protected JRFillChartPlot(JRChartPlot plot, JRFillObjectFactory factory) { factory.put(plot, this); parent = plot; chart = (JRChart) factory.getVisitResult(plot.getChart()); }
public Object clone() { JRBaseChart clone = (JRBaseChart) super.clone(); clone.lineBox = lineBox.clone(clone); if (hyperlinkParameters != null) { clone.hyperlinkParameters = new JRHyperlinkParameter[hyperlinkParameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinkParameters.length; i++) { clone.hyperlinkParameters[i] = (JRHyperlinkParameter) hyperlinkParameters[i].clone(); } } if (titleExpression != null) { clone.titleExpression = (JRExpression) titleExpression.clone(); } if (subtitleExpression != null) { clone.subtitleExpression = (JRExpression) subtitleExpression.clone(); } if (anchorNameExpression != null) { clone.anchorNameExpression = (JRExpression) anchorNameExpression.clone(); } if (hyperlinkReferenceExpression != null) { clone.hyperlinkReferenceExpression = (JRExpression) hyperlinkReferenceExpression.clone(); } if (hyperlinkAnchorExpression != null) { clone.hyperlinkAnchorExpression = (JRExpression) hyperlinkAnchorExpression.clone(); } if (hyperlinkPageExpression != null) { clone.hyperlinkPageExpression = (JRExpression) hyperlinkPageExpression.clone(); } if (hyperlinkTooltipExpression != null) { clone.hyperlinkTooltipExpression = (JRExpression) hyperlinkTooltipExpression.clone(); } if (dataset != null) { clone.dataset = (JRChartDataset) dataset.clone(); } if (plot != null) { clone.plot = (JRChartPlot) plot.clone(clone); } return clone; }
public Float getBackgroundAlphaFloat() { return parent.getBackgroundAlphaFloat(); }
public PlotOrientationEnum getOrientationValue() { return parent.getOrientationValue(); }
public Color getOwnBackcolor() { return parent.getOwnBackcolor(); }
/** * Returns a list of all the defined series colors. Every entry in the list is of type * JRChartPlot.JRSeriesColor. If there are no defined series colors this method will return an * empty list, not null. */ public SortedSet<JRSeriesColor> getSeriesColors() { return parent.getSeriesColors(); }
/** @deprecated Replaced by {@link JRCategoryAxisFormat#getCategoryAxisTickLabelRotation()}. */ public Double getLabelRotationDouble() { return parent.getLabelRotationDouble(); }
public Float getForegroundAlphaFloat() { return parent.getForegroundAlphaFloat(); }