 protected boolean isValidTarget(Entity ent) {
   if (ent instanceof TargetEntity) return ((TargetEntity) ent).shouldTarget(this, placerUUID);
   if (!(ent instanceof EntityLivingBase)) return false;
   EntityLivingBase elb = (EntityLivingBase) ent;
   if (elb.isDead || elb.getHealth() <= 0) return false;
   if (ent.onGround || ent.isInWater() || ent.isInsideOfMaterial(Material.lava)) return false;
   if (elb instanceof EntityFlying && ReikaEntityHelper.isHostile(elb)) {
     return ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(
             ent.posX - xCoord - 0.5, ent.posY - yCoord - 0.5, ent.posZ - zCoord - 0.5)
         > 2;
   if (ent instanceof EntityBlaze || ent instanceof EntityWither || ent instanceof EntityDragon) {
     return ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(
             ent.posX - xCoord - 0.5, ent.posY - yCoord - 0.5, ent.posZ - zCoord - 0.5)
         > 2;
   if (ent instanceof FlyingMob) {
     FlyingMob fm = (FlyingMob) ent;
     return fm.isCurrentlyFlying()
         && fm.isHostile()
         && ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(
                 ent.posX - xCoord - 0.5, ent.posY - yCoord - 0.5, ent.posZ - zCoord - 0.5)
             > 2;
   if (InterfaceCache.BCROBOT.instanceOf(ent)) {
     return true;
   return false;
  * Triggered whenever an entity collides with this block (enters into the block). Args: world, x,
  * y, z, entity
 public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, Entity par5Entity) {
   if (par5Entity instanceof EntityLiving) {
     if (par5Entity.isInsideOfMaterial(this.blockMaterial)) {
       ((EntityLiving) par5Entity).addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.blindness.id, 20, 2));
 public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemstack, World world, Entity entity, int i, boolean flag) {
   super.onUpdate(itemstack, world, entity, i, flag);
   if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer
       && ((EntityPlayer) entity).inventory.getCurrentItem() == itemstack)
     if (!entity.isInsideOfMaterial(Material.water)) {
       float f = 1F;
       float f1 = 27F;
       float particleX =
           -MathHelper.sin(((entity.rotationYaw + f1) / 180F) * 3.141593F)
               * MathHelper.cos((entity.rotationPitch / 180F) * 3.141593F)
               * f;
       float particleY = -MathHelper.sin((entity.rotationPitch / 180F) * 3.141593F) - 0.1F;
       float particleZ =
           MathHelper.cos(((entity.rotationYaw + f1) / 180F) * 3.141593F)
               * MathHelper.cos((entity.rotationPitch / 180F) * 3.141593F)
               * f;
       if (weapon.getItemRand().nextInt(5) == 0) {
             entity.posX + particleX,
             entity.posY + particleY,
             entity.posZ + particleZ,
       if (weapon.getItemRand().nextInt(5) == 0) {
             entity.posX + particleX,
             entity.posY + particleY,
             entity.posZ + particleZ,