  * Retrieves a World Configuration given the World. if the World Configuration is not loaded, it
  * will be loaded from the plugins/GriefPreventionData/WorldConfigs folder. If a file is not
  * present for the world, the template file will be used. The template file is configured in
  * config.yml, and defaults to _template.cfg in the given folder. if no template is found, a
  * default, empty configuration is created and returned.
  * @param world World to retrieve configuration for.
  * @return WorldConfig representing the configuration of the given world.
  * @see getWorldCfg
 public WorldConfig getWorldCfg(World world) {
   return Configuration.getWorldConfig(world);
  * Retrieves a World Configuration given the World Name. If the World Configuration is not loaded,
  * it will be loaded from the plugins/GriefPreventionData/WorldConfigs folder. If a file is not
  * present, the template will be used and a new file will be created for the given name.
  * @param worldname Name of world to get configuration for.
  * @return WorldConfig representing the configuration of the given world.
 public WorldConfig getWorldCfg(String worldname) {
   return Configuration.getWorldConfig(worldname);
 // determines whether creative anti-grief rules apply at a location
 public boolean creativeRulesApply(Location location) {
   // return this.config_claims_enabledCreativeWorlds.contains(location.getWorld().getName());
   return Configuration.getWorldConfig(location.getWorld()).getCreativeRules();