   * Speak the message out loud using text-to-speech (either via Android text-to-speech or
   * via the free eyes-free text-to-speech library)
  private void speakMessage() {
    // TODO: we should really require the keyguard be unlocked here if we are in privacy mode

    // If not previously initialized...
    if (!ttsInitialized) {

      // Show a loading dialog

      // User interacted so remove all locks and cancel reminders

      // We'll use update notification to stop the sound playing
      ManageNotification.update(getApplicationContext(), message);

      if (androidTextToSpeechAvailable) {
        // Android text-to-speech available (normally found on Android 1.6+, aka Donut)
        androidTts = new TextToSpeechWrapper(SmsPopupActivity.this, androidTtsListener);
      } else { // Else use eyes-free text-to-speech library
         * This is an aweful fix for the loading dialog not disappearing
         * when the user decides to not install the TTS package but there didn't
         * seem like another way to hook into the current TTS library.
         * This will all go away once we can purely use the system TTS engine and do away
         * with the eyes-free version from Market.
        // Extend TTS alert dialog so we can dismiss the loading dialog correctly
        class mTtsVersionAlert extends TTSVersionAlert {
          // Leaving this as hardcoded just as from the TTS source
          private static final String QUIT = "Do not install the TTS";

          mTtsVersionAlert(Context context) {
            super(context, null, null, null);
                new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    if (mProgressDialog != null) {
                new OnCancelListener() {
                  public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                    if (mProgressDialog != null) {

        // Init the eyes-free text-to-speech library
        eyesFreeTts = new TTS(this, eyesFreeTtsListener, new mTtsVersionAlert(this));

    } else {

      // Speak the message!
      if (androidTextToSpeechAvailable) {
        androidTts.speak(message.getMessageBody(), TextToSpeechWrapper.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
      } else {
        eyesFreeTts.speak(message.getMessageBody(), 0 /* no queue mode */, null);