public static Location getNeededBlockLocation() { if (neededBlock != null) { return neededBlock; } else { return new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0); } }
@EventHandler public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); Location loc = new Location( e.getTo().getWorld(), (int) e.getTo().getX(), (int) e.getTo().getY(), (int) e.getTo().getZ()); if (Main.getInstance().redSpawnArea.contains(loc)) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new AreaWalkEvent(Area.RED_SPAWN, p)); } if (Main.getInstance().blueSpawnArea.contains(loc)) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new AreaWalkEvent(Area.BLUE_SPAWN, p)); } if (Main.getInstance().blockspawnAreas.contains(loc)) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new AreaWalkEvent(getArea(loc), p)); } if (blockManager.canPickUpBlock(p)) { blockManager.pickUpBlock(p); } if (canGetNeededBlock(p)) { if (p.getGameMode() == GameMode.SURVIVAL) { gameManager.setCarrying(p, nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()); String[] data = neededBlockMaterial.split(";"); neededBlock .getBlock() .setTypeIdAndData(Integer.valueOf(data[0]), Byte.valueOf(data[1]), false); neededBlock = new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0); Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&6The needed block was picked up by the " + teamManager.getTeam(p).getTeamName() + "&6 team!")); } } if ((int) e.getFrom().getX() != (int) e.getTo().getX() || (int) e.getFrom().getZ() != (int) e.getTo().getZ() || (int) e.getFrom().getY() != (int) e.getTo().getY()) { if (getTurret(loc) != null) { Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new TurretWalkEvent(p, getTurret(loc))); } if (isInTurret(p)) { Turret t = getTurret(p); if (t.containsUser()) { e.getPlayer().teleport(e.getFrom()); } } } if ((int) e.getFrom().getX() != (int) e.getTo().getX() || (int) e.getFrom().getZ() != (int) e.getTo().getZ()) { if (!released || stunned.contains(p.getName())) { if (GameState.getState() == GameState.INGAME) { e.getPlayer().teleport(e.getFrom()); } } } }
@EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) { FileConfiguration locationsFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(Main.getInstance().locations); Player p = e.getPlayer(); SPlayer player = new SPlayer(p); int blue = Team.BLUE.getPlayers().size(); int red = Team.RED.getPlayers().size(); p.teleport(locationUtil.deserializeLoc(locationsFile.getString("arena.lobby"))); gameManager.setCarrying(p, 0); Scoreboard sb = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getNewScoreboard(); org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team r = sb.registerNewTeam("red"); r.setPrefix("&c")); org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team b = sb.registerNewTeam("blue"); b.setPrefix("&b")); for (Player online : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { Team team = teamManager.getTeam(online); if (team == Team.BLUE) { b.addEntry(online.getName()); } else { r.addEntry(online.getName()); } } p.setScoreboard(sb); e.setJoinMessage(null); if (blue <= red) { player.setTeam(Team.BLUE); } else { player.setTeam(Team.RED); } }
@EventHandler public void onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e) { FileConfiguration locationsFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(Main.getInstance().locations); Player p = e.getEntity(); p.setHealth(20); p.setFoodLevel(20); p.setGameMode(GameMode.SPECTATOR); if (GameManager.getCarrying(p) == nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&6The " + teamManager.getTeam(p).getTeamName() + " &6team has dropped the needed block!")); neededBlockMaterial = String.valueOf( p.getLocation().getBlock().getTypeId() + ";" + p.getLocation().getBlock().getData()); p.getLocation() .getBlock() .setTypeIdAndData(159, (byte) nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor(), false); neededBlock = p.getLocation(); } gameManager.setCarrying(p, 0); blockManager.dropBlock(p.getLocation(), blockManager.playerBlocks.get(p.getName())); new BukkitRunnable() { int i = 10; public void run() { i--; if (i > 0) { Title title = new Title("&6Respawning in &e" + String.valueOf(i)), "", 5, 10, 5); title.sendToPlayer(p); } else { this.cancel(); p.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); if (teamManager.getTeam(p) == Team.BLUE) { p.teleport(locationUtil.deserializeLoc(locationsFile.getString(""))); } else if (teamManager.getTeam(p) == Team.RED) { p.teleport(locationUtil.deserializeLoc(locationsFile.getString(""))); } } } }.runTaskTimer(Main.getInstance(), 0, 20); }
@EventHandler public void onAreaWalk(AreaWalkEvent e) { if (GameState.getState() != GameState.ENDING) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); Area a = e.getArea(); if (p.getGameMode() == GameMode.SURVIVAL) { if (a != null) { if (e.isBlockSpawn()) { int block = nexusManager.getColor(a); if (GameManager.getCarrying(p) == nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { if (block != nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { if (!blockManager.isTaken(a)) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&6The " + teamManager.getTeam(p).getTeamName() + " &6team has dropped the needed block. It has been brought back to it's original location.")); nexusManager .getNeededBlockArea() .getBlockSpawnBlock() .getBlock() .setTypeIdAndData(159, (byte) nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor(), false); blockManager.forcePickUpBlock(p, a); isPickedUp = false; } } } else if (!blockManager.isTaken(a)) { blockManager.forcePickUpBlock(p, a); } if (nexusManager.getColor(e.getArea()) == nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { if (!isPickedUp) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&6The " + teamManager.getTeam(p).getTeamName() + " &6team has picked up the needed block!")); a.getBlockSpawnBlock().getBlock().setType(Material.AIR); if (GameManager.getCarrying(p) != 0 && GameManager.getCarrying(p) != nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { blockManager.resetBlock(a.getBlockSpawnBlock(), a); } GameManager.setCarrying(p, nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()); isPickedUp = true; } } } else { Team spawn = getTeam(a); int carrying = gameManager.getCarrying(p); if (spawn == teamManager.getTeam(p)) { if (carrying == nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&6The " + spawn.getTeamName() + " &6team has brought the block to their base first!")); GameManager.addPoint(spawn); gameManager.setCarrying(p, 0); nexusManager.generateNewNexus(); } else { if (carrying != 0) { GameManager.addPoint(teamManager.getTeam(p).getOpposite()); GameManager.setCarrying(p, 0); Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&cThe " + spawn.getTeamName() + " &cteam has brought the wrong block to their base!")); } } } else { if (GameManager.getCarrying(p) == nexusManager.getCurrentNexusColor()) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage( "&cThe " + spawn.getOpposite().getTeamName() + " &cteam has brought the block to the wrong base!")); GameManager.addPoint(spawn); gameManager.setCarrying(p, 0); nexusManager.generateNewNexus(); } } } } } } }