt32");
      if ((attrTestInt64 == null) || (attrTestInt64.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestInt64");
      if ((attrTestUInt16 == null) || (attrTestUInt16.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestUInt16");
      if ((attrTestUInt32 == null) || (attrTestUInt32.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestUInt32");
      if ((attrTestUInt64 == null) || (attrTestUInt64.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestUInt64");
      if ((attrTestFloat == null) || (attrTestFloat.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestFloat");
      if ((attrTestDouble == null) || (attrTestDouble.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestDouble");
      if ((attrTestNumber == null) || (attrTestNumber.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestNumber");
      if ((attrTestDate == null) || (attrTestDate.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestDate");
      if ((attrTestTimestamp == null) || (attrTestTimestamp.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTimestamp");
      if ((attrTestTZDate == null) || (attrTestTZDate.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZDate");
      if ((attrTestTZTimestamp == null) || (attrTestTZTimestamp.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZTimestamp");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = xmsgRspnHandler.getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natId = Long.parseLong(attrId);

      String natDescription = attrDescription;

      short natTestInt16 = Short.parseShort(attrTestInt16);

      int natTestInt32 = Integer.parseInt(attrTestInt32);

      long natTestInt64 = Long.parseLong(attrTestInt64);

      int natTestUInt16 = Integer.parseInt(attrTestUInt16);

      long natTestUInt32 = Long.parseLong(attrTestUInt32);

      BigDecimal natTestUInt64 = new BigDecimal(attrTestUInt64);

      float natTestFloat = Float.parseFloat(attrTestFloat);

      double natTestDouble = Double.parseDouble(attrTestDouble);

      BigDecimal natTestNumber = new BigDecimal(attrTestNumber);

      Calendar natTestDate;
      try {
        natTestDate = CFLibXmlUtil.parseDate(attrTestDate);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newInvalidArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestDate", attrTestDate, e);

      Calendar natTestTimestamp;
      try {
        natTestTimestamp = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrTestTimestamp);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTimestamp", attrTestTimestamp, e);

      Calendar natTestTZDate;
      try {
        natTestTZDate = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTZDate(attrTestTZDate);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZDate", attrTestTZDate, e);

      Calendar natTestTZTimestamp;
      try {
        natTestTZTimestamp = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTZTimestamp(attrTestTZTimestamp);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TestTZTimestamp", attrTestTZTimestamp, e);

      int natRevision = Integer.parseInt(attrRevision);
      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      // Get the parent context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext parentContext = curContext.getPrevContext();
      // Instantiate a buffer for the parsed information
      ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj obj =
          (ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj) (schemaObj.getReqMinMaxValueTableObj().newInstance());
      CFDbTestReqMinMaxValueBuff dataBuff = obj.getReqMinMaxValueBuff();
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      List<ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj> list =
          (List<ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj>) xmsgRspnHandler.getListOfObjects();
      ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj realized = (ICFDbTestReqMinMaxValueObj) obj.realize();
      if (list != null) {
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
    } catch (Error e) {
      throw new Error(
          "Near "
              + getParser().getLocationInfo()
              + ": Caught and rethrew "
              + e.getClass().getName()
              + " - "
              + e.getMessage(),
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrSchemaDefId = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstUInt16TypeDeleteBySchemaIdx");

      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFDbTestSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SchemaDefId")) {
          if (attrSchemaDefId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSchemaDefId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrSchemaDefId == null) || (attrSchemaDefId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SchemaDefId");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();
      // Convert string attributes to native Java types

      long natTenantId;
      natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);

      long natSchemaDefId;
      natSchemaDefId = Long.parseLong(attrSchemaDefId);

      // Delete the objects
      schemaObj.getUInt16TypeTableObj().deleteUInt16TypeBySchemaIdx(natTenantId, natSchemaDefId);
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgUInt16TypeMessageFormatter.formatUInt16TypeRspnDeleted()
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFDbTestXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFDbTestXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs)
      throws SAXException {
    CFFreeSwitchXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter schemaFormatter = null;
    try {
      // Common XML Attributes
      String attrId = null;
      String attrRevision = null;
      // FSSFConferenceProfile Attributes
      String attrTenantId = null;
      String attrFSSFConferenceProfileId = null;
      String attrFSSFConferenceId = null;
      String attrName = null;
      String attrSoundPrefix = null;
      String attrAckSound = null;
      String attrAloneSound = null;
      String attrBadPinSound = null;
      String attrEnterSound = null;
      String attrExitSound = null;
      String attrIsLockedSound = null;
      String attrKickedSound = null;
      String attrLockedSound = null;
      String attrMaxMembersSound = null;
      String attrMOHSound = null;
      String attrMuteDetectSound = null;
      String attrMutedSound = null;
      String attrNackSound = null;
      String attrPerpetualSound = null;
      String attrPinSound = null;
      String attrPin = null;
      String attrUnmutedSound = null;
      String attrRate = null;
      String attrAutoRecord = null;
      String attrValInterval = null;
      String attrEnergyLevel = null;
      String attrMemberFlags = null;
      String attrConferenceFlags = null;
      String attrCallerControls = null;
      String attrTTSEngine = null;
      String attrTTSVoice = null;
      String attrMaxMembers = null;
      String attrComfortNoise = null;
      String attrAnnounceCount = null;
      String attrSuppressEvents = null;
      String attrVerboseEvents = null;
      String attrCallerIdName = null;
      String attrCallerIdNumber = null;
      String attrCreatedAt = null;
      String attrCreatedBy = null;
      String attrUpdatedAt = null;
      String attrUpdatedBy = null;
      // Attribute Extraction
      String attrLocalName;
      int numAttrs;
      int idxAttr;
      final String S_ProcName = "startElement";
      final String S_LocalName = "LocalName";

      assert qName.equals("RqstFSSFConferenceProfileCreate");

      CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = (CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler) getParser();
      if (xmsgRqstHandler == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser()");

      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();

      ICFFreeSwitchSchemaObj schemaObj = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaObj();
      if (schemaObj == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "getParser().getSchemaObj()");

      // Instantiate an edit buffer for the parsed information
      ICFFreeSwitchFSSFConferenceProfileEditObj editBuff =
      CFFreeSwitchFSSFConferenceProfileBuff dataBuff =
          (CFFreeSwitchFSSFConferenceProfileBuff) editBuff.getFSSFConferenceProfileBuff();
      // Extract Attributes
      numAttrs = attrs.getLength();
      for (idxAttr = 0; idxAttr < numAttrs; idxAttr++) {
        attrLocalName = attrs.getLocalName(idxAttr);
        if (attrLocalName.equals("Id")) {
          if (attrId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("schemaLocation")) {
          // ignored
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Revision")) {
          if (attrRevision != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRevision = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedAt")) {
          if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CreatedBy")) {
          if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCreatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedAt")) {
          if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedAt = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UpdatedBy")) {
          if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUpdatedBy = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TenantId")) {
          if (attrTenantId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTenantId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FSSFConferenceProfileId")) {
          if (attrFSSFConferenceProfileId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFSSFConferenceProfileId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("FSSFConferenceId")) {
          if (attrFSSFConferenceId != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrFSSFConferenceId = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Name")) {
          if (attrName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SoundPrefix")) {
          if (attrSoundPrefix != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSoundPrefix = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AckSound")) {
          if (attrAckSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAckSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AloneSound")) {
          if (attrAloneSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAloneSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("BadPinSound")) {
          if (attrBadPinSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrBadPinSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("EnterSound")) {
          if (attrEnterSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrEnterSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ExitSound")) {
          if (attrExitSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrExitSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("IsLockedSound")) {
          if (attrIsLockedSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrIsLockedSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("KickedSound")) {
          if (attrKickedSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrKickedSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("LockedSound")) {
          if (attrLockedSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrLockedSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MaxMembersSound")) {
          if (attrMaxMembersSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMaxMembersSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MOHSound")) {
          if (attrMOHSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMOHSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MuteDetectSound")) {
          if (attrMuteDetectSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMuteDetectSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MutedSound")) {
          if (attrMutedSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMutedSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("NackSound")) {
          if (attrNackSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrNackSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PerpetualSound")) {
          if (attrPerpetualSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPerpetualSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("PinSound")) {
          if (attrPinSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPinSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Pin")) {
          if (attrPin != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrPin = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("UnmutedSound")) {
          if (attrUnmutedSound != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrUnmutedSound = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("Rate")) {
          if (attrRate != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrRate = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AutoRecord")) {
          if (attrAutoRecord != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAutoRecord = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ValInterval")) {
          if (attrValInterval != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrValInterval = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("EnergyLevel")) {
          if (attrEnergyLevel != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrEnergyLevel = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MemberFlags")) {
          if (attrMemberFlags != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMemberFlags = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ConferenceFlags")) {
          if (attrConferenceFlags != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrConferenceFlags = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CallerControls")) {
          if (attrCallerControls != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCallerControls = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TTSEngine")) {
          if (attrTTSEngine != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTTSEngine = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("TTSVoice")) {
          if (attrTTSVoice != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrTTSVoice = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("MaxMembers")) {
          if (attrMaxMembers != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrMaxMembers = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("ComfortNoise")) {
          if (attrComfortNoise != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrComfortNoise = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("AnnounceCount")) {
          if (attrAnnounceCount != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrAnnounceCount = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("SuppressEvents")) {
          if (attrSuppressEvents != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrSuppressEvents = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("VerboseEvents")) {
          if (attrVerboseEvents != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrVerboseEvents = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CallerIdName")) {
          if (attrCallerIdName != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCallerIdName = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else if (attrLocalName.equals("CallerIdNumber")) {
          if (attrCallerIdNumber != null) {
            throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                    getClass(), S_ProcName, S_LocalName, attrLocalName);
          attrCallerIdNumber = attrs.getValue(idxAttr);
        } else {
          throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
                  getClass(), S_ProcName, getParser().getLocationInfo(), attrLocalName);

      // Ensure that required attributes have values
      if ((attrTenantId == null) || (attrTenantId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TenantId");
      if ((attrFSSFConferenceProfileId == null) || (attrFSSFConferenceProfileId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FSSFConferenceProfileId");
      if ((attrFSSFConferenceId == null) || (attrFSSFConferenceId.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "FSSFConferenceId");
      if (attrName == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Name");
      if (attrSoundPrefix == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SoundPrefix");
      if ((attrRate == null) || (attrRate.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "Rate");
      if (attrAutoRecord == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "AutoRecord");
      if ((attrValInterval == null) || (attrValInterval.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ValInterval");
      if ((attrEnergyLevel == null) || (attrEnergyLevel.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "EnergyLevel");
      if (attrMemberFlags == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "MemberFlags");
      if (attrConferenceFlags == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ConferenceFlags");
      if (attrCallerControls == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "CallerControls");
      if (attrTTSEngine == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TTSEngine");
      if (attrTTSVoice == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "TTSVoice");
      if ((attrMaxMembers == null) || (attrMaxMembers.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "MaxMembers");
      if ((attrComfortNoise == null) || (attrComfortNoise.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "ComfortNoise");
      if ((attrAnnounceCount == null) || (attrAnnounceCount.length() <= 0)) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "AnnounceCount");
      if (attrSuppressEvents == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "SuppressEvents");
      if (attrVerboseEvents == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory()
            .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "VerboseEvents");

      // Save named attributes to context
      CFLibXmlCoreContext curContext = getParser().getCurContext();

      // Convert string attributes to native Java types
      // and apply the converted attributes to the editBuff.
      long natTenantId = Long.parseLong(attrTenantId);


      long natFSSFConferenceProfileId = Long.parseLong(attrFSSFConferenceProfileId);


      long natFSSFConferenceId = Long.parseLong(attrFSSFConferenceId);


      String natName = attrName;


      String natSoundPrefix = attrSoundPrefix;


      String natAckSound = attrAckSound;


      String natAloneSound = attrAloneSound;


      String natBadPinSound = attrBadPinSound;


      String natEnterSound = attrEnterSound;


      String natExitSound = attrExitSound;


      String natIsLockedSound = attrIsLockedSound;


      String natKickedSound = attrKickedSound;


      String natLockedSound = attrLockedSound;


      String natMaxMembersSound = attrMaxMembersSound;


      String natMOHSound = attrMOHSound;


      String natMuteDetectSound = attrMuteDetectSound;


      String natMutedSound = attrMutedSound;


      String natNackSound = attrNackSound;


      String natPerpetualSound = attrPerpetualSound;


      String natPinSound = attrPinSound;


      String natPin = attrPin;


      String natUnmutedSound = attrUnmutedSound;


      int natRate = Integer.parseInt(attrRate);


      String natAutoRecord = attrAutoRecord;


      int natValInterval = Integer.parseInt(attrValInterval);


      int natEnergyLevel = Integer.parseInt(attrEnergyLevel);


      String natMemberFlags = attrMemberFlags;


      String natConferenceFlags = attrConferenceFlags;


      String natCallerControls = attrCallerControls;


      String natTTSEngine = attrTTSEngine;


      String natTTSVoice = attrTTSVoice;


      int natMaxMembers = Integer.parseInt(attrMaxMembers);


      int natComfortNoise = Integer.parseInt(attrComfortNoise);


      int natAnnounceCount = Integer.parseInt(attrAnnounceCount);


      String natSuppressEvents = attrSuppressEvents;


      String natVerboseEvents = attrVerboseEvents;


      String natCallerIdName = attrCallerIdName;


      String natCallerIdNumber = attrCallerIdNumber;


      UUID createdBy = null;
      if (attrCreatedBy != null) {
        createdBy = UUID.fromString(attrCreatedBy);
      Calendar createdAt = null;
      if (attrCreatedAt != null) {
        createdAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrCreatedAt);
      UUID updatedBy = null;
      if (attrUpdatedBy != null) {
        updatedBy = UUID.fromString(attrUpdatedBy);
      Calendar updatedAt = null;
      if (attrUpdatedAt != null) {
        updatedAt = CFLibXmlUtil.parseTimestamp(attrUpdatedAt);
      if (createdBy != null) {
      if (createdAt != null) {
      if (updatedBy != null) {
      if (updatedAt != null) {
      //	Attempt the create
      editBuff.copyBuffToPKey(); // Allow for predefined ids
      ICFFreeSwitchFSSFConferenceProfileObj created =
          (ICFFreeSwitchFSSFConferenceProfileObj) editBuff.create();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFFreeSwitchXMsgFSSFConferenceProfileMessageFormatter
                      "\n\t\t\t", created.getFSSFConferenceProfileBuff())
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
      ((CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler) getParser()).appendResponse(response);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFFreeSwitchXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();
    } catch (Error e) {
      CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler xmsgRqstHandler = ((CFFreeSwitchXMsgRqstHandler) getParser());
      schemaFormatter = xmsgRqstHandler.getSchemaMessageFormatter();
      String response =
              + "\n"
              + "\t"
              + CFFreeSwitchXMsgSchemaMessageFormatter.formatRspnException("\n\t\t\t", e)
              + "\n"
              + schemaFormatter.formatRspnXmlPostamble();