private static Tag newTag(String tagType, String tagID, UCMEntity entity, String cgi) throws TagException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnableToGetEntityException, UnableToInitializeEntityException { logger.fine("ENTITY=" + entity.toString()); logger.fine("CGI FOR NEW = " + cgi); // System.out.println( "CGI==="+cgi ); /* Delete any existing Tags with the unique ID */ logger.fine( "Deleting Tags with ID: " + tagType + tagID + " for entity " + entity.getFullyQualifiedName()); deleteTagsWithID(tagType, tagID, entity); cgi = "tagtype=" + tagType + "&tagid=" + tagID + (cgi.length() > 0 ? "&" + cgi : ""); String fqname = storeTag(entity, cgi); Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class, fqname); // tag.SetEntry( "tagtype", tagType ); // tag.SetEntry( "tagid", tagID ); tag.setKeyValue(cgi); tag.setTagEntity(entity); return tag; }
private static Tag newTag(UCMEntity entity, String tagType, String tagID) throws UnableToInitializeEntityException { Tag tag = (Tag) UCMEntity.getEntity(Tag.class, "tag@0@" + entity.getPVob().getName()); // tag.SetEntry( "tagtype", tagType ); // tag.SetEntry( "tagid", tagID ); String cgi = "tagtype=" + tagType + "&tagid=" + tagID; tag.setKeyValue(cgi); tag.setTagEntity(entity); tag.setCreated(true); return tag; }
public static Tag getTag(UCMEntity entity, String tagType, String tagID, boolean create) throws TagException, UnableToInitializeEntityException, UnableToCreateEntityException, UCMEntityNotFoundException, UnableToGetEntityException { logger.fine(entity.toString()); List<Tag> tags = getTags(entity); for (Tag t : tags) { logger.fine("Current: " + t); /* Is it the correct tag? Return it! */ if (t.getTagType().equals(tagType) && t.getTagID().equals(tagID)) { logger.fine("This is it!"); t.setTagEntity(entity); return t; } } logger.fine("Could not find the Tag with ID " + tagType + tagID + ". Creating new."); if (create) { return newTag(entity, tagType, tagID); } else { return null; } }