private void responseBodyFromFile(CacheBuffer asyncFile) { Long offset = (Long) getRequestAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_STORE_OFFSET); if (offset != null) { asyncFile.position(offset); } this.asyncFile = asyncFile; asyncFile.asyncBuffer(this, asyncFile); }
private CacheBuffer welcomPage(File dir, String[] welcomlist) { CacheBuffer asyncFile = null; for (String welcom : welcomlist) { asyncFile = File(dir, welcom)); FileInfo info = asyncFile.getFileInfo(); if (info.exists() && info.canRead() && info.isFile()) { return asyncFile; } asyncFile.close(); } return null; }
public void onWrittenBody() { logger.debug("#writtenBody.cid:" + getChannelId()); if (asyncFile != null) { asyncFile.asyncBuffer(this, asyncFile); } super.onWrittenBody(); }
@Override public void recycle() { if (asyncFile != null) { asyncFile.close(); asyncFile = null; } super.recycle(); }
// 存在確認済みのファイルをレスポンスする。 private boolean sendFile( MappingResult mapping, File baseDirectory, String path, String ifModifiedSince, CacheBuffer asyncFile) { if (isVelocityUse(mapping, path)) { // TODO ちゃんとする mapping.setResolvePath(path); // 加工後のpathを設定 mapping.setDesitinationFile(baseDirectory); forwardHandler(Mapping.VELOCITY_PAGE_HANDLER); asyncFile.close(); return false; // 委譲 } // String // ifModifiedSince=requestParser.getHeader(HeaderParser.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER); Date ifModifiedSinceDate = HeaderParser.parseDateHeader(ifModifiedSince); long ifModifiedSinceTime = -1; if (ifModifiedSinceDate != null) { ifModifiedSinceTime = ifModifiedSinceDate.getTime(); } FileInfo fileInfo = asyncFile.getFileInfo(); long lastModifiedTime = fileInfo.getLastModified(); String lastModified = HeaderParser.fomatDateHeader(new Date(lastModifiedTime)); // ファイル日付として表現できる値には、誤差があるため、表現できる時刻を取得 lastModifiedTime = HeaderParser.parseDateHeader(lastModified).getTime(); if (ifModifiedSinceTime >= lastModifiedTime) { completeResponse("304"); asyncFile.close(); return true; } setHeader(HeaderParser.LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER, lastModified); long contentLength = getContentLength(fileInfo.length()); setContentLength(contentLength); String contentDisposition = (String) getRequestAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION); if (contentDisposition != null) { setHeader(HeaderParser.CONTENT_DISPOSITION_HEADER, contentDisposition); } String contentType = getContentType(fileInfo.getCanonicalFile()); setContentType(contentType); setStatusCode("200"); responseBodyFromFile(asyncFile); return false; }
private boolean response() { HeaderParser requestHeader = getRequestHeader(); String ifModifiedSince = requestHeader.getHeader(HeaderParser.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER); String selfPath = requestHeader.getRequestUri(); MappingResult mapping = getRequestMapping(); File file = (File) getRequestAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_FILE); if (file != null) { // レスポンスするファイルが、直接指定された場合 // FileCacheInfo fileCacheInfo=null; boolean useCache = true; if (getRequestAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RESPONSE_FILE_NOT_USE_CACHE) == null) { useCache = false; } CacheBuffer asyncFile =, useCache); FileInfo fileInfo = asyncFile.getFileInfo(); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { logger.debug("Not found." + file.getAbsolutePath()); completeResponse("404", "file not exists"); asyncFile.close(); return true; } return sendFile(mapping, null, null, ifModifiedSince, asyncFile); } String path = mapping.getResolvePath(); try { path = URLDecoder.decode(path, "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("URLDecoder.decode error", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("URLDecoder.decode error", e); } // クエリの削除 int pos = path.indexOf('?'); if (pos >= 0) { path = path.substring(0, pos); } File baseDirectory = mapping.getDestinationFile(); CacheBuffer asyncFile = File(baseDirectory, path)); FileInfo info = asyncFile.getFileInfo(); if (info.isError()) { logger.warn("fail to getCanonicalPath."); completeResponse("500", "fail to getCanonicalPath."); asyncFile.close(); return true; // TODO トラバーサル // }else if(!info.isInBase()){ // //トラバーサルされたら、loggingして404 // logger.warn("traversal error."); // completeResponse("404","traversal error"); // return true; } else if (!info.exists() || !info.canRead()) { asyncFile.close(); logger.debug("Not found." + info.getCanonicalFile()); completeResponse("404", "file not exists"); return true; } // welcomefile処理 String[] welcomeFiles = getWelcomeFiles(mapping); if (info.isDirectory() && welcomeFiles != null) { File dir = info.getCanonicalFile(); asyncFile.close(); asyncFile = welcomPage(dir, welcomeFiles); if (asyncFile == null) { // welcomfileが無かった // completeResponse("404", "file not exists"); return fileListIfNessesary(mapping, selfPath, dir, "/".equals(path)); } info = asyncFile.getFileInfo(); if (info.exists() && info.canRead() && !path.endsWith("/")) { asyncFile.close(); // もし、URIが"/"で終わっていなかったら相対が解決できないので、リダイレクト ServerParser selfServer = requestHeader.getServer(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (isSsl()) { sb.append("https://"); } else { sb.append("http://"); } sb.append(selfServer.toString()); sb.append(selfPath); sb.append("/"); setHeader(HeaderParser.LOCATION_HEADER, sb.toString()); completeResponse("302"); return true; } } if (info.isFile()) { // ファイルだったら return sendFile(mapping, baseDirectory, path, ifModifiedSince, asyncFile); } asyncFile.close(); File dir = info.getCanonicalFile(); return fileListIfNessesary(mapping, selfPath, dir, "/".equals(path)); }