public void testParseCData() throws Exception {
    String body =
        "<wfs:GetFeature service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.0.0\"\n"
            + "  outputFormat=\"GML2\"\n"
            + "  xmlns:topp=\"\"\n"
            + "  xmlns:wfs=\"\"\n"
            + "  xmlns:ogc=\"\"\n"
            + "  xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"
            + "  xsi:schemaLocation=\"\n"
            + "            \">\n"
            + "  <wfs:Query typeName=\"topp:states\">\n"
            + "    <ogc:Filter>\n"
            + "       <ogc:FeatureId fid=\"states.1\"/>\n"
            + "    </ogc:Filter>\n"
            + "    </wfs:Query>\n"
            + "</wfs:GetFeature>";

    String xml =
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
            + "<wps:Execute version=\"1.0.0\" service=\"WPS\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:wfs=\"\" xmlns:wps=\"\" xmlns:ows=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\" xmlns:ogc=\"\" xmlns:wcs=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
            + "  <ows:Identifier>orci:Bounds</ows:Identifier>\n"
            + "  <wps:DataInputs>\n"
            + "    <wps:Input>\n"
            + "      <ows:Identifier>features</ows:Identifier>\n"
            + "      <wps:Reference mimeType=\"text/xml; subtype=wfs-collection/1.0\" "
            + " xlink:href=\"\" method=\"POST\">\n"
            + "         <wps:Body>\n"
            + "<![CDATA["
            + body
            + "]]>"
            + "         </wps:Body>\n"
            + "      </wps:Reference>\n"
            + "    </wps:Input>\n"
            + "  </wps:DataInputs>\n"
            + "  <wps:ResponseForm>\n"
            + "    <wps:RawDataOutput>\n"
            + "      <ows:Identifier>bounds</ows:Identifier>\n"
            + "    </wps:RawDataOutput>\n"
            + "  </wps:ResponseForm>\n"
            + "</wps:Execute>";

    ExecuteType execute = (ExecuteType) parse(WPS.Execute);

    assertEquals("orci:Bounds", execute.getIdentifier().getValue());
    InputType input = (InputType) execute.getDataInputs().getInput().get(0);
    assertEquals("features", input.getIdentifier().getValue());
    InputReferenceType ref = input.getReference();
    assertEquals("", ref.getHref());
    assertEquals(MethodType.POST_LITERAL, ref.getMethod());
    // we cannot do this still as the parser strips the white space out of CDATA sections
    // assertEquals(body, ref.getBody());
    // cannot run this either, could not find a way to extract the content element from the
    // parser...
    // assertNull(ref.getContentElement());