Exemple #1
 protected String info() {
   final String datStr = blockData < 0 ? "" : ":" + blockData;
   final String blockStr =
       block == null ? "ANY" : block.name() + "[" + block.getId() + datStr + "]";
   final String handDatStr = inHandData < 0 ? "" : ":" + inHandData;
   final String handStr =
       inHand == null ? "ANY" : inHand.name() + "[" + inHand.getId() + handDatStr + "]";
   final String clickStr =
       click == 1 ? "LEFT" : click == 2 ? "RIGHT" : click == 3 ? "PUSH" : "ALL";
   return clickStr
       + "; BLOCK: "
       + blockStr
       + "; HAND: "
       + handStr
       + "; LOC: "
       + SerUtils.displayLocation(location)
       + "; RNG: "
       + range;
Exemple #2
 protected String show(final int progress) {
   final String clickStr =
       click == 1 ? "Left-click" : click == 2 ? "Right-click" : click == 3 ? "Walk on" : "Click";
   String blockStr = block == null ? "" : " " + block.name().toLowerCase().replace('_', ' ');
   if (blockStr.isEmpty() && click == 3) {
     blockStr = " pressure plate";
   final String datStr = blockData < 0 ? "" : "(data" + blockData + ")";
   final String handStr =
       inHand == null
           ? ""
           : inHand == Material.AIR
               ? " with empty hand "
               : " with " + inHand.name().toLowerCase().replace('_', ' ') + " in hand";
   final String handDatStr = inHandData < 0 ? "" : "(data" + inHandData + ")";
   final String locStr =
       location == null
           ? ""
           : " " + range + " blocks close to " + SerUtils.displayLocation(location);
   return clickStr + blockStr + datStr + handStr + handDatStr + locStr + ".";