public void testTypedefNonStructUnion() { String testname = "testTypedefNonStructUnion"; LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle(testname); SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); String content = "module t;\n" + "typedef int unsigned uint32_t;\n" + "typedef short unsigned uint16_t;\n" + "uint32_t foo;\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module t;\n" + " typedef int unsigned uint32_t;\n" + " typedef short unsigned uint16_t;\n" + " uint32_t foo;\n" + "endmodule\n"; log.debug("--> " + testname); SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result);, expected, result); log.debug("<-- " + testname); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testBasicCoverpoint() { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); String content = "class c1;\n" + "\n" + "covergroup cg1;\n" + "cp : coverpoint a {\n" + "bins ab[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};\n" + "}\n" + "endgroup\n" + "endclass\n"; String expected = "class c1;\n" + "\n" + " covergroup cg1;\n" + " cp : coverpoint a {\n" + " bins ab[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};\n" + " }\n" + " endgroup\n" + "endclass\n"; SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); fLog.debug("Result:"); fLog.debug(result);, expected, result); }
public void testClass() { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); BundleUtils utils = new BundleUtils(SVCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos; bos = utils.readBundleFile("/indent/class1.svh"); String ref = bos.toString(); StringBuilder sb = removeLeadingWS(ref); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(sb)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(indenter.indent(-1, -1)); fLog.debug("Reference:\n" + ref); fLog.debug("==="); fLog.debug("Result:\n" + result.toString());"testClass", ref, result.toString()); }
public void testFunctionFirstItemComment() { String ref = "module foo;\n" + " \n" + " function automatic void foobar_f();\n" + " // this is a comment\n" + " endfunction\n" + " a = 5;\n" + "endmodule\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testFunctionFirstItemComment"); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:\n" + result); log.debug("====");, "testFunctionFirstItemComment", ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testForever() { String testname = "testForever"; String ref = "module foo ();\n" + " initial begin\n" + " forever #1\n" + " begin\n" + " a=b;\n" + " end\n" + " end\n" + "endmodule\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle(testname); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndent(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndentEnd(5); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:\n" + result); log.debug("====");, testname, ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testFunctionComment() { String ref = "class my_class;\n" + "\n" + " /**\n" + " * my_func\n" + " *\n" + " */\n" + " function void foobar;\n" + "\n" + " endfunction\n" + "\n" + "endclass\n"; LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testFunctionComment"); SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result); log.debug("====");, "testFunctionComment", ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testRandomizeWith() { String ref = "class foo;\n" + " virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);\n" + " this.randomize(random_int) with\n" + " { random_int > 0;\n" + " random_int<100;\n" + " };\n" + " this.randomize(random_int) with\n" + " { random_int > 0;\n" + " random_int<100;\n" + " };\n" + " endfunction\n" + "endclass\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndent(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndentEnd(5); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); fLog.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); fLog.debug("===="); fLog.debug("Result:\n" + result); fLog.debug("====");, getName(), ref, result); }
public void testEmptyForkJoin() { String testname = "testEmptyForkJoin"; String ref = "class foo;\n" + " task bar();\n" + " fork\n" + " join\n" + " endtask\n" + "endclass\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle(testname); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndent(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndentEnd(5); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:\n" + result); log.debug("====");, testname, ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().getSVDBIndexRegistry().close(); SVCorePlugin.getJobMgr().dispose(); super.tearDown(); }
public void testSpecifySpecparam() { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); String content = "module m;\n" + "\n" + "specify\n" + "if (someSig[0] == 1'b0)\n" + "(CLK => Q[15])=(1.000, 1.000);\n" + "if (someSig[0] == 1'b0)\n" + "(CLK => Q[15])=(1.000, 1.000);\n" + "endspecify\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module m;\n" + "\n" + " specify\n" + " if (someSig[0] == 1'b0)\n" + " (CLK => Q[15])=(1.000, 1.000);\n" + " if (someSig[0] == 1'b0)\n" + " (CLK => Q[15])=(1.000, 1.000);\n" + " endspecify\n" + "endmodule\n"; SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); fLog.debug("Result:"); fLog.debug(result);, expected, result); }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); for (ITextEditor t : fEditors) { t.close(false); } // Wait for the editors to close while (Display.getDefault().readAndDispatch()) {} SVDBIndexRegistry rgy = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().getSVDBIndexRegistry(); rgy.save_state(); SVCorePlugin.getJobMgr().dispose(); for (IProject p : fProjects) { TestUtils.deleteProject(p); } if (fTmpDir != null && fTmpDir.exists()) { TestUtils.delete(fTmpDir); } cleanupWorkspace(); }
public void testIfInFunction() { String ref = "class xbus_bus_monitor;\n" + // 1 "\n" + // 2 " function void ignored();\n" + // 3 " endfunction\n" + // 4 "\n" + // 5 " // perform_transfer_coverage\n" + // 6 " function void perform_transfer_coverage();\n" + " if (trans_collected.read_write != NOP) begin\n" + " -> cov_transaction;\n" + " for (int unsigned i = 0; i < trans_collected.size; i++) begin\n" + " addr = trans_collected.addr + i;\n" + " data =[i];\n" + " wait_state = trans_collected.wait_state[i];\n" + " -> cov_transaction_beat;\n" + " end\n" + " end\n" + " endfunction : perform_transfer_coverage\n" + "\n" + "endclass : xbus_bus_monitor\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testIfInFunction"); // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndent(true); indenter.setAdaptiveIndentEnd(5); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:\n" + result); log.debug("====");, "testIfInFunction", ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testMultiBlankLine() { LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testMultiBlankLine"); String ref = "class my_component1 extends ovm_component;\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " function new(string name, ovm_component parent);\n" + ", parent);\n" + " endfunction\n" + " \n" + " \n" + "endclass\n"; // Run the indenter over the reference source SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(ref)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(-1, -1); log.debug("Ref:\n" + ref); log.debug("===="); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result); log.debug("====");, "testMultiBlankLine", ref, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testCovergroupTypeOptionMergeInstances() { String doc = "class my_class1;\n" + // 1 "\n" + " covergroup foo;\n" + " type_option.mer<<MARK>>\n" + " endgroup\n" + "endclass\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); Tuple<SVDBFile, TextTagPosUtils> ini = contentAssistSetup(doc); StringBIDITextScanner scanner = new StringBIDITextScanner(ini.second().getStrippedData()); TestCompletionProcessor cp = new TestCompletionProcessor(ini.first(), fIndexMgr);"MARK")); ISVDBIndexIterator index_it = cp.getIndexIterator(); SVDBIndexValidator v = new SVDBIndexValidator(); v.validateIndex(index_it, SVDBIndexValidator.ExpectErrors); IndexTestUtils.assertFileHasElements(index_it, "my_class1" /*, "my_class1::foo"*/); cp.computeProposals(scanner, ini.first(), ini.second().getLineMap().get("MARK")); List<SVCompletionProposal> proposals = cp.getCompletionProposals(); assertEquals(1, proposals.size()); // TODO: at some point, my_class1 and my_class2 will not be proposals, // since they are types not variables validateResults(new String[] {"merge_instances"}, proposals); }
public void testNoBlockIf() throws BadLocationException { AutoEditTester tester = UiReleaseTests.createAutoEditTester(); SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); tester.type("\n\n"); tester.type("class foobar;\n"); tester.type("\nfunction void foobar();\n"); tester.type("if (foo)\n"); tester.type("$display(\"Hello\");\n"); tester.type("else\n"); tester.type("$display(\"Goodbye\");\n"); tester.type("$display(\"World\");\n"); tester.type("endfunction\n\n"); tester.type("endclass\n"); String content = tester.getContent(); String expected = "\n\n" + "class foobar;\n" + "\t\n" + "\tfunction void foobar();\n" + "\t\tif (foo)\n" + "\t\t\t$display(\"Hello\");\n" + "\t\telse\n" + "\t\t\t$display(\"Goodbye\");\n" + "\t\t$display(\"World\");\n" + "\tendfunction\n" + "\t\n" + "endclass\n"; fLog.debug("Result:\n" + content);, expected, content); }
public void testParamListFunctionWithPkg() throws SVParseException { String content = "function automatic void foobar(\n" + " input int foobar,\n" + " ref object bar,\n" + " int foo);\n" + " a_type foo, bar;\n" + " b_type foo_q[$];\n" + " int i, j, k;\n" + " uvm_pkg::uvm_resource_db #(my_pkg::my_iface_container #(virtual my_iface)) " + " ::set(\"my_ifaces\", $sformatf(\"my_iface_%01d\",0), ifc) ;" + " for (int i=0; i<5; i++) begin\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " end\n" + "endfunction\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); SVDBTask func = parse_tf(content, "testParamListFunction"); ISVDBChildItem c = func.getParams().get(1).getChildren().iterator().next(); assertEquals("bar", SVDBItem.getName(c)); assertEquals(SVDBParamPortDecl.Direction_Ref, func.getParams().get(1).getDir()); }
public void testParamListFunction() throws SVParseException { String content = "function automatic void foobar(\n" + // 1 " input int foobar,\n" + // 2 " ref object bar,\n" + // 3 " int foo);\n" + // 4 " a_type foo, bar;\n" + // 5 " b_type foo_q[$];\n" + // 6 " b_cls #(foobar, bar) elem;\n" + " int i, j, k;\n" + " for (int i=0; i<5; i++) begin\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " end\n" + "endfunction\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); SVDBTask func = parse_tf(content, "testParamListFunction"); ISVDBChildItem c = func.getParams().get(1).getChildren().iterator().next(); assertEquals("bar", SVDBItem.getName(c)); assertEquals(SVDBParamPortDecl.Direction_Ref, func.getParams().get(1).getDir()); }
// Tests that local variables are correctly recognized and that // cast expressions are skipped appropriately public void testLocalVarsWithCast() throws SVParseException { String content = "function void foobar();\n" + " int a = integer'(5);\n" + " int b = longint'(6);\n" + " a = 5;\n" + "endfunction\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); SVDBTask func = parse_tf(content, "testLocalVarsWithCast"); assertEquals(3, SVDBUtil.getChildrenSize(func)); SVDBVarDeclItem a = null, b = null; for (ISVDBItemBase it_t : func.getChildren()) { if (it_t.getType() == SVDBItemType.VarDeclStmt) { SVDBVarDeclStmt v = (SVDBVarDeclStmt) it_t; for (ISVDBChildItem vi : v.getChildren()) { if (SVDBItem.getName(vi).equals("a")) { a = (SVDBVarDeclItem) vi; } else if (SVDBItem.getName(vi).equals("b")) { b = (SVDBVarDeclItem) vi; } } } } assertNotNull(a); assertNotNull(b); }
public void testGenerate() { LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testGenerate"); String content = "module t;\n" + "parameter a = 0;\n" + "generate\n" + "if(a == 0) begin\n" + "// ...\n" + "end\n" + "if(a == 1) begin\n" + "// ...\n" + "end\n" + "endgenerate\n" + "generate\n" + "begin:bob\n" + "if(a == 0) begin\n" + "// ...\n" + "end\n" + "if(a == 1) begin\n" + "// ...\n" + "end\n" + "end\n" + "endgenerate\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module t;\n" + " parameter a = 0;\n" + " generate\n" + " if(a == 0) begin\n" + " // ...\n" + " end\n" + " if(a == 1) begin\n" + " // ...\n" + " end\n" + " endgenerate\n" + " generate\n" + " begin:bob\n" + " if(a == 0) begin\n" + " // ...\n" + " end\n" + " if(a == 1) begin\n" + " // ...\n" + " end\n" + " end\n" + " endgenerate\n" + "endmodule\n"; SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result);"testGenerate", expected, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testBasicModuleWire() { LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testBasicModuleWire"); String content = "module top;\n" + "// comment1\n" + "logic a;\n" + "logic b;\n" + "// comment2\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module top;\n" + " // comment1\n" + " logic a;\n" + " logic b;\n" + " // comment2\n" + "endmodule\n"; SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result);"testBasicModuleWire", expected, result); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testTypedClassParameters() { String content = "`define PARAMS \\\n" + " #(int A=5, \\\n" + " bit[foo:0] B=pkg::func(a*7), \\\n" + " int C=7)\n" + "\n" + "class foobar `PARAMS;\n" + "\n" + " function void foo_func();\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " b = 6;\n" + " endfunction\n" + // endfunction without : <name> "\n" + " function void foo_func_e();\n" + " c = 5;\n" + " d = 6;\n" + " endfunction:foo_func_e\n" + // endfunction without : <name> "\n" + " task foo_task();\n" + " endtask\n" + "endclass\n"; SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); runTest( "testTypedClassParameters", content, new String[] {"foobar", "foo_func", "foo_func_e", "foo_task"}); }
public void testEnumVar() { String testname = "testEnumVar"; LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle(testname); String content = "module t;\n" + "enum {\n" + "A,\n" + "B\n" + "} e;\n" + "logic b;\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module t;\n" + " enum {\n" + " A,\n" + " B\n" + " } e;\n" + " logic b;\n" + "endmodule\n"; log.debug("--> " + testname); SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result);, expected, result); log.debug("<-- " + testname); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testInitialBlock() { LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle("testInitialBlock"); String content = "module t;\n" + "logic a;\n" + "initial begin\n" + "a = 5;\n" + "end\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module t;\n" + " logic a;\n" + " initial begin\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " end\n" + "endmodule\n"; log.debug("--> testInitialBlock"); SVIndentScanner scanner = new SVIndentScanner(new StringTextScanner(content)); ISVIndenter indenter = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().createIndenter(); indenter.init(scanner); indenter.setTestMode(true); String result = indenter.indent(); log.debug("Result:"); log.debug(result);"testInitialBlock", expected, result); log.debug("<-- testInitialBlock"); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testUSBHostSlave() throws CoreException { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); runTest( "testDMA", "/", "usbhostslave", new String[] {"${workspace_loc}/usbhostslave/usb.f"}); }
private void runTest( String testname, String zipfile_path, String proj_path, String arg_file_paths[]) throws CoreException { LogHandle log = LogFactory.getLogHandle(testname); CoreReleaseTests.clearErrors(); BundleUtils utils = new BundleUtils(SVCoreTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle()); cleanupWorkspace(); // Create a new project for the File test_dir = new File(fTmpDir, testname); File db_dir = new File(fTmpDir, "db"); if (test_dir.exists()) { assertTrue(test_dir.delete()); } assertTrue(test_dir.mkdirs()); if (db_dir.exists()) { assertTrue(db_dir.delete()); } assertTrue(db_dir.mkdirs()); utils.unpackBundleZipToFS(zipfile_path, test_dir); File project_path = new File(test_dir, proj_path); fProject = TestUtils.createProject(project_path.getName(), project_path); // Setup appropriate project settings SVDBProjectManager p_mgr = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().getProjMgr(); SVDBProjectData p_data = p_mgr.getProjectData(fProject); // Add an argument-file paths SVProjectFileWrapper p_wrapper = p_data.getProjectFileWrapper().duplicate(); if (arg_file_paths != null) { for (String arg_file : arg_file_paths) { p_wrapper.getArgFilePaths().add(new SVDBPath(arg_file)); p_wrapper.getArgFilePaths().add(new SVDBPath(arg_file)); } } p_data.setProjectFileWrapper(p_wrapper); SVDBIndexCollection project_index = p_data.getProjectIndexMgr(); assertNoErrors(log, project_index); // force index loading project_index.loadIndex(new NullProgressMonitor()); IndexTestUtils.assertNoErrWarn(log, project_index); for (Exception e : CoreReleaseTests.getErrors()) { System.out.println("TEST: " + getName() + " " + e.getMessage()); } assertEquals(0, CoreReleaseTests.getErrors().size()); project_index.dispose(); LogFactory.removeLogHandle(log); }
public void testAutoIndentIfThenElse() throws BadLocationException { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); String content = "module t();\n" + "if (foo)\n" + "a = 5;\n" + "else if (bar)\n" + "b = 6;\n" + "\n" + "if (foo) begin\n" + "a = 5;\n" + "end else if (bar) begin\n" + "b = 6;\n" + "end\n" + "\n" + "if (foo)\n" + "begin\n" + "a = 5;\n" + "end\n" + "else\n" + "begin\n" + "b = 6;\n" + "end\n" + "endmodule\n"; String expected = "module t();\n" + " if (foo)\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " else if (bar)\n" + " b = 6;\n" + "\n" + " if (foo) begin\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " end else if (bar) begin\n" + " b = 6;\n" + " end\n" + "\n" + " if (foo)\n" + " begin\n" + " a = 5;\n" + " end\n" + " else\n" + " begin\n" + " b = 6;\n" + " end\n" + "endmodule\n"; AutoEditTester tester = UiReleaseTests.createAutoEditTester(); tester.type(content); String result = tester.getContent(); fLog.debug("Result:\n" + content);"", expected, result); }
public void testEthernetMac() throws CoreException { SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false); runTest( "testEthernetMac", "/", "wb_ethmac", new String[] {"${workspace_loc}/wb_ethmac/wb_ethmac.f"}); }
// This test checks constraints public void testIndentConstraint() throws BadLocationException { // String input = // "class someclass;\n" + // "constraint clock {\n" + // "clk_cfg.period dist {\n" + // "[1:10 ] :/ 1,\n" + // "11 := 1,\n" + // "12 := 1,\n" + // "[13: 15] :/ 1\n" + // "};\n" + // "clk_cfg.jitter < (3 * 1000);\n" + // "}\n" + // "function void my_func;\n" + // "my_class cls1; \n" + // "assert(cls1.randomize() with {\n" + // "cls1.a == 2;\n" + // "})\n" + // "else $display (\"ERROR\");\n" + // "endfunction\n" + // "endclass\n" // ; String expected = "class someclass;\n" + " constraint clock {\n" + " clk_cfg.period dist {\n" + " [1:10 ] :/ 1,\n" + " 11 := 1,\n" + " 12 := 1,\n" + " [13: 15] :/ 1\n" + " };\n" + " clk_cfg.jitter < (3 * 1000);\n" + " }\n" + " function void my_func;\n" + " my_class cls1; \n" + " assert(cls1.randomize() with {\n" + " cls1.a == 2;\n" + " })\n" + " else $display (\"ERROR\");\n" + " endfunction\n" + "endclass\n"; String input = IndentTests.removeLeadingWS(expected).toString(); AutoEditTester tester = UiReleaseTests.createAutoEditTester(); tester.type(input); String result_type = tester.getContent();"testIndentConstraint - type", expected, result_type); tester.paste(input); String result_paste = tester.getContent(); SVCorePlugin.getDefault().enableDebug(false);"testIndentConstraint - paste", expected, result_paste); }
/** ************* Utility Methods ******************* */ private Tuple<SVDBFile, TextTagPosUtils> contentAssistSetup(String doc) { TextTagPosUtils tt_utils = new TextTagPosUtils(new StringInputStream(doc)); ISVDBFileFactory factory = SVCorePlugin.createFileFactory(); List<SVDBMarker> markers = new ArrayList<SVDBMarker>(); SVDBFile file = factory.parse(tt_utils.openStream(), "doc", markers); fIndex.setFile(file); return new Tuple<SVDBFile, TextTagPosUtils>(file, tt_utils); }
public SVDBProjectData getProjectData() { IProject p = findDestProject(); if (p == null) { return null; } SVDBProjectData pdata = SVCorePlugin.getDefault().getProjMgr().getProjectData(p); return pdata; }