@Override protected void initialize( LiveGameData gameData, boolean isEditorMode, DrawnStringFactory drawnStringFactory, TextureImage2D texture, int width, int height) { ds = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "ds", 0, 0, Alignment.LEFT, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), getFontColor()); }
@Override protected void initialize( LiveGameData gameData, boolean isEditorMode, DrawnStringFactory drawnStringFactory, TextureImage2D texture, int width, int height) { int maxNumItems = numVeh.getValue(); dsPos = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsPosTH = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsNumber = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsName = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsTime = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsPit = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; dsPitLabel = new DrawnString[maxNumItems]; int fh = TextureImage2D.getStringHeight("0%C", getFontProperty()); int rowHeight = height / maxNumItems; imgFord.updateSize(width, rowHeight, isEditorMode); imgHolden.updateSize(width, rowHeight, isEditorMode); int top = (rowHeight - fh) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < maxNumItems; i++) { dsPos[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsPos", width * 1 / 100 + fontxposoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor3.getColor()); dsPosTH[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsPos", width * 4 / 100 + fontxposoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, posFontTH.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor3.getColor()); dsNumber[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsNumber", width * 13 / 100 + fontxposoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.CENTER, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor2.getColor()); dsName[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsName", width * 19 / 100 + fontxnameoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor3.getColor()); dsTime[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTime", width * 84 / 100 + fontxtimeoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.RIGHT, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor2.getColor()); dsPit[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTime", width * 98 / 100 + fontxtimeoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.RIGHT, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor2.getColor()); dsPitLabel[i] = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTime", width * 181 / 200 + fontxtimeoffset.getValue(), top + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.CENTER, false, getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor3.getColor()); top += rowHeight; } }
@Override protected void initialize( LiveGameData gameData, boolean isEditorMode, DrawnStringFactory drawnStringFactory, TextureImage2D texture, int width, int height) { int fh = TextureImage2D.getStringHeight("0%C", f1_2011Font); imgName.updateSize(width * 94 / 100, height / 2, isEditorMode); dsAmbient = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsAmbient", width * 7 / 100, height * 3 / 4 - fh / 2, Alignment.LEFT, false, f1_2011Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), WhiteFontColor.getColor(), null, ""); dsAmbientTemp = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsAmbientTemp", width * 85 / 100, height * 3 / 4 - fh / 2, Alignment.RIGHT, false, f1_2011Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), WhiteFontColor.getColor(), null, "°C"); dsTrack = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTrack", width * 14 / 100, height / 4 - fh / 2 + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, f1_2011Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), WhiteFontColor.getColor(), null, ""); dsTrackTemp = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTrackTemp", width * 92 / 100, height / 4 - fh / 2 + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.RIGHT, false, f1_2011Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), WhiteFontColor.getColor(), null, "°C"); }
@Override protected void initialize( LiveGameData gameData, boolean isEditorMode, DrawnStringFactory drawnStringFactory, TextureImage2D texture, int width, int height) { team.update(""); name.update(""); pos.update(""); // gap.update( "" ); // time.update( "" ); int rowHeight = height / 2; int fh = TextureImage2D.getStringHeight("0", GP2Font); imgName.updateSize(width, rowHeight * 95 / 100, isEditorMode); imgNameFirst.updateSize(width, rowHeight * 95 / 100, isEditorMode); int top1 = (rowHeight - fh) / 2; int top2 = rowHeight + (rowHeight - fh) / 2; dsName = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsName", width * 8 / 100, top1 + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, GP2Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor1.getColor()); dsTeam = drawnStringFactory.newDrawnString( "dsTeam", width * 8 / 100, top2 + fontyoffset.getValue(), Alignment.LEFT, false, GP2Font.getFont(), isFontAntiAliased(), fontColor1.getColor()); // Scan Country Folder File dir = new File( gameData.getFileSystem().getImagesFolder().toString() + "/prunn/PorscheSupercup/Countries"); String[] children = dir.list(); NumOfPNG = 0; listPNG = new String[children.length]; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // Get filename of file or directory String filename = children[i]; if (filename.substring(filename.length() - 4).toUpperCase().equals(".PNG")) { // log(filename.substring( 0, filename.length()-4 )); listPNG[NumOfPNG] = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4); NumOfPNG++; } } // end of scan }