boolean setPlaneCenterString(int index, String mes) { STGPlane plane = planes.get(index); if (plane == null) { plane = new STGPlane(); this.planes.put(index, plane); } plane.font = LFont.getFont(LSystem.FONT_NAME, 0, planeFontSize); plane.color = new LColor(0, 0, 0); plane.str = mes; plane.planeMode = CENTER_STR_MODE; plane.view = true; plane.images.clear(); plane.animation = false; plane.animeNo = 0; plane.draw = null; return true; }
boolean setPlaneFont(int index, String font, int style, int size) { STGPlane plane = planes.get(index); if (plane == null) { return false; } else if ((plane.planeMode & STR_MODE) == 0) { return false; } else { if (font == null) { font = LSystem.FONT_NAME; } if (style < 0) { style = 0; } if (size < 0) { size = planeFontSize; } plane.font = LFont.getFont(font, style, size); return true; } }
/** * Copyright 2008 - 2009 * * <p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * <p> * * <p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * @project loon * @author cping * @email:[email protected] * @version 0.1 */ public class LMessage extends LContainer { private Animation animation; private LFont messageFont = LFont.getDefaultFont(); private LColor fontColor = LColor.white; private long printTime, totalDuration; private int dx, dy, dw, dh; private Print print; public LMessage(int width, int height) { this(0, 0, width, height); } public LMessage(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this((LTexture) null, x, y, width, height); } public LMessage(String fileName, int x, int y) { this(LTextures.loadTexture(fileName), x, y); } public LMessage(LTexture formImage, int x, int y) { this(formImage, x, y, formImage.getWidth(), formImage.getHeight()); } public LMessage(LTexture formImage, int x, int y, int width, int height) { super(x, y, width, height); this.animation = new Animation(); if (formImage == null) { this.setBackground(new LTexture(width, height, true, Format.SPEED)); this.setAlpha(0.3F); } else { this.setBackground(formImage); if (width == -1) { width = formImage.getWidth(); } if (height == -1) { height = formImage.getHeight(); } } this.print = new Print(getLocation(), messageFont, width, height); this.setTipIcon(LSystem.FRAMEWORK_IMG_NAME + "creese.png"); this.totalDuration = 80; this.customRendering = true; this.setWait(false); this.setElastic(true); this.setLocked(true); this.setLayer(100); } public void setWait(boolean flag) { print.setWait(flag); } public boolean isWait() { return print.isWait(); } public void complete() { print.complete(); } public void setLeftOffset(int left) { print.setLeftOffset(left); } public void setTopOffset(int top) { print.setTopOffset(top); } public int getLeftOffset() { return print.getLeftOffset(); } public int getTopOffset() { return print.getTopOffset(); } public int getMessageLength() { return print.getMessageLength(); } public void setMessageLength(int messageLength) { print.setMessageLength(messageLength); } public void setTipIcon(String fileName) { print.setCreeseIcon(new LTexture(fileName)); } public void setTipIcon(LTexture icon) { print.setCreeseIcon(icon); } public void setNotTipIcon() { print.setCreeseIcon(null); } public void setEnglish(boolean e) { print.setEnglish(true); } public boolean isEnglish() { return print.isEnglish(); } public void setDelay(long delay) { this.totalDuration = (delay < 1 ? 1 : delay); } public long getDelay() { return totalDuration; } public boolean isComplete() { return print.isComplete(); } public void setPauseIconAnimationLocation(int dx, int dy) { this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; } public void setMessage(String context, boolean isComplete) { print.setMessage(context, messageFont, isComplete); } public void setMessage(String context) { print.setMessage(context, messageFont); } public String getMessage() { return print.getMessage(); } /** 处理点击事件(请重载实现) */ public void doClick() { if (Click != null) { Click.DoClick(this); } } @Override protected void processTouchClicked() { this.doClick(); } @Override protected void processKeyPressed() { if (this.isSelected() && this.input.getKeyPressed() == Key.ENTER) { this.doClick(); } } @Override protected void processTouchPressed() { if (!input.isMoving()) { if (Click != null) { Click.DownClick(this, input.getTouchX(), input.getTouchY()); } } } @Override protected void processTouchReleased() { if (!input.isMoving()) { if (Click != null) { Click.UpClick(this, input.getTouchX(), input.getTouchY()); } } } @Override public void update(long elapsedTime) { if (!visible) { return; } super.update(elapsedTime); if (print.isComplete()) { animation.update(elapsedTime); } printTime += elapsedTime; if (printTime >= totalDuration) { printTime = printTime % totalDuration;; } } @Override protected synchronized void createCustomUI(GLEx g, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!visible) { return; } LFont oldFont = g.getFont(); g.setFont(messageFont); print.draw(g, fontColor); g.setFont(oldFont); if (print.isComplete() && animation != null) { if (animation.getSpriteImage() != null) { g.setAlpha(1.0F); updateIcon(); g.drawTexture(animation.getSpriteImage(), dx, dy); } } g.resetColor(); } @Override protected void processTouchDragged() { if (!locked) { if (getContainer() != null) { getContainer().sendToFront(this); } this.move(this.input.getTouchDX(), this.input.getTouchDY()); if (Click != null) { Click.DragClick(this, input.getTouchX(), input.getTouchY()); } this.updateIcon(); } } public void setPauseIconAnimation(Animation animation) { this.animation = animation; if (animation != null) { LTexture image = animation.getSpriteImage(0); if (image != null) { this.dw = image.getWidth(); this.dh = image.getHeight(); this.updateIcon(); } } } private void updateIcon() { this.setPauseIconAnimationLocation( getScreenX() + getWidth() - dw / 2 - 20, getScreenY() + getHeight() - dh - 10); } public LColor getFontColor() { return fontColor; } public void setFontColor(LColor fontColor) { this.fontColor = fontColor; } public LFont getMessageFont() { return messageFont; } public void setMessageFont(LFont messageFont) { this.messageFont = messageFont; } public boolean isLocked() { return locked; } public void setLocked(boolean locked) { this.locked = locked; } @Override public void createUI(GLEx g, int x, int y, LComponent component, LTexture[] buttonImage) {} @Override public String getUIName() { return "Message"; } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); if (print != null) { print.dispose(); print = null; } if (animation != null) { animation.dispose(); animation = null; } } }