   * Adds resources for contact.
   * @param tip the tool tip
   * @param protocolContact the protocol contact, which resources we're looking for
  private void addContactResourceTooltipLines(ExtendedTooltip tip, Contact protocolContact) {
    Collection<ContactResource> contactResources = protocolContact.getResources();

    if (contactResources == null) return;

    Iterator<ContactResource> resourcesIter = contactResources.iterator();

    while (resourcesIter.hasNext()) {
      ContactResource contactResource = resourcesIter.next();

      // We only add the status icon if we have more than one resources,
      // otherwise it will always be identical to the contact status icon.
      ImageIcon protocolStatusIcon = null;
      if (contactResources.size() > 1) {
        protocolStatusIcon =

      String resourceName =
          (contactResource.getPriority() >= 0)
              ? contactResource.getResourceName() + " (" + contactResource.getPriority() + ")"
              : contactResource.getResourceName();

      if (protocolStatusIcon == null) tip.addSubLine(protocolStatusIcon, resourceName, 27);
      else tip.addSubLine(protocolStatusIcon, resourceName, 20);

   * Gets the avatar of a specific <tt>MetaContact</tt> in the form of an <tt>ImageIcon</tt> value.
   * @param isSelected indicates if the contact is selected
   * @param width the desired icon width
   * @param height the desired icon height
   * @return an <tt>ImageIcon</tt> which represents the avatar of the specified <tt>MetaContact</tt>
  public ImageIcon getAvatar(boolean isSelected, int width, int height) {
    byte[] avatarBytes = metaContact.getAvatar(true);

    // If there's no avatar we have nothing more to do here.
    if ((avatarBytes == null) || (avatarBytes.length <= 0)) {
      if (!subscribed) {
        return ImageUtils.getScaledRoundedIcon(
            ImageLoader.getImage(ImageLoader.UNAUTHORIZED_CONTACT_PHOTO), width, height);

      return null;

    // If the cell is selected we return a zoomed version of the avatar
    // image.
    if (isSelected) return ImageUtils.getScaledRoundedIcon(avatarBytes, width, height);

    // In any other case try to get the avatar from the cache.
    Object[] avatarCache = (Object[]) metaContact.getData(AVATAR_DATA_KEY);
    ImageIcon avatar = null;

    if ((avatarCache != null) && (avatarCache[0] == avatarBytes))
      avatar = (ImageIcon) avatarCache[1];

    // If the avatar isn't available or it's not up-to-date, create it.
    if (avatar == null) {
      avatar = ImageUtils.getScaledRoundedIcon(avatarBytes, width, height);

    // Cache the avatar in case it has changed.
    if (avatarCache == null) {
      if (avatar != null) metaContact.setData(AVATAR_DATA_KEY, new Object[] {avatarBytes, avatar});
    } else {
      avatarCache[0] = avatarBytes;
      avatarCache[1] = avatar;

    return avatar;
Exemple #3
   * Establishes a call.
   * @param isVideo indicates if a video call should be established.
   * @param isDesktopSharing indicates if a desktopSharing should be established.
  private void call(boolean isVideo, boolean isDesktopSharing) {
    ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat();

    ChatSession chatSession = chatPanel.getChatSession();

    Class<? extends OperationSet> opSetClass;
    if (isVideo) {
      if (isDesktopSharing) opSetClass = OperationSetDesktopSharingServer.class;
      else opSetClass = OperationSetVideoTelephony.class;
    } else opSetClass = OperationSetBasicTelephony.class;

    List<ChatTransport> telTransports = null;
    if (chatSession != null) telTransports = chatSession.getTransportsForOperationSet(opSetClass);

    List<ChatTransport> contactOpSetSupported;

    contactOpSetSupported = getOperationSetForCapabilities(telTransports, opSetClass);

    List<UIContactDetail> res = new ArrayList<UIContactDetail>();
    for (ChatTransport ct : contactOpSetSupported) {
      HashMap<Class<? extends OperationSet>, ProtocolProviderService> m =
          new HashMap<Class<? extends OperationSet>, ProtocolProviderService>();
      m.put(opSetClass, ct.getProtocolProvider());

      UIContactDetailImpl d =
          new UIContactDetailImpl(
              ct.getName(), ct.getDisplayName(), null, null, null, m, null, ct.getName());
      PresenceStatus status = ct.getStatus();
      byte[] statusIconBytes = status.getStatusIcon();

      if (statusIconBytes != null && statusIconBytes.length > 0) {
            new ImageIcon(
                    ImageUtils.getBytesInImage(statusIconBytes), ct.getProtocolProvider())));


    Point location = new Point(callButton.getX(), callButton.getY() + callButton.getHeight());

    SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(location, this);

    MetaContact metaContact = GuiActivator.getUIService().getChatContact(chatPanel);
    UIContactImpl uiContact = null;
    if (metaContact != null) uiContact = MetaContactListSource.getUIContact(metaContact);

    CallManager.call(res, uiContact, isVideo, isDesktopSharing, callButton, location);
Exemple #4
   * Create thumbnail for the image.
   * @param image to scale.
   * @return the thumbnail image.
  private static BufferedImage createThumbnail(BufferedImage image) {
    int width = image.getWidth();
    int height = image.getHeight();

    // Image smaller than the thumbnail size
    if (width < THUMB_WIDTH && height < THUMB_HEIGHT) return image;

    Image i;

    if (width > height) i = image.getScaledInstance(THUMB_WIDTH, -1, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
    else i = image.getScaledInstance(-1, THUMB_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);

    return ImageUtils.getBufferedImage(i);
Exemple #5
   * Action performed on various action links(buttons).
   * @param e the action.
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    JButton src = (JButton) e.getSource();

    if (src instanceof SIPCommButton) {
      // Load image
      int index = Integer.parseInt(src.getName());
      BufferedImage image = AvatarStackManager.loadImage(index);

      // Set the new image
    } else if (src.getName().equals("chooseButton")) {
      // Open the image picker
      Image currentImage = this.avatarImage.getAvatar();

      ImagePickerDialog dialog = new ImagePickerDialog(96, 96);

      byte[] bimage = dialog.showDialog(currentImage);

      if (bimage == null) return;

      // New image
      BufferedImage image = ImageUtils.getBufferedImage(new ImageIcon(bimage).getImage());

      // Store image
      if (this.nextImageIndex == MAX_STORED_IMAGES) {
        // No more place to store images
        // Pop the first element (index 0)

        this.nextImageIndex = MAX_STORED_IMAGES - 1;

      // Store the new image on hard drive
      AvatarStackManager.storeImage(image, this.nextImageIndex);

      // Inform protocols about the new image
    } else if (src.getName().equals("removeButton")) {
      // Removes the current photo.
    } else if (src.getName().equals("clearButton")) {

   * Sets the icon for the given file.
   * @param file the file to set an icon for
   * @return the byte array containing the thumbnail
  private byte[] getFileThumbnail(File file) {
    byte[] bytes = null;
    if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) {
      try {
        ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(file.toURI().toURL());
        int width = image.getIconWidth();
        int height = image.getIconHeight();

        if (width > THUMBNAIL_WIDTH) width = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH;
        if (height > THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT;

        bytes = ImageUtils.getScaledInstanceInBytes(image.getImage(), width, height);
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Could not locate image.", e);
    return bytes;
   * Set the image of the peer
   * @param image new image
  public void setPeerImage(byte[] image) {
    // If the image is still null we try to obtain it from one of the
    // available contact sources.
    if (image == null || image.length <= 0) {
      GuiActivator.getContactList().setSourceContactImage(peerName, photoLabel, 100, 100);
    } else {
      peerImage = ImageUtils.getScaledRoundedIcon(image, 100, 100);
      if (peerImage == null) peerImage = getPhotoLabelIcon();

      if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
      } else {
   * Loads the tooltip with the data for current metacontact.
   * @param tip the tooltip to fill.
  private void loadTooltip(final ExtendedTooltip tip) {
    Iterator<Contact> i = metaContact.getContacts();

    ContactPhoneUtil contactPhoneUtil = ContactPhoneUtil.getPhoneUtil(metaContact);

    String statusMessage = null;
    Contact protocolContact;
    boolean isLoading = false;
    while (i.hasNext()) {
      protocolContact = i.next();

      // Set the first found status message.
      if (statusMessage == null
          && protocolContact.getStatusMessage() != null
          && protocolContact.getStatusMessage().length() > 0)
        statusMessage = protocolContact.getStatusMessage();

      if (ConfigurationUtils.isHideAccountStatusSelectorsEnabled()) break;

      ImageIcon protocolStatusIcon =

      String contactAddress = protocolContact.getAddress();
      // String statusMessage = protocolContact.getStatusMessage();

      tip.addLine(protocolStatusIcon, contactAddress);

      addContactResourceTooltipLines(tip, protocolContact);

      if (!protocolContact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered()) continue;

          new OperationSetServerStoredContactInfo.DetailsResponseListener() {
            public void detailsRetrieved(final Iterator<GenericDetail> details) {
              if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
                    new Runnable() {
                      public void run() {

              // remove previously shown information
              // as it contains "Loading..." text

              // load it again

      List<String> phones = contactPhoneUtil.getPhones(protocolContact);

      if (phones != null) {
        addPhoneTooltipLines(tip, phones.iterator());
      } else isLoading = true;

    if (isLoading)
      tip.addLine(null, GuiActivator.getResources().getI18NString("service.gui.LOADING"));

    if (statusMessage != null) tip.setBottomText(statusMessage);