Exemple #1
  public void init(IScope scope) {
    isAgentCreated = false;

    varmap = GamaMapFactory.create(Types.NO_TYPE, Types.NO_TYPE);
    numvarmap = GamaMapFactory.create(Types.NO_TYPE, Types.NO_TYPE);
    qualivarmap = GamaMapFactory.create(Types.NO_TYPE, Types.NO_TYPE);
    metadatahistory = new GamaObjectMatrix(0, 0, msi.gaml.types.Types.NO_TYPE);
    lastdetailedvarvalues = new GamaObjectMatrix(0, 0, msi.gaml.types.Types.NO_TYPE);
    averagehistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0, 0);
    stdevhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0, 0);
    minhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0, 0);
    maxhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0, 0);
    distribhistoryparams = new GamaObjectMatrix(0, 0, msi.gaml.types.Types.NO_TYPE);
    distribhistory = new GamaObjectMatrix(0, 0, msi.gaml.types.Types.NO_TYPE);
    IList premlist = GamaListFactory.create(Types.NO_TYPE);
    // premlist.add(0);
    distribhistory.set(scope, 0, 0, premlist);

    /*multi_metadatahistory = new GamaObjectMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_lastdetailedvarvalues = new GamaObjectMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_averagehistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_stdevhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_minhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_maxhistory = new GamaFloatMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_distribhistoryparams = new GamaObjectMatrix(0,0);
    		multi_distribhistory = new GamaObjectMatrix(0,0);
    		GamaList deuzlist=new GamaList();
    		multi_distribhistory.set(scope, 0, 0, deuzlist);
Exemple #2
  private static Instances convertToInstances(
      final IScope scope,
      final IList<String> attributes,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents)
      throws GamaRuntimeException {
    FastVector attribs = new FastVector();
    for (String att : attributes) {
      attribs.addElement(new Attribute(att));
    Instances dataset =
        new Instances(scope.getAgentScope().getName(), attribs, agents.length(scope));
    for (IAgent ag : agents.iterable(scope)) {

      int nb = attributes.size();
      double vals[] = new double[nb];
      for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
        String attrib = attributes.get(i);
        Double var = Cast.asFloat(scope, ag.getDirectVarValue(scope, attrib));
        vals[i] = var;
      Instance instance = new Instance(1, vals);
    return dataset;
Exemple #3
     value = {"percent_absolute_deviation"},
     content_type = IType.FLOAT,
     category = {IOperatorCategory.MAP_COMPARAISON},
     concept = {IConcept.STATISTIC})
     value =
         "percent absolute deviation indicator for 2 series of values: percent_absolute_deviation(list_vals_observe,list_vals_sim)",
     examples = {
           value = "percent_absolute_deviation([200,300,150,150,200],[250,250,100,200,200])",
           isExecutable = false)
 public static double percentAbsoluteDeviation(
     final IScope scope, final IList<Double> vals1, final IList<Double> vals2) {
   if (vals1 == null || vals2 == null) {
     return 1;
   int nb = vals1.size();
   if (nb != vals2.size()) {
     return 0;
   double sum = 0;
   double coeff = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
     double val1 = Cast.asFloat(scope, vals1.get(i));
     double val2 = Cast.asFloat(scope, vals2.get(i));
     coeff += val1;
     sum += FastMath.abs(val1 - val2) * 100.0;
   if (coeff == 0) {
     return 0;
   return sum / coeff;
Exemple #4
  private static double[] computeXaXs(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAgentFilter filter,
      final Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId,
      final Map<IAgent, Integer> agsId,
      final int valObsId,
      final int valSimId,
      final int valInitId,
      final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzytransitions,
      final Double distance,
      final IAgent agent,
      final IList<Object> valsInit,
      final IList<Object> valsObs,
      final IList<Object> valsSim,
      final IContainer.Addressable<Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final int nbCat) {
    double xa = 0.0;
    double xs = 0.0;
    double[] XaXs = new double[2];
    double sizeNorm = FastMath.sqrt(agent.getEnvelope().getArea());
    List<IAgent> neighbors =
        distance == 0 || filter == null
            ? new ArrayList<IAgent>()
            : new ArrayList<IAgent>(
                scope.getTopology().getNeighborsOf(scope, agent, distance, filter));

    Map<IAgent, Double> distancesCoeff = new TOrderedHashMap<IAgent, Double>();
    distancesCoeff.put(agent, 1.0);
    for (IAgent ag : neighbors) {
      double euclidDist = agent.getLocation().euclidianDistanceTo(ag.getLocation());
      distancesCoeff.put(ag, 1 / (1.0 + euclidDist / sizeNorm));
    for (IAgent ag : distancesCoeff.keySet()) {
      int id = agsId.get(ag);
      Object valI = valsInit.get(id);
      Object valO = valsObs.get(id);
      Object valS = valsSim.get(id);
      int valOId = categoriesId.get(valO);
      int valSId = categoriesId.get(valS);
      int valIId = categoriesId.get(valI);
      double dist = distancesCoeff.get(ag);
      double valxatmp =
          fuzzyTransition(scope, fuzzytransitions, nbCat, valInitId, valSimId, valIId, valOId)
              * dist;
      double valxstmp =
          fuzzyTransition(scope, fuzzytransitions, nbCat, valInitId, valObsId, valIId, valSId)
              * dist;

      if (valxatmp > xa) {
        xa = valxatmp;
      if (valxstmp > xs) {
        xs = valxstmp;

    XaXs[0] = xa;
    XaXs[1] = xs;
    return XaXs;
Exemple #5
  private static IList<IList<IAgent>> clusteringUsingWeka(
      final IScope scope,
      final Clusterer clusterer,
      final IList<String> attributes,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents)
      throws GamaRuntimeException {
    Instances dataset = convertToInstances(scope, attributes, agents);
    try {

      IList<IList<IAgent>> groupes = GamaListFactory.create(Types.LIST.of(Types.AGENT));

      for (int i = 0; i < clusterer.numberOfClusters(); i++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numInstances(); i++) {
        Instance inst = dataset.instance(i);
        int clusterIndex = -1;
        clusterIndex = clusterer.clusterInstance(inst);
        IList<IAgent> groupe = groupes.get(clusterIndex);
        groupe.add(agents.get(scope, i));
      return groupes;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
 public IList<ISpecies> getMicroSpecies() {
   final IList<ISpecies> retVal = GamaListFactory.create(Types.SPECIES);
   final ISpecies parentSpecies = this.getParentSpecies();
   if (parentSpecies != null) {
   return retVal;
 public IList<ISpecies> getSubSpecies(final IScope scope) {
   IList<ISpecies> subspecies = GamaListFactory.create(Types.SPECIES);
   GamlModelSpecies model = (GamlModelSpecies) scope.getModel().getSpecies();
   for (ISpecies s : model.getAllSpecies().values()) {
     if (s.getParentSpecies() == this) {
   return subspecies;
 public GamaMap mapValue(
     final IScope scope, final IType keyType, final IType contentsType, final boolean copy)
     throws GamaRuntimeException {
   final IList<IAgent> agents = listValue(scope, contentsType, false);
   // Default behavior : Returns a map containing the names of agents as keys and the agents
   // themselves as values
   final GamaMap result =
       GamaMapFactory.create(Types.STRING, scope.getModelContext().getTypeNamed(getName()));
   for (final IAgent agent : agents.iterable(scope)) {
     result.put(agent.getName(), agent);
   return result;
Exemple #9
 private static void computeXYCrispVector(
     final IScope scope,
     final Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId,
     final List<Object> categories,
     final IList<Object> vals1,
     final IList<Object> vals2,
     final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzycategories,
     final int nbCat,
     final int nb,
     final double[][] crispVector1,
     final double[][] crispVector2,
     final double[] X,
     final double[] Y,
     final boolean[] sim,
     final IList<Object> weights) {
   for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
     X[j] = 0;
     Y[j] = 0;
   double total = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
     double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
     total += weight;
     Object val1 = vals1.get(i);
     Object val2 = vals2.get(i);
     int indexVal1 = categoriesId.get(val1);
     int indexVal2 = categoriesId.get(val2);
     X[indexVal1] += weight;
     Y[indexVal2] += weight;
     for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
       crispVector1[i][j] = Cast.asFloat(scope, fuzzycategories.get(scope, indexVal1, j));
       crispVector2[i][j] = Cast.asFloat(scope, fuzzycategories.get(scope, indexVal2, j));
     if (val1.equals(val2)) {
       sim[i] = true;
     } else {
       sim[i] = false;
   for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
     X[j] /= total;
     Y[j] /= total;
Exemple #10
  private static int buildRings(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAgentFilter filter,
      final Double distance,
      final List<Double> rings,
      final Map<Double, Integer> ringsPn,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents) {

    IList<ILocation> locs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.POINT);
    for (IAgent ag : agents.iterable(scope)) {
    ILocation centralLoc = (ILocation) Stats.getMean(scope, locs);
    IAgent centralAg = scope.getTopology().getAgentClosestTo(scope, centralLoc, filter);
    List<IAgent> neighbors =
        distance == 0 || filter == null
            ? new ArrayList<IAgent>()
            : new ArrayList<IAgent>(
                scope.getTopology().getNeighborsOf(scope, centralAg, distance, filter));

    for (IAgent ag : neighbors) {
      double dist = centralLoc.euclidianDistanceTo(ag.getLocation());
      if (dist == 0) {
      if (!rings.contains(dist)) {
        ringsPn.put(dist, 1);
      } else {
        ringsPn.put(dist, 1 + ringsPn.get(dist));

    for (int i = 1; i < rings.size(); i++) {
      double dist = rings.get(i);
      double dist1 = rings.get(i - 1);
      ringsPn.put(dist, ringsPn.get(dist) + ringsPn.get(dist1));

    return rings.size();
  * Method createFrom() Method used to read initial values and attributes from a CSV values
  * descring a synthetic population
  * @author Vo Duc An
  * @since 04-09-2012
  * @see msi.gama.common.interfaces.ICreateDelegate#createFrom(msi.gama.runtime.IScope,
  *     java.util.List, int, java.lang.Object)
 public boolean createFrom(
     final IScope scope,
     final List<Map> inits,
     final Integer max,
     final Object source,
     final Arguments init,
     final CreateStatement statement) {
   final IList<Map> syntheticPopulation = (IList<Map>) source;
   final int num =
       max == null
           ? syntheticPopulation.length(scope) - 1
           : CmnFastMath.min(syntheticPopulation.length(scope) - 1, max);
   // the first element of syntheticPopulation a string (i.e.,
   // "genstar_population")
   for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) {
     final Map genstarInit = syntheticPopulation.get(i);
     statement.fillWithUserInit(scope, genstarInit);
     // mix genstar's init attributes with user's init
   return true;
Exemple #12
  private static double computePo(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAgentFilter filter,
      final Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId,
      final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzytransitions,
      final Double distance,
      final IList<Object> valsInit,
      final IList<Object> valsObs,
      final IList<Object> valsSim,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final int nbCat,
      final int nb,
      final IList<Double> similarities,
      final IList<Object> weights) {
    Map<IAgent, Integer> agsId = new TOrderedHashMap<IAgent, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < agents.length(scope); i++) {
      agsId.put(agents.get(scope, i), i);

    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      Object valObs = valsObs.get(i);
      Object valSim = valsSim.get(i);
      Object valInit = valsInit.get(i);
      int valObsId = categoriesId.get(valObs);
      int valSimId = categoriesId.get(valSim);
      int valInitId = categoriesId.get(valInit);
      IAgent agent = agents.get(scope, i);
      double[] XaXs =
      similarities.add(FastMath.min(XaXs[0], XaXs[1]));
    double meanSimilarity = 0;
    double total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
      double val = weight * similarities.get(i);
      total += weight;
      meanSimilarity += val;
    meanSimilarity /= total;
    return meanSimilarity;
Exemple #13
  public void updateXValues(IScope scope, int chartCycle, int targetNb) {
    Object xval, xlab;
    if (this.useXSource || this.useXLabels) {

      if (this.useXSource) {
        xval = xsource.resolveAgainst(scope).value(scope);
      } else {
        xval = xlabels.resolveAgainst(scope).value(scope);
      if (this.useXLabels) {
        xlab = xlabels.resolveAgainst(scope).value(scope);
      } else {
        xlab = xsource.resolveAgainst(scope).value(scope);

      if (xval instanceof GamaList) {
        IList xv2 = Cast.asList(scope, xval);
        IList xl2 = Cast.asList(scope, xlab);

        if (this.useXSource && xv2.size() > 0 && xv2.get(0) instanceof Number) {
          XSeriesValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
          Xcategories = new ArrayList<String>();
          for (int i = 0; i < xv2.size(); i++) {
            XSeriesValues.add(new Double(Cast.asFloat(scope, xv2.get(i))));
            Xcategories.add(Cast.asString(scope, xl2.get(i)));

        } else {
          if (xv2.size() > Xcategories.size()) {
            Xcategories = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < xv2.size(); i++) {
              if (i >= XSeriesValues.size()) {
                XSeriesValues.add(new Double(getXCycleOrPlusOneForBatch(scope, chartCycle)));
              Xcategories.add(Cast.asString(scope, xl2.get(i)));
        if (xv2.size() < targetNb) {
          throw GamaRuntimeException.error(
              "The x-serie length ("
                  + xv2.size()
                  + ") should NOT be shorter than any series length ("
                  + targetNb
                  + ") !",

      } else {
        if (this.useXSource && xval instanceof Number) {
          double dvalue = Cast.asFloat(scope, xval);
          String lvalue = Cast.asString(scope, xlab);
          XSeriesValues.add(new Double(dvalue));
        if (targetNb == -1 && !this.forceNoXAccumulate) targetNb = XSeriesValues.size() + 1;
        while (XSeriesValues.size() < targetNb) {
          XSeriesValues.add(new Double(getXCycleOrPlusOneForBatch(scope, chartCycle)));
          Xcategories.add(Cast.asString(scope, xlab));

    if (!this.useXSource && !this.useXLabels) {
      if (targetNb == -1 && !this.forceNoXAccumulate && commonXindex >= XSeriesValues.size())
        targetNb = XSeriesValues.size() + 1;
      while (XSeriesValues.size() < targetNb) {
        addCommonXValue(scope, getXCycleOrPlusOneForBatch(scope, chartCycle));
Exemple #14
     value = {"kappa_sim"},
     content_type = IType.FLOAT,
     category = {IOperatorCategory.MAP_COMPARAISON},
     concept = {})
     value =
         "kappa simulation indicator for 2 map comparisons: kappa(list_valsInits,list_valsObs,list_valsSim, categories, weights). Reference: van Vliet, J., Bregt, A.K. & Hagen-Zanker, A. (2011). Revisiting Kappa to account for change in the accuracy assessment of land-use change models, Ecological Modelling 222(8)",
     examples = {
           value =
               "kappa([cat1,cat1,cat2,cat2,cat2],[cat2,cat1,cat2,cat1,cat3],[cat2,cat1,cat2,cat3,cat3], [cat1,cat2,cat3],[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0])",
           isExecutable = false)
 public static double kappaSimulation(
     final IScope scope,
     final IList<Object> valsInit,
     final IList<Object> valsObs,
     final IList<Object> valsSim,
     final List<Object> categories,
     final IList<Object> weights) {
   if (valsInit == null || valsObs == null || valsSim == null) {
     return 1;
   int nb = valsInit.size();
   if (nb != valsObs.size() || nb != valsSim.size()) {
     return 0;
   int nbCat = categories.size();
   double[] O = new double[nbCat];
   double[][] contigency = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
   double[][] contigencyOA = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
   double[][] contigencyOS = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
   for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
     O[j] = 0;
     for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
       contigency[j][k] = 0;
       contigencyOA[j][k] = 0;
       contigencyOS[j][k] = 0;
   Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId = new TOrderedHashMap<Object, Integer>();
   for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
     categoriesId.put(categories.get(i), i);
   double total = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
     double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
     total += weight;
     Object val1 = valsObs.get(i);
     Object val2 = valsSim.get(i);
     Object valO = valsInit.get(i);
     int indexVal1 = categoriesId.get(val1);
     int indexVal2 = categoriesId.get(val2);
     int indexValO = categoriesId.get(valO);
     O[indexValO] += weight;
     contigency[indexVal1][indexVal2] += weight;
     contigencyOA[indexValO][indexVal1] += weight;
     contigencyOS[indexValO][indexVal2] += weight;
   for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
     for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
       contigency[j][k] /= total;
       if (O[j] > 0) {
         contigencyOA[j][k] /= O[j];
         contigencyOS[j][k] /= O[j];
     O[j] /= total;
   double po = 0;
   double pe = 0;
   for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
     po += contigency[j][j];
     double sum = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
       sum += contigencyOA[j][i] * contigencyOS[j][i];
     pe += O[j] * sum;
   if (pe == 1) {
     return 1;
   return (po - pe) / (1 - pe);
Exemple #15
  private static void computeXaXsTransitions(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAgentFilter filter,
      final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzytransitions,
      final Double distance,
      final IContainer<Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final int nbCat,
      final Map<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>> XaPerTransition,
      final Map<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>> XsPerTransition,
      final Set<Double> Xvals) {

    IList<ILocation> locs = GamaListFactory.create(Types.POINT);
    for (IAgent ag : agents.iterable(scope)) {
    ILocation centralLoc = (ILocation) Stats.getMean(scope, locs);
    if (filter != null) {
      IAgent centralAg = scope.getTopology().getAgentClosestTo(scope, centralLoc, filter);
      List<IAgent> neighbors =
          distance == 0
              ? new ArrayList<IAgent>()
              : new ArrayList<IAgent>(
                  scope.getTopology().getNeighborsOf(scope, centralAg, distance, filter));
      double sizeNorm = FastMath.sqrt(centralAg.getEnvelope().getArea());

      Map<IAgent, Double> distancesCoeff = new TOrderedHashMap<IAgent, Double>();
      distancesCoeff.put(centralAg, 1.0);
      for (IAgent ag : neighbors) {
        double euclidDist = centralAg.getLocation().euclidianDistanceTo(ag.getLocation());
        double dist = 1 / (1.0 + euclidDist / sizeNorm);
        distancesCoeff.put(ag, dist);

      for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
          for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
            List<Integer> ca = new ArrayList();
            double xa = 0;
            double xs = 0;
            for (IAgent ag : distancesCoeff.keySet()) {
              double dist = distancesCoeff.get(ag);
              double xatmp = fuzzyTransition(scope, fuzzytransitions, nbCat, i, k, i, j) * dist;
              double xstmp = fuzzyTransition(scope, fuzzytransitions, nbCat, i, j, i, k) * dist;
              if (xatmp > xa) {
                xa = xatmp;
              if (xstmp > xs) {
                xs = xstmp;
            if (xa > 0) {

              Map<Double, Double> mapxa = XaPerTransition.get(ca);
              if (mapxa == null) {
                mapxa = new TOrderedHashMap<Double, Double>();
                mapxa.put(xa, 1.0);
                XaPerTransition.put(ca, mapxa);
              } else {
                if (mapxa.containsKey(xa)) {
                  mapxa.put(xa, mapxa.get(xa) + 1.0);
                } else {
                  mapxa.put(xa, 1.0);
            if (xs > 0) {
              Map<Double, Double> mapxs = XsPerTransition.get(ca);
              if (mapxs == null) {
                mapxs = new TOrderedHashMap<Double, Double>();
                mapxs.put(xs, 1.0);
                XsPerTransition.put(ca, mapxs);
              } else {
                if (mapxs.containsKey(xa)) {
                  mapxs.put(xs, mapxs.get(xs) + 1.0);
                } else {
                  mapxs.put(xs, 1.0);
Exemple #16
      value = {"kappa"},
      content_type = IType.FLOAT,
      category = {IOperatorCategory.MAP_COMPARAISON},
      concept = {})
      value =
          "kappa indicator for 2 map comparisons: kappa(list_vals1,list_vals2,categories, weights). Reference: Cohen, J. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educ. Psychol. Meas. 1960, 20. ",
      examples = {
            value =
                "kappa([cat1,cat1,cat2,cat3,cat2],[cat2,cat1,cat2,cat1,cat2],[cat1,cat2,cat3], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 5.0])",
            isExecutable = false)
  public static double kappa(
      final IScope scope,
      final IList<Object> vals1,
      final IList<Object> vals2,
      final List<Object> categories,
      final IList<Object> weights) {
    if (vals1 == null || vals2 == null) {
      return 1;
    int nb = vals1.size();
    if (nb != vals2.size()) {
      return 0;
    int nbCat = categories.size();
    double[] X = new double[nbCat];
    double[] Y = new double[nbCat];
    double[][] contigency = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
    for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
      X[j] = 0;
      Y[j] = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
        contigency[j][k] = 0;

    Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId = new TOrderedHashMap<Object, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      categoriesId.put(categories.get(i), i);
    double total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
      total += weight;
      Object val1 = vals1.get(i);
      Object val2 = vals2.get(i);
      int indexVal1 = categoriesId.get(val1);
      int indexVal2 = categoriesId.get(val2);
      X[indexVal1] += weight;
      Y[indexVal2] += weight;
      contigency[indexVal1][indexVal2] += weight;
    for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
      X[j] /= total;
      Y[j] /= total;
      for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
        contigency[j][k] /= total;
    double po = 0;
    double pe = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      po += contigency[i][i];
      pe += X[i] * Y[i];
    if (pe == 1) {
      return 1;
    return (po - pe) / (1 - pe);
Exemple #17
      value = {"fuzzy_kappa_sim"},
      content_type = IType.FLOAT,
      category = {IOperatorCategory.MAP_COMPARAISON},
      concept = {IConcept.MAP})
      value =
          "fuzzy kappa simulation indicator for 2 map comparisons: fuzzy_kappa_sim(agents_list,list_vals1,list_vals2, output_similarity_per_agents,fuzzy_transitions_matrix, fuzzy_distance, weights). Reference: Jasper van Vliet, Alex Hagen-Zanker, Jelle Hurkens, Hedwig van Delden, A fuzzy set approach to assess the predictive accuracy of land use simulations, Ecological Modelling, 24 July 2013, Pages 32-42, ISSN 0304-3800, ",
      examples = {
            value =
                "fuzzy_kappa_sim([ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4, ag5], [cat1,cat1,cat2,cat3,cat2],[cat2,cat1,cat2,cat1,cat2], similarity_per_agents,[cat1,cat2,cat3],[[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]], 2,[1.0,3.0,2.0,2.0,4.0])",
            isExecutable = false)
  public static double fuzzyKappaSimulation(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final IList<Object> valsInit,
      final IList<Object> valsObs,
      final IList<Object> valsSim,
      final IList<Double> similarities,
      final List<Object> categories,
      final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzytransitions,
      final Double distance,
      final IList<Object> weights) {
    if (agents == null) {
      return 1;
    int nb = agents.length(scope);
    if (nb < 1) {
      return 1;
    int nbCat = categories.size();
    double[] nbObs = new double[nbCat];
    double[] nbSim = new double[nbCat];
    double[] nbInit = new double[nbCat];
    double[][] nbInitObs = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
    double[][] nbInitSim = new double[nbCat][nbCat];
    Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId = new TOrderedHashMap<Object, Integer>();

    Map<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>> XaPerTransition =
        new TOrderedHashMap<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>>();
    Map<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>> XsPerTransition =
        new TOrderedHashMap<List<Integer>, Map<Double, Double>>();
    Set<Double> Xvals = new HashSet<Double>();
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      categoriesId.put(categories.get(i), i);

    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      nbInit[i] = 0;
      nbObs[i] = 0;
      nbSim[i] = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
        nbInitObs[i][j] = 0;
        nbInitSim[i][j] = 0;
    IAgentFilter filter = In.list(scope, agents);
    double total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
      total += weight;

      int idCatInit = categoriesId.get(valsInit.get(i));
      int idCatObs = categoriesId.get(valsObs.get(i));
      int idCatSim = categoriesId.get(valsSim.get(i));
      nbInit[idCatInit] += weight;
      nbSim[idCatSim] += weight;
      nbObs[idCatObs] += weight;
      nbInitObs[idCatInit][idCatObs] += weight;
      nbInitSim[idCatInit][idCatSim] += weight;
    double po =
    double pe = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < nbCat; k++) {
          List<Integer> ca = new ArrayList<Integer>();
          Map<Double, Double> pmuXa = XaPerTransition.get(ca);
          Map<Double, Double> pmuXs = XsPerTransition.get(ca);
          double emu = 0;
          for (Double xval : Xvals) {
            double XaVal = pmuXa == null || !pmuXa.containsKey(xval) ? 0 : pmuXa.get(xval);
            double XsVal = pmuXs == null || !pmuXs.containsKey(xval) ? 0 : pmuXs.get(xval);
            double proba = xval * XaVal * XsVal;
            emu += proba;

          double poas = nbInit[i] == 0 ? 0 : nbInitObs[i][j] / nbInit[i] * nbInitSim[i][k] / total;
          pe += emu * poas;
    if (pe == 1) {
      return 1;
    return (po - pe) / (1 - pe);
Exemple #18
      value = {"fuzzy_kappa"},
      content_type = IType.FLOAT,
      category = {IOperatorCategory.MAP_COMPARAISON},
      concept = {})
      value =
          "fuzzy kappa indicator for 2 map comparisons: fuzzy_kappa(agents_list,list_vals1,list_vals2, output_similarity_per_agents,categories,fuzzy_categories_matrix, fuzzy_distance, weights). Reference: Visser, H., and T. de Nijs, 2006. The map comparison kit, Environmental Modelling & Software, 21",
      examples = {
            value =
                "fuzzy_kappa([ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4, ag5],[cat1,cat1,cat2,cat3,cat2],[cat2,cat1,cat2,cat1,cat2], similarity_per_agents,[cat1,cat2,cat3],[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], 2, [1.0,3.0,2.0,2.0,4.0])",
            isExecutable = false)
  public static double fuzzyKappa(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final IList<Object> vals1,
      final IList<Object> vals2,
      final IList<Double> similarities,
      final List<Object> categories,
      final GamaMatrix<Double> fuzzycategories,
      final Double distance,
      final IList<Object> weights) {
    if (agents == null) {
      return 1;
    int nb = agents.length(scope);
    if (nb < 1) {
      return 1;
    int nbCat = categories.size();
    boolean[] sim = new boolean[nb];
    double[][] crispVector1 = new double[nb][nbCat];
    double[][] crispVector2 = new double[nb][nbCat];
    double[][] fuzzyVector1 = new double[nb][nbCat];
    double[][] fuzzyVector2 = new double[nb][nbCat];
    double[] X = new double[nbCat];
    double[] Y = new double[nbCat];
    Map<Object, Integer> categoriesId = new TOrderedHashMap<Object, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < nbCat; i++) {
      categoriesId.put(categories.get(i), i);
    IAgentFilter filter = In.list(scope, agents);

    double meanSimilarity =

    List<Double> rings = new ArrayList<Double>();
    Map<Double, Integer> ringsPn = new TOrderedHashMap<Double, Integer>();
    int nbRings = buildRings(scope, filter, distance, rings, ringsPn, agents);
    double similarityExpected = computeExpectedSim(nbCat, X, Y, nbRings, rings, ringsPn);
    if (similarityExpected == 1) {
      return 1;
    return (meanSimilarity - similarityExpected) / (1 - similarityExpected);
Exemple #19
  private static double computeSimilarity(
      final IScope scope,
      final IAgentFilter filter,
      final Double distance,
      final IList<Object> vals1,
      final IList<Object> vals2,
      final IAddressableContainer<Integer, IAgent, Integer, IAgent> agents,
      final int nbCat,
      final int nb,
      final double[][] crispVector1,
      final double[][] crispVector2,
      final boolean[] sim,
      final double[][] fuzzyVector1,
      final double[][] fuzzyVector2,
      final IList<Double> similarities,
      final IList<Object> weights) {
    Map<IAgent, Integer> agsId = new TOrderedHashMap<IAgent, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < agents.length(scope); i++) {
      agsId.put(agents.get(scope, i), i);

    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      if (sim[i]) {
      } else {
        IAgent agent = agents.get(scope, i);
        // double sizeNorm = agent.getPerimeter() / 4.0;
        double sizeNorm = FastMath.sqrt(agent.getEnvelope().getArea());
        List<IAgent> neighbors =
            distance == 0 || filter == null
                ? new ArrayList<IAgent>()
                : new ArrayList<IAgent>(
                    scope.getTopology().getNeighborsOf(scope, agent, distance, filter));

        Map<IAgent, Double> distancesCoeff = new TOrderedHashMap<IAgent, Double>();
        distancesCoeff.put(agent, 1.0);
        for (IAgent ag : neighbors) {
          double euclidDist = agent.getLocation().euclidianDistanceTo(ag.getLocation());
          distancesCoeff.put(ag, 1 / (1.0 + euclidDist / sizeNorm));
        for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
          double max1 = 0.0;
          double max2 = 0.0;
          for (IAgent ag : neighbors) {
            int id = agsId.get(ag);
            double val1 = crispVector1[id][j] * distancesCoeff.get(ag);
            double val2 = crispVector2[id][j] * distancesCoeff.get(ag);

            if (val1 > max1) {
              max1 = val1;
            if (val2 > max2) {
              max2 = val2;
          fuzzyVector1[i][j] = max1;
          fuzzyVector2[i][j] = max2;
        double s1Max = -1 * Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double s2Max = -1 * Double.MAX_VALUE;

        for (int j = 0; j < nbCat; j++) {
          double s1 = FastMath.min(fuzzyVector1[i][j], crispVector2[i][j]);
          double s2 = FastMath.min(fuzzyVector2[i][j], crispVector1[i][j]);
          if (s1 > s1Max) {
            s1Max = s1;
          if (s2 > s2Max) {
            s2Max = s2;
        similarities.add(FastMath.min(s1Max, s2Max));
    double meanSimilarity = 0;
    double total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
      double weight = weights == null ? 1.0 : Cast.asFloat(scope, weights.get(i));
      double val = weight * similarities.get(i);
      total += weight;
      meanSimilarity += val;
    meanSimilarity /= total;
    return meanSimilarity;
Exemple #20
 public void dispose() {
   conversation = null;
   sender = null;