public static String getOperUser(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String[] p = params.split("\\|"); String opertyp = p[0]; String operidx = p[1]; String objectno = p[2]; String userid = p[3]; String sql = "select PRKEY,DICTTBL_ID from WFTESTMST where CLIENTIP = '" + request.getRemoteAddr() + "'"; Rowset rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); String prkey = ""; String dicttblid = ""; if ( { prkey = rs.getString(1); dicttblid = rs.getString(2); } sql = "select instance_no,model_no from wfinstrn where dicttbl_id = '" + dicttblid + "' and prkey='" + prkey + "'"; rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); String instanceno = ""; String mdltypno = ""; if ( { instanceno = rs.getString(1); mdltypno = WorkFlowUnification.wf_getwftyp(rs.getString(2)); } String rtn = WorkflowUtil.WorkFlowGetNextUserGoOn( instanceno, objectno, opertyp, operidx, userid, prkey, mdltypno, dicttblid); return rtn; }
public static void Wf_createFstNodeS(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String[] p = params.split("\\;"); String userid = p[0]; String progid = p[1]; String dicttblid = p[2]; String seq = p[3]; String mdltypno = p[4]; String org_no = p[5]; Database db = null; Rowset rs = null; Rowset rsin = null; Rowset obrs = null; Rowset currrs = null; String sql = null; String startobj = null; StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer(); sql = "SELECT user_id FROM WFSTRIGMST WHERE MDLTYP_NO='" + mdltypno + "' and USER_FLG='1'"; try { rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); int i = 0; while ( { if (i < rs.getRowCount()) { rtn.append(rs.getString(1) + ";"); } else { rtn.append(rs.getString(1)); } i++; } String version = WorkFlowUtilExt.getWorkFlowCurrVerison(mdltypno); sql = "select object_no from wfobjmst t where t.model_no='" + version + "' and t.object_typ='01'"; obrs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); if ( { startobj = obrs.getString(1); } sql = "select object_no from vw_wfobjrelmst where head='" + startobj + "'"; currrs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); if ( { rtn = new StringBuffer(currrs.getString(1) + "|").append(rtn); } sql = "select WFAPP_ID from WFMDLTYPMST where MDLTYP_NO = " + mdltypno; rsin = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); String appid = ""; if ( { appid = rsin.getString(1); } WorkflowUtil.creatFstNode( dicttblid, progid, appid, seq, mdltypno, userid, "0", "1", rtn.toString(), "", org_no); } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) { db.cleanup(); } } }
public static void Wf_createFstNode(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String[] p = params.split("\\;"); String userid = p[0]; String progid = p[1]; String dicttblid = p[2]; String seq = p[3]; String mdltypno = p[4]; String org_no = p[5]; Database db = null; Rowset rs = null; String sql = null; try { sql = "select WFAPP_ID from WFMDLTYPMST where MDLTYP_NO = " + mdltypno; rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); String appid = ""; if ( { appid = rs.getString(1); } WorkflowUtil.creatFstNode( dicttblid, progid, appid, seq, mdltypno, userid, "0", "2", null, "", org_no); } catch (Exception se) { se.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (db != null) { db.cleanup(); } } }
public static String getProgInfo(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer(""); String sql = "select PROGID from WFPRGMST where MDLTYP_NO=" + params + " and ISCHIEF='1'"; Rowset rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); if ( { rtn.append(rs.getString(1)); } sql = "select DICTTBL_ID,PKFLD_ID from WFDICMST where MDLTYP_NO=" + params + " and DICTTBL_STA='1'"; rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); if ( { rtn.append(";" + rs.getString(1) + ";" + rs.getString(2)); } return rtn.toString(); }
public static String getWorkFlowList(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String sql = "select MDLTYP_NO,MDLTYP_SHT from WFMDLTYPMST"; Rowset rs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer(""); while ( { rtn.append(rs.getString(1) + ";" + rs.getString(2) + "|"); } return rtn.toString(); }
public String createWfButton(String params, HttpServletRequest request) throws LiemsException { String returnValue = ""; String operstatus = "W"; String startup = "N"; try { Document wfOperInfoOutput = null; String[] p = params.split("\\;"); String userid = p[0]; String instNo = ""; String nodeId = ""; String workflowId = ""; String objNo = ""; String nodeName = ""; String actObjNo = ""; String instSta = ""; String parentinstNo = ""; String isactive = ""; String isaccept = ""; String programno = p[1]; String stacd = ""; String isExec = ""; String pkval = p[5]; String dicttblid = p[2]; String instanceno = ""; String appId = ""; String modelId = ""; String OrgNo = ""; String sql = "select MODEL_NO,APP_ID,INSTANCE_NO from wfinstrn where dicttbl_id = '" + dicttblid + "' and prkey='" + pkval + "'"; Rowset trs = WorkFlowExecSql.wf_getRs(sql); if ( { modelId = trs.getString(1); appId = trs.getString(2); instanceno = trs.getString(3); } if (pkval != null) { wfOperInfoOutput = new ejbflowBean().wf_getnodeinfo(dicttblid, pkval, userid, programno); } if (wfOperInfoOutput != null) { Element commRoot = wfOperInfoOutput.getRootElement(); instNo = commRoot.getChildText("InstNo"); nodeId = commRoot.getChildText("ObjID"); workflowId = commRoot.getChildText("WfID"); objNo = commRoot.getChildText("ObjNo"); nodeName = commRoot.getChildText("ObjNam"); actObjNo = commRoot.getChildText("ActObjNo"); instSta = commRoot.getChildText("inSta"); parentinstNo = commRoot.getChildText("parentinstno"); isactive = commRoot.getChildText("isactive"); isaccept = commRoot.getChildText("isaccept"); programno = commRoot.getChildText("programno"); stacd = commRoot.getChildText("stacd"); isExec = commRoot.getChildText("isexec"); OrgNo = commRoot.getChildText("OrgNo"); returnValue = instNo + "|" + nodeId + "|" + workflowId + "|" + objNo + "|" + nodeName + "|" + actObjNo + "|" + instSta + "|" + parentinstNo + "|" + isactive + "|" + isaccept + "|" + programno + "|" + stacd + "|" + isExec; returnValue = returnValue + "|" + pkval + "|" + dicttblid; returnValue = returnValue + "|" + instanceno + "|" + appId + "|" + modelId + "|" + OrgNo + "|"; Iterator it = commRoot.getChildren("UserOper").iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { operstatus = "Y"; } else { operstatus = "W"; } request.setAttribute("hastask", operstatus); String OperID = ""; String OperNam = ""; String OperSht = ""; String OperTyp = ""; String Operidx = ""; String Hascomm = ""; String jsqsta = ""; String jsqname = ""; String jshsta = ""; String jshname = ""; returnValue = returnValue + "*"; while (it.hasNext()) { Element e = (Element); OperID = e.getChildText("OperID"); OperNam = e.getChildText("OperNam"); OperSht = e.getChildText("OperSht"); OperTyp = e.getChildText("OperTyp"); Operidx = e.getChildText("Operidx"); Hascomm = e.getChildText("Hascomm"); jsqsta = e.getChildText("jsqsta"); jsqname = e.getChildText("jsqname"); jshsta = e.getChildText("jshsta"); jshname = e.getChildText("jshname"); returnValue = returnValue + OperID + "|" + OperNam + "|" + OperSht + "|" + OperTyp + "|" + Operidx + "|" + Hascomm + "|" + jsqsta + "|" + jsqname + "|" + jshsta + "|" + jshname + "|"; returnValue = returnValue + "@"; } if (startup.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { returnValue = returnValue + "|10"; } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } return returnValue; }