private static String convertPage( @NotNull PageProperties props, @NotNull File file, @NotNull String htmlBody) throws IOException { String path = file.getPath(); File templateFile = new File(websiteDir, "template.html"); String template = CharsetDetectorHelper.toString(templateFile); Pair[] pairs = new Pair[] { props.title,, props.keywords, props.description, props.overview,, props.screenshots, props.more }; for (Pair pair : pairs) { String key = "${" + pair.key + "}"; template = UtilGlobal.replace(path, template, key, pair.value); } String year = String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)); template = UtilGlobal.replace(path, template, "${year}", year); String html = UtilGlobal.replace(path, template, "${contents}", htmlBody); // Insert awards table on main page if (file.getName().equals("index.markdown")) { File awardsFile = new File(websiteDir, "awards.html"); String awardsTable = CharsetDetectorHelper.toString(awardsFile); html = UtilGlobal.replace(path, html, "${awards_table}", awardsTable); } // Insert version number; must be done after inserting the markdown String versionKey = "${version}"; if (html.contains(versionKey)) html = UtilGlobal.replace(path, html, versionKey, version); return html; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { for (File srcDir : Util.listFiles(websiteDir)) { if (!srcDir.isDirectory()) continue; if (srcDir.getName().equals("all")) continue; File dstDir = new File("dist/website/" + srcDir.getName()); dstDir.mkdirs(); Util.deleteContents(dstDir); PegDownProcessor processor = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.TABLES); File propsFile = new File(srcDir, "/"); PageProperties props = new PageProperties(propsFile); convertDir(processor, props, srcDir, dstDir); } // Deploy files in the website/all directory for (File file : Util.listFiles(new File(websiteDir + "/all"))) { File dstFile = new File("dist/website/all", file.getName()); Files.createParentDirs(dstFile); Files.copy(file, dstFile); } // Deploy PAD file File padFileSrc = new File(websiteDir, "docfetcher-pad-template.xml"); File padFileDst = new File("dist/website", "docfetcher-pad.xml"); String padContents = CharsetDetectorHelper.toString(padFileSrc); padContents = UtilGlobal.replace(padFileSrc.getPath(), padContents, "${version}", version); Files.write(padContents, padFileDst, Charsets.UTF_8); Util.println("File written: " + padFileDst.getPath()); // Deploy English; this is currently used for // GUI translation via Properties prop = new Properties(); for (Msg msg : Msg.values()) prop.put(, msg.get()); File propFile = new File("dist/website", ""); FileWriter w = new FileWriter(propFile);, ""); Closeables.closeQuietly(w); Util.println("File written: " + propFile.getPath()); // Deploy index.php file File indexPhpFile = new File("dist/website/index.php"); Files.copy(new File(websiteDir, "index.php"), indexPhpFile); Util.println("File written: " + indexPhpFile.getPath()); // Deploy help file for GUI translators File propHelpSrc = new File(websiteDir, "prop-help-template.html"); File propHelpDst = new File("dist/website", "properties-help.html"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Msg msg : Msg.values()) { sb.append("<tr align=\"left\">"); sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(escapeHtml(propHelpSrc.getPath(), msg.get())); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append(Util.LS); sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(msg.getComment()); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append(Util.LS); } String propHelpContents = CharsetDetectorHelper.toString(propHelpSrc); propHelpContents = UtilGlobal.replace(propHelpSrc.getPath(), propHelpContents, "${contents}", sb.toString()); Files.write(propHelpContents, propHelpDst, Charsets.UTF_8); Util.println("File written: " + propHelpDst.getPath()); }