/** * Returns the string, showing information for the given file. * * @param file the file * @return the name of the given file */ protected String getFileLabel(File file) { String fileName = file.getName(); long fileSize = file.length(); ByteFormat format = new ByteFormat(); String text = format.format(fileSize); return fileName + " (" + text + ")"; }
/** * Sends the given file through this chat transport file transfer operation set. * * @param file the file to send * @return the <tt>FileTransfer</tt> object charged to transfer the file * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong */ public FileTransfer sendFile(File file) throws Exception { // If this chat transport does not support instant messaging we do // nothing here. if (!allowsFileTransfer()) return null; OperationSetFileTransfer ftOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetFileTransfer.class); if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) { // Create a thumbnailed file if possible. OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory tfOpSet = contact.getProtocolProvider().getOperationSet(OperationSetThumbnailedFileFactory.class); if (tfOpSet != null) { byte[] thumbnail = getFileThumbnail(file); if (thumbnail != null && thumbnail.length > 0) { file = tfOpSet.createFileWithThumbnail( file, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "image/png", thumbnail); } } } return ftOpSet.sendFile(contact, file); }
/** * Sets the icon for the given file. * * @param file the file to set an icon for * @return the byte array containing the thumbnail */ private byte[] getFileThumbnail(File file) { byte[] bytes = null; if (FileUtils.isImage(file.getName())) { try { ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(file.toURI().toURL()); int width = image.getIconWidth(); int height = image.getIconHeight(); if (width > THUMBNAIL_WIDTH) width = THUMBNAIL_WIDTH; if (height > THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT) height = THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT; bytes = ImageUtils.getScaledInstanceInBytes(image.getImage(), width, height); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Could not locate image.", e); } } return bytes; }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt>, when one of the tool bar buttons is clicked. * * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) e.getSource(); String buttonText = button.getName(); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat(); if (buttonText.equals("previous")) { chatPanel.loadPreviousPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("next")) { chatPanel.loadNextPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("sendFile")) { SipCommFileChooser scfc = GenericFileDialog.create( null, "Send file...", SipCommFileChooser.LOAD_FILE_OPERATION, ConfigurationUtils.getSendFileLastDir()); File selectedFile = scfc.getFileFromDialog(); if (selectedFile != null) { ConfigurationUtils.setSendFileLastDir(selectedFile.getParent()); chatContainer.getCurrentChat().sendFile(selectedFile); } } else if (buttonText.equals("invite")) { ChatInviteDialog inviteDialog = new ChatInviteDialog(chatPanel); inviteDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("leave")) { ChatRoomWrapper chatRoomWrapper = (ChatRoomWrapper) chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor(); ChatRoomWrapper leavedRoomWrapped = GuiActivator.getMUCService().leaveChatRoom(chatRoomWrapper); } else if (buttonText.equals("call")) { call(false, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("callVideo")) { call(true, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("desktop")) { call(true, true); } else if (buttonText.equals("options")) { GuiActivator.getUIService().getConfigurationContainer().setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("font")) chatPanel.showFontChooserDialog(); else if (buttonText.equals("createConference")) { chatPanel.showChatConferenceDialog(); } }
/** * Handles the <tt>ActionEvent</tt>, when one of the tool bar buttons is clicked. * * @param e the <tt>ActionEvent</tt> that notified us */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton) e.getSource(); String buttonText = button.getName(); ChatPanel chatPanel = chatContainer.getCurrentChat(); if (buttonText.equals("previous")) { chatPanel.loadPreviousPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("next")) { chatPanel.loadNextPageFromHistory(); } else if (buttonText.equals("sendFile")) { SipCommFileChooser scfc = GenericFileDialog.create( null, "Send file...", SipCommFileChooser.LOAD_FILE_OPERATION, ConfigurationUtils.getSendFileLastDir()); File selectedFile = scfc.getFileFromDialog(); if (selectedFile != null) { ConfigurationUtils.setSendFileLastDir(selectedFile.getParent()); chatContainer.getCurrentChat().sendFile(selectedFile); } } else if (buttonText.equals("history")) { HistoryWindow history; HistoryWindowManager historyWindowManager = GuiActivator.getUIService().getHistoryWindowManager(); ChatSession chatSession = chatPanel.getChatSession(); if (historyWindowManager.containsHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor())) { history = historyWindowManager.getHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor()); if (history.getState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED) history.setState(JFrame.NORMAL); history.toFront(); } else { history = new HistoryWindow(chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor()); history.setVisible(true); historyWindowManager.addHistoryWindowForContact(chatSession.getDescriptor(), history); } } else if (buttonText.equals("invite")) { ChatInviteDialog inviteDialog = new ChatInviteDialog(chatPanel); inviteDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("leave")) { ConferenceChatManager conferenceManager = GuiActivator.getUIService().getConferenceChatManager(); conferenceManager.leaveChatRoom((ChatRoomWrapper) chatPanel.getChatSession().getDescriptor()); } else if (buttonText.equals("call")) { call(false, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("callVideo")) { call(true, false); } else if (buttonText.equals("desktop")) { call(true, true); } else if (buttonText.equals("options")) { GuiActivator.getUIService().getConfigurationContainer().setVisible(true); } else if (buttonText.equals("font")) chatPanel.showFontChooserDialog(); }
/** * Starts recording {@link #call} creating {@link #recorder} first and asking the user for the * recording format and file if they are not configured in the "Call Recording" configuration * form. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if the recording has been started successfully; otherwise, <tt>false</tt> */ private boolean startRecording() { String savedCallsPath = configuration.getString(Recorder.SAVED_CALLS_PATH); String callFormat; // Ask the user where to save the call. if ((savedCallsPath == null) || (savedCallsPath.length() == 0)) { /* * Delay the initialization of callFileChooser in order to delay the * creation of the recorder. */ if (callFileChooser == null) { callFileChooser = GenericFileDialog.create( null, resources.getI18NString("plugin.callrecordingconfig.SAVE_CALL"), SipCommFileChooser.SAVE_FILE_OPERATION); callFileChooser.addFilter( new SipCommFileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File f) { return f.isDirectory() || isSupportedFormat(f); } @Override public String getDescription() { StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(); description.append("Recorded call"); Recorder recorder; try { recorder = getRecorder(); } catch (OperationFailedException ofex) { logger.error("Failed to get Recorder", ofex); recorder = null; } if (recorder != null) { List<String> supportedFormats = recorder.getSupportedFormats(); if (supportedFormats != null) { description.append(" ("); boolean firstSupportedFormat = true; for (String supportedFormat : supportedFormats) { if (firstSupportedFormat) firstSupportedFormat = false; else description.append(", "); description.append("*."); description.append(supportedFormat); } description.append(')'); } } return description.toString(); } }); } // Offer a default name for the file to record into. callFileChooser.setStartPath(createDefaultFilename(null)); File selectedFile = callFileChooser.getFileFromDialog(); if (selectedFile != null) { callFilename = selectedFile.getAbsolutePath(); /* * If the user specified no extension (which seems common on Mac * OS X at least) i.e. no format, then it is not obvious that we * have to override the set Recorder.CALL_FORMAT. */ callFormat = SoundFileUtils.getExtension(selectedFile); if ((callFormat != null) && (callFormat.length() != 0)) { /* * If the use has specified an extension and thus a format * which is not supported, use a default format instead. */ if (!isSupportedFormat(selectedFile)) { /* * If what appears to be an extension seems a lot like * an extension, then it should be somewhat safer to * replace it. */ if (SoundFileUtils.isSoundFile(selectedFile)) { callFilename = callFilename.substring(0, callFilename.lastIndexOf('.')); } String configuredFormat = configuration.getString(Recorder.FORMAT); callFormat = (configuredFormat != null && configuredFormat.length() != 0) ? configuredFormat : SoundFileUtils.DEFAULT_CALL_RECORDING_FORMAT; callFilename += '.' + callFormat; } configuration.setProperty(Recorder.FORMAT, callFormat); } } else { // user canceled the recording return false; } } else { callFilename = createDefaultFilename(savedCallsPath); callFormat = SoundFileUtils.getExtension(new File(callFilename)); } Throwable exception = null; try { Recorder recorder = getRecorder(); if (recorder != null) { if ((callFormat == null) || (callFormat.length() <= 0)) callFormat = SoundFileUtils.DEFAULT_CALL_RECORDING_FORMAT; recorder.start(callFormat, callFilename); } this.recorder = recorder; } catch (IOException ioex) { exception = ioex; } catch (MediaException mex) { exception = mex; } catch (OperationFailedException ofex) { exception = ofex; } if ((recorder == null) || (exception != null)) { logger.error( "Failed to start recording call " + call + " into file " + callFilename, exception); return false; } else return true; }