   * Computes the projection position of the point on the circle, by computing angle with
   * horizonrtal
  public double project(Point2D point) {
    double xp = point.x() - this.xc;
    double yp = point.y() - this.yc;

    // compute angle
    return Angle2D.horizontalAngle(xp, yp);
Exemple #2
 public static ArrayList<Extrusion3D> brim(Slicer s, int count, Point2D lst) {
   if (count == 0) return new ArrayList<Extrusion3D>();
   double z = s.layerHeight * .75;
   Box3D bb = s.part.boundingBox();
   Surface3D plane =
           bb.getMinX() - 5, bb.getMinY() - 5, bb.getMaxX() + 5, bb.getMaxY() + 5, z);
   LineSegment3D[] overlap = plane.overlap(s.part);
   ArrayList<Loop> loops = Order.ListOrder(Flatten.FlattenZ(overlap));
   ArrayList<ArrayList<Extrusion2D>> ls = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Extrusion2D>>();
   for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             loops, -(i + 0.25) * s.extrusionWidth, ET.shell)); // Negative inset is an outset.
   ArrayList<Extrusion3D> output = new ArrayList<Extrusion3D>();
   Point3D last = new Point3D(lst.getX(), lst.getY(), z);
   for (ArrayList<Extrusion2D> br : ls) {
     Extrusion3D first = lift(br.get(0), z);
     output.add(new Extrusion3D(last, first.firstPoint(), ET.nonretracting));
     for (Extrusion2D ex : br) {
       output.add(lift(ex, z));
     last = output.get(output.size() - 1).lastPoint();
   return output;
   * Computes the radical axis of the two circles.
   * @since 0.11.1
   * @return the radical axis of the two circles.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the two circles have same center
  public static StraightLine2D radicalAxis(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2) {

    // extract center and radius of each circle
    double r1 = circle1.radius();
    double r2 = circle2.radius();
    Point2D p1 = circle1.center();
    Point2D p2 = circle2.center();

    // compute horizontal angle of joining line
    double angle = Angle2D.horizontalAngle(p1, p2);

    // distance between centers
    double dist = p1.distance(p2);
    if (dist < Shape2D.ACCURACY) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input circles must have distinct centers");

    // position of the radical axis on the joining line
    double d = (dist * dist + r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) * .5 / dist;

    // pre-compute trigonometric functions
    double cot = Math.cos(angle);
    double sit = Math.sin(angle);

    // compute parameters of the line
    double x0 = p1.x() + d * cot;
    double y0 = p1.y() + d * sit;
    double dx = -sit;
    double dy = cot;

    // update state of current line
    return new StraightLine2D(x0, y0, dx, dy);
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see math.geom2d.Shape2D#transform(math.geom2d.AffineTransform2D)
  public PointArray2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans) {
    PointArray2D res = new PointArray2D(points.size());

    for (Point2D point : points) res.add(point.transform(trans));

    return res;
  /** @deprecated replaced by circlesIntersections(Circle2D, Circle2D) (0.11.1) */
  public static Collection<Point2D> getIntersections(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2) {
    ArrayList<Point2D> intersections = new ArrayList<Point2D>(2);

    // extract center and radius of each circle
    Point2D center1 = circle1.center();
    Point2D center2 = circle2.center();
    double r1 = circle1.radius();
    double r2 = circle2.radius();

    double d = Point2D.distance(center1, center2);

    // case of no intersection
    if (d < abs(r1 - r2) || d > (r1 + r2)) return intersections;

    // Angle of line from center1 to center2
    double angle = Angle2D.horizontalAngle(center1, center2);

    // position of intermediate point
    double d1 = d / 2 + (r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) / (2 * d);
    Point2D tmp = Point2D.createPolar(center1, d1, angle);

    // Add the 2 intersection points
    double h = sqrt(r1 * r1 - d1 * d1);
    intersections.add(Point2D.createPolar(tmp, h, angle + PI / 2));
    intersections.add(Point2D.createPolar(tmp, h, angle - PI / 2));

    return intersections;
  public PointArray2D transform(CircleInversion2D inv) {

    PointArray2D array = new PointArray2D(points.size());

    for (Point2D point : points) array.add(point.transform(inv));

    return array;
  * Draws the point set on the specified Graphics2D, by filling a disc with a given radius.
  * @param g2 the graphics to draw the point set
 public void draw(Graphics2D g2, double r) {
   double x, y;
   double w = 2 * r;
   for (Point2D point : points) {
     x = point.x();
     y = point.y();
     g2.fill(new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double(x - r, y - r, w, w));
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see math.geom2d.Shape2D#distance(double, double)
  public double distance(double x, double y) {
    // basic checkup
    if (points.isEmpty()) return Double.NaN;

    // find smallest distance
    double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Point2D point : points) dist = Math.min(dist, point.distance(x, y));

    // return distance to closest point
    return dist;
Exemple #9
 public String toString() {
   Point2D center = ellipse.center();
   return String.format(
Exemple #10
  public java.awt.geom.GeneralPath getGeneralPath() {
    // create new path
    java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path = new java.awt.geom.GeneralPath();

    // move to the first point
    Point2D point = this.firstPoint();
    path.moveTo((float) point.x(), (float) point.y());

    // append the curve
    path = this.appendPath(path);

    // return the final path
    return path;
Exemple #11
   * Transforms this circle by an affine transform. If the transformed shape is a circle (ellipse
   * with equal axis lengths), returns an instance of Circle2D. The resulting ellipse is direct if
   * this ellipse and the transform are either both direct or both indirect.
  public EllipseShape2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans) {
    // When the transform is not a similarity, should switch to EllipseArc
    // computation
    if (!AffineTransform2D.isSimilarity(trans)) {
      return this.asEllipse().transform(trans);

    // If transform is a similarity, the result is a circle
    Point2D center = this.center().transform(trans);
    Point2D p1 = this.firstPoint().transform(trans);

    boolean direct = !this.direct ^ trans.isDirect();
    Circle2D result = new Circle2D(center, center.distance(p1), direct);
    return result;
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see math.geom2d.GeometricObject2D#almostEquals(math.geom2d.GeometricObject2D, double)
  public boolean almostEquals(GeometricObject2D obj, double eps) {
    if (this == obj) return true;

    if (!(obj instanceof PointSet2D)) return false;

    PointSet2D set = (PointSet2D) obj;
    if (this.points.size() != set.size()) return false;

    Iterator<Point2D> iter = set.iterator();
    for (Point2D point : points) {
      if (!point.almostEquals(iter.next(), eps)) return false;

    return true;
   * Returns true if the given object is an instance of PointSet2D that contains the same number of
   * points, such that iteration on each set returns equal points.
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) return true;

    if (!(obj instanceof PointSet2D)) return false;

    PointSet2D set = (PointSet2D) obj;
    if (this.points.size() != set.size()) return false;

    Iterator<Point2D> iter = set.iterator();
    for (Point2D point : points) {
      if (!point.equals(iter.next())) return false;

    return true;
Exemple #14
  public java.awt.geom.GeneralPath appendPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path) {
    // number of curves to approximate the arc
    int nSeg = (int) ceil(abs(angleExtent) / (PI / 2));
    nSeg = min(nSeg, 4);

    // angular extent of each curve
    double ext = angleExtent / nSeg;

    // compute coefficient
    double k = btan(abs(ext));

    for (int i = 0; i < nSeg; i++) {
      // position of the two extremities
      double ti0 = abs(i * ext);
      double ti1 = abs((i + 1) * ext);

      // extremity points
      Point2D p1 = this.point(ti0);
      Point2D p2 = this.point(ti1);

      // tangent vectors, multiplied by appropriate coefficient
      Vector2D v1 = this.tangent(ti0).times(k);
      Vector2D v2 = this.tangent(ti1).times(k);

      // append a cubic curve to the path
          p1.x() + v1.x(), p1.y() + v1.y(), p2.x() - v2.x(), p2.y() - v2.y(), p2.x(), p2.y());
    return path;
Exemple #15
   * Computes intersections of a circle with a line. Returns an array of Point2D, of size 0, 1 or 2
   * depending on the distance between circle and line. If there are 2 intersections points, the
   * first one in the array is the first one on the line.
   * @return a collection of intersection points
   * @since 0.11.1
  public static Collection<Point2D> lineCircleIntersections(
      LinearShape2D line, CircularShape2D circle) {
    // initialize array of points (maximum 2 intersections)
    ArrayList<Point2D> intersections = new ArrayList<Point2D>(2);

    // extract parameters of the circle
    Circle2D parent = circle.supportingCircle();
    Point2D center = parent.center();
    double radius = parent.radius();

    // Compute line perpendicular to the test line, and going through the
    // circle center
    StraightLine2D perp = StraightLine2D.createPerpendicular(line, center);

    // Compute distance between line and circle center
    Point2D inter = perp.intersection(new StraightLine2D(line));
    if (inter == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Could not compute intersection point when computing line-cicle intersection");
    double dist = inter.distance(center);

    // if the distance is the radius of the circle, return the
    // intersection point
    if (abs(dist - radius) < Shape2D.ACCURACY) {
      if (line.contains(inter) && circle.contains(inter)) intersections.add(inter);
      return intersections;

    // compute angle of the line, and distance between 'inter' point and
    // each intersection point
    double angle = line.horizontalAngle();
    double d2 = sqrt(radius * radius - dist * dist);

    // Compute position and angle of intersection points
    Point2D p1 = Point2D.createPolar(inter, d2, angle + Math.PI);
    Point2D p2 = Point2D.createPolar(inter, d2, angle);

    // add points to the array only if they belong to the line
    if (line.contains(p1) && circle.contains(p1)) intersections.add(p1);
    if (line.contains(p2) && circle.contains(p2)) intersections.add(p2);

    // return the result
    return intersections;
  public Box2D boundingBox() {
    // init with max values in each direction
    double xmin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double ymin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double xmax = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    double ymax = Double.MIN_VALUE;

    // update max values with each point
    for (Point2D point : points) {
      xmin = Math.min(xmin, point.x());
      ymin = Math.min(ymin, point.y());
      xmax = Math.max(xmax, point.x());
      ymax = Math.max(ymax, point.y());

    // create the bounding box
    return new Box2D(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
Exemple #17
   * Computes the circumscribed circle of the 3 input points.
   * @return the circle that contains the three input points
   * @throws ColinearPoints2DException if the 3 points are colinear
  public static Circle2D circumCircle(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3) {
    // Computes circum center, possibly throwing ColinearPoints2DException
    Point2D center = circumCenter(p1, p2, p3);

    // compute radius
    double radius = Point2D.distance(center, p2);

    // return the created circle
    return new Circle2D(center, radius);
Exemple #18
  public Polygon scalePolygon(Polygon polygon) {
    int xs[] = new int[polygon.npoints];
    int ys[] = new int[polygon.npoints];
    math.geom2d.Point2D p;
    math.geom2d.Point2D p1;
    int sumX = 0;
    int sumY = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < polygon.npoints; i++) {
      p = new math.geom2d.Point2D(polygon.xpoints[i], polygon.ypoints[i]);
      p1 = p.scale(0.5);
      sumX += p1.getX();
      sumY += p1.getY();

      xs[i] = (int) p1.getX();
      ys[i] = (int) p1.getY();

    Polygon poly = new Polygon(xs, ys, polygon.npoints);
    poly.translate(sumX / polygon.npoints, sumY / polygon.npoints);

    Polygon scalePolygon = new Polygon();

    for (int i = 0; i < poly.npoints; i++) {
      p = new math.geom2d.Point2D(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]);
      if (i + 1 < poly.npoints) {
        if (p.distance(poly.xpoints[i + 1], poly.ypoints[i + 1]) > (0.1 * world.getMapWidth())) {
          scalePolygon.addPoint(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]);
        } else {
      } else if (i + 1 == poly.npoints) {
        if (p.distance(poly.xpoints[0], poly.ypoints[0]) > (0.1 * world.getMapWidth())) {
          scalePolygon.addPoint(poly.xpoints[i], poly.ypoints[i]);
        } else {

    return scalePolygon;
Exemple #19
   * Creates a circle containing 3 points.
   * @deprecated replaced by createCircle(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) (0.11.1)
  public static Circle2D create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3) {
    if (Point2D.isColinear(p1, p2, p3)) throw new ColinearPoints2DException(p1, p2, p3);

    // create two median lines
    StraightLine2D line12 = StraightLine2D.createMedian(p1, p2);
    StraightLine2D line23 = StraightLine2D.createMedian(p2, p3);

    // check medians are not parallel
    assert !AbstractLine2D.isParallel(line12, line23)
        : "If points are not colinear, medians should not be parallel";

    // Compute intersection of the medians, and circle radius
    Point2D center = AbstractLine2D.getIntersection(line12, line23);
    double radius = Point2D.distance(center, p2);

    // return the created circle
    return new Circle2D(center, radius);
  public void update() {
    this.defined = false;

    // check parents are defined
    if (!parent1.isDefined()) return;
    if (!parent2.isDefined()) return;

    Shape2D shape;

    // extract first point
    shape = parent1.getShape();
    if (!(shape instanceof Point2D)) return;
    Point2D point1 = (Point2D) shape;

    // extract second point
    shape = parent2.getShape();
    if (!(shape instanceof Point2D)) return;
    Point2D point2 = (Point2D) shape;

    // update distance measure
    this.trans =
            point2.getX() - point1.getX(), point2.getY() - point1.getY());

    this.defined = true;
   * Write streetlight objects in dsf file.
   * @param osmPolygon osm road polygon
  public void writeStreetLightToDsf(OsmPolygon osmPolygon) {
    // init d'un entier pour modulo densité street lights
    Integer densityIndex = 0;
    if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getLightsDensity() == 0) {
      densityIndex = 10;
    } else {
      if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getLightsDensity() == 1) {
        densityIndex = 5;
      } else {
        if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getLightsDensity() == 2) densityIndex = 3;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < osmPolygon.getPolygon().getVertices().size(); i++) {
      if ((i % densityIndex) == 0) {
        Point2D lightLoc = osmPolygon.getPolygon().getVertex(i);
        lightLoc.x = lightLoc.x + 0.0001;
        lightLoc.y = lightLoc.y + 0.0001;
        if (GeomUtils.compareCoordinates(lightLoc, currentTile)) {
          Random randomGenerator = new Random();
          int orientation = randomGenerator.nextInt(360);
              "OBJECT "
                  + dsfObjectsProvider.getRandomStreetLightObject()
                  + " "
                  + (lightLoc.y)
                  + " "
                  + (lightLoc.x)
                  + " "
                  + orientation);
          // stats

Exemple #22
   * Computes the intersections points between two circles or circular shapes.
   * @param circle1 an instance of circle or circle arc
   * @param circle2 an instance of circle or circle arc
   * @return a collection of 0, 1 or 2 intersection points
  public static Collection<Point2D> circlesIntersections(Circle2D circle1, Circle2D circle2) {
    // extract center and radius of each circle
    Point2D center1 = circle1.center();
    Point2D center2 = circle2.center();
    double r1 = circle1.radius();
    double r2 = circle2.radius();

    double d = Point2D.distance(center1, center2);

    // case of no intersection
    if (d < abs(r1 - r2) || d > (r1 + r2)) return new ArrayList<Point2D>(0);

    // Angle of line from center1 to center2
    double angle = Angle2D.horizontalAngle(center1, center2);

    if (d == abs(r1 - r2) || d == (r1 + r2)) {
      Collection<Point2D> r = new ArrayList<>(1);
      r.add(Point2D.createPolar(center1, r1, angle));
      return r;

    // position of intermediate point
    double d1 = d / 2 + (r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) / (2 * d);
    Point2D tmp = Point2D.createPolar(center1, d1, angle);

    // distance between intermediate point and each intersection
    double h = sqrt(r1 * r1 - d1 * d1);

    // create empty array
    ArrayList<Point2D> intersections = new ArrayList<Point2D>(2);

    // Add the 2 intersection points
    Point2D p1 = Point2D.createPolar(tmp, h, angle + PI / 2);
    Point2D p2 = Point2D.createPolar(tmp, h, angle - PI / 2);

    return intersections;
Exemple #23
  public Box2D boundingBox() {

    // first get ending points
    Point2D p0 = firstPoint();
    Point2D p1 = lastPoint();

    // get coordinate of ending points
    double x0 = p0.x();
    double y0 = p0.y();
    double x1 = p1.x();
    double y1 = p1.y();

    // initialize min and max coords
    double xmin = min(x0, x1);
    double xmax = max(x0, x1);
    double ymin = min(y0, y1);
    double ymax = max(y0, y1);

    // precomputes some values
    Point2D center = ellipse.center();
    double xc = center.x();
    double yc = center.y();
    double endAngle = startAngle + angleExtent;
    boolean direct = angleExtent >= 0;

    // check cases arc contains one maximum
    if (Angle2D.containsAngle(startAngle, endAngle, PI / 2 + ellipse.theta, direct))
      ymax = max(ymax, yc + ellipse.r1);
    if (Angle2D.containsAngle(startAngle, endAngle, 3 * PI / 2 + ellipse.theta, direct))
      ymin = min(ymin, yc - ellipse.r1);
    if (Angle2D.containsAngle(startAngle, endAngle, ellipse.theta, direct))
      xmax = max(xmax, xc + ellipse.r2);
    if (Angle2D.containsAngle(startAngle, endAngle, PI + ellipse.theta, direct))
      xmin = min(xmin, xc - ellipse.r2);

    // return a bounding with computed limits
    return new Box2D(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
Exemple #24
   * This function scales a polygon by the scale coefficient
   * @param sourcePolygon : Is the Polygon that we want to scale
   * @param scale : Is the scale coefficient, It actually multiplies to the points and makes the new
   *     shape
   * @return : returns the scaled polygon which, its center is on the center of the last polygon
  protected Polygon scalePolygon(Polygon sourcePolygon, double scale) {
    Polygon scaledPolygon;

    int xs[] = new int[sourcePolygon.npoints];
    int ys[] = new int[sourcePolygon.npoints];
    Point2D p, p1;
    int sumX = 0;
    int sumY = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < sourcePolygon.npoints; i++) {
      p = new Point2D(sourcePolygon.xpoints[i], sourcePolygon.ypoints[i]);
      p1 = p.scale(scale);
      sumX += p1.getX();
      sumY += p1.getY();
      xs[i] = (int) p1.getX();
      ys[i] = (int) p1.getY();

    Polygon preScaledPolygon = new Polygon(xs, ys, sourcePolygon.npoints);
    scaledPolygon = reAllocatePolygon(preScaledPolygon, sourcePolygon);
    if (scaledPolygon == null) scaledPolygon = preScaledPolygon;
    return scaledPolygon;
Exemple #25
 /** Returns true if the point p lies on the ellipse, with precision given by Shape2D.ACCURACY. */
 public boolean contains(Point2D p) {
   return contains(p.x(), p.y());
Exemple #26
 public double distance(double x, double y) {
   return abs(Point2D.distance(xc, yc, x, y) - r);
Exemple #27
 public double distance(Point2D point) {
   return abs(Point2D.distance(xc, yc, point.x(), point.y()) - r);
Exemple #28
 public double position(Point2D point) {
   double angle = Angle2D.horizontalAngle(xc, yc, point.x(), point.y());
   if (direct) return Angle2D.formatAngle(angle - theta);
   else return Angle2D.formatAngle(theta - angle);
Exemple #29
 public double signedDistance(double x, double y) {
   if (direct) return Point2D.distance(xc, yc, x, y) - r;
   else return r - Point2D.distance(xc, yc, x, y);
Exemple #30
 public double signedDistance(Point2D point) {
   return signedDistance(point.x(), point.y());