protected IProject findDestProject() { IContainer c = SVFileUtils.getWorkspaceFolder(getOption(SOURCE_FOLDER, "")); if (c == null) { return null; } else if (c instanceof IProject) { return (IProject) c; } else { return c.getProject(); } }
protected void validate() { setErrorMessage(null); if (!SVCharacter.isSVIdentifier(getOption(NAME, ""))) { setErrorMessage("Invalid class name format"); } IContainer c = SVFileUtils.getWorkspaceFolder(getOption(SOURCE_FOLDER, "")); if (c != null) { String filename_str = getOption(FILE_NAME, null); if (filename_str != null && !filename_str.equals("")) { IFile f = c.getFile(new Path(filename_str)); if (f.exists()) { setErrorMessage("File \"" + filename_str + "\" exists"); } } } else { setErrorMessage("Directory \"" + getOption(SOURCE_FOLDER, "") + "\" does not exist"); } setPageComplete((getErrorMessage() == null)); }
private void runTest(String name, String path) { BundleUtils utils = new BundleUtils(SVCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()); File pdir = new File(fTmpDir, path); assertTrue(pdir.mkdirs()); utils.unpackBundleZipToFS("", pdir); utils.unpackBundleZipToFS("", pdir); File filelist = new File(pdir, "filelist.f"); SVFileUtils.copy( "+define+QUESTA\n" + "+incdir+./uvm/src\n" + "./uvm/src/\n" + "+incdir+./uvmprimer-master/" + path + "\n" + "-F uvmprimer-master/" + path + "/rtl.f\n" + "-F uvmprimer-master/" + path + "/tb.f\n", filelist); ISVDBIndex index = fIndexRgy.findCreateIndex( new NullProgressMonitor(), "GENERIC", filelist.toString(), SVDBArgFileIndexFactory.TYPE, null); index.loadIndex(new NullProgressMonitor()); IndexTestUtils.assertNoErrWarn(fLog, index); }
public SVDBFile parse(SVDBFile file, List<SVDBMarker> markers) throws SVParseException { fMarkers = markers; if (fDebugEn) { fLog.debug("--> parse() " + fFilename); } while (fLexer.peek() != null) { if (fLexer.isOption()) { // Recognize the special-case -SVE_SET_CWD option if (fLexer.peek().equals("-SVE_SET_CWD")) { // Reset the working directory fLexer.consumeToken(); fBaseLocation = fLexer.readPath(); fResolvedBaseLocation = fBaseLocation; } else { SVArgFileToken tok = fLexer.consumeToken(); OptionType type = fOptionProviders.getOptionType(tok.getImage()); int arg_count = fOptionProviders.optionArgCount(tok.getImage()); if (fDebugEn) { fLog.debug( " isOption: " + tok.getImage() + " type=" + type + " arg_count=" + arg_count); } // Determine what type of option this is switch (type) { case Unrecognized: { // Treat plus-args as zero-option switches // Treat dash-args are one-option switches if (tok.getImage().startsWith("-")) { fLexer.eatToken(); } } break; // Recognized, but ignored, option case Ignored: { // TODO: Consume known options for (int i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) { fLexer.eatToken(); } } break; case Incdir: { List<String> inc_path_l = null; SVDBLocation loc = fLexer.getStartLocation(); if (arg_count > 0) { // include path is the argument String path = fLexer.readPath(); inc_path_l = fOptionProviders.getIncPaths(tok.getImage(), path); } else { inc_path_l = fOptionProviders.getIncPaths(tok.getImage(), tok.getOptionVal()); } if (inc_path_l != null) { for (String path : inc_path_l) { path = SVFileUtils.resolvePath(path, fResolvedBaseLocation, fFSProvider, true); if (!fFSProvider.fileExists(path)) { error( tok.getStartLocation(), "Include path \"" + path + "\" does not exist. " + "Resolved relative to \"" + fResolvedBaseLocation + "\""); } SVDBArgFileIncDirStmt stmt = new SVDBArgFileIncDirStmt(); stmt.setLocation(loc); stmt.setIncludePath(path); file.addChildItem(stmt); } } else { error(tok.getStartLocation(), "No include-file path provided"); } } break; case Define: { SVDBArgFileDefineStmt stmt = new SVDBArgFileDefineStmt(); stmt.setLocation(fLexer.getStartLocation()); Tuple<String, String> def; if (arg_count > 0) { // Define is the argument def = fOptionProviders.getDefValue(tok.getImage(), fLexer.readPath()); } else { String val = (tok.getOptionVal() != null) ? tok.getOptionVal() : ""; def = fOptionProviders.getDefValue(tok.getImage(), val); } stmt.setKey(def.first()); stmt.setValue(def.second()); file.addChildItem(stmt); } break; case ArgFileInc: case ArgFileRootInc: { SVDBArgFileIncFileStmt stmt = new SVDBArgFileIncFileStmt(); stmt.setLocation(tok.getStartLocation()); List<String> incs; // Flag the root-include status stmt.setRootInclude((type == OptionType.ArgFileRootInc)); if (arg_count > 0) { incs = fOptionProviders.getArgFilePaths(tok.getImage(), fLexer.readPath()); } else { incs = fOptionProviders.getArgFilePaths(tok.getImage(), tok.getOptionVal()); } if (incs == null || incs.size() == 0) { error(tok.getStartLocation(), "No argument-file path provided"); } else { String inc = incs.get(0); if (inc != null) { String path = SVFileUtils.resolvePath( incs.get(0), fResolvedBaseLocation, fFSProvider, true); if (!fFSProvider.fileExists(path)) { error( tok.getStartLocation(), "Argument-file path \"" + path + "\" does not exist; " + "Resolved relative to \"" + fResolvedBaseLocation + "\""); } stmt.setPath(path); } else { error(tok.getStartLocation(), "No argument-file path provided"); stmt.setPath(""); } file.addChildItem(stmt); } } break; case MFCU: { SVDBArgFileMfcuStmt stmt = new SVDBArgFileMfcuStmt(); stmt.setLocation(fLexer.getStartLocation()); file.addChildItem(stmt); } break; case SrcLibPath: { SVDBArgFileSrcLibPathStmt stmt = new SVDBArgFileSrcLibPathStmt(); stmt.setLocation(fLexer.getStartLocation()); String path = fLexer.readPath(); path = SVFileUtils.resolvePath(path, fResolvedBaseLocation, fFSProvider, true); if (!fFSProvider.isDir(path)) { error( tok.getStartLocation(), "Source library path \"" + path + "\" does not exist; " + "Resolved relative to \"" + fResolvedBaseLocation + "\""); } stmt.setSrcLibPath(path); file.addChildItem(stmt); } break; default: error(tok.getStartLocation(), "Unrecognized option type " + type); break; } } } else { // It's a path SVDBArgFilePathStmt p = new SVDBArgFilePathStmt(); SVDBLocation loc = fLexer.getStartLocation(); p.setLocation(loc); String path = fLexer.eatToken(); file.addChildItem(p); // Try to resolve path path = SVFileUtils.resolvePath(path, fResolvedBaseLocation, fFSProvider, true); p.setPath(path); if (!fFSProvider.fileExists(path)) { error( loc, "Path \"" + path + "\" does not exist; " + "Resolved relative to \"" + fResolvedBaseLocation + "\""); } } } fLog.debug("<-- parse() " + fFilename); return file; }
@Override public void matchFound(PatternMatchEvent event) { String content = null; try { content = fConsole.getDocument().get(event.getOffset(), event.getLength()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } if (content == null) { return; } content = content.trim(); int paren_idx = -1; int colon_idx = -1; int sp_idx = -1; int lineno = -1; if (SVFileUtils.isWin()) { content = content.replace('\\', '/'); // Recognize MinGW-style paths: /c/foo/path // Convert to Windows-type path: c:/foo/path // if (content.length() >= 3 && // (content.charAt(0) == '/') && // (content.charAt(2) == '/')) { // int ch = Character.toLowerCase(content.charAt(1)); // // if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { // content = content.charAt(1) + ":" + content.substring(2); // } // } } if ((paren_idx = content.indexOf('(')) != -1) { int end_idx = paren_idx + 1; while (end_idx < content.length() && Character.isDigit(content.charAt(end_idx))) { end_idx++; } String number = (end_idx < content.length()) ? content.substring(paren_idx + 1, end_idx) : content.substring(paren_idx + 1); content = content.substring(0, paren_idx); try { lineno = Integer.parseInt(number); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } else if ((colon_idx = content.indexOf(':')) != -1) { if (colon_idx != 1 || (colon_idx = content.indexOf(':', colon_idx + 1)) != -1) { int end_idx = colon_idx + 1; while (end_idx < content.length() && Character.isDigit(content.charAt(end_idx))) { end_idx++; } String number = (end_idx < content.length()) ? content.substring(colon_idx + 1, end_idx) : content.substring(colon_idx + 1); content = content.substring(0, colon_idx); try { lineno = Integer.parseInt(number); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } else if ((sp_idx = content.indexOf(' ')) != -1) { // See if there's a trailing number. int idx = sp_idx; while (idx < content.length() && Character.isWhitespace(content.charAt(idx))) { idx++; } if (idx < content.length() && content.charAt(idx) >= '0' && content.charAt(idx) <= '9') { String number = content.substring(idx).trim(); content = content.substring(0, sp_idx); try { lineno = Integer.parseInt(number); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } String path = content; if (fMgr != null) { path = SVFileUtils.resolvePath(path, fMgr.getWorkingDirectory(), fFS, true); } IFile file = SVFileUtils.findWorkspaceFile(path); File efile = SVFileUtils.getFile(content); // Eclipse sometimes returns a file (that doesn't exist) for // a directory path. We only want to hyperlink 'real' files. if (file != null && file.exists()) { FileLink link = new FileLink(file, null, -1, -1, lineno); try { fConsole.addHyperlink(link, event.getOffset(), content.length()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } } else if (efile != null && efile.isFile()) { IFileStore fs = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(new Path(efile.getAbsolutePath())); ExternalPathHyperlink link = new ExternalPathHyperlink(fs, null, -1, -1, lineno); try { fConsole.addHyperlink(link, event.getOffset(), content.length()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } } }