public static boolean hasPermission( Resident res, FlagType<Boolean> flagType, int dim, Volume volume) { boolean inWild = false; for (int townBlockX = volume.getMinX() >> 4; townBlockX <= volume.getMaxX() >> 4; townBlockX++) { for (int townBlockZ = volume.getMinZ() >> 4; townBlockZ <= volume.getMaxZ() >> 4; townBlockZ++) { TownBlock townBlock = MyTownUniverse.instance.blocks.get(dim, townBlockX, townBlockZ); if (townBlock == null) { inWild = true; continue; } Town town = townBlock.getTown(); Volume rangeBox = volume.intersect(townBlock.toVolume()); // If the range volume intersects the TownBlock, check Town/Plot permissions if (rangeBox != null) { int totalIntersectArea = 0; // Check every plot in the current TownBlock and sum all plot areas for (Plot plot : townBlock.plotsContainer) { Volume plotIntersection = volume.intersect(plot.toVolume()); if (plotIntersection != null) { if (!plot.hasPermission(res, flagType)) { return false; } totalIntersectArea += plotIntersection.getVolumeAmount(); } } // If plot area sum is not equal to range area, check town permission if (totalIntersectArea != rangeBox.getVolumeAmount()) { if (!town.hasPermission(res, flagType)) { return false; } } } } } if (inWild) { return Wild.instance.hasPermission(res, flagType); } return true; }
public void sendClientUpdate( Volume updateVolume, BlockPos center, EntityPlayerMP player, ForgeDirection face) { World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(center.getDim()); int x, y, z; if (face != null) updateVolume = translateVolume(updateVolume, face); for (int i = updateVolume.getMinX(); i <= updateVolume.getMaxX(); i++) { for (int j = updateVolume.getMinY(); j <= updateVolume.getMaxY(); j++) { for (int k = updateVolume.getMinZ(); k <= updateVolume.getMaxZ(); k++) { x = center.getX() + i; y = center.getY() + j; z = center.getZ() + k; S23PacketBlockChange packet = new S23PacketBlockChange(x, y, z, world); packet.field_148884_e = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); FMLCommonHandler.instance() .getMinecraftServerInstance() .getConfigurationManager() .sendPacketToAllPlayers(packet); } } } }
public int getArea(Volume rangeBox) { return ((rangeBox.getMaxX() - rangeBox.getMinX()) + 1) * ((rangeBox.getMaxY() - rangeBox.getMinY()) + 1) * ((rangeBox.getMaxZ() - rangeBox.getMinZ()) + 1); }
public boolean hasPermission(Resident res, Segment segment, int dim, Volume area) { boolean inWild = false; for (int townBlockX = area.getMinX() >> 4; townBlockX <= area.getMaxX() >> 4; townBlockX++) { for (int townBlockZ = area.getMinZ() >> 4; townBlockZ <= area.getMaxZ() >> 4; townBlockZ++) { TownBlock townBlock = getDatasource().getBlock(dim, townBlockX, townBlockZ); if (townBlock == null) { inWild = true; } else { Town town = townBlock.getTown(); Volume rangeBox = townBlock.getAreaLimit(area); int totalIntersectArea = 0; // Check every plot in the current TownBlock and sum all plot areas for (Plot plot : townBlock.getPlots()) { int plotIntersectArea = plot.getIntersectingArea(rangeBox); if (plotIntersectArea > 0) { if (res == null) { if (plot.getValue(segment.getFlag()).equals(segment.getDenialValue())) { return false; } } else { if (!plot.hasPermission(res, segment.getFlag(), segment.getDenialValue())) { res.protectionDenial( segment.getFlag().getLocalizedProtectionDenial(), LocalizationProxy.getLocalization() .getLocalization( "", town.getMayor() == null ? "SERVER ADMINS" : town.getMayor().getPlayerName())); return false; } } } totalIntersectArea += plotIntersectArea; } // If plot area sum is not equal to range area, check town permission if (totalIntersectArea != getArea(rangeBox)) { if (res == null) { if (town.getValue(segment.getFlag()).equals(segment.getDenialValue())) { return false; } } else { if (!town.hasPermission(res, segment.getFlag(), segment.getDenialValue())) { res.protectionDenial( segment.getFlag().getLocalizedProtectionDenial(), LocalizationProxy.getLocalization() .getLocalization( "", town.getMayor() == null ? "SERVER ADMINS" : town.getMayor().getPlayerName())); return false; } } } } } } if (inWild) { if (res == null) { if (Wild.instance.getValue(segment.getFlag()).equals(segment.getDenialValue())) { return false; } } else { if (!Wild.instance.hasPermission(res, segment.getFlag(), segment.getDenialValue())) { res.sendMessage(segment.getFlag().getLocalizedProtectionDenial()); return false; } } } return true; }
public Volume translateVolume(Volume volume, ForgeDirection direction) { if (direction == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) return volume; switch (direction) { case DOWN: volume = new Volume( volume.getMinX(), -volume.getMaxZ(), volume.getMinY(), volume.getMaxX(), volume.getMinZ(), volume.getMaxY()); break; case UP: volume = new Volume( volume.getMinX(), volume.getMinZ(), volume.getMinY(), volume.getMaxX(), volume.getMaxZ(), volume.getMaxY()); break; case NORTH: volume = new Volume( volume.getMinX(), volume.getMinY(), -volume.getMaxZ(), volume.getMaxX(), volume.getMaxY(), volume.getMinZ()); break; case WEST: volume = new Volume( -volume.getMaxZ(), volume.getMinY(), volume.getMinX(), volume.getMinZ(), volume.getMaxY(), volume.getMaxX()); break; case EAST: volume = new Volume( volume.getMinZ(), volume.getMinY(), volume.getMinX(), volume.getMaxZ(), volume.getMaxY(), volume.getMaxX()); break; case SOUTH: // The orientation on South is already the correct one, no translation needed. break; } return volume; }