Exemple #1
   * @param img
   * @return the inferred mapping
  private static int[] getInferredMapping(final ImgPlus<?> img) {

    int[] inferredMapping = new int[DEFAULT_IJ1_MAPPING.size()];
    Arrays.fill(inferredMapping, -1);

    for (int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++) {
      inferredMapping[d] = DEFAULT_IJ1_MAPPING.get(img.axis(d).type());

    int offset = 0;
    for (AxisType type : DEFAULT_IJ1_MAPPING.keySet()) {
      boolean contains = false;
      for (int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++) {
        if (img.axis(d).type().equals(type)) {
          contains = true;

      if (!contains) {
        inferredMapping[img.numDimensions() + offset] = DEFAULT_IJ1_MAPPING.get(type);

    return inferredMapping;
Exemple #2
  * Check if ImgPlus contains axis which can not be mapped to IJ ImagePlus. Valid axes in ImagePlus
  * are X, Y, Channel, Z, Time.
  * @param img
  * @return true if mapping is valid
 public static boolean validateMapping(final ImgPlus<?> img) {
   for (int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++) {
     if (DEFAULT_IJ1_MAPPING.get(((DefaultTypedAxis) img.axis(d)).type()) == null) {
       return false;
   return true;
Exemple #3
   * @param img
   * @return calibration
  public static double[] getNewCalibration(final ImgPlus<?> img) {

    int[] mapping = getInferredMapping(img);

    // also map/swap calibration
    double[] newCalib = new double[mapping.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < img.numDimensions(); i++) {
      newCalib[mapping[i]] = img.averageScale(i);

    return newCalib;
  private void setUpAxes(final ImgPlus<T> image) {
    final CalibratedAxis[] axes = new CalibratedAxis[image.numDimensions()];

    final List<Viewer3DNodeAxis> axesList = new LinkedList<Viewer3DNodeAxis>();

    for (final TypedAxis a : axes) {
      final long extent = image.dimension(image.dimensionIndex(a.type()));
      axesList.add(new Viewer3DNodeAxis(a, (int) extent, image.dimensionIndex(a.type())));

    m_axes = new Viewer3DNodeAxes(Viewer3DNodeImageToVTK.getMinDims(), axesList);
Exemple #5
   * Extends the given {@link ImgPlus} to 5-dimensions and makes sure, that the dimension order
   * suits IJ.
   * @param img to be extended and permuted
   * @return extended and permuted {@link Img}
  public static <T> RandomAccessibleInterval<T> extendAndPermute(final ImgPlus<T> img) {

    // Create Mapping [at position one -> new index, at position 2 -> new index etc.] given: ImgPlus
    // and m_mapping
    // we always want to have 5 dimensions
    RandomAccessibleInterval<T> extended = img;
    for (int d = img.numDimensions(); d < 5; d++) {
      extended = Views.addDimension(extended, 0, 0);

    return DimSwapper.swap(extended, getInferredMapping(img));
  private UnaryOutputOperation<ImgPlus<T>, ImgPlus<V>> getSlidingOperation(
      final ImgPlus<T> img, final V type) {

    final Shape neighborhood =

    final OutOfBoundsFactory<T, ImgPlus<T>> outStrat =
        OutOfBoundsStrategyFactory.<T, ImgPlus<T>>getStrategy(
            m_outOfBoundsStrategy.getStringValue(), img.firstElement());

    return getSlidingOperation(img, type, neighborhood, outStrat);
  public static void main(final String[] args) {

    // TEST 2D case

    // Parameters
    final int size_x = 200;
    final int size_y = 200;

    final long a = 10;
    final long b = 5;
    final double phi_r = Math.toRadians(30);

    final long max_radius = Math.max(a, b);
    final double[] calibration = new double[] {1, 1};

    // Create blank image
    final Img<UnsignedByteType> img =
        new ArrayImgFactory<UnsignedByteType>()
            .create(new int[] {200, 200}, new UnsignedByteType());
    final ImgPlus<UnsignedByteType> imgplus = new ImgPlus<UnsignedByteType>(img);
    for (int d = 0; d < imgplus.numDimensions(); d++) {
      imgplus.setAxis(new DefaultLinearAxis(imgplus.axis(d).type(), calibration[d]), d);
    final byte on = (byte) 255;

    // Create an ellipse
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println(String.format("Creating an ellipse with a = %d, b = %d", a, b));
    System.out.println(String.format("phi = %.1f", Math.toDegrees(phi_r)));
    final long[] center = new long[] {size_x / 2, size_y / 2};
    final long[] radiuses = new long[] {max_radius, max_radius};

    final EllipseNeighborhood<UnsignedByteType> disc =
        new EllipseNeighborhood<UnsignedByteType>(img, center, radiuses);
    final EllipseCursor<UnsignedByteType> sc = disc.cursor();

    double r2, phi, term;
    double cosphi, sinphi;
    while (sc.hasNext()) {
      r2 = sc.getDistanceSquared();
      phi = sc.getPhi();
      cosphi = Math.cos(phi - phi_r);
      sinphi = Math.sin(phi - phi_r);
      term = r2 * cosphi * cosphi / a / a + r2 * sinphi * sinphi / b / b;
      if (term <= 1) sc.get().set(on);
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Ellipse creation done in " + (end - start) + " ms.");


    start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final Spot spot = new Spot(center[0], center[1], 0d, max_radius, -1d);

    final SpotMorphologyAnalyzer<UnsignedByteType> bm =
        new SpotMorphologyAnalyzer<UnsignedByteType>(imgplus, null);

    System.out.println("Blob morphology analyzed in " + (end - start) + " ms.");
    double phiv, thetav, lv;
    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
      lv = spot.getFeature(featurelist_sa[j]);
      phiv = spot.getFeature(featurelist_phi[j]);
      thetav = spot.getFeature(featurelist_theta[j]);
              "For axis of semi-length %.1f, orientation is phi = %.1f°, theta = %.1f°",
              lv, Math.toDegrees(phiv), Math.toDegrees(thetav)));

    // TEST 3D case
     * // Parameters int size_x = 200; int size_y = 200; int size_z = 200;
     * double a = 5.5f; double b = 4.9f; double c = 5; double theta_r =
     * (double) Math.toRadians(0); // I am unable to have it working for
     * theta_r != 0 double phi_r = (double) Math.toRadians(45);
     * double max_radius = Math.max(a, Math.max(b, c)); double[] calibration
     * = new double[] {1, 1, 1};
     * // Create blank image Image<UnsignedByteType> img = new
     * ImageFactory<UnsignedByteType>( new UnsignedByteType(), new
     * ArrayContainerFactory() ).createImage(new int[] {200, 200, 200});
     * final byte on = (byte) 255;
     * // Create an ellipse long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
     * System.out.println(String.format(
     * "Creating an ellipse with a = %.1f, b = %.1f, c = %.1f", a, b, c));
     * System.out.println(String.format("phi = %.1f and theta = %.1f",
     * Math.toDegrees(phi_r), Math.toDegrees(theta_r))); double[] center =
     * new double[] { size_x/2, size_y/2, size_z/2 };
     * SphereCursor<UnsignedByteType> sc = new
     * SphereCursor<UnsignedByteType>(img, center, max_radius, calibration);
     * double r2, theta, phi, term; double cosphi, sinphi, costheta,
     * sintheta; while (sc.hasNext()) { sc.fwd(); r2 =
     * sc.getDistanceSquared(); phi = sc.getPhi(); theta = sc.getTheta();
     * cosphi = Math.cos(phi-phi_r); sinphi = Math.sin(phi-phi_r); costheta
     * = Math.cos(theta-theta_r); sintheta = Math.sin(theta-theta_r); term =
     * r2*cosphi*cosphi*sintheta*sintheta/a/a +
     * r2*sinphi*sinphi*sintheta*sintheta/b/b + r2*costheta*costheta/c/c; if
     * (term <= 1) sc.getType().set(on); } sc.close(); long end =
     * System.currentTimeMillis();
     * System.out.println("Ellipse creation done in " + (end-start) +
     * " ms."); System.out.println();
     * ij.ImageJ.main(args); img.getDisplay().setMinMax();
     * ImageJFunctions.copyToImagePlus(img).show();
     * start = System.currentTimeMillis(); BlobMorphology<UnsignedByteType>
     * bm = new BlobMorphology<UnsignedByteType>(img, calibration); SpotImp
     * spot = new SpotImp(center); spot.putFeature(Feature.RADIUS,
     * max_radius); bm.process(spot); end = System.currentTimeMillis();
     * System.out.println("Blob morphology analyzed in " + (end-start) +
     * " ms."); double phiv, thetav, lv; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { lv =
     * spot.getFeature(featurelist_sa[j]); phiv =
     * spot.getFeature(featurelist_phi[j]); thetav =
     * spot.getFeature(featurelist_theta[j]);
     * System.out.println(String.format(
     * "For axis of semi-length %.1f, orientation is phi = %.1f°, theta = %.1f°"
     * , lv, Math.toDegrees(phiv), Math.toDegrees(thetav))); }
     * System.out.println(spot.echo());
Exemple #8
   * Create a new imgage with using the current settings.
   * @return the new image
  public final <T extends NativeType<T> & RealType<T>> ImgPlus<T> nextImage() {

    // Set up new utils
    m_dimList = new ArrayList<Long>();
    m_axisList = new ArrayList<AxisType>();

    ImgFactoryTypes facType;

    // select a factory
    if (m_factory == null) {
      m_factory = ImgFactoryTypes.values()[randomBoundedInt(ImgFactoryTypes.values().length - 2)];

    if (m_randomFactory) {
      facType = ImgFactoryTypes.values()[randomBoundedInt(ImgFactoryTypes.values().length - 2)];
    } else {
      facType = m_factory;

    final ImgFactory<T> imgFac = ImgFactoryTypes.getImgFactory(facType);

    // process all dimensions
    processDimension(m_minSizeX, m_sizeX, "X");
    processDimension(m_minSizeY, m_sizeY, "Y");
    processDimension(m_minSizeZ, m_sizeZ, "Z");
    processDimension(m_minSizeChannel, m_sizeChannel, "Channel");
    processDimension(m_minSizeT, m_sizeT, "Time");

    final long[] dims = new long[m_dimList.size()];

    for (int d = 0; d < m_dimList.size(); d++) {
      dims[d] = m_dimList.get(d);

    // Type of img is selected
    NativeTypes type;

    if (m_type == null) {
      m_type = NativeTypes.values()[randomBoundedInt(NativeTypes.values().length - 1)];

    if (m_randomType) {
      type = NativeTypes.values()[randomBoundedInt(NativeTypes.values().length - 1)];
    } else {
      type = m_type;

    // create the actual image
    final T val = (T) NativeTypes.getTypeInstance(type);
    final Img<T> img = imgFac.create(dims, val);

    // fill the image
    final Cursor<T> cursor = img.cursor();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {

      double result;

      if (m_randomFill) {
        double sign = 1;

        if (val.getMinValue() < 0) {
          if (Math.random() > 0.5) { // ~50% negative
            sign = -1;

        if (type.equals(NativeTypes.DOUBLETYPE) || type.equals(NativeTypes.FLOATTYPE)) {
          // random value between -1 and 1
          result = Math.random() * sign;
        } else {
          // random value in type range
          result = Math.random() * val.getMaxValue() * sign;
      } else {
        result = m_value;


    final ImgPlus<T> imgPlus = new ImgPlus<T>(ImgView.wrap(img, imgFac));

    int d = 0;
    for (final AxisType a : m_axisList) {
      imgPlus.setAxis(new DefaultLinearAxis(a), d++);

    return imgPlus;
 protected UnaryOutputOperation<ImgPlus<T>, ImgPlus<V>> op(final ImgPlus<T> vin) {
   final V outType = getOutType(vin.firstElement().createVariable());
   return getSlidingOperation(vin, outType);
Exemple #10
   * @param img
   * @param processorFactory
   * @param converter
   * @return wrapped {@link ImagePlus}
  @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
  public static final <T extends RealType<T>> ImagePlus wrap(
      final ImgPlus<T> img,
      final ImageProcessorFactory processorFactory,
      final Converter<T, FloatType> converter) {
    // we always want to have 5 dimensions
    final RandomAccessibleInterval permuted = extendAndPermute(img);

    final int width = (int) permuted.dimension(0);
    final int height = (int) permuted.dimension(1);

    final ImagePlus r = new ImagePlus();
    final ImageStack is = new ImageStack(width, height);

    final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> access =
        img.iterationOrder().equals(((IterableRealInterval<?>) permuted).iterationOrder())
            ? img
            : permuted;

    final IntervalIterator ii = createIntervalIterator(access);

    final long[] min = new long[access.numDimensions()];
    final long[] max = new long[access.numDimensions()];

    max[0] = permuted.max(0);
    max[1] = permuted.max(1);

    // number of planes = num tasks
    int numSlices = 1;
    for (int d = 2; d < access.numDimensions(); d++) {
      numSlices *= access.dimension(d);

    // parallelization
    final ImageProcessor[] slices = new ImageProcessor[numSlices];
    final ExecutorService service =
        new ThreadPoolExecutorService(

    final ArrayList<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Void>>();
    final T inType = img.firstElement();

    int i = 0;
    while (ii.hasNext()) {

      for (int d = 2; d < ii.numDimensions(); d++) {
        min[d] = ii.getIntPosition(d);
        max[d] = min[d];

      final int proxy = i++;

              new Callable<Void>() {

                final FinalInterval tmp = new FinalInterval(min, max);

                public Void call() throws Exception {

                  final Cursor<T> cursor = Views.iterable(Views.interval(access, tmp)).cursor();

                  final ImageProcessor ip = processorFactory.createProcessor(width, height, inType);

                  final FloatType outProxy = new FloatType();
                  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                      converter.convert(cursor.next(), outProxy);
                      ip.setf(x, y, outProxy.get());
                  slices[proxy] = ip;

                  return null;

    for (final Future<Void> f : futures) {
      try {
      } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
      } catch (final ExecutionException e) {

    // add slices to stack
    for (ImageProcessor slice : slices) {
      is.addSlice("", slice);

    // set calibration
    final double[] newCalibration = getNewCalibration(img);
    Calibration cal = new Calibration();
    cal.pixelWidth = newCalibration[0];
    cal.pixelHeight = newCalibration[1];
    cal.pixelDepth = newCalibration[3];

        is, (int) permuted.dimension(2), (int) permuted.dimension(3), (int) permuted.dimension(4));

    return r;
Exemple #11
  * Wraps an {@link Img} using default IJ1Converter.
  * @param img to be wrapped
  * @return wrapped {@link ImagePlus}
 public static final <T extends RealType<T>> ImagePlus wrap(final ImgPlus<T> img) {
   return wrap(
       img, new DefaultProcessorFactory(), new DefaultImgToIJ1Converter<T>(img.firstElement()));