public ItemStack b(IBlockSource iblocksource, ItemStack itemstack) { EnumFacing enumfacing = BlockDispenser.j_(iblocksource.h()); World world = iblocksource.k(); double d0 = iblocksource.a() + (double) ((float) enumfacing.c() * 1.125F); double d1 = iblocksource.b() + (double) ((float) enumfacing.d() * 1.125F); double d2 = iblocksource.c() + (double) ((float) enumfacing.e() * 1.125F); int i0 = iblocksource.d() + enumfacing.c(); int i1 = iblocksource.e() + enumfacing.d(); int i2 = iblocksource.f() + enumfacing.e(); int i3 = world.a(i0, i1, i2); double d3; if (BlockRailBase.d_(i3)) { d3 = 0.0D; } else { if (i3 != 0 || !BlockRailBase.d_(world.a(i0, i1 - 1, i2))) { return this.b.a(iblocksource, itemstack); } d3 = -1.0D; } EntityMinecart entityminecart = EntityMinecart.a(world, d0, d1 + d3, d2, ((ItemMinecart) itemstack.b()).a); // CanaryMod: Dispense DispenseHook hook = new DispenseHook( ((TileEntityDispenser) iblocksource.j()).getCanaryDispenser(), entityminecart.getCanaryEntity()); Canary.hooks().callHook(hook); if (!hook.isCanceled()) { world.d((Entity) entityminecart); itemstack.a(1); } // return itemstack; }
public void a(Packet15Place packet15place) { WorldServer worldserver = this.minecraftServer.a(this.player.dimension); // CraftBukkit start if (this.player.dead) { return; } // This is b horrible hack needed because the client sends 2 packets on 'right mouse click' // aimed at b block. We shouldn't need to get the second packet if the data is handled // but we cannot know what the client will do, so we might still get it // // If the time between packets is small enough, and the 'signature' similar, we discard the // second one. This sadly has to remain until Mojang makes their packets saner. :( // -- Grum if (packet15place.face == 255) { if (packet15place.itemstack != null && == lastMaterial && lastPacket != null && packet15place.timestamp - lastPacket < 100) { lastPacket = null; return; } } else { lastMaterial = packet15place.itemstack == null ? -1 :; lastPacket = packet15place.timestamp; } // CraftBukkit - if rightclick decremented the item, always send the update packet. // this is not here for CraftBukkit's own functionality; rather it is to fix // b notch bug where the item doesn't update correctly. boolean always = false; // CraftBukkit end ItemStack itemstack = this.player.inventory.getItemInHand(); boolean flag = worldserver.weirdIsOpCache = worldserver.worldProvider.dimension != 0 || this.minecraftServer.serverConfigurationManager.isOp(; if (packet15place.face == 255) { if (itemstack == null) { return; } // CraftBukkit start int itemstackAmount = itemstack.count; PlayerInteractEvent event = CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(this.player, Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR, itemstack); if (event.useItemInHand() != Event.Result.DENY) { this.player.itemInWorldManager.useItem(this.player,, itemstack); } // CraftBukkit - notch decrements the counter by 1 in the above method with food, // snowballs and so forth, but he does it in b place that doesn't cause the // inventory update packet to get sent always = (itemstack.count != itemstackAmount); // CraftBukkit end } else { int i = packet15place.a; int j = packet15place.b; int k = packet15place.c; int l = packet15place.face; ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = worldserver.getSpawn(); int i1 = (int) MathHelper.abs((float) (i - chunkcoordinates.x)); int j1 = (int) MathHelper.abs((float) (k - chunkcoordinates.z)); if (i1 > j1) { j1 = i1; } // CraftBukkit start - Check if we can actually do something over this large a distance Location eyeLoc = getPlayer().getEyeLocation(); if (Math.pow(eyeLoc.getX() - i, 2) + Math.pow(eyeLoc.getY() - j, 2) + Math.pow(eyeLoc.getZ() - k, 2) > PLACE_DISTANCE_SQUARED) { return; } flag = true; // spawn protection moved to ItemBlock!!! // CraftBukkit end if (j1 > 16 || flag) { this.player.itemInWorldManager.interact(this.player, worldserver, itemstack, i, j, k, l); } this.player.netServerHandler.sendPacket(new Packet53BlockChange(i, j, k, worldserver)); if (l == 0) { --j; } if (l == 1) { ++j; } if (l == 2) { --k; } if (l == 3) { ++k; } if (l == 4) { --i; } if (l == 5) { ++i; } this.player.netServerHandler.sendPacket(new Packet53BlockChange(i, j, k, worldserver)); } itemstack = this.player.inventory.getItemInHand(); if (itemstack != null && itemstack.count == 0) { this.player.inventory.items[this.player.inventory.itemInHandIndex] = null; } this.player.h = true; this.player.inventory.items[this.player.inventory.itemInHandIndex] = ItemStack.b(this.player.inventory.items[this.player.inventory.itemInHandIndex]); Slot slot = this.player.activeContainer.a(this.player.inventory, this.player.inventory.itemInHandIndex); this.player.activeContainer.a(); this.player.h = false; // CraftBukkit if (!ItemStack.equals(this.player.inventory.getItemInHand(), packet15place.itemstack) || always) { this.sendPacket( new Packet103SetSlot( this.player.activeContainer.f, slot.a, this.player.inventory.getItemInHand())); } worldserver.weirdIsOpCache = false; }
@Override public void a(Packet102WindowClick packet) { if (this.player.dead) return; if (this.player.activeContainer.windowId == packet.a && this.player.activeContainer.c(this.player)) { Inventory inventory = getActiveInventory(); CraftPlayer player = (CraftPlayer) this.player.getBukkitEntity(); ItemStack before = ItemStack.b(packet.e); ItemStack cursorBefore = this.player.inventory.l(); SpoutCraftItemStack slot = SpoutCraftItemStack.fromItemStack(before); SpoutCraftItemStack cursor = SpoutCraftItemStack.fromItemStack(cursorBefore); InventorySlotType type = getActiveInventorySlotType(packet.b); boolean clickSuccessful = true; final int windowId = packet.a; // alert of a newly opened inventory if (!activeInventory) { activeInventory = true; InventoryOpenEvent event = new InventoryOpenEvent(player, inventory, getDefaultInventory(), activeLocation); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { this.player.D(); activeInventory = false; activeLocation = null; return; } } // Fire InventoryChange or InventoryCraft event if (packet.b != -999) { if (inventory instanceof CraftingInventory) { CraftingInventory crafting = (CraftingInventory) inventory; InventoryCrafting recipe = null; if (inventory instanceof SpoutCraftingInventory) { recipe = ((SpoutCraftingInventory) crafting).getMatrixHandle(); } else { recipe = (InventoryCrafting) ((SpoutCraftInventoryPlayer) crafting).getMatrixHandle(); } SpoutCraftItemStack craftResult = SpoutCraftItemStack.fromItemStack(CraftingManager.getInstance().craft(recipe)); SpoutCraftItemStack[] recipeContents = new SpoutCraftItemStack[recipe.getSize()]; for (int i = 0; i < recipe.getSize(); i++) { org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack temp = crafting.getMatrix()[i]; recipeContents[i] = SpoutCraftItemStack.getCraftItemStack(temp); } SpoutCraftItemStack[][] matrix = null; if (recipe.getSize() == 4) { matrix = new SpoutCraftItemStack[][] { Arrays.copyOfRange(recipeContents, 0, 2), Arrays.copyOfRange(recipeContents, 2, 4) }; } else if (recipe.getSize() == 9) { matrix = new SpoutCraftItemStack[][] { Arrays.copyOfRange(recipeContents, 0, 3), Arrays.copyOfRange(recipeContents, 3, 6), Arrays.copyOfRange(recipeContents, 6, 9) }; } // Clicking to grab the crafting result if (type == InventorySlotType.RESULT) { InventoryCraftEvent craftEvent = new InventoryCraftEvent( this.getPlayer(), crafting, this.activeLocation, type, packet.b, matrix, craftResult, cursor, packet.c == 0, packet.f); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(craftEvent); craftEvent.getInventory().setResult(craftEvent.getResult()); cursor = SpoutCraftItemStack.getCraftItemStack(craftEvent.getCursor()); if (craftEvent.isCancelled()) { craftEvent.getInventory().setMatrix(recipeContents); setCursorSlot(cursor != null ? cursor.getHandle() : null); clickSuccessful = false; } } } } if (clickSuccessful) { clickSuccessful = handleInventoryClick(packet, type, slot, cursor, inventory); } if (clickSuccessful) { this.player.netServerHandler.sendPacket(new Packet106Transaction(windowId, packet.d, true)); this.player.h = true; this.player.activeContainer.a(); this.player.D(); this.player.h = false; } else { this.getEntityList() .a(Integer.valueOf(this.player.activeContainer.windowId), Short.valueOf(packet.d)); this.player.netServerHandler.sendPacket( new Packet106Transaction(windowId, packet.d, false)); this.player.activeContainer.a(this.player, false); ArrayList<ItemStack> arraylist = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.player.activeContainer.e.size(); ++i) { arraylist.add(((Slot) this.player.activeContainer.e.get(i)).getItem()); } this.player.a(this.player.activeContainer, arraylist); } } }
public void a(ItemStack itemstack, int i0) { super.a(itemstack, i0); if (itemstack != null && itemstack.b() != null && itemstack.b().b_(itemstack) == EnumAction.b) { this.o().q().b(this, new Packet18Animation(this, 5)); } }